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1、英语必修 人教版新课标导学,Unit 3,Life in the future,Section Using Language,Unit 3Life in the futureSecti,1自主预习2合作探究4巩固提升5课 时 作 业3写作探究,自 主 预 习,自 主 预 习,单词速记1_ (n.) 沙漠;荒原2_ (n.) 公民;居民;市民3_ (n.) 打字员 _ (v.) 打字 _ (n.) 打字机4_ (n.) 邮资5_ (n.) 瞬间;片刻(adj.) 立即的;立刻的6_ (n.) 接受者;接收器;电话听筒 _ (v.) 接收7_ (n.) 生态学;生态,desertcitizenty

2、pist,type,typewriter,postageinstantreceiver,receive,ecology,单词速记deserttypetypewriterp,8_ (adj.) 贪婪的;贪吃的;贪心的 _ (n.) 贪婪;贪心9_ (vt.) 吞下;咽下10_ (n.) 原料;材料11_ (vt.) 回收利用;再利用12_ (n.) 代表;典型人物(adj.) 典型的;有代表性的 _ (vt.) 代表;象征13_ (n.) 定居;解决 _ (v.) 解决;定居14_ n.动机,greedygreedswallowmaterialrecyclerepresentativerepre

3、sentsettlementsettlemotivation,8_ (adj.) 贪婪的;贪吃的;贪心,短语互译(1) _ 究竟(2) _ 加速(3) _ 使某人想起某事(4) _ 说服某人不要做某事(5) _ 与联系(6) under repair _ (7) in space _ (8) blame.for. _ (9) stare at _ (10) be absorbed by _,on earthspeed upremind sb.of sth.persuade sb.not to do sth.be connected to.,在维修中在太空中因责备盯;凝视被所吸引,Unit3Se

4、ction人教版英语必修5同步课件(共62张PPT),Unit3Section人教版英语必修5同步课件(共62张PPT),短语互译on earth在维修中Unit3Sect,句型结构_ an exhibition of the most uptodate inventions of the 31st century.里面陈列着31世纪的最新发明。,Inside was,Unit3Section人教版英语必修5同步课件(共62张PPT),Unit3Section人教版英语必修5同步课件(共62张PPT),句型结构Inside wasUnit3Section,课文理解() 阅读课文,选择最佳答案1

5、Why does the space station spin slowly in space? _ ATo look more beautiful.BTo look for something worth researching.CTo imitate the pull of the earths gravity.DTo get away from the earths gravity.2How do the space citizens send their messages? _ ABy using a typewriter.BBy using letters.CBy using pos

6、tcards.DBy using a “thoughtpad”,C,D,Unit3Section人教版英语必修5同步课件(共62张PPT),Unit3Section人教版英语必修5同步课件(共62张PPT),课文理解CDUnit3Section人教版英语必修,3Which of the following shows the right order to use a “thoughtpad”? _ aClean your mind.bThe message is sent.cYou place the metal band over your head.dPress the sending b

7、utton.eThink your message.Aa,c,b,e,d Bc,a,d,e,bCc,a,e,d,bDa,b,c,d,e,B,Unit3Section人教版英语必修5同步课件(共62张PPT),Unit3Section人教版英语必修5同步课件(共62张PPT),3Which of the following shows,4It can be inferred from the passage that in the 31st century _.Ano rubbish will be producedBthe environment will become betterCther

8、e will be no desertDpeople can use plastic bags within limits5Who will take the place of the workers in the 31st century? _ AThe robots.BThe managers.CThe spacemen.DThe spaceships.,B,A,Unit3Section人教版英语必修5同步课件(共62张PPT),Unit3Section人教版英语必修5同步课件(共62张PPT),BAUnit3Section人教版英语必修5同步课件(,() 课文语法填空The space

9、station the first time I visited was considered 1. _ most modern in space.2. _ (describe) as an enormous round plate,the station,with an exhibition of the most uptodate 3. _ (invention) of the 31st century inside,spins slowly in space to imitate the pull of the earths gravity.With a guide showing us

10、 around along a 4. _ (move) path,we first viewed one of the latest forms of communication among the space citizens.They use a “thoughtpad” 5. _ (send) messages,which is quick,efficient and environmentally 6. _ (friend) The only limitation is if the user does not think his or her message clearly,an u

11、nclear message may be sent.,the,Described,inventions,moveable,to send,friendly,Unit3Section人教版英语必修5同步课件(共62张PPT),Unit3Section人教版英语必修5同步课件(共62张PPT),() 课文语法填空theDescribedinvent,And then in the “environment area”,a giant machine,always greedy 7. _ more,swallows all the waste available,8. _ is turned in

12、to several grades of useful material. So nothing is wasted,and everything,even plastic bags,is recycled.At last, the guide showed the changes 9. _ (happen) in work practices. Manufacturing only takes place on space stations.However,the representatives of the companies have to 10. _ (train) to live a

13、nd work in space settlements,who have to monitor the robots and the production.,for,which,happening,be trained,Unit3Section人教版英语必修5同步课件(共62张PPT),Unit3Section人教版英语必修5同步课件(共62张PPT),And then in the “environment a,寻规巧记词,Unit3Section人教版英语必修5同步课件(共62张PPT),Unit3Section人教版英语必修5同步课件(共62张PPT),寻规巧记词v.ationn.v.

14、into动词短语a,合 作 探 究,Unit3Section人教版英语必修5同步课件(共62张PPT),Unit3Section人教版英语必修5同步课件(共62张PPT),合 作 探 究Unit3Section人教版英语必修,(1) adj. 立即的;即刻的;立刻的Kahoot software can provide students with instant feedback,including reports about their strengths and weaknesses.Kahoot软件可以为学生提供即时反馈,包括他们的优势和劣势的报告。This type of accoun

15、t offers you instant access to your money.这种帐户允许你即时支取存款。Contrary to expectations,the film was an instant success.与预期相反,这部电影一上演就立即获得了成功。,核 心 词 汇,1instant,Unit3Section人教版英语必修5同步课件(共62张PPT),Unit3Section人教版英语必修5同步课件(共62张PPT),(1) adj. 立即的;即刻的;立刻的核 心 词 汇1i,(2) n. 瞬息;顷刻;片刻;瞬间In an instant her mood has chan

16、ged.顷刻间她的情绪就变了。The boy froze for an instant,then fled.那个男孩愣了片刻,然后就逃跑了。,Unit3Section人教版英语必修5同步课件(共62张PPT),Unit3Section人教版英语必修5同步课件(共62张PPT),(2) n. 瞬息;顷刻;片刻;瞬间Unit3Section,(1) the instantas soon as 一就(2) 用于表达“一就”含义的词或短语还有:immediately/directly/instantly作连词时引导的时间状语从句the moment/the second/the year/the ho

17、ur.等引导的时间状语从句“Hardly过去完成时when一般过去时”的结构“No sooner过去完成时than一般过去时”的结构“at名词”,“on/upon(动) 名词”,表示“一听/看/想到就”I recognized her the instant I saw her.我一眼就认出她了。,Unit3Section人教版英语必修5同步课件(共62张PPT),Unit3Section人教版英语必修5同步课件(共62张PPT),(1) the instantas soon as 一,单句语法填空As technology continues to advance,we must learn

18、 and adapt _ (instant) or well risk becoming a dinosaur.For _ instant his heart seemed to stop beating.补全句子她一生病,就会立即求助于她的私人医生。_,she would immediately turn to her private doctor.,instantly,an,The instant she fell ill,Unit3Section人教版英语必修5同步课件(共62张PPT),Unit3Section人教版英语必修5同步课件(共62张PPT),单句语法填空instantlya

19、nThe instant,(1) 吞下,咽下;做吞咽动作The snake swallowed a frog.那条蛇吞下了一只青蛙。He swallowed his ice tea hurriedly.他匆忙地喝下冰茶。,2swallow v.,Unit3Section人教版英语必修5同步课件(共62张PPT),Unit3Section人教版英语必修5同步课件(共62张PPT),(1) 吞下,咽下;做吞咽动作2swallow v.Uni,(2) 吞没;淹没;侵吞I watched her walk down the road until she was swallowed by the dar

20、kness.我看着她沿着公路越走越远,直至消失在黑暗中。Large areas of countryside have been swallowed up by towns.大片大片的乡村地区被城镇吞噬。(3) 不流露;掩饰Youre going to have to swallow your pride and ask for your job back.你得放下架子,去求人家恢复你的工作。She swallowed hard and told him the bad news.她硬下心把坏消息告诉了他。,Unit3Section人教版英语必修5同步课件(共62张PPT),Unit3Sect

21、ion人教版英语必修5同步课件(共62张PPT),(2) 吞没;淹没;侵吞Unit3Section人教版英语,swallow up吞噬;卷进;吞没;花光(钱) ;耗尽swallow ones pride忍辱含垢;丢下自尊,Unit3Section人教版英语必修5同步课件(共62张PPT),Unit3Section人教版英语必修5同步课件(共62张PPT),swallow up吞噬;卷进;吞没;花光(钱) ;耗尽Un,Unit3Section人教版英语必修5同步课件(共62张),补全句子Jane was soon _ (淹没) in the crowd.解析:句意:简很快被淹没在人群中。swal

22、low up“吞没;耗尽”,符合句意。单句语法填空The waves swallowed _ the swimmer.Soon the extra cash was _ (swallow) up.You are asked _ (swallow) a capsule containing vitamin B,swallowed up,up,swallowed,to swallow,补全句子swallowed upupswallowed,He is a greedy little boy.他是一个贪吃的小男孩。It was greedy of them to eat up all the app

23、les.他们把所有的苹果都吃光了,真贪婪。,3greedy adj.贪吃的;贪婪的;贪心的;渴望的,He is a greedy little boy.3g,be greedy for. 渴望得到be greedy to do sth. 渴望做某事It is/was greedy of sb.to do sth.做某事对于某人来讲真是贪婪greed n贪婪,be greedy for. 渴望得到,Greedy folks have long arms.心贪手长。The students are greedy for knowledge.学生们对知识如饥似渴。It was greedy of t

24、hem to take those bribes.他们收受了那些贿赂,真是贪婪。,Greedy folks have long arms.,单句语法填空The students are greedy _ knowledge.It was greedy _ them to eat up all these delicious dishes.We should be greedy _ (enjoy) the sunshine each day.单句改错It is so greedy for you to leave none of the cake for everyone else._ Im g

25、reedy to a glass of water._,for,of,to enjoy,第一个forof,tofor,单句语法填空forofto enjoy第一个foro,(1) adj. 典型的;有代表性的Is the questionnaire truly representative of the population as a whole?这项调查能真正代表所有民众吗?The latest incident is representative of a larger trend.最近的事件代表了一个更大的趋势。(2) n. 代表;代理人He is an elected represen

26、tative of the people.他是人民选出的代表。,4representative adj.&n.,(1) adj. 典型的;有代表性的4representa,(1) a representative for.的代理人be representative of.代表(2) representvt.代表;描绘represent sth.to sb.把描述给,(1) a representative for.的,单句语法填空(2019全国卷) “This indicates that there is a certain way quantity is _ (represent) in

27、their brains,”Dr. Livingstone says.解析:考查从句的谓语动词。 句意:利文斯通博士说:“这表明在他们的大脑中有某种方式来表示数量。”represent v“代表;描绘”。,represented,单句语法填空represented,It is an honour for him _ (represent) his fellow workers to speak at the meeting.解析:句意:他很荣幸代表同事在会上发言。It is an honour for sb.to do sth.“某人很荣幸做某事”。The latest incident is

28、 representative _ a wider trend.The study was carried out in one small school,so it is uncertain whether the result is truly _ (represent) ,to represent,of,representative,to representofrepresentative,(2019全国卷) In recent years some Inuit people in Nunayut have report increases in bear sightings aroun

29、d human settlements, leading to a belief that populations are increasing.近年来,努纳尤特的一些因纽特人报告看见在人类住区周围熊的增加,导致人们相信熊的数量正在增加。Can you come up with the settlement of conflicts?你能想出解决矛盾的办法吗?,5settlement n. 定居点;(解决纷争的) 协议;解决;处理,(2019全国卷) In recent years s,settle v. 定居;解决;决定;处理settle down 安居settle up 付清,了结sett

30、le in 搬入新居settle down to sth.安定下来做某事,settle v. 定居;解决;决定;处理,单句语法填空The _ (settle) is home to nearly 1,000 people,many of whom left their village homes for a better life in the city.With so many problems _ (settle),the newly elected president is having a hard time.解析:考查with复合结构。句意:如此多的问题要决,这个新选举的总统处境艰难

31、。“有许多问题要解决”,settle表示将来的动作,且主语president与settle之间为主动关系,故用动词不定式的主动形式。,settlement,to settle,单句语法填空settlementto settle,(2019全国卷) However, if others benefit in the process, and I get some reward too, does it really matter where my motivation lies?然而,如果别人在这个过程中受益,而我也得到了一些奖励,那么我的动机在哪里真的重要吗?They lacked the m

32、otivation to study.他们缺乏学习的积极性。,6motivation n刺激;动机;积极性;干劲,(2019全国卷) However, if other,motivate vt.成为的动机;激发;激励motivate sb.(to do.) 激起某人(做),motivate vt.成为的动机;激发;激励,单句语法填空 The stronger the _ (motivate) for acquiring language skills is,the more quickly a language beginner will learn. _ (motivate) by love

33、,he expected nothing in return.His desire for greatness motivated him _ (work) harder every day.,motivation,Motivated,to work,单句语法填空motivationMotivatedto,The man was no more.那人死了。Such a practice was no more.这种习俗已经不存在了。The ship sank below the waves and was seen no more.船沉到了波涛下,再也看不见了。,重 点 短 语,1no mor

34、e 不复存在;不再,The man was no more.重 点 短 语1,(1) no more意为“不再”时可分为not.any more,与no longer同义。They used to be good friends but dont like each other any more.他们过去是好朋友,但现在已不再是了。He no longer lives here.(He doesnt live here any longer.) 他已不住在这儿了。,(1) no more意为“不再”时可分为not.any,(2) no more than“仅仅”,相当于only,含有嫌少之意,

35、而not more than意为“比少”,无嫌少之意。(2019天津卷) Performance:A dramatic presentation of the topic no more than 10 minutes long.表演:一场戏剧性的主题演讲,篇幅不超过10分钟。There were not more than 100 people present at the meeting.有不到100人参加了此次会议。,(2) no more than“仅仅”,相当于only,含,(3) no more.than意为“两者都不”。This book is no more interesti

36、ng than that one.I want to read neither of them.这本书和那本书一样没趣,我都不想读。He is no more capable of speaking English than I am.他和我都不会讲英语。,(3) no more.than意为“两者都不”。,补全句子His entire school education added up to _ (不多于) one year.,no more than,补全句子no more than,Its rude to stare at others.盯着他人看是不礼貌的。The visitor st

37、ared at the painting.那个参观者凝视着那幅画。,2stare at 盯着看;凝视,Its rude to stare at others.,glance at,stare at,glare atThe little girl stared at the toys in the window.小女孩盯着窗内的玩具。He glared at the man who had killed his father.他怒视着那个杀死他父亲的人。,glance at,stare at,glare atgla,选词填空(stare at,glare at,look at,glance at

38、) I _ this problem from a different viewpoint. _ the watch,she told him the time.He _ the words in complete puzzlement.“You can go if you want,but Im staying,” Denise said, _ him.,looked at,Glancing at,stared at,glaring at,选词填空(stare at,glare at,look at,此句为简单句。表示方位的副词inside置于句首,句子用完全倒装。,难 点 解 析,Insi

39、de was an exhibition of the most uptodate inventions of the 31st century.里面陈列着31世纪的最新发明。,此句为简单句。表示方位的副词inside置于句首,句子用完全,表示方位的副词或介词短语,如here,there,up,down,in, away,off,out,in the room,on the wall等置于句首时,常引起完全倒装句。另外now,then也有同样用法。,表示方位的副词或介词短语,如here,there,up,do,Under a big tree sat a boy reading a book.

40、大树下坐着一个男孩,正在读书。Out rushed the children.孩子们冲出去了。Away flew the plane.飞机飞走了。Now comes your turn.现在轮到你了。,Under a big tree sat a boy re,注意:表方位的副词或介词短语提前,当主语是代词时,不倒装。In he came.他进来了。若提前的部分有no,never,few, hardly 等否定结构时,不管主语是否为代词,都应用倒装结构。,注意:表方位的副词或介词短语提前,当主语是代词时,不倒装。,补全句子昨天出席晚会的有我们的英语老师。Present at the eveni

41、ng party _ yesterday.路边站着很多人。On the roadside _.,was our English teacher,stood a lot of people,补全句子was our English teacherst,写 作 探 究,写 作 探 究,1本单元的话题为“未来生活的想象”,常涉及的内容有:(1) 社会保障问题,如:看病;高度发达的物质环境为人类提供了充分的保障。(2) 饮食问题,如:人类经过进化,饮食结构是否有变化。(3) 生活环境问题,如:高度发达的科技是加重了污染还是有助于治理甚至消除污染。(4) 娱乐问题,如:未来的人类主要依靠的娱乐设施。,想象

42、类作文的写作,1本单元的话题为“未来生活的想象”,常涉及的内容有:想象类,2常用词汇及句型(1) 描述话题常用的词汇有:dream about梦想on the Internet从因特网上go shopping购物go to see the doctor看病pollution污染robot机器人computer计算机(2) 描述此话题常用的句型有:I often dream about.我时常梦想Perhaps we will be able to.也许我们能够Robots can help us.机器人能帮我们,Unit3Section人教版英语必修5同步课件(共62张),We will be

43、 able to live on other stars.我们将能够生活在其他星球上。Travel will be easier to us because.旅行将会更容易,因为,Unit3Section人教版英语必修5同步课件(共62张),实战演练假设你是高二学生李华,你们班组织了一场英文演讲比赛,题目为“Life in 2050”。 请你据此写一篇演讲稿。要点如下:1电话和电脑将会由太阳能或风能充电;2我们将穿由特殊材料做成的衣服;3注意:1.词数100左右;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。,Unit3Section人教版英语必修5同步课件(共62张),_,Unit3Section人教版

44、英语必修5同步课件(共62张),参考范文:Life in 2050What will our life in 2050 be like? No one knows for sure but its certain that it will change a lot.In my opinion, in our life,mobile phones and computers will be more and more popular and they will be powered by solar or wind energy because more energy should be sav

45、ed.Whats more, we will wear clothes made of special materials, which can change their colours and temperatures as we require.Some people will be likely to go to the moon for a holiday, and some scientists will live under the sea. As we all know,many people dont like doing housework.32 years later, e

46、ach family will have a robot using renewable energy.In conclusion, life in 2050 will not be quite like what it is now.,参考范文:,名师点评:单词:power,renewable短语:be likely to,as we all know,in conclusion句式:which引导定语从句(which can change their colours and temperatures as we require) ;动词ing形式作后置定语(using renewable energy),名师点评:,巩 固 提 升,巩 固 提 升,课 时 作 业,课 时 作 业,Unit3Section人教版英语必修5同步课件(共62张),


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