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1、Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum?,Mi Huirong,Unit 9 Have you ever been,Section A Period One(1a-1c,Grammar Focus、4a、4b、4c),Section A,一、前提测评:1.I feel something _(climb) on my back,Mum.2.Tom cant wait_ (open)the box.3.He is_ (interest) in the story books. 4.This shirt is too large for me. Can you

2、show me _one? A. Other B. any C. some D.another5.Why is Mr. Wang still in his office now? Maybe he _ his work yet. A.doesnt finish B.hasnt finish C.havent finish D.dont finish 6. _ you ever_ (be) to a museum? A. Did;be B. have;been C. has; been D.are;/,climbing,to open,climbing,D,B,B,一、前提测评:climbing

3、to openclimbing,二、学习目标:1.识记和掌握下列单词:amusement娱乐,游戏 somewhere在某处,到某处German德国的,德国 theme主题 ride短途旅程 provence省份2.识记和掌握下列短语:amusement park游乐场 have/has been to去过- science musem科学博物馆 history museum历史博物馆 space museum太空博物馆 art museum艺术博物馆 water park水上公园 somewhere different一些不同的地方3.重点和难点:(1)Me neither的用法(2)hav

4、e/has been to与have/has gone to 的区别(3) have/has been to 的现在完成时的用法(肯定、否定、一般疑问句及其回答)4.培养学生的听力技巧技能,二、学习目标:,Objectives,To learn to talk about past experiencesTo learn where Claudia and Sarah have ever been toTo learn new words: camera,三、自学导航:,ObjectivesTo learn to talk abo,How was your vacation?Where did

5、 you go?What did you do?,How was your vacation?,Where did I go?,I have been to shanghai.,Guess,I went to Shanghai last year.,需要更完整的资源请到 新世纪教育网 - ,Where did I go?I have been to,There are many fun places in Shanghai!,space museum,I have been to ,需要更完整的资源请到 新世纪教育网 - ,There are many fun places in S,amus

6、ement park,I have been to ,需要更完整的资源请到 新世纪教育网 - ,amusement parkI have been to ,I have been to ,art museum,需要更完整的资源请到 新世纪教育网 - ,I have been to art museum需要更完,I have been to ,history museum,需要更完整的资源请到 新世纪教育网 - ,I have been to history museum,water park,I have been to ,需要更完整的资源请到 新世纪教育网 - ,water parkI ha

7、ve been to 需要更完,zoo,I have been to ,需要更完整的资源请到 新世纪教育网 - ,zooI have been to 需要更完整的资源请到,Lets look at these pictures again.,art museum,a space museum,an amusement park,a water park,history museum,需要更完整的资源请到 新世纪教育网 - ,Lets look at these pictures a,Shanghai World Expo,需要更完整的资源请到 新世纪教育网 - ,Shanghai World

8、Expo 需要更完整的资源请到,Have you ever been to ?,Guess,Where have I been?,Me, too.,history museum,需要更完整的资源请到 新世纪教育网 - ,Have you ever been to ?GuessW,Have you ever been to ?,Guess,Where have I been?,The Great Wall,Me neither.,需要更完整的资源请到 新世纪教育网 - ,Have you ever been to ?GuessW,Have you ever been to ?,Guess,Whe

9、re have I been?,amusement park,Me, too.,需要更完整的资源请到 新世纪教育网 - ,Have you ever been to ?GuessW,Have you ever been to ?,Guess,Where have I been?,Guilin,Me neither.,需要更完整的资源请到 新世纪教育网 - ,Have you ever been to ?GuessW,Have you ever been to ?,Guess,Where have I been?,water park,Me, too.,需要更完整的资源请到 新世纪教育网 - ,

10、Have you ever been to ?GuessW,Have you ever been to ?,Guess,Where have I been?,Japan,Me neither.,需要更完整的资源请到 新世纪教育网 - ,Have you ever been to ?GuessW,Have you ever been to ?,Guess,Where have I been?,space museum,Me neither.,重点:have/has been to +地点 Me neither.,需要更完整的资源请到 新世纪教育网 - ,Have you ever been to

11、 ?GuessW,Has she/he ever been to ?,Guess,Where has she/he been?,history museum,需要更完整的资源请到 新世纪教育网 - ,Has she/he ever been to ?Gues,Has she/he ever been to ?,Guess,Where has she/he been?,The Great Wall,需要更完整的资源请到 新世纪教育网 - ,Has she/he ever been to ?Gues,Has she/he ever been to ?,Guess,Where has she/he

12、been?,amusement park,需要更完整的资源请到 新世纪教育网 - ,Has she/he ever been to ?Gues,Has she/he ever been to ?,Guess,Where has she/he been?,Guilin,需要更完整的资源请到 新世纪教育网 - ,Has she/he ever been to ?Gues,Has she/he ever been to ?,Guess,Where has she/he been?,water park,需要更完整的资源请到 新世纪教育网 - ,Has she/he ever been to ?Gue

13、s,Has she/he ever been to ?,Guess,Where has she/he been?,Japan,需要更完整的资源请到 新世纪教育网 - ,Has she/he ever been to ?Gues,Has she/he ever been to ?,Guess,Where has she/he been?,space museum,重点:have/has been to +地点 Me neither,需要更完整的资源请到 新世纪教育网 - ,Has she/he ever been to ?Gues,Grammar Focus,四、巩固练习1,需要更完整的资源请到

14、 新世纪教育网 - ,Yes Ive been to a science mus,1. A: Do you want _ (come) to the space museum? B: No, Ive already _ (be) there three times.2. A: Have you _ (see) the robots at the science museum? B: Yes, I _ (go) there last weekend.,Put the correct forms of the verbs in the blanks. (4a),to come,been,seen,

15、went,需要更完整的资源请到 新世纪教育网 - ,1. A: Do you want _ (com,3. A: Lets _ (spend) the day at the zoo. B: Well, Ive already _ (be) there a couple of times, but Im happy _ (go) again.4. A: How about _ (go) to the art museum? There are some special German paintings there right now. B: Sure. When do you want _ (g

16、o)?,spend,been,to go,going,to go,需要更完整的资源请到 新世纪教育网 - ,3. A: Lets _ (spend) the,5. A: Have you ever _ (visit) the history museum? B: No, Ive never _ (be) there.,visited,been,需要更完整的资源请到 新世纪教育网 - ,5. A: Have you ever _ (vi,Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. (4b),Most of

17、 us _ (see) Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and other famous Disney characters in cartoons before. But have you ever _ (be) to Disneyland? Disneyland _ (be) an amusement park with a special theme Disney characters and movies. There _ (be) many exciting rides, lovely restaurants and fantastic gift,have see

18、n,been,is,are,需要更完整的资源请到 新世纪教育网 - ,Fill in the blanks with the,shops there. You can also _ (see) the Disney characters walking around the park. And have you ever _ (hear) of a Disney Cruise? This _ (be) a boat ride with a Disney theme. You can _ (take) a ride on the boat for several days and eat and

19、 sleep on it. On the boat, you can _ (shop) and have Disney parties before you _ (arrive) at the Disney island.,see,heard,is,take,shop,arrive,需要更完整的资源请到 新世纪教育网 - ,shops there. You can also _,现在完成时 Present perfect,定义:表示过去发生或已经完成的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果。,小结,需要更完整的资源请到 新世纪教育网 - ,现在完成时 Present perfect定义:小结需要更完,

20、构成:1. 肯定句现在完成时的肯定句式是“have (has)过去分词”。 注意:该句式中的have或has是助动词,has用于第三人称单数,其它人称一律用have。,需要更完整的资源请到 新世纪教育网 - ,构成:1. 肯定句需要更完整的资源请到 新世纪教育网,2. 否定句:现在完成时的否定句式是 “havent(hasnt)过去分词”。 3. 疑问句:现在完成时的一般疑问句式 是把助动词have或has提到主语之前。 回答用Yes, have (has). /No, havent (hasnt).连用时间状语:already, yet, ever, never, just, before,

21、 several times 等。,需要更完整的资源请到 新世纪教育网 - ,2. 否定句:现在完成时的否定句式是 需要更完整的资源请到,注意:当have被用在现在完成时态中时,它可以和前面的代名词一起组成缩写形式。我曾经到过纽约。Ive been to New York once before. 我刚丢了我的铅笔盒。 Ive just lost my pencil-box.,需要更完整的资源请到 新世纪教育网 - ,注意:当have被用在现在完成时态中时,它可以和前面的代名词,注意:never, ever一般置于助动词have/has之后,过去分词之前。,1. never 从来没有,从不,表

22、示否定 He has never seen such a tall building. 他从未见过这么高的楼。2. ever 曾经,主要用于疑问句 Have you ever wanted to travel around the world? 你曾经想要周游世界吗?,现在完成时-般与 ever, never 连用,需要更完整的资源请到 新世纪教育网 - ,注意:never, ever一般置于助动词have/has之,have been to与have gone to 的区别,1. have (has) been to意为“曾经去过某地”,表示现在已经不在那里了。可与just, ever, n

23、ever等连用。如:,Ive just been to the post office. 我刚才去邮局了。Have you ever been to Hangzhou? 你曾经去过杭州吗?Mary has never been to the Great Wall. 玛丽从未去过长城。,需要更完整的资源请到 新世纪教育网 - ,have been to与have gone to 的区别,have (has) been to 后面可接次数,表示去过某地几次。Ive been to Beijing three times. 我去过北京三次。They have been to that village

24、 several times. 他们去过那个村庄好几次了。,需要更完整的资源请到 新世纪教育网 - ,have (has) been to 后面可接次数,表示去过,2. have (has) gone to 意为“到某地去了”,表示到了某地或正在去某地的途中。总之,说话时该人不在现场,一般不用第一、第二人称代词作句子的主语。如: - Where is Tom? 汤姆在哪里? - He has gone to the bookshop. 他到书店去了。,需要更完整的资源请到 新世纪教育网 - ,2. have (has) gone to 意为“到某地去了,同学们要注意现在完成时与一般过去时的区别

25、。虽然这两个时态都和过去发生的事情有关,但是现在完成时强调这一动作与现在的关系,如对现在产生的结果、影响等,而一般过去时只表示过去的事实,不表示和现在的关系。如:,现在完成时与一般过去时,需要更完整的资源请到 新世纪教育网 - ,同学们要注意现在完成时与一般过去时的区别。虽然这两个时态都和,(1a)Which of these places would you like to visit? Rank them from 1 (most) to 6 (least).,space museum _water park _history museum _zoo _art museum _amusem

26、ent park _,四、巩固练习2,(1a)space museum _四、巩固练习2,Listen. Have these students ever been to these places? Check the boxes. (1b),Listen. Have these students ev,1. Sarah: Have you _ _ to a history museum?Claudia: No, I havent.Sarah: _. 2. Claudia: I _ _ _ the art museum many times. Sarah: _. 3. Who would li

27、ke to go to the space museum again? A. Sarah B. Claudia,Listen again and choose the correct answer.,Me neither.,ever been,ve been to,Me too.,1. Sarah: Have you _ _ to,A: Lets go somewhere different today.B: OK. Where do you want to go?A: Have you ever been to the space museum?B: No, I havent. How ab

28、out you?A: ,Ask and answer questions about the places in 1b. (1c),Pair work,需要更完整的资源请到 新世纪教育网 - ,A: Lets go somewhere differen,Example:,A: Lets go somewhere interesting today.B: OK. Where do you want to go?A: Have you ever been to a water park?B: No, I havent. How about you? A:I have been there only

29、 once.B: ,Example:A: Lets go somewhere,Language points,Language points, Have you ever been to a history museum? No, I havent. Me neither.【改写句子】She has never been there. I have never been there, either. (改为同义句)She has never been there. _ _.【用法透析】Me neither是英语口语中的常用表达,意思是“我也不(没)”,与Me too意思相对。如:My frie

30、nds are happy. Me too.,Me neither, Have you ever been to a hist,(1) 英语中表示后者与前者情形相同“也 不”时,常用neither引起的倒装句Neither+助动词/系动词be/情态动词+主语。如:Im not tall. Neither is she. = Shes not tall, either.我个子不高, 她个子也不高。,(1) 英语中表示后者与前者情形相同“也,(2) 如果表示后者与前者情形相同,“也”,常用so引起的倒装句,so+助动词/系动词be/情态动词+主语。如:My friends are happy. S

31、o am I.= Im happy, too./ Im also happy.我的朋友高兴, 我也很高兴。,(2) 如果表示后者与前者情形相同,,both 意为“两者都”,一般用于肯定的陈述句。与of连用作主语时,其后谓语动词用复数形式;作定语时,其后常跟名词的复数形式。,both / neither / either用法辨析,both 意为“两者都”,一般用于肯定的陈述句。与of连用,neither意为“两者都不或两者中任何一个也不”,表示“全否定”,与of 连用作主语时,其后谓语动词用单数形式;作定语时,只修饰可数名词的单数形式。either意为“两者中的任何一个”,用作主语时,其后谓语动

32、词用单数形式;用作定语时,只修饰可数名词的单数形式。,neither意为“两者都不或两者中任何,五、课堂小结: amusement park have/has been to science musem history museum space museum art museum water park somewhere different重点和难点:(1)Me neither的用法(2)have/has been to与have/has gone to 的区别(3) have/has been to 的现在完成时的用法(肯定、否定、一般疑问句及其回答),游乐场去过-科学博物馆历史博物馆太空博

33、物馆艺术博物馆水上公园一些不同的地方,五、课堂小结:游乐场,六、达标测评:1.Jim _ (be) to the science museum yet.2. Is that Mary? No,she isnt. She _(go) to the library.3.You havent been to the Great Wall. _. Me too B. Me neither C.I didnt D. Neither did I 4. They bought some books yesterday. _. A. Me, too B. Me neither C. Me so D. No,

34、I didntHas she ever been to a science museum? _.A.Yes, she have B.Yes, she has.C.No, she did D.No,she didnt.,has gone,has been,B,A,B,六、达标测评:has gonehas beenBAB,Period Two SectionA (2a-2d)一、前提测评People often go _ during the holidays. A. anywhere different B.diffrent anrwhere C.somewhere different D.di

35、fferent somewhere2.Have you ever been to a space museum? _.A.Yes, I did. B. No, I didnt C. No, I havent D.Yes, I has3.I havent taken a plane yet. _. A. Me,too B. Neither did I C. Neither me. D.Neither have I 4. How about _ (go)to the art museum, Mary?5.Lets _ (spend) the day at the zoo.,C,C,D,going,

36、spend,Period Two SectionA (2a-2d)C,二、学习目标:1、识记和掌握下列单词camera照相机 invent发明(V.) invention发明(n.) 2.识记和掌握下列短语go skating滑冰(go +V.ing) how about-怎样 old movie cameras 摄像机 on the weekend 在周末put up 搭起3.培养学生的听力技巧技能4.加强学生阅读训练,二、学习目标:,三、自学导航:Ss look at the pictures and revise Present Perfect Tense,三、自学导航:,There a

37、re many fun places in Shanghai!,space museum,I have been to ,There are many fun places in S,amusement park,I have been to ,amusement parkI have been to ,I have been to ,art museum,I have been to art museum,I have been to ,history museum,I have been to history museum,water park,I have been to ,water

38、parkI have been to ,zoo,I have been to ,zooI have been to ,Click it.,2a,四、巩固练习:,Click it.2a四、巩固练习:,Look at the map of the town. Listen and circle the places you hear. (2a),Look at the map of the town. L,Listen again and circle T or F. (2b),Conversation 1Tina went to the,Conversation 2Linda has been

39、t,Conversation 3Frank had a grea,Look at the map in 2a and make conversations about the places.,2c Pair work,A: Have you ever been to the space museum?B: Yes, I have. How about you?A: No, I havent.B: Oh, its fantastic. Lets go tomorrow.A: OK. How are we going to get there?B: We can take the subway.,

40、Look at the map in 2a and make,Example:A: Have you ever been to an amusement park.B: No, I havent. How about you?A: Yes, I have. Its really interesting. Lets go this weekend.B: OK. How are we going to get there?A: We can ride our bikes there.,Example:,2d Role play the conversation1. Ss read the conv

41、ersation and choose T or F( )1.Anna went to see a film last weekend.( )2.Going to the film museum is really interesting.( )3.Jill doesnt all the old movie cameras.( )4.Anna camped in the mountains with some friends.( )5.Anna has never been camping.2. Ss read again it in a group and find out importan

42、t poinats.3.Ss explain it with the teacher.,F,T,F,F,T,2d Role play the conversation,4. Ss liaten and practice,Anna: I went to the film museum last weekend. Have you ever been there?Jill: Yes, I have. I went there back in April.Anna: Its really interesting, isnt it? Its a great way to spend a Saturda

43、y afternoon.Jill: Yes, I love all the old movie cameras there. I learned about the inventions that led to color movies, too.,4. Ss liaten and practice Anna,Pair work,Anna: So, what did you do on the weekend?Jill: I camped in the mountains with some friends. We put up a tent and cooked outside.Anna:

44、That sounds fun. Ive never been camping.Jill: You should try it!,Pair workAnna: So, what did yo,1.I learned about the inventions that led to color movies, too.,此处learn是“了解;获知;得知”的意思,由介词about或of引入所获知的具体内容。,Practice,我们听到这个消息十分悲痛。It gave us much pain to learn of the news有关会议的情况你是怎么知道的?How did you learn

45、 about the meeting?,1.I learned about the inventio,2. Ive never been camping. 我从未野营过。,此句为现在完成进行时(初中阶段不要求掌握)。这一时态结构为“have been + 现在分词”,表示从过去某一时刻一直延续至今的动作。在本句中,说话人使用这一时态来强调自己至今从未有过野营的经历,欠缺这方面的经验。,Practice,他一下午都在看电视。Hes been watching TV all afternoon.,2. Ive never been camping. 我从,五、课堂小结:,invent名词滑冰 怎样

46、 摄像机 在周末搭起现在完成时:,inventiongo skatinghow aboutold movie camerason the weekendput up,五、课堂小结:invent名词invention,1. I _ ever _ (visit) the Great Wall. What about you? I _ (visit) it when I was ten years old.2. Tom _ (not be) to Disneyland and he _ (go) there with his parents this weekend.,六、达标测评:,have,vi

47、sited,visited,hasnt been,is going,1. I _ ever _ (vis,3. Wheres Zhang Peng? He _ (go) to our math teachers office. How soon _ he _ (come) back? In a few minutes, I think.4. How long have you been _ (study) in this school? For more than two years.,studying,has gone,will,come,3. Wheres Zhang Peng?studyin,根据汉语意思完成句子。每空一词。1. 你曾经去过长城吗? _ you _ _ _ the Great Wall?2. 我从没听到过南希说反对她的话。 I _ _ _ Nancy say anything against her.3. 他已经去过北京三次了。 He _ _ _Beijing three times.,has been to,Have ever been to,have never heard,根据汉语意思完成句子。每空一词。has been,需要更完整的资源请到 新世纪教育网 - ,需要更完整的资源请到 新世纪教育网 - www.xs,


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