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1、托福阅读提分从基础开始 托福阅读提分从基础开始 ,要拿高分先做好这3件事。今天给大家带来托福阅读提分从基础开始 想要拿高分先做好这3件事,希望可以帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福阅读提分从基础开始 想要拿高分先做好这3件事汇总背熟阅读热门词汇如果想要把自己的阅读速度提升,其中有一个最要的因素即为词汇。在大家备考托福过程中一个词汇也在经历不断累积的过程,而在积累词汇过程中考生要学着整理这些词汇,特别是针对那些最容易在阅读*里出现的高频词汇一定要多做归纳整理,再针对这些词汇出现的语言环境提升掌握能力,如此一来大家对阅读词汇的了解也会提升。打好语法基础看懂长难句大家在做托福练习的过程


3、种做法很容易造成考试时间的紧张。在此需要提醒大家,托福考试作为一门语言考试,考察最重要的还是大家的答题能力,而不是阅读能力。所以,考生不需要清晰地把全文的每一个细节都彻底了解。建议大家的阅读理解方式是,首先仔细阅读*段落的第1、2句,把握住段落主旨大意,然后快速浏览其余部分。通过这样的方式阅读,既能加快阅读速度,又能让大家对*的结构思路更有把握。托福阅读长难句:成功的移居Success in colonization depends to a great extent on there being a site available for colonization - (a safe site

4、) (where disturbance by fire or by cutting down of trees has either removed competing species or reduced levels of competition and other negative interactions to a level) (at which the invading species can become established.)(TPO32, 54)长难句分析:这个句子的主干就是:Success in colonization depends (to a great ext

5、ent) on there being a site (available for colonization)注意depend on被短语to a great extent(很大程度)隔开了,断句不要出现问题,后面还有一个放在后面的形容词短语(available for colonization)修饰a site修饰一:(a safe site) ,同位语,解说说明前面的a site中文:一个安全的地点修饰二:(where disturbance by fire or bycutting down of trees has either removed competing species or

6、 reduced levels of competition and other negative interactions to a level) ,从句这个从句有点复杂:where disturbance (by fire or by cutting down of trees) has either removed competing species or reduced levels of competition and other negative interactions to a level(by fire or by cutting down oftrees),介词修饰放在后面

7、disturbance注意这里有一个并列结构,either oreither removed competing speciesor reduced levels of competition and other negative interactions to a level中文:在那里由于焚烧或伐木要么移除了竞争物种,要么减低了竞争水平和其它负面的物种间相互影响的水平修饰三:(at which the invading species can become established.) ,从句中文:入侵物种能够定居下来。参考翻译:成功的移居很大程度上依赖于有一个可用的移居的地点,即一个安全的

8、地点,在那里由于焚烧或伐木要么移除了竞争物种,要么把物种间的竞争和其他负面的物种间相互影响减少到让入侵物种能够定居下来。托福阅读长难句:动物群统治地位However, no group or species can maintain its dominance indefinitely, and when, after over 200 million years, the age of dinosaurs came to a dramatic end about 65 million years ago, mammals began to flourish, evolving from re

9、latively few types of small terrestrial animals into the myriad of diverse species, including bats and whales, that we know today. (TPO33,58)dramatic /dr?m?t?k/ adj. 戏剧的;激动人心的,给人深刻印象的flourish v. /fl?r?/ 昌盛,旺盛,兴旺;健康成长,茂盛terrestrial /t?restr?l/ adj. 陆地的,陆生的;地球的myriad /m?r?d/ n. 无数,极大数量大家自己先读,不回读,看一遍是否

10、能理解However, no group or species can maintain its dominance indefinitely, and (when, (after over 200 million years), the age of dinosaurs came to a dramatic end) (about 65 million years ago), mammals began to flourish, (evolving from relatively few types of small terrestrial animals into the myriad o

11、f diverse species), (including bats and whales), (that we know today).分析:这个句子主干:no group or species can maintain its dominance indefinitely, and mammals began to flourish修饰一: (after over 200 million years),介词短语中文:在二亿年后修饰二:(when the age of dinosaurs came to a dramatic end),从句中文:当恐龙时代突然结束修饰三:(about 65

12、 million years ago),介词短语中文:大约在六千五百万年前修饰四:(evolving from relatively few types of small terrestrial animals into the myriad of diverse species),非谓语动词中文:从少数几种小型陆生动物逐渐发展到无数的各类物种修饰五:(including bats and whales),插入语中文:包括蝙蝠和鲸鱼修饰六:(that we know today),从句中文:我们现在所知道的参考翻译:然而,没有哪类动物群或物种能够一直保持统治地位。在二亿年后,当恐龙时代大约在六千五百万年前突然结束,哺乳动物便开始繁盛,从少数几种小型陆生动物逐渐发展到无数的各类物种,包括我们现在所知道的蝙蝠和鲸鱼。托福阅读提分从基础开始


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