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1、,ripe,orange,banana,wine,blackboard,choice,sweet,ripe,honey,pure,butter,jam,reaction,fresh,want,like,Have a dictation:,1.喜欢 2.想要 3.新鲜的,4. 甜的5.上等的 6.黑板,7.成熟的 8.黄油9.蜂蜜 10. 橙子,11. 你想要些牛奶吗?12. 你喜欢饼干吗?,1. 我喜欢红色的T血衫. I like the red T-shirt. Do you like the red T-shirt? Yes, I do . No , I dont .,2. 他喜欢看电视.

2、 He likes watching TV. Does he like watching TV? Yes, he does. No , he doesnt. He doesnt like watching TV.,3. 我想要一些肉。 I want some meat . Do you want any meat ? Yes, please. No , thank you . I dont want any meat .,4. Jim 每天都踢足球. Jim plays football every day . Does Jim play football every day ? Yes, h

3、e does . No , he doesnt. Jim doesnt play football every day.,I have a soccer ball and a volleyball.(变为否定句) I a soccer ball and a volleyball.2. His brother has a baseball.(改为一般疑问) his brother a baseball?3. Do your parents play computer game?(肯定回答) Yes, .4. Does Ella have a tennis racket?(否定回答) , she

4、.,dont,have,Does,have,they,do,No,doesnt,Exercise,1. Can Mary play soccer? _. A. Yes, she is B. No, she doesnt C. Yes, she does D. No, she cant2. I dont _a tennis racket, but Kate _one. A. has;have B. have;have C. have;has D. has; has,D,C,单项选择,Exercise,B,B,3. Do you have a baseball? _, I _. A. Yes; d

5、ont B. No; dont C. Yes; doesnt D. No; does4. _Peter _a volleyball? Yes, he does. A. Do; have B. Does; have C. Do; has D. Does; has,D,C,5. Susan likes tennis, but she _a tennis racket. A. dont have B. arent have C. doesnt D. doesnt have6. Lets go and play _basketball. A. the B. a C. / D. an,1.That bo

6、y is _ across the road.(run)2.Mr.Li is going to _ us a speech.(give)3.My mother is _ the bed.(make)4._ (sweep) the floor and _(dust) the sideboard.5.I can _ that chair,but I cant lift this table.(lift)6.Can you _ off that wall?(jump),running,give,making,Sweep,dust,lift,jump,y,n,y,y,y,n,y,Lets recite

7、,y,L 49At the butchers,Butcher a man whose job is killing animals for food,At the butchers在某某店里 at + 所有格,Eg: The old man is a butcher .,butcher n. 卖肉的meat n.(食用)肉beef n. 牛肉lamb n. 羔羊肉chicken n. 鸡,鸡肉pork n. 猪肉husband n. 丈夫steak n. 牛排mince n. 肉馅,绞肉tell v. 告诉either adv. 也,tomato 西红柿potato 土豆cabbage 卷心菜

8、lettuce 莴苣pea 豌豆bean 豆角pear 梨grape 葡萄peach 桃Sour grapes,豆角给看卖肉者土豆葡萄实情也(用于否定句)牛排肉馅卷心菜桃,葡萄卷心菜牛排实情也(用于否定句)给看肉馅桃豆角土豆卖肉者,I likeBut I dont like,fresh cabbages,fresh tomatoes,kbid n.卷心菜,She likes But she doesnt like,lettuces,bananas,letis n.莴苣,beans,bi:n n.豆角,pea,She likes But she doesnt like,grapes,Do you

9、 want any?,fresh peaches,mince,beef,steak,mins n.肉馅,绞肉,bi:f n.牛肉,steik n.牛排,Do you want any?,chicken,lamp,lmp n.羔羊肉,New words and expressions,butcher n.卖肉的(人) at the butchers 在肉店 at+ the +职业s (该职业人员工作的场所) at the doctors at the hairdressers,在诊所(在医院),在理发店,Meat 供食用的肉,a slice of meat 一片肉fresh meat 新鲜的肉p

10、ork 猪肉,beef,beef steak 牛排,lamb,lamb 羔羊,小羊,羔羊肉sheep羊 单复数同形mutton 羊肉,husband,husband and wife,mince n. 碎肉 (不可数)I want a pound of mince ,too .Because I want to make some dumplings .,steak,牛排 鱼排beef steak fish steaka piece of steak,chicken,chicken. 小鸡(可数)chicken. 鸡肉(不可数)Chick 幼鸡(可数),Tell 告诉 ,分辨 ,判断,I ca

11、nt tell Sam from Jim.(分辨)tell sb to do sth 告诉某人做某事 My mother tells me to clean the room.tell sb sth =tell sth to sb My mother often tells me stories . = My mother often tells stories to me .Speak 后跟语言 I can speak English. 电话用语May I speak to Tom?,truth,truth n.true adj.正确的 false adj. 错误的老实说,说实话:to te

12、ll the truth.to tell you the truth.,either,either 也不 ,用在否定句中。e.g. I dont like chicken either.too 也,用在肯定疑问句中。e.g.The dog is in the garden ,too.Is Tim in the garden ,too?,tomato potato,tomato 西红柿 (+es)potato 土豆 (+es)黑人英雄爱吃土豆西红柿Negro hero potato tomato (都加es).,红薯,1. pea peas2. bean beans Mr. Bean 憨豆先生3

13、. pear-pears 4. peach-peaches,grape,grapes 葡萄,The butchers,the man sells meat,butcher,If you are a butcher,how do you sell your meat?,Do you want any?This piece of lamp is good.What about some chicken(s)?a pound of,Listen and answer the questions.,What does Mrs Bird like? What does she buy?What does

14、/doesnt Mr Bird like? What does the butcher like?How about you?,BUTCHER: Do you want any meat today, Mrs. Bird?MRS.BIRD: Yes, please. BUTCHER: Do you want beef or lamb?MRS.BIRD: Beef, please. BUTCHER: This lambs very good.MRS.BIRD: I like lamb, but my husband doesnt.BUTCHER: What about some steak? T

15、his is a nice piece.MRS.BIRD: Give me that piece, please.,MRS.BIRD: And a pound of mince, too.BUTCHER: Do you want a chicken, Mrs. Bird? They re very nice. MRS.BIRD: No, thank you.MRS.BIRD: My husband likes steak, but he doesnt like chicken.BUTCHER: To tell you the truth, Mrs. Bird, I dont like chic

16、ken either!,1.-Do you want beef or lamb? 选择疑问句 -Beef ,please. (I want beef, please)2. I like lamb, but my husband doesnt (like lamb). 省略句3. What about some steak? 希望对方给予肯定回答 What about doing sth?去做某事怎么样? 去踢球怎么样?How about playing football?,= How about,What about playing football?,4.This is a nice pie

17、ce (of steak). 省略句5.Give me that piece, please. =Give that piece to me. give sb sth=give sth to sb6.To tell you the truth, Mrs. Bird. 说老实话,伯德夫人。,语法,动词加 s(es) 规则1、一般动词直接加-s2、s, x, sh, ch, 结尾的单词加 -es 变化 push - pushespass - passescatch - catchesfix - fixeswatch - watcheswash - washes3、辅音字母加y 结尾,要变y为i加e

18、s. try - tries worry - worries study - studiescry - cries4、辅音字母+o+es do - doesgo - goes,基变序,有规律,123要全变,th要从4上起,8加h,9去e,f要把ve替,ty要变tie,若问几十几或几百几,只变个位记心里。,奖励1分小贴画,获得3分,获得5分,1,4,2,2分贴画,3,获得2分小贴画,获得2分小贴画,获得3分贴画,5,8,6,获得2分贴画,7,获得2分贴画,获得2分贴画,获得1分贴画,9,12,10,3分小贴画,11,Homework,1.抄写49-50课单词,5+1,听写。2. 完成练习册L49-50。3.,听录音L49课,30分钟,三次4.背诵记录内容。5.背诵L49 家长签字,


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