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1、Unit 6 Wash up time,(盥洗),Unit 6 (盥洗),经过本单元的学习,学生应:1) 掌握幼儿盥洗的重点句型;2) 能用本单元单词、句型创编盥洗场景对话。,Teaching Aims (教学目标),Unit 6 Wash up time (盥洗),经过本单元的学习,学生应:Teaching Aims (教学,Key Sentences (重点句型),Dialogues (对话),Extensive Sentences (拓展句型),Practice (操练),Fun Time (开心一刻),Key Sentences (重点句型) Dialo,Section One Key

2、 Sentences (重点句型),1. No pushing. 不要挤。2. I brush my teeth. 我刷牙。3. I wash my face. 我洗脸。4. I comb my hair. 我梳头发。5. Go pee pee one by one. 一个接一个去上厕所。,Section One Key Sentences (重,Dialogue 1Teacher: Time to have a rest. Anyone wants to go to the toilet?Children: I do.Teacher: OK. Line up, please. Go pee

3、pee one by one. No pushing. Remember to wash your hands after using the toilet.Children: OK.Teacher: Have you washed your hands?Children: Yes.Teacher: Let me have a check. Hmm, thats very good.,Section Two Dialogues (对话),Dialogue1,译文,Words,Dialogue 1Section Two Dialog,师:休息时间到了。有人想上厕所吗?幼:是的。师: 好的,请排好

4、队。一个接一个去尿尿。 不要推。上厕所之后记住要洗手。幼:好的。师:你洗手了吗?幼:洗了。师:让我检查一下。嗯,非常好!,Section Two Dialogues (对话),Dialogue1,译文,Words,师:休息时间到了。有人想上厕所吗?Section Two,Dialogue 2Teacher: What do you do after you get up in the morning?Child 1: I brush my teeth.Child 2: I wash my face.Child 3: I comb my hair.Teacher: Well done. All

5、of you are very smart! So, what do you do before eating?Child 4: I wash my hands.Teacher: Yes. Thats it. Then what should we do after washing hands?,Section Two Dialogues (对话),Dialogue2,译文,Notes,Words,Dialogue 2Section Two Dialog,Dialogue 2Child 1: I dry my hands.Child 2: I turn off the tap.Teacher:

6、 After washing your hands, remember to turn off the tap. We should save water. Do you get it?Children: Yes.Teacher: You are so clever.,Section Two Dialogues (对话),Dialogue2,译文,Notes,Words,Dialogue 2Section Two Dialog,师:你们早上起床后做什么?幼1:我刷牙。幼2:我洗脸。幼3:我梳头发。师: 做得好!你们所有的人都非常聪明! 那么,吃东西之前你们做什么呢?幼4:我洗手。师:对,是这样

7、。洗手以后我们应该做些什么?幼1:我擦干手。幼2:我关水龙头。,Section Two Dialogues (对话),Dialogue2,译文,Notes,Words,师:你们早上起床后做什么?Section Two Dia,师: 洗手以后,记住关掉水龙头。 我们应该节约用水。明白了吗?幼:是的。师:你真聪明。,Section Two Dialogues (对话),Dialogue2,译文,Notes,Words,师: 洗手以后,记住关掉水龙头。Section Two,1. should 情态动词,应该 e.g. We should be honest.我们应该诚实。,Section Two

8、Dialogues (对话),Dialogue2,译文,Notes,Words,1. should 情态动词,应该Section Two,2. What do you do before eating? 吃东西前要做什么? What should we do after washing our hands? 洗手后应该做什么? before和after 在这里作介词,后面跟名词或者是动名词。 e.g. He usually sleeps after mid-night. 他通常在半夜以后睡觉。 She closed the window before leaving. 离开之前她关上了窗户。,

9、Section Two Dialogues (对话),Dialogue2,译文,Notes,Words,2. What do you do before eatin,Section Two Dialogues (对话),Dialogue2,Dialogue1,Words (单词)apply /E5plaI/ v. 应用,1. Apply soap. 擦肥皂。2. Wet your hands. 打湿手。3. Dry your hands. 擦干手。4. Rinse your hands. 把手冲洗干净。5. Its a good habit. 这是个好习惯。6. Please wash you

10、r hands. 请洗手。7. Please save water. 请节约用水。8. Please go to the toilet. 请去盥洗室。9. Let me have a look/check. 让我看一看/检查一下。,Section Three Extensive Sentences (拓展句型),1. Apply soap. 擦肥皂。Section Thr,10. Please go back to your seat. 请回到你的座位上。11. Dont leave the taps running, please. 别让水龙头开着。12. Please wash your

11、hands with soap. 用肥皂洗手。13. Remember to turn off the taps. 记得关水龙头。14. Please wash your hands before you eat. 吃东西前请洗手。15. Please wash your hands after using the toilet. 上厕所之后要洗手。,Section Three Extensive Sentences (拓展句型),10. Please go back to your sea,Section Four Practice (操练),1. Dialogue drills Youll

12、 hear four English sentences and give your response to each one within five seconds. After that youll hear the answer for your reference.(你将听到4个英语句子,你有秒钟的 时间说出句子应答,然后你将听到参考应答。) (1) A: Anyone wants to go to the toilet? B: (2) A: Remember to wash your hands after using the toilet. B:,I do.,OK!,_,_,Sec

13、tion Four Practice (操练)1.,Section Four Practice (操练),(3) A: What do you do after you get up in the morning? B: (4) A: What should you do after washing your hands? B:,I brush my teeth. I wash my face. I comb my hair.,Turn off the taps.,_,_,Section Four Practice (操练),2.Oral translation Youll hear five

14、 Chinese sentences and put each of them into English within ten seconds. After that youll hear the translation for your reference.(你将听到5 个中文句子,你有10秒钟的时间将句子翻译成英语,然后你将听到 参考译句。) (1) 不要挤。 (2) 我刷牙。 (3) 我洗脸。 (4) 我梳头发。 (5) 一个接一个去上厕所。,Section Four Practice (操练),No pushing.,I brush my teeth.,I wash my face.,

15、I comb my hair.,Go pee pee one by one.,_,_,_,_,_,2.Oral translationSection Four,3. Role-play Make a dialogue about washing hands, using the words and sentences of this unit. The following pictures may be useful.(用本单元所学单词和句型,创编一个幼儿洗手的情景对话。),Section Four Practice (操练),3. Role-playSection Four Pra,Sect

16、ion Four Practice (操练),Sample dialogue,Section Four Practice (操练)Sa,Sample dialogueTeacher: Kids, lets play a game, OK?Children: OK!Teacher: Ill show you some pictures. You should tell me when we should wash our hands, before or after doing these things in the pictures. If you answer a question righ

17、t, you get one point. If you get the most points, you win. Do you get it?Children: Yes!Teacher: Now, Lets begin. Look at Picture 1. When should we wash our hands, before or after using the toilet?Tom: After.Teacher: You are right, Tom. You get one point. We should wash our hands after using the toil

18、et.,Section Four Practice (操练),Sample dialogueSection Four,Sample dialogue1. After using the toilet. (Picture 1)2. After sneezing. (Picture 2)3. After coughing. (Picture 3)4. After blowing your nose. (Picture 4)5. Before eating. (Picture 5)6. After handling garbage. (Picture 6)7. After playing with

19、animals .(Picture 7)8. After handling money. (Picture 8),Section Four Practice (操练),Sample dialogueSection Four,Chant,Brush Your Teeth Every DayBrush your teeth in the morning,Brush your teeth at night.Brush your teeth twice a day.Brush your teeth in this way,Brush your teeth every day.,Section Five

20、 Fun Time (开心一刻),ChantBrush Your Teeth Every Da,Chant,刷牙歌早上起床刷刷牙,晚上睡前刷刷牙,每天刷两次,就像这样刷。每天要刷牙。,Section Five Fun Time (开心一刻),Chant 刷牙歌Section Five F,Game,【游戏名称】 Glitter handshake【游戏目标】让孩子通过游戏学会left (左) 和right (右),同时了解细菌是如何传播的,懂得讲卫生的重要性。【游戏材料】 细碎的亮片纸或亮粉。,Section Five Fun Time (开心一刻),Game【游戏名称】 Glitter ha

21、ndshakeSe,Game,【游戏方法】 老师通过自己的左右手,让孩子学习并掌握left(左)和right(右)。让孩子们排好队,老师先在自己的手上洒上亮粉,并告知孩子是left hand或者right hand,叫第一个孩子伸出left hand或者 right hand和他握手,左右手随意但不能说错,然后让他叫第二个孩子伸手、握手,第二个孩子叫第三个孩子伸手、握手,以此类推,直到所有的孩子都握了手。再请孩子们分清左右手,注意看自己的手上是否有闪闪发光的亮粉。告诉孩子们细菌也是通过这样的方式传播的。所以当我们打喷嚏或者咳嗽之后,一定要马上洗手,以防病菌的传播。注意游戏结束后,要带孩子们仔细

22、洗手。,Section Five Fun Time (开心一刻),Game【游戏方法】 老师通过自己的左右手,让孩子学习并掌握,This Is the WayThis is the way we wash our hands, wash our hands, wash our hands,This is the way we wash our hands so early in the morning.This is the way we wash our face, wash our face, wash our face,This is the way we wash our face s

23、o early in the morning.,Song,Section Five Fun Time (开心一刻),This Is the WaySongSection Fiv,This is the way we comb our hair, comb our hair, comb our hair,This is the way we comb our hair so early in the morning.This is the way we brush our teeth, brush our teeth, brush our teeth,This is the way we brush our teeth so early in the morning.,Song,Section Five Fun Time (开心一刻),This is the way we comb our ha,就这样我们这样来洗手,来洗手,在每天清晨。我们这样来洗脸,来洗脸,在每天清晨。我们这样来梳头,来梳头,在每天清晨。我们这样来刷牙,来刷牙,在每天清晨。,Song,Section Five Fun Time (开心一刻),就这样SongSection Five Fun Time,


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