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1、I,you,he,she,we,you,they,Lesson 19-20Tired and thirsty,Revision 复习,Mr. Jackson: _ and meet our _, Mr. Richards. Mr. Richards: Thank you, Mr. Jackson. Mr. Jackson: _ is Nicola Grey, and _Claire Taylor.Mr. Richards: _ _? Mr. Richards: Those women are very _. What are their _?Mr. Jackson: Theyre _ _. M

2、R. Jackson: _ Michael Baker, and _Jeremy Short.Mr. Richards: _? They arent _! _ are their _?MR. Jackson: Theyre _. Theyre very _. Mr. Richards: _ is this _? MR. Jackson: _ _ Jim. Hes our _.,matter mt n. 事情children tildrn n. 孩子们 (child taild 的复数)tired taid adj. 累的,疲乏的boy bi n. 男孩thirsty :sti adj. 口渴的

3、Mum mm n. 妈妈sit down sit-daun 坐下right rait adj. 好的,可以ice cream ais-kri:m n. 冰淇淋,New words and expressions,根据英语说汉语,tired,thirsty,sit down,matter,right,children,ice cream,读出并说汉语,大声说出英语,matter 事情你怎么啦? Whats the matter (with you)? = Whats wrong with you?手表怎么啦? Whats the matter with the watch? = Whats wr

4、ong with the watch?注意:matter 和thing 1. matter 意思为“毛病”、“问题”,通常指 “要注意的事情”。 2. thing 指“事情”“事务”“东西”的意思,指大事、 小事、好事、坏事,但一般不用来指专门的事务。 Bring your swimming things.,children tildrn n. 孩子们,children = child + ren = kids Childrens Day child taild n. 小孩 = kid I have two kids. She has a child. He has a baby boy.,t

5、ired taid adj. 疲劳的,累的,1. 用于形容肉体和精神上的疲劳,劳累 Im very tired!2. be tired of 对感到厌烦 Im tired of you! 我讨厌死你了! Im tired of bananas! 我见到香蕉就反胃!,thirsty :sti adj. 口渴的,1. n + y = adj thirst + y = thirsty luck + y = lucky Mum, you look thirsty. Would you like some water? 2. thirst :st n. 饥渴,渴望 thirst for 渴望,渴求 Th

6、e dog is thirst for bones. The crow is thirst for water.,sit down 坐下,sit sit v.坐 down daun adj. 向下的 sit down stand stnd v. 站 up p adj. 向上的 stand up,right rait adj. 好,可以,好的,可以 all right =OK. Im all right! 我很好! Thats all right. (没关系;不客气)正确的 You are right. 右边的 on the right / left turn right/ left 转右/左,

7、ice cream 既是可数名词也是不可数名词。 当指成杯的冰激凌或独立包装的蛋卷冰激凌时,是可数的。 当从一大盒或一大桶冰激凌,从中盛一些吃时, 是不可数。,ice cream 冰淇淋,Mother: Whats the matter, children? Girl: Were tired Boy: And thirsty, mum.Mother:Sit down here.Mother:Are you all right now? Boy:No, we arent.Mother:Look! Theres an ice cream man.Mother: Two ice creams ple

8、ase.Mother:Here you are, children.Boy& Girl: Thanks, mum. Girl:These ice creams are nice.Mother:Are you all right now?Boy& Girl: Yes, we are, thank you!,Mother: Whats the _, children? Girl: Were _ Boy: And _, mum.Mother:Sit down here.Mother:Are you _ now? Boy:No, _arent.Mother:_! Theres an _ man.Mot

9、her: Two _ please.Mother:Here you are, children.Boy& Girl: _, mum. Girl:These ice creams are nice.Mother:Are you all right now?Boy& Girl: Yes, _ are, thank you!,Listen to the tape and answer the question.,1.Whats the matter with children? They are tired and thirsty.2.Why do the children thank their

10、mother? Because their mother buys two ice creams.,Fill in the blanks:,the matter ,children ?,Whats,tired ,Were,thirsty ,Mum .,Were,Sit down .,here,you all right ,now ?,Are,No ,We not .,are,Look ! Theres ice cream man .,an,There be 句型,there be 句型:表示某处有某物there is + 可数名词的单数/不可数名词There is a pen, two boo

11、ks and a knife on the desk.课桌上有一枝钢笔、两本书和一把小刀。(第一个名词是单数,所以用is)there are + 可数名词的复数形式,常见方位介词,on: 在上面,接触物体表面 on the table/desk/floor/wallin: 在里面,物体里面 in the box/officeunder:在下面 A book is under the desk.beside:在旁边 He is sitting beside her.,常见方位介词,near:在附近 A tree is near the house.between:在两者之间 The girl s

12、its between her two friends.among: 在中间(两者以上) They walked among the students.,creams,Two ice ,please .,you are ,children .,Here, Mum .,Thanks,4. Two ice creams please. 祈使句 = Give me two ice creams, please. 请给我 My coat and my umbrella, please.,These ice creams very nice .,are,5. These ice cream are ni

13、ce. these(这些) 是 this (这个) 的复数 those(那些)是 that(那个)的复数,Yes , are ,thank you !,Are,you all right now ?,we,Translate the following intoEnglish:,母 亲: 怎么啦,孩子们?女 孩: 我们累了男 孩: 口也渴,妈妈。母 亲: 坐在这儿吧。 你们现在好些了吗?男 孩: 不, 还没有。母 亲: 瞧!有个卖冰淇淋的。 请拿两份冰淇淋。 拿着,孩子们。孩子们: 谢谢,妈妈。女 孩: 这些冰淇淋真好吃。母 亲: 你们现在好了吗?孩子们: 是的,现在好了,谢谢您!,连词成句:

14、matter, is, the, what _?2. tired, thirsty, and, we, are _.3.ice, an, man, cream, is, there _.4.ice creams, are, these, nice _.5.all, you, are, right, now _?,Lesson 20 Look at them!,New word and expressions 1 big big a.大的2 small sm:l a.小的3 open upn a.开着的4 shut t a.关着的 closed5 light lait a.轻的,6 heavy

15、hevi a. 重的7 long l a. 长的 short8 shoe u: n. 鞋子9 grandfather grndf: n.祖父,外祖父10 grandmother grnm n.祖母,外祖母,Look at them! They are clean.,Look at them! They are dirty.,Look at them! They are fat.,Look at them! They are thin.,Look at them! They are light.,Look at them! They are heavy.,light adj. 轻的 n. 灯,h

16、eavy adj. 重的,open adj. 开着的 v. 开,Look at them! They are open.,Look at them! They are shut.,shut adj. 关着的 v. 关,closed,I,my,your,his,her,its,our,your,their,you,he,she,it,we,you,they,mine,ours,yours,yours,his,hers,its,theirs,me,us,you,you,him,her,it,them,Exercise,Look at _ (she). _ (she) is so beautiful

17、.Excuse _ (I), can _ (I) help _ (you)?Please give the ticket to _ (he).- Do you want to go shopping with _ (they)? - Im sorry. Im tired.Look! What a lovely dog! I like _ (it) very much.- Hey, let _ (we) go to the supermarket, ok? - Sure. Good idea!,her,She,me,I,you,him,them,it,us,主系表结构 He is fine .

18、结构:主语+系动词+表语 系动词:常见的是be动词。 表语:形容主语的成分,通常是形容词或名词. eg: 1、我是一个女孩。 I am a girl. 2、我们很开心 。 We are happy. 3、她很漂亮。 She is beautiful.,There be句型不一般,主语跟在be后边。 be可变为is / are, there永远不变化, 单数主语用is, 复数主语它用are。变疑问,很简单,be须大写来提前;变否定,也轻松,be后not记心中; 肯定句中用some, 否定、疑问any用。 时间地点是状语,句子首尾任你选。,There be 句型口诀,1.Look at them.

19、 Theyre big.,2.Look at them. Theyre long.,3.Look at them. Theyre heavy.,4.Look at them. Theyre new.,Is she lazy?No,she isnt lazy.She is hard-working.,Are her shoes big?No,they arent big.They are small.,Are the cases heavy?No,they arent heavy.They are light.,Is the shop open?No,it isnt open.It is shut.,a,a,an,a,is,is,选择疑问句 - or 或者,还是his shoes / (dirty) / clean - Are his shoes dirty or clean? - Theyre not dirty. Theyre clean.they / (mechanics) / sales reps - Are they mechanics or sales reps? - They arent mechanics. They are sales reps.,Thanks for listening !See you !,


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