1、,Uint 3Look at your red nose!Lesson 2,Unit OneThats my father!Lesson 1,ReviewLetters,Dd,Ff,Gg,Ii,Kk,Cc,Tt,Bb,Zz,Qq,Oo,Hh,Ee,Jj,Rr,Pp,Gg,Ll,Uu,Mm,Vv,Nn,Aa,Yy,Ww,Xx,Zz,Reviewwords,5,8,4,9,3,2,6,7,10,1,Spelling,b_ _kr_ bb_ _r_l_ _sch_ _l b_gp_nc_l c_s_,o o,u e r,u e r,oo a,e i a e,p_np_nc_lth_sth_t_ t_
2、s,e,e i,i,a,i,i,妈妈姐妹兄弟是,mumsisterbrotheris,爸爸朋友家人这个,dadfriendfamilythis,Reviewsentences,Whats this?,Its a ball.,Whats this?,Its an apple.,Whats this?,Its a pen.,Whats this?,Its an egg.,Whats this?,Its a fish.,Is this a dog?,Yes,it is.,Is this a cat?,No, it isnt.,Is this a jelly?,Yes, it is.,Is this
3、a bird?,No, it isnt.,Is this Flora?,No, it isnt.,Is this Robert?,Yes, it is.,newwords,father,mother,grandmother,grandfather,uncle叔叔;伯父;伯伯舅父;姨丈;姑父,aunt 阿姨;姑妈 伯母;舅妈,me,cousin堂兄弟姊妹,表兄弟姊妹,grandfather,uncle,cousin,mother,family tree,Reviewgrammar,这,这个(离说话人近的人或物),那,那个(离说话人远的人或物),this,that,Conversation,Tha
4、ts =that is,回答:Yes, it is.No, it isnt= is not.,一般疑问句Is that+单数名词,Is that your.?Yes,it is.Is that your.?No,it isnt.Thats my,Conversation,Homework:,Uint 3Look at your red nose!Lesson 2,Unit OneThats my father!Lesson 2,Phonics,oo-,/u:/,stool,school,hoo,kangaroo,too,zoo,boo,cool,Reviewwords,Spelling,f_t
5、h_ _ _ntgr_ _dm_th_ _c_ _s_n_nc_ _gr_ _df_th_ _,a e r,a u,a n o e r,a n a e r,u l e,o u i,Reviewsentences,这是钢笔。This is a pen.这不是书包。This isnt a school bag.那是橡皮。That is(Thats) a rubber.那不是文具盒。That isnt a pencil case.,这是橡皮吗?Is this a rubber?不,不是。No, it isnt.那是自行车吗?Is that a bike?是的,那是。Yes, it is.,那是我的爸
6、爸。,Thats my father.,那是我的祖父。,Thats my grandfather.,那是你的姑姑吗?,Is that your aunt?,是的。,Yes, it is.,那是你的侄子吗?,Is that your cousin?,不是。,No, it isnt.,That is my cousin.(变一般疑问句)Is that your cousin?肯定回答。Yes,it is.否定回答。No, it isnt.,This is a red pencil.(变一般疑问句)Is this a red pencil?肯定回答。Yes,it is.否定回答。No, it isn
7、t.,short forms,That is= It is=It is not= I am=,ThatsItsIt isntIm,conversation,A:Hello ,Lucy.B: A:Is that your father?B: A:Thank you!B: Youre welcome!,New words,Is that a boy?,No, it isnt.,Is that a man?,Yes, it is.,Is that a girl?,No, it isnt.,Is that a woman?,Yes, it is.,grammar,Who 谁,对人提问, 后+一般疑问句
8、Who is = WhosWhos that?Its Grace.Whos that girl?She is Kate.,Practice,Whos that?Its .Whos that girl/boy?She/He is .,Whos that?Its Ted.,Whos that?Its Ted.Whos that girl/boy?She/He is.,Tim,Pat,Paul,Tiddle,Homework:,Uint 3Look at your red nose!Lesson 2,Unit OneThats my father!Lesson 3,Reviewphonics,Pra
9、ctice,Aa,apple,Rr,Kk,Gg,Ll,Dd,Mm,Vv,Tt,Bb,Zz,Qq,Ff,Hh,Ee,Jj,Ww,Nn,Pp,Aa,Ii,Uu,Oo,Cc,Ss,Reviewwords,Spelling,f_th_ _m_nw_m_n_ _ntgr_ _dm_th_ _,gr_ _df_th_ _nc_ _c_ _s_n,a e r,a,o a,a u,a n o e r,a n a e r,u l e,o u i,short forms,Who is=,It is not=,That is=,WhosIt isntThats,conversation,Whos that boy?
10、Hes Robert.,Whos that ?Its Pop.,Whos that girl?Shes Flora.,Whos that ?Its Dan.,Whos that ?Its Peg.,Whos that girl?Shes Anna.,Whos that boy?Hes Ted.,Tim,Pat,Paul,Tiddle,Uint 3Look at your red nose!Lesson 2,Unit OneThats my father!Lesson 3,Reviewwords,m_th_ _,c_ _s_n,m_n,f_th_ _,gr_ _dm_th_ _,w_m_n,_
11、_ n t,gr_ _df_th_ _,_ ncl_,Practice,That is my aunt.(变一般疑问句)Is that your aunt?肯定回答。Yes,it is.否定回答。No, it isnt.,This is a big pig .(变一般疑问句)Is this a big pig?肯定回答。Yes,it is.否定回答。No, it isnt.,This woman is my mother.(变一般疑问句)Is this woman your mother?肯定回答。Yes,she is.否定回答。No, she isnt.,That man is my unc
12、le.(变一般疑问句)Is that man your uncle?肯定回答。Yes,he is.否定回答。No, he isnt.,That man is my uncle.Who is that man?That girl is Gina.Who is that girl?He is my grandfather.Who is he?,Passage,Answer my questions:,1Whats the boys name?His name is Tom.2What colour is his cap?His cap is green.3What colour is his T-
13、shirt?His T-shirt is blue.,Answer my questions:,4.Is the boy tall?Yes, he is.5.Is the boy fat?No, he isnt.6.Who is the woman?Shes Toms teacher.,Answer my questions:,7.Is she fat?Yes, she is.8.Is she tall?No, she isnt.9.Where is the woman?Shes behind Tom.,My T-shirt is big and blue.,She is tall and fat.,Mike is tall and thin.,Her cap is read and yellow.,phonics,teacher,singer,brother,sister,dancer,mother,sweater,father,hamburger,er-,/,teacher,dancer,father,brother,sweater,hamburger,singer,sister,mother,F TH,I ER,T CH R,H M U G R,