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1、商务广告的翻译,Start ahead.成功之路,从头开始。Obey your thirst 服从你的渴望。A diamond lasts forever.钻石恒久远,一颗永流传。Next is now.让未来,现在就来。Bigger than bigger.岂止于大。,Torben Vestergaard & Kim Schroder 在著作 The Language of Advertising 中,将广告分为两大类:commercial advertising(商业广告)non-commercial advertising (非商业广告)文字性(Verbal)非文字性 (Nonverba

2、l),一、广告的分类,语言文字(Verbal)部分包括:标题(Headline)、正文(Body Text)和口号(Slogan); 非语言文字(Nonverbal)部分包括:商标(Trade Mark)、插图(Illustration)、色彩(Color)、版面编排(Layout)等。 标题,正文,落款,标语,二、广告的构成,Princeton economist calculates that anybody who uses a computer earns 15% more than an equally skilled co-worker who does not. - Fortun

3、e Magazine August 24, 1992 We make it easier to get a 15% raise. You have an important job to do. Maybe you write letters, memos or proposals. Maybe you analyze complicated data or track budgets. Maybe you compile reports combining some or all of the above. Whatever kind of work you tackle with a pe

4、rsonal computer, Microsoft Excel and Word for Windows can make it easier to accomplish. After all, they were designed to work together perfectly. They look and feel very much alike, sharing text, graphics and data. Once you become familiar with one program, youll intuitively understand the basis of

5、the other. For details, along with some case studies of people who have actually started using Microsoft Excel and Word for Windows, call (800)426-9400. Ask for Department HZ3. We can show you how to raise your prospects, if not your actual paycheck. Microsoft Making it easier.,副标题,标题,正文,落款,标语,信息功能(

6、informative function)祈使功能(vocative function)AUCAawareness(认知)understanding(理解)conviction(说服)action(行动),三、广告的功能,国际广告协会Progress :广告必须独特有新意;Problem:广告必须列出商品或服务的真正优点;Promise:广告必须有明确的承诺;Please:广告必须给消费公众愉快的体验;Potential:广告必须有潜在的推动力量。,5P标准,KISSkeep it short and sweet.“永远没有丑恶, 没有苦难, 没有野蛮的奇妙世界”。1. 用词简洁,注重美感。,

7、四、广告的文体特点,英国语言学家G. H. Leech 将英语广告中经常出现的形容词按其频率高低依次排列, 前二十个是: (1) new (2) good / better / best (3) free(4) fresh (5) delicious (6) full(7) sure (8) wonderful (9) clean(10) special (11) crisp (12) fine (13) big (14) great (15) real (16) easy (17) bright (18) extra (19) safe (20) rich,2、修辞丰富双关、比喻、拟人、押韵

8、、排比等Ask for More.(香烟广告)Good teeth, good health. (牙膏广告)Light as a breeze, soft as a cloud. (服装广告)Unlike me,my Rolex never needs a rest(劳力士手表)Weve hidden a garden full of vegetable where youd never expect in a pie.(馅饼广告)Come to Marlboro country. Come to where the flavor is.(万宝路香烟广告),3.句式简单,多祈使句,多主动语态F

9、or next generation. (百事可乐)新一代的选择Every time a good time.(麦当劳)分分秒秒聚欢笑Just do it.(耐克)想做就做/只管去做!Begin your own tradition.(百达翡丽手表)代代相传,由你开始。What we do, we do well. 我有我品质。,1. 目的性原则 以消费者为中心2. 合法性原则3. 文化适应原则 All is well that ends well. (香烟广告) 烟蒂好,烟就好。 越抽越有味。 喝孔府家酒,做天下文章。(白酒广告) Drink Kongfu Spirit and write

10、No.1 article. Confucian Spirit provokes your mind.,五、广告翻译原则,1.了解所译商品及广告的特点译者不仅需要了解商品的特征,包括品质、产地、作用以及性能以及工艺水平、文化情调、价格和信誉度,而且需要了解广告策划的6M: Market,指对广告目标市场的选择及其特征的把握,包括广告受众的年龄、性别、职业、生活、教育程度等; Message,指广告的卖点、诉求,确定广告中的正确信息; Media,指广告选择什么媒体将信息传播给目标受众; Motion,指使广告发生效果的相关行销、促销活动; Measurement,指对广告事后、事中和事前所进行的

11、评估和衡量; Money,指广告投入的经费。,2. 尊重广告受众国的文化传统以及消费心理3. 在广告翻译中要注重创新A diamond lasts forever.(钻石广告)钻石恒久远,一颗永流传。Good to the last drop!(咖啡广告)滴滴香浓,意犹未尽,1.直译法EBEL the architects of time. (EBEL手表)EBEL 手表,时间的缔造者。EBEL 手表,时间设计师。Come to where the flavor is. Marlboro Country(万宝路香烟)光临风韵之境万宝路世界有目共赏。(上海电视)Watching is belie

12、ving.百闻不如一尝。Tasting is believing.A business in millions, a profit in pennies.百万买卖,毫厘利润。,六、商务广告翻译,Andrex卫生纸,柔韧又耐用。,2.意译法FedEx: We live to deliver.(联邦快递)联邦快递,诚信为本。The Color of success!(Minolta 复印机)让你的业务充满色彩!UPS. On time, every time.(UPS 快递)UPS准时的典范。Ask for more 渴望无限(百事可乐)再来一支摩尔( 香烟广告),3.增补法Intelligenc

13、e everywhere. (摩托罗拉手机)智慧演绎,无处不在。 Taking the lead in a Digitalworld. (三星)领先数码,超越永恒。,4. 缩译法Overseas. Time set free Overseas.(Vacheron Constantin手表) 自由真意 Wherever you are. Whatever you do. The Allianz Group is always on your side. (安联集团)安联集团,永远站在你身边。以塑代木,清洁卫生,坚固耐用。Better than wood or metal.,5. 创译法Bridg

14、ing the distance (电信公司)沟通无限 Music makes us. 生有趣,乐无穷。,进无止境Go Further,6. 套译法城乡路万千, 路路有航天。East, west, Hangtian is best.Better late than the late.迟到总比丧命好。To smoke or not to smoke, that is a question.烟,吸还是不吸,这个问题值得考虑。Not all cars are created equal.不是每辆车都生而平等。古有千里马,今有三菱车,A deal with us means a good deal t

15、o you. 和我们做买卖意味着您做了一笔好买卖。From Sharp minds, come sharp products. 夏普产品,来自智慧的结晶。Try our sweet corn. Youll smile from ear to ear. 尝尝我们的甜玉米,包你乐得合不拢嘴。“三优”牌家具:优良的质量,优惠的价格,优质的服务。3-U Furniture, Unrivalled quality, Unbeatable prices and Unreserved service.,双关的翻译,1. Cooking Without Looking.(Minute Rice)A) 不用看就

16、熟了。(分钟米饭) B) 转眼就熟。(迷你米饭)2. Apple Thinks Different . (苹果电脑)A) 苹果电脑,与众不同。B) 苹果电脑,不同凡“想”。,比较对同一则广告语的两种不同翻译,选出你认为最好的译文,并给出理由。,3. Pepsi-Cola hits the spot , Twelve full ounces , thats a lot , Twice as much for a nickel , too , Pepsi-Cola is the drink for you. (百事可乐广告)A) 百事可乐满足需要,12 盎司,就是全部,五分钱买24 盎百事可乐是您

17、的饮料。B) 百事可乐味道好,足足12 盎量不少,五分钱可买24 盎,百事可乐供您享。4. Easier dusting by stre - e - etch. (除尘布广告)A) 拉长牌除尘布除尘力强。B) 拉拉拉长,除尘力强。,5. 仁者近山,智者近水。(房产公司)A) The Good are close to the mountain, the wise are close to the water. B) Wise men prefer to live near water, Good men near mountains.6. 来是他乡客,去时故人心。(Central Hotel

18、中心大酒店)A) You come, you are the guest; you go, you are our friend. B) When you come, you are a guest of ours, when you leave, we are the friends of yours.,Your special man deserves the very special gift of GQ. A year of exciting options for his very personal style. Order now just $18 for the year-lon

19、g gift. (Gentlemens Quarterly)特别的礼物给特别的男人绅士季刊,让具有独特个性的男人随心所欲地挑选。请马上订阅一年只需18美元! 绅士季刊杂志广告,长久向外的境界,如今驭驰而来。汉兰达,跨越平常车型定义,将高级轿车的豪华舒适性、SUV的卓越动力操控和MPV的阔达空间融粹一身,突破一切界限,令您自如转换于商务与休闲领域,从容全享无界限人生。车到山前必有路,有路必有丰田车。汉兰达:Highlander豪华轿车:limousine动力操控:dynamic control丰田:Toyota,汉兰达领略从容人生,长久向外的境界,如今驭驰而来。汉兰达,跨越平常车型定义,将高级轿

20、车的豪华舒适性、SUV的卓越动力操控和MPV的阔达空间融粹一身,突破一切界限,令您自如转换于商务与休闲领域,从容全享无界限人生。车到山前必有路,有路必有丰田车。Highlander-Enjoy the Calm LifeThe wait is over, breaking through all boundaries. Combining the luxury of limousine comfort with SUVs excellent dynamic control and MPVs wide space, Highlander, easily shifts between the field of business and leisure allowing you to calmly enjoy your life without boundaries.Where there is a way, there is a Toyota.,汉兰达领略从容人生,


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