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1、The end of a dream,美梦告终,Lesson 49,NEW WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS,【New words and expressions】(13) tired adj. 厌烦的real adj. 真正的owner n. 主人spring n. 弹簧mattress n. 床垫gust n. 一阵风sweep v. 扫,刮courtyard n. 院子smash v. 碰碎,摔碎miraculously adv. 奇迹般地unhurt adj. 没有受伤的glance v. 扫视promptly adv. 迅速地,NEW WORDS AND EXPRESSIO

2、NS,1.Tire N&Vv (使)疲倦,疲劳Sth tires sb 使某人疲倦The long class tires me.Working all day tires him.tireless:不觉得累的,不厌倦的a tireless worker 一个孜孜不倦工作的人,be tired of sth / sb / doing sth对.感觉厌倦,Im tired of staying at home and doing nothing.我厌倦我的男朋友了. I am tired of my boyfriend.我的妈妈厌倦和我爸爸吵架了My mom was tired of quarr

3、elling with my dad.,be tired from doing. 因.感到累be tired out 筋疲力尽,Im very tired from running as fast as I can.After the long walk, I was tired out.包了一天的饺子让我很累I was tired from making dumplings the whole day.在去北京长途旅行后,他精疲力竭He was tired out after his long trip to Beijing.,exercises,他厌倦了玩电脑游戏。我厌倦了这个拥挤的城市。

4、,2.real adj. 实际的,真实的,实在的,real与true的区别:real指客观上存在,并非想象和虚构,与“无(virtual)”相对应.true真正的,真实的,强调符合事实,不是编造的,与假(false)相对而言.,real man 真人true man 男子汉,好汉Lu Xuns real name is Zhou Shuren.The news is true.谚语:不到长城非好汉He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man.,延伸:really adv.真正地,确实reality n.现实realize v

5、.实现 ones dream,3.on ones own独自的(=alone),own: adj. 自己的 / v.拥有He spent the Valentines Day on his own. =He spent the Valentines Day alone.of ones own 某人自己的owner:所有者,物主 the of .某人自己的 shop owner 店主,4.spring n. 春天;泉水; 弹簧 hot spring 温泉,fountain n. 人工喷泉,5.mattress n. 床垫弹簧床垫spring mattress,mat n. 垫子 (如杯垫),cu

6、shion n. 座垫,6.gust n. 一阵狂风 a gust of wind一阵风 a gust of anger 一阵无名火注意区分:breeze n. 微风gale n. 大风,(突发的)一阵风(风力比gust强)wind n. 风的总称7.sweep (sweptswept,swept) n. 扫,刮 vt. 扫,打扫她每天早上都打扫地板/房间。 She sweeps the floor/the room every morning. vt. (风)吹;刮 席卷 一股巨浪从甲板上卷了过去。 A huge wavesweptover the deck。sweep sth. away

7、把刮走 The newspaper has been swept away by the wind.A new broom(扫帚) sweeps clean. 新官上任三把火。,8.courtyard n. 院子court n. 院子,庭院;法庭yard n. 院子backyard n. 后院frontyard n. 前院schoolyard n.校园,9.smash v. 碰碎, 摔碎vt.&vi. 打碎,摔碎,(使)碎裂The cup smashed on the floor.smash sth. into pieces 把摔成碎片tear sth. into pieces 把撕成碎片Th

8、e bed was smashed to pieces.The letter was torn to piece.vt.&vi. 重击,殴打,猛砸/撞Why didnt you smash the man with your fist?A car smashed into the wall.注意区分:crash v. 受挤压而变形变碎 The egg is easy to crash.cut sth. into pieces 切碎, 剪碎break v. 打碎,10.glance v. 扫视glance at 扫了一眼(有意识地看)The old man glanced at the boy

9、.注意区分:glare at 怒视(生气的)stare at 凝视着gaze at 盯着(无限神往, 羡慕地看),glare at,怒视,Stare at,凝视,gaze at,盯着(无限神往, 羡慕地看),1.She _at her beautiful new diamond ring. 2.He _over the letter he had just received. 3.I told my son to stop _at that fat woman; it wasnt nice .4.The woman_ at the man after he shouted rudely at

10、her .,gazed,glanced,staring,glared,11.miraculously:奇迹般地 miracle:n.奇迹12.hurt V. (hurt hurt hurt )1) v. 伤 Have you hurt yourself?2)v. 伤害感情 (尤指思想、心灵)You hurt my heart. hurt ones self-respect 伤害某人的自尊3)adj. 受伤的 She is hurt. She is unhurt.I feel hurt . 我感到受了伤害.badly hurt 严重受伤的13.promptly adv. 迅速地promptlya

11、t once/ immediately/right away,【课文讲解】1. Tired of sleeping on the floor, a young man in Teheran saved up for years to buy a real bed. be tired of 对.感到厌倦,这里用形容词短语直接做原因状语,相当于原因状语从句as he was tired of.sleeping为动名词,作介词of的宾语。save up 攒钱,储蓄我朋友想一两年后买房,所以他正尽力攒钱 My friend wants to get married in one or two year

12、s, so hes trying to save (some money) up.2、For the first time in his life, he became the proud owner of a bed which had springs and a mattress.for the first time in ones life 平生第一次be proud of=take pride in 为.而骄傲which引导的定语从句用来修饰a bed,是a bed的后置定语,3、Because the weather was very hot, he carried the bed

13、on to the roof of his house.on to(onto) 类似与 in to(into),用于表示动作方向而不用于表示静态的位置,不但有“去”的概念还有把它放到“on”(上面)的概念。onto/on to有时可用on代替,但表示位置的on不可用onto代替:I put the pen onto/on the table.The pen is on the table. (不能用onto/on to)汤普森先生跳上了台上。汤普森先生在台上跳了跳。4、He slept very well for the first two nights, but on the third n

14、ight, a storm blew up.for the first two nights 头两天晚上I study hard for the first three days.for the last three nights 最后三天晚上blow up 风越刮越大(程度在加深),(指暴风雨)出现并加剧;刮起,Mr. Tom jumped onto the stage.Mr. Tom jumped on the stage.,5、A gust of wind swept the bed off the roof and sent it crashing into the courtyard

15、 below.,gust表示“一阵强风,一阵狂风”,既可单独使用,也可用a gust of wind,A gust (of wind) blew my hat off.,She set off even though the wind was blowing in gusts,虽然当时阵阵狂风吹着,她还是出发了,crashing into the courtyard below是现在分词短语作宾语的补足语。,below 直接放在被修饰词之后作定语,一个句子中不能出现两个动词,如果出现了两个动词,要用and或but等连词来连接,send.+doing(宾补)使.怎么样,宾语it和crash是主动

16、关系,6、The young man did not wake up until the bed had struck the ground.7. Although the bed was smashed to pieces, the man was miraculously unhurtnotuntil表示“直到才”,until前面没有not时,与表示一段时间的“持续动词”连用;有not时,常用表示某一时间点的动词(或瞬间动词)连用:我要在这儿呆到星期一。我要到星期一才离开。wake up 醒来although 尽管;though 虽然,意义差不多to pieces 粉碎地,成碎片地 杯子摔

17、得粉碎 The cup was broken to pieces.,Ill stay here until Monday. I wont leave until Monday.,9. Glancing at the bits of wood and metal that lay around him, the man sadly picked up the mattress and carried it into his house.glancing为现在分词,引导的短语相当于一个时间状语从句after he glanced at me.,动词的ing形式强调与所修饰的名词之间的主动关系。th

18、at引导的关系从句修饰the bits of wood and metal, that在从句中作主语。 bits = pieceslie,lay的区别见下页pick up 拿起,拾起,lie和lay的区别(1)首先来看lay(lay-laid-laid-laying),它的主要意思是“产卵”、“放置”等,比如: The hen is laying an egg.母鸡在下蛋。 He laid his hands on my shoulder.他把手放在我的肩上。 (2)lie用作不规则动词(lie-lay-lain-lying)时,表示“躺”、“(东西)平放”、“位于”等意,比如: He fel

19、t tired, so he went and lay down for a rest. 他感到疲劳,所以去躺下休息了。 His books lay open on the desk when I went in. 我进去时,发现他的书平摊在书桌上。 (这里的lay是lie的过去式。),看到这,大家可能会有点迷糊了,为什么同样表达“放”的意思,有时候用lay有时候却用lie呢? 我们可以这样理解,lay强调动作,而lie强调状态。比如我们要描述一个躺在床上的婴儿,如果要强调妈妈把孩子放在床上的动作,就可以说:Mother laid the baby gently on the bed.如果要强

20、调“孩子是躺在床上的”这种状态,就要说:The baby lying on the bed was my little sister.,趁热打铁,来做点练习,请看下面的题目,用lay和lie的适当形式填空: 1、Dont ( ) the glass on the corner of the table.别把玻璃杯放在台角上。 2、The city ( ) in the north of China.那座城市位于中国的北部。 3、Hes still ( ) in bed.他还躺在床上。 答案:1.Lay(强调“放”的动作) 2.lies 3.lying(强调“位于”“躺着”的状态) (3)如果上

21、面的内容大家都看明白了,我们接着讲lie的第二种意思说谎。它是个规则动词,所以三态就是lie-lied-lied-lying。造个句子: He wasnt telling the truth. He lied again. /He was lying. 他没讲实话,他又撒谎了。/他在撒谎。,Grammar,复合句,复合句的构成方法可以是把简单句连接在一起。但与并列句不同,它的各个组成部分并非同等重要,其中总有一个独立分句(或称“主句”)和一个或一个以上从属分句(或称“从句”),主句往往可以独立存在。复合句可用两种方法构成。一是用连词把从句与主句连接起来;二是用分词结构或不定式,它们构成复合句的

22、一部分,因为它们可以用从句的形式表现出来。依照内容,从句可以分为三类:1、名词性从句(主语从句;表语从句;宾语从句;同位语从句等)2、形容词性从句(定语从句)3、副词性从句(状语从句),复合句构成方法1.用连词把主从句连接起来 在复合句中,从句可以是名词从句(即起名词的作用)。在句子中,它可以作主语、宾语或be等系动词的表语,一般由that引导,有时也用what(疑问词引导的除外) I know (that) the meeting will be put off.我知道会议将要推迟。(宾语) That the meeting will be put off is now certain.会议

23、将被推迟现已确定无疑。(主语that不可省略) 从句可以是形容词性(或定语)从句,关系代词通常有who,whom,that,which和whose。(cf第28课语法) 从句可以是副词(或状语)从句时间状语从句连词有when,after,before,as soon as,until,while,as,since等; He has been ill since he came back from his holidays. 他自从休假回来就一直病着。,地点状语从句连词有where,everywhere,anywhere等; With a special train ticket, you ca

24、n travel anywhere/ everywhere you like in Europe for just over 100. 你如持有专票,仅花一百多一点英镑,就可以到欧洲各地旅行。方式状语从句连词有as或短语in the way (that)等,方式状语从句在动词be,feel,seem,appear等后面也可以由连词as if和as though来引导; Type this again asin the way(that) I showed you just now. 按我刚才告诉你的那样把这再打一遍。 It feels as if/ though its going to ra

25、in. 这天气给人的感觉好像是就要下雨了。,原因状语从句由because,as,since等引导; He went to bed earlier than usual because he was tired. 他因为累了,所以睡觉比平时早。 As you cant go yourself, youll have to ask Susan go to for you. 既然你自己不能去,那你就请苏珊替你去吧。条件状语从句可由if,unless,as long as, if only, on condition that及其他连词引导;(cf第16课与第40课语法)让步状语从句连词althoug

26、h,though,even though,even if等引导; He failed the exam, even though he studied hard. 虽然他学习很努力,他考试还是没及格。 Although he studied hard, he failed the exam.(译文同上),目的状语从句由so that,in order that等连词引导; I arrived early so that/ in order that I could get the tickets. 我到得很早,以便能买到票。结果状语从句由so+形容词+that引导,也可由such (a) +(

27、形容词) + 名词 + that来引导; She was so angry that she left immediately. 她非常生气,立刻就走了。 There was such a lot of rain that we couldnt go out. 下这么大的雨,我们都出不了门了,比较状语从句结构as +形容词/副词 + as,not so/as as,形容词/副词的比较级 +than,morethan,lessthan等 He is as quick in answering as his sister(is). 他回答得和他妹妹姐姐一样快。 He is not so/ as q

28、uick in answering as his sister(is). 他回答得不如他妹妹姐姐那样快。 He moves more slowly than his sister(does). 他行动起来比他妹妹姐姐慢。,2.用分词或不定式,构成复合句的一部分 用现在分词结构可代替时间从句、原因从句、关系从句等,I got very angry speaking to them.和他们谈话时我变得非常生气。(时间)Feeling tired, I went to bed earlier than usual.我觉得很累,所以睡得比平时早。(原因)The train arriving at 8

29、oclock is from London.8点钟到的这趟列车是从伦敦来的。(代替关系从句),这种用法仅限于两个动作的主语一致的时候。用它代替时间从句时,分词结构表示的动作。如果发生在前,则分词结构要位于主语前;如果两个动作同时发生,那么分词结构既可以位于主句前,也可以位于主句后。分词结构位于主句前面时,要用逗号隔开。 Finding the door unlocked, he went into the room. 他发现门没上锁,就走进房间。(有前后) Working with them, I got very angry. 同他们一起工作时我很生气。(同时), 过去分词结构常用于比较正式

30、的文体,往往代替被动语态 例如: Damaged in an accident, the car has now been repaired.在一次事故中被撞坏后,那辆车现已修好。,3、不定式结构的复合句 这种结构通常可以代替表示目的或表示条件的状语从句:To get into university you have to pass a number of examinations.要进入大学你必须通过一系列考试。I borrowed some money to get a new car.为了买辆新车,我借了些钱。,归纳总结练习,1.时间状语从句,按照引导词分类:When, while, a

31、s:当时,在的同时When/As/While he was eating his breakfast, he heard the door bell.Since:自以来It has been two years since I came to Beijing.,从句动词为非延续性动词 whenThe boy cried when he saw his mother.从句动词为延续性动词 while, as , when均可while强调“在的同时”as强调“伴随”的状态Tom fell asleep while Jerry was giving a lecture.,辨析:when / whi

32、le / as,时间状语从句的破题方法,真题演练,He transplanted the little tree to the garden _ it was the best time for it.A. where B. when C. that D. until,扩展练习, Are you ready for Spain? Yes. I want the girls to experience that _ they are young.A. while B. until C. if D. before,真题演练,Adozenideaswereconsidered_thearchitec

33、tdecidedonthedesignof thebuilding. A.because B.before C.whether D.unless,2.条件状语从句,逻辑关系:假设引导词:(1)假如:if, unless (if not)例:You will not pass the exam unless you work hard(你不会通过考试,除非你努力学习) = You will not pass the exam if you dont work hard(如果你努力学习,你就会通过考试),条件状语从句题的破题方法,1. 读题,确认从句和主句2. 分析从句和主句之间的逻辑关系(正面条

34、件/反面条件)3. 根据逻辑关系选择合适的引导词正面条件:if, in case, on condition that, providing (that), supposing, suppose (that), as long as反面条件:if not, unless,正面条件,真题演练,Small sailboats can easily turn over in the water _ they are not managed carefully.A. though B. before C. until D. if,反面条件,扩展练习,_ there is a snowstorm or

35、some other bad weather, the mail always comes on time.A. Because B. If C. When D. Unless,3.让步状语从句,真题演练,_ most of the earths surface is covered by water, fresh water is very rare and precious.A. As B. Once C. If D. Although,4.原因状语从句,真题演练,_ everybody knows about it, I dont want to talk any more. A. Fo

36、r B. Even C. Since D. However,5. 目的状语从句,解释主句动作发生的目的, The boss asked the secretary to hurry up with the letters _ _ he could sign them. The teacher raised his voice _ _ _ the students in the back could hear more clearly.,So that,in,order that,6. 结果状语从句,说明主句动作发生产生的结果,so.that,句型归纳:so + adj./adv. + that

37、The problem was so complicated that it took them an entire week to figure it out.so + adj. (+ a/an) + n. + thatThere is so rapid an increase in market supply that the price starts to fall.,such.that,句型归纳:such (+ a/an) (+adj.) + n. +thatMost people go after pleasure in such a hurry that they hurry past it.,真题演练,Pop music is such an important part of society it has even influenced our language.A.as B.that C.which D.where,Goodbye !,


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