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1、实用阅读备考技巧之托福阅读词汇题如何快速做 托福阅读词汇题怎么做?托福阅读词汇题备考什么技巧?今天给大家带来了实用阅读备考技巧 ,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。实用阅读备考技巧丨托福阅读词汇题如何快速做对?一.托福阅读词汇题做题技巧之代入法由于新托福的题目都是单选题,所以范围已经缩小到四选一,尤其是对词汇题来说,有一种方法就是将选项中的词放入到原文中去阅读,看意思与上下文是否合拍通顺,如*中选择的单词前后有介词,就更能显出代入验证的好处。例如有这样一句话:When hoisted up in the sky, the microscopic particles act a

2、s.选择项则为A. Lifted B. Grouped C. returned D. pointed,四个选项代入后,发现只有A选项能和后面的介词UP连接通顺,所以答案就是A选项,表示升起的意思。二.托福阅读词汇题做题技巧之利用逻辑关系逻辑关系主要是看上下文及背景内容。比较常见的逻辑关系是并列,转折,因果,递进等,所以考生要特别注意记忆逻辑关系连接词。例如这句话The heavy amounts of heat and pollution rising form cities both delay and stimulate the fall of precipitation, deprivi

3、ng some areas of rain while drenching others.这句话中出现一个逻辑关系连接词while,这个词是表示一种转折,意思是然而,所以drenching和之前的动作depriving构成了反义关系,depriving意思是剥夺,所以drenching可以猜测其意可能与剥夺相反,前文为剥夺了一些地方的雨,那么相反就是给予另一些地方更多的雨,所以可以看到选择项中C. Thoroughly wetting就是表达了多雨这个意思。而drenching本意就是湿透的意思。三.托福阅读词汇题做题技巧之背单词单词记忆主要就是背单词。背单词是很多同学觉得非常痛苦的事情,经常


5、可以找一些相关的新托福阅读词汇书,或者是以往考过的词汇题内容。3、把背单词和阅读相结合。广泛的阅读也是增加词汇量的一种方法,并且能够在阅读中加强对已经背过的单词的记忆。当一篇*的生词量在5%左右的时候,这些生词的词义是可推的。所以我们在选择阅读材料的时候,应尽量将单词量控制在10%左右。单词太多,看不懂*,太少又起不到提高的作用。相关材料可以上一些网站看,例如economist, national geographic等等。四.托福阅读词汇题做题技巧之利用词根词缀有了一定的单词基础,那么通过词根词缀去猜单词也不成问题了。而且除了单词有同义词,词根词缀也有同义关系。例如都是表达否定的同义前缀就有

6、in-,un, non-,dis-等等,表示否定的后缀有-less,所以当看到题目中的单词有这类的否定含义,那么就可以去找选择项中也有否定前缀和后缀的词,也许就是正确选项,因为都是具有否定关系的。例如incalculable和unmeasured就是一组同义词。所以对于一些常见词缀词根是需要考生记忆的。具体有哪些可以参见一些英语字典的附录。托福阅读长难句:高文化水平国家The key factor in the success of these countries ( along with high literacy, which contributed to it ) was their a

7、bility to adapt to the international division of labor determined by the early industrializers and to stake out areas of specialization in international markets for which they were especially well suited. (TPO18, 50)The key factor ( in the success of these countries) ( alongwith high literacy, which

8、 contributed to it) was their ability ( to adapt to the international division of labor) (determined by the early industrializers) and (to stake out areas of specialization in international markets) (for which they were especially well suited.)(TPO18, 50)分析:这个句子的主干就是:The key factor was their ability

9、后面两个不定式的并列:(to adapt to the international division of labor determined by the early industrializers)and(to stake out areas of specialization ininternational markets for which they were especially well suited. )修饰一:(in the success of these countries) ,介词短语,修饰the key factor中文:在这些国家的成功中修饰二:(along with

10、high literacy, which contributed to it) ,介词短语,修饰these countries中文:拥有促进他们成功的高文化水平修饰三:(to adapt to the international division of labor) ,非谓语动词,修饰ability中文:适应国际劳动分工修饰四:(determined by the early industrializers),非谓语动词,修饰the international division of labor中文:早期工业化国家决定的修饰五:(to stake out areas of specializa

11、tion in international markets) ,非谓语动词,修饰ability中文:领他们特别合适的国际市场中的专门领域修饰六:(for which they were especiallywell suited.),从句,修饰markets中文:他们特别适合的参考翻译:这些国家(拥有促进他们成功的高文化水平)成功的关键因素是他们有适应早期工业化国家决定的国际劳动分工的能力,以及占领他们特别合适的国际市场中的专门领域的能力。这个句子的主要修饰成分就是从句、介词短语以及从句,大家务必想清楚,每一个修饰成分修饰的是什么,才能看清楚这个句子的结构。托福阅读长难句:工具的用处及生产力T

12、he fact that some societies domesticated animals and plants, discovered the use of metal tools, became literate, and developed a state should not make us forget that others developed pastoralism or horticulture (vegetable gardening) but remained illiterate and at low levels of productivity; a few en

13、tered the modern period as hunting and gathering societies. (TPO21, 54)domesticate /d?mest?ke?t/ v. 驯养(动物)literate /l?t?r?t/ adj. 有读写能力的;有文化的pastoralism /p?st?r?l?z?m/ n. 田园主义(风格),畜牧主义horticulture /h?t?,k?lt?/ n. 园艺,园艺学The fact (that some societies domesticated animals and plants, discovered the use

14、 of metal tools, became literate, and developed a state) should not make us forget (that others developed pastoralism or horticulture (vegetable gardening) but remained illiterate and at low levels of productivity); a few entered the modern period (as hunting and gathering societies.) (TPO21, 54)分析:

15、这个句子的主干就是:The fact should not makeus forget修饰一:that others developed pastoralism or horticulture (vegetable gardening) but remained illiterate and at low levels of productivity,从句从句中还有一个A but B结构,要注意中文:其它社会虽然发展了畜牧或园艺(蔬菜园艺),但依然没有文化并且生产力低下修饰二:(that some societies domesticate danimals and plants, disco

16、vered the use of metal tools, became literate, and developed a state) ,从句,修饰fact。这个同位语从句很长,其中一个并列结构:A, B, C, and D,这个从句把这个句子的主谓隔开了,大家注意断句中文:一些社会驯养动植物、发现金属工具的用处、变得有文化以及发展出了一个国家修饰三:(as hunting and gathering societies.),介词短语中文:以狩猎和采集的社会参考翻译:一些社会驯养动植物、发现金属工具的用处、变得有文化以及发展出了一个国家,这样一个事实不应该使我们忘记:其它社会虽然发展了畜牧或园艺(蔬菜园艺),但依然没有文化并且生产力低下;少数以狩猎和采集的社会进入了现代时期。这个句子的主要修饰成分就是介词短语和从句,大家务必想清楚,每一个修饰成分修饰的是什么,才能看清楚这个句子的结构。实用阅读备考技巧之托福阅读词汇题如何快速做


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