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1、Recite Lesson 43,have a dictation,1、精通音乐的 2、市场 3、动作(名词) 4、继续 5、差别(名词) 6、跳舞 7、印度的8、 飞行(名词) 9、探险家 10、处于(原形、过去时、过去分词)11、严重的 12、 好象,似乎 13、 坠毁 14、 飞机 15、停在一个广场上休息 16、在另一边 17、捡起 18、 感到非常奇怪 19、从篮子里探出身子 20、 飞机可以毫无困难地飞过这片茫茫无际的白色原野。,Lesson 44Through the forest,Guessing- What does he/she look like?,He is thin,

2、She has straight hair.,He has white beard.,He wears a pair of sunglasses.,She has curly hair.,He is fat.,What does your friend look like?,what is the/your . like?,Discuss,Do you have a school trip? If you get a chance, what place will you choose for the coming trip? Which place is the safest, a fore

3、st, a mountain, a park, or a sea?,Enjoy the story and find out the answer,What was Mrs. Ann doing in the forest?What happened to her?What do you think of her?,【New words and expressions】,n. forest n. riskn. picnic n. edge n. strap n. possessionn. breath v. mend n. contents,1.森林 2.危险,冒险3.野餐4.边缘5.带,皮带

4、 6.所有7. n.呼吸8. 修理9. (常用复数)内有的物品,risk n. 危险,冒险 n. 危险,风险,breath n. 呼吸1)上气不接下气 out of breath2)白费口舌 waste ones breath3)屏住呼吸 hold ones breath4)口臭 bad breathsave ones breath 省省力气take a deep breath breathe vbreathe in/ breathe out,edge n.,at the edge of.在.的边缘It is dangerous to stand at the edge of the clif

5、f.forestin the forest/in the woods在森林里,in the possession of=ownHe is in the possession of a beautiful car.in ones possession=in the possession of sb.The car is in the possion of him.,contents n. (常用复数)内有的物品contents of the bag 包里的东西More contents!(口语) 在吃饭时要求再加些饭菜,go down 接着往前走,不用回头up to可以表示地点、时间等“一直到”

6、,Repeat: What did Mrs. Anne Sterling do?,Two men had rushed up to her while she was _ at eh edge of a forest with her children.She _ a forest after two men. In the _, the strap _ and Mrs. Sterling _ so angry that she _ them. She was soon _, but she _ to run. When she _ them, she _ that two men had s

7、at down and were going through the contents of the bag, so she _ them.,having a picnic,ran through,struggle,broke,got,ran after,out of breath,continued,caught up with,saw,ran straight at,非谓语动词,动名词,基本形式,特点,动词原形 + ing,1、具有名词、动词的一些特征。,2、有时态和语态的变化,返回主页,动名词,用法,1、作主语,Picking apples is much better than hav

8、ing classes.,2、作宾语,(1)只能接动名词做宾语的动词有miss, finish, mind, keep, practice, enjoy, 等。,返回主页,动名词,(2)既可接动词不定式又可接动名词作宾语的动词有两类:,返回主页,动名词,3、作表语,His favorite sport is playing basketball .,4、作定语,shopping basketball finishing line,返回主页,注意两点,1、动名词的 复合结构为:,名词所有格,形容词性物主代词,+ 动名词,c,返回主页,2、动名词的习惯用语:,a. Its no use doing

9、 sth.,b. cant help doing sth.,c. feel like doing sth.,d. be busy doing sth.,e. No doing,返回主页,【Special Difficulties】 catch and runcatch主要意思是“抓住、捉住、逮住”,但有时可以表示“(及时)赶上、追上”等: He ran quickly to catch the last bus home. When she caught up with them, she saw that they were going through the contents of the

10、 bag.run的本意是“跑”,后面加上不同的小品词可以表达“追赶,逃跑”等多种含义: She has run off with all his money. The man ran away with her bag.,Key structures,Think of, think about, think over take / run a risk (of doing sth. )/ in sth.go through a forest/city/field/park/the window ; go across the road/bridgerun after / run straigh

11、t at / run away ; rush = run quickly up to at the edge of steal sth. from sb. / thief ; rob sb. / some places Of sth. Robber , robbery in the struggle / in ones possession of sb. so that / such that out of breath ; catch up with sb. go through = look at carefully, examineneed to do sth. , need doing sth.,c 2. b 3.c 4. c 5. c 6. b 7. d 8.a 9. b 10. a 11. b 12. d,Check multiple choice,Goodbye!,


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