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1、Reading,Reading,advertisementfunnycreatetelephonewheelcomfortablecarriage,n. 广告adj. 滑稽的,好笑的v. 创造;创作n. 电话,电话机n. 车轮,轮子adj. 使人舒服的;舒适的n. (旧时载客的)四轮马车,Words review,advertisementn. 广告Words review,centurypassengerinventpracticalsincedistancemobile phone,n. 世纪n. 乘客;旅客v. 发明;创造adj. 适用的,有用的prep. 从以后;自以来n. 距离;间距

2、n. 移动电话;手机,Words review,centuryn. 世纪Words review,anytimedeveloplampcandledaytime,adv. 在任何时候;随便什么时候v. 开发,研制n. 灯n. 蜡烛n. 白天;日间,Words review,anytimeadv. 在任何时候;随便什么时候Words,unit4-inventions-reading阅读知识点课件,机器自动为爸爸刮胡子,不必涂抹刮胡液。,Humorous Inventions,猜图释义。,背包载你去上学。,变成一身健康的古铜色皮肤只需几秒钟。,感冒时,你的鼻子有专“机”护理。,即使你在睡觉,机器人

3、也可以帮你锻炼身体 。,可以不换节目单换一个演员。,如果你要去其他大陆,你可以自己开车去。,四条腿的裤子保证你随时随地可以休息。,你可以在卫生间里练习冲浪。,汽车在停车标志前必须停车。,如果你输入不健康词汇,电脑就会惩罚你。,医生同时也是魔术师,他可以不用X射线检查你的骨骼。,直升机式的帽子可以轻松快速地带你到达目的地 。,衣服能自动换成时新样式。,Lead-in,机器自动为爸爸刮胡子,不必涂抹刮胡液。Humorous In,Can you say the names of Four Great Inventions of Ancient China in English?,gunpowder

4、,Compass,papermaking,printing,Can you say the names of Four,train,wheel,light bulb,telephone,computer,paper,computer light bulb mobile phone paper telephone train wheel,7,These inventions help us in many ways in our daily lives. We may use them anytime, anywhere.,They are very practical.,/prktkl/,In

5、ventions change our way of life. Look at the photos below. Write the name of each invention in the blanks.,trainwheellight bulbtelephonec,One sentence for each,Computers help us (to) find information easily.,Mobile phones help us .easily.,Mobile phones help us (to) talk to each other over long dista

6、nces easily.,talk to each other,How do these inventions help us in our daily lives? In groups, discuss this with your classmates.,One sentence for eachComputers,One sentence for each,Paper helps us,Light bulbs help us .,Paper helps us (to) write something on it.,write something,do many things in the

7、 evening.,Light bulbs help us (to) do as many things in the evenings as we can in the daytime.,One sentence for eachPaper hel,One sentence for each,Wheels help us ,Wheels help us (to) create cars and trains to carry passengers.,/kret/,create cars and trains,One sentence for eachWheels he,Before you

8、read,Before you read,Skimming means to read an article quickly to get its general idea. To skim an article, you should look at its introduction, title, sub-headings, photos or pictures, and the first and last sentences of each paragraph.,Skimming means to read an arti,Reading,Firstly, skim the title

9、 and the introduction and try to answer the following questions. 1. What is the article about? A. Great People B. the World C. Great changes D. Great inventions 2. How many great inventions will be mentioned in the article?A. Two B. Three C. Four D. Five,D,B,Reading Firstly, skim the t,Thirdly, skim

10、 the first and the last sentences of each paragraph and answer the following questions: 1. _ may be the greatest invention in history. A. The wheel B. The telephone C. The light bulb D. We dont know 2. We would not have _ if we had not have the wheel. A. The telephone B. The light bulb C. The train

11、D. The plane 3. When was the first practical telephone invented? A. In 1867 B. In 1786 C. In 1876 D. In 1678 4. Who invented developed the first practical light bulb in 1879? A. Alexander Graham B. Thomas Erikson C. Thomas Edison D. Nobody,A,C,C,C,Thirdly, skim the first and,Now listen to the articl

12、e.,Now listen to the article.,wheel,history,faster,more comfortable,century,popular,practical,millions of,developed,candles,wheelhistoryfastermore comfort,Retelling tasks,Retelling the wheelRetelling the telephoneRetelling the light bulb,You have 3 minutes to go!,Retelling tasksRetelling the w,The w

13、heel is perhaps _in history . After its invention ,_ became _ and _. A thousand years ago, people started _on carriage. _ became popular. Without the wheel, we_.,Alexander Graham Bell _one of the first _in 1876. Since then, people have been able to _ each other _ long distances. Today _people across

14、 the world _. They allow people to _ each other anytime, anywhere.,Thomas Edison _ the first _in 1879. people had to use oil lamps, _ lamps or _ to see at night. Now, people can do _ _ things in the evenings _in the daytime.,The wheel is perhaps _i,Can you name some other great inventions? Why do yo

15、u think they are great? Discuss these with your classmates.,三人一组,讨论其他的一些伟大发明。Step 1:其中一人说出自己认为的伟大发明内容。Step 2:其他两人讨论这种发明给人们生活带来的美好和便利。Step 3:最后一人,总结自己小组的讨论结果。,Can you name some other great,Language Points,Language Points,Which invention do you think is the greatest invention? do you think 作为特殊疑问句中的插入

16、语,用来征询对方的意见或看法。若疑问词做主语,do you think 要放在疑问词之后,谓语动词之前。如: 你认为要把英语学好我们应该做得最重要的事情是什么? What do you think is the most important thing for us to do to learn English well?,Language points,Which invention do you thin,They help people live a better life.,live a/an life 过着的生活过着开心的生活:live a life 过着贫穷的生活:live a _

17、 lifelive v. life n. lives lively adj.活跃的,help sb. (to) do sth.帮助某人做某事= help sb. with sth.在某方面帮助某人 李萍帮助我学习英语。 Li Ping helps me learn English. = Li Ping helps me with my English.,They help people live a better,Travelling became faster and more comfortable.,Travelling动名词短语作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。 收集电脑游戏是浪费时间。C

18、ollecting computer games is a waste of time.收集邮票是具有教育意义的。Collecting stamps is educational!,Travelling became faster and m,A few thousand years ago, people started to use wheels on carriage.,A few=several几个A few;few;a little;little区别only a few;only a little;just a few;just a little,start to do sth.=b

19、egin to do sth.开始做某事,A few thousand years ago, peop,At the start of the 20th century, cars became popular.在二十世纪初, 汽车变得流行起来。,at the start of 在。开始 =at the beginning of at the end of 在。结束的时候in the end=at last=finally=lastly最后在开始上课的时候,老师给我们唱了英文歌At the start of the class, our teacher sang an English for

20、us.,At the start of the 20th centu,Without the wheel, we would not have these inventions.,without prep. 没有without+名词/名词短语可改写为if 引导的条件状语从句虚拟语气=If we didnt have wheels没有空气,我们会死。Without air, we will die.=If there is no air, we will die.,Without the wheel, we would no,Alexander Graham Bell invented one

21、of the first practical telephones in 1876.亚历山大格拉汉姆贝尔 在1876年发明了最实用的电话之一. invent v. 发明 invention n. 发明 inventor n. 发明家,invent 与 discover的区别invent 指发明原来不存在的东西。discover 指发现原来就存在但是一直不被认识的东西。 爱迪生发明了电灯。 Edison _ the electric light bulb. 我在树下发现了一块很漂亮的石头。I a beautiful stone under the tree.,Alexander Graham B

22、ell invent,one of the first +复数名词one of+the+形容词最高级+名词复数 最的之一他是在这场游戏中最先赢了的人之一。He was one of the first winners in this game.上海是中国最大的城市之一。Shanghai is one of the biggest cities in China.,Mary is one of _.A.my the best friend B. my best friend C.the best friend D.my best friends,one of the first +复数名词Mar

23、y is,They allow people to keep in touch with each other anytime, anywhere. allow sb. to do sth.意为“允许某人做某事” allow doing sth. 我的父亲允许我做完作业后打篮球。 My father allows me to play basketball after I finish my homework. 他们不允许在这儿抽烟。 They dont allow smoking here.,They allow people to keep in,keep in touch with 意为

24、“与保持联系”相关短语get in/into touch with 与取得联系 lose / be out of touch with与失去联系他答应在国外期间与我们保持联系。He promised to keep in touch with us while he was abroad. 我们搬家后,我就与露西失去了联系。I lost touch with Lucy after we moved.,keep in touch with 意为“与保持联系”,keep in touch with 意为“与保持联系”相关短语get in/into touch with 与取得联系 lose / b

25、e out of touch with与失去联系他答应在国外期间与我们保持联系。He promised to keep in touch with us while he was abroad. 我们搬家后,我就与露西失去了联系。I lost touch with Lucy after we moved.,keep in touch with 意为“与保持联系”,Thomas Edison developed the first practical light bulb in 1879.,Develop v. 发展,开发,冲洗胶卷 n. development developed develo

26、ping,Thomas Edison developed the fi,as many/few+可数名词复数+as 描述数目上的接近as much/little(少的)+不可数名词+as 描述量的相近,,With light bulbs, people can do as many things in the evenings as they can in the daytime.,你能借多少书就借多少。You may borrow as many books as you can.你要尽可能的多喝些水。Drink as much water as you can.,as many/few+可

27、数名词复数+asWith ligh,Let the word fly,Let the word fly,KEEP, to away ones head in tou,1. keep in touch with 与保持联系 Please keep in touch with me. 请与我保持联系。 2. keep up with 跟上 They walked so fast that I could not keep up with them. 他们走得那么快, 我没法跟上。 3. keep in mind 记住; 牢记 Keepinmindthatyouthisnoteternal. 记住,

28、青春不是永久的。,1. keep in touch with 与保持联,4. keep to 沿着走 You must keep to the path. 你必须沿着小路走。5. keep ones head 保持镇静 You need to keep your head. 你应该保持镇静。 6. keep away (使)远离 Would you keep your dog away from my boy, please? 请让狗离我孩子远点好吗?,4. keep to 沿着走,1. 政府应时刻为人民利益着想。 The government should always _ the peop

29、les interest _ _.2. 你不能通过看电视真正地跟上世界事务。 You cant _ _ _ world affairs by watching television.,keep,in mind,keep up with,根据所给中文完成句子。,1. 政府应时刻为人民利益着想。keepin mindk,3. 手机不用时,将它放到远离身体的地方。 _ your phone _ from your body when you are not using it.4. 怀特先生在任何情况下都能保持镇静, 从不惊慌。 Mr. White can _ _ _ in any emergency

30、, he is never likely to panic.,Keep,keep his head,away,3. 手机不用时,将它放到远离身体的地方。 Keepkeep,keep tokeep in mindkeep up withkeep away keep ones headkeep in touch with,沿着走记住,放在心里跟上,不落后于(使)远离, 不接近保持镇静与保持联系,试着翻译下面的英文,注意单词keep的用法。,keep to沿着走试着翻译下面的英文,注意单词keep,LIVE, on in for sb/sth off wi,1. live on 靠生活 She st

31、ill lives on her parents. 她仍依靠父母生活。 The old woman lives on the earnings of her daughter. 那个老人靠她女儿的收入维持生活。 2. live out sth. 实现 The money enabled them to live out their dreams. 这笔钱可以使他们实现自己的梦想。3. live through 经历(艰难) They lived through the long famine. 他们经历了长久的饥荒而未死。,1. live on 靠生活,4. live with 忍受; 容忍

32、You have to learn to live with stress. 你得学会承受压力。5. live off 靠过活 He lives off fruit and nuts. 他靠水果和坚果维持生命。6. live for sb./sth. 为而活着 He lived for his art. 他为自己的艺术而活着。7. live in 生活在 We live in a very interesting time in history. 我们生活在历史上一个非常有趣的的年代。,4. live with 忍受; 容忍,Now 2 minutes to test your spellin

33、g.,Spelling Bee,1. English-Chinese funny, comfortable, carriage, passenger, practical, since, anytime2. Chinese-English 广告,创造,电话,车轮,世纪,发明,距离,开发,蜡烛,When finished, exchange your papers to see who does the best.,Now 2 minutes to test your spe,unit4-inventions-reading阅读知识点课件,1. There are too many _ (广告)

34、 on TV now.2. We saw two _ (四轮马车) in the City Museum.3. Here is some _ (实用的) advice for you to solve the problem.4. Is there anything _ (特别的) in this picture?5. In the _ (引言), he explains why he wrote the book.,advertisements,carriages,practical,special,introduction,I. 根据汉语提示补全句子。,1. There are too m

35、any _,II. 根据所给的中文补全下列英语句子。1. 一些发明改变了世界。 Some inventions _ _ _.2. 那所房子建于20世纪早期。 That house was built _ _ _ _ _.3. 你认为哪一辆车最好? Which car _?,changed the world,in the early 20th century,do you think is the best,II. 根据所给的中文补全下列英语句子。 changed t,3. 我十三岁时开始使用这台电脑。 I _ _ _ this computer when I was 13 years old

36、.4.你要努力记住尽可能多的英语单词。 Try to remember _ _ English words _ you can.5. 他们的帮助使得这次聚会成为可能。 Their help _ the party _.,started/began to use,as many,made possible,as,3. 我十三岁时开始使用这台电脑。 started/bega, 常考短语,light bulb 电灯泡 2. in history 在历史上3. at the start of 在初期 4. since then 从那以后5. each other 彼此 6. millions of 数

37、百万的7. mobile phone 手机 8. keep in touch with 与保持联系9. in the daytime 在白天10. make noises 制造噪音, 常考短语light bulb 电灯泡,11. keepoff 使远离 12. in front of 在的前面13. at the same time 同时 14. in a shorter time 在较短时间内15. throw away 扔掉 16. turn into 变成17. in the future 在将来 18. right now 现在19. all the time 一直 20. make a mess 弄得一团糟21. lead to 导致,引起 22. with the help of 在的帮助下,11. keepoff 使远离,Homework,Remember new words and phrases by heart after class.2. Read the articles in Learning English. The more you read, the faster and better youll understand.3. Preview Listening on page 54.,HomeworkRemember new words and,


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