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1、如何进行求职英语自我介绍 Introduce yourself in English interview,Contents,1. 求职英语自我介绍的结构 The structure 2. 求职英语自我介绍的范文 The samples3. 练习 The practice,概述,大凡到国外或者外企去找工作的人,都有对面试的担心,而英语面试最令人头痛。面试气氛总是紧张的,一紧张就容易出错,中文“台词”都会结巴,何况英语!英语面试形式各异,但基本流程是差不多的。一般都在第一轮要求面试者进行英语自我介绍。,自我介绍的重要性,自我介绍是一个展示你个人能力以及英语水平的最好机会,是给面试考官留下良好的“第

2、一印象”的最好时机。通常来说,在面试中的自我介绍的时常一般为1-3分钟,具体要看考官的要求。所以如何把握这决定命运的三分钟呢?,所以,想成功获得工作机会,在面试到来之前一定要进行充分的准备。而一个优秀的英语自我介绍,又是一切准备的基础。如何进行自我介绍呢?,1. 自我介绍的结构,求职自我介绍的目的是为了帮助应试者获得职位。因此介绍的重点应该放在介绍自己的教育背景和工作经历之上。下面我们来看看自我介绍是由哪几个部分组成的。,1) 开场白 (opening)2)个人基本资料 ( basic information)3) 个人教育背景 (educational background)4)工作经历 (

3、working experience)5. 结束语 (ending),1.1 开场白 (opening part) - 10%,开场白主要是说一些客套话。看似无关紧要,但却是自我介绍的一个重要组成部分。它一方面显得自己比较有修养,有礼貌。同时也是给一个机会让自己放松,也能初步展示自己的英语水平。所以,开场白要显得自信,并且发音要正确,清晰。,补充:问候语大全,1.Good morning everyone. 大家早上好。 2.Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. 先生们,女士们下午好。 3.Good evening, teachers and fellow

4、 students. 老师们,同学们晚上好。 4.Its my great honor to introduce myself to you here. 很荣幸在这儿向大家作自我介绍。 5.Its my pleasure to introduce myself here. 我很高兴在这儿向大家作自我介绍。,6.Im very happy to introduce myself here. 我很高兴在这儿向大家作自我介绍。 7.Im very glad to introduce myself here. 我很高兴在这儿向大家作自我介绍。 8.I feel very honored to intr

5、oduce myself here. 我感到很荣幸在这儿向大家作自我介绍。 9.It is a great pleasure for me to introduce myself here. 我是如此的高兴在这儿向大家作自我介绍。 10.It is a privilege privlid to be speaking to you today. 今天能跟你谈话真是我三生有幸。,1.2. 个人基本资料 ( basic information) 10%,在个人基本资料的介绍中,面试者一般可从以下一些方面对自己的基本情况进行说明。如姓名(中英文),年龄,来自,兴趣爱好等。,补充: 个人基本资料 -

6、模板,1 Now I am gonna introduce myself briefly. 提示句,给对方信号,我要开始介绍了。2 My name is , and you can call me 介绍自己的名字。3 I am years old, I was born in city, province. Now I am living in 出生地, 现在居住,性格特点:,I like traveling very much and enjoy working with people. 我非常喜欢旅游,喜欢和人打交道。one of my best qualities is my frien

7、dliness and openminded attitude. 我最大的优点就是待人非常友好而且性格开朗。I am very tolerant of people and have been told that this is one of my strengths 我待人宽容,别人都说这是我的优点。,1.3. 个人教育背景 (educational background) - 30%,个人的教育背景是考官最看重的部分之一,所以在对个人的教育背景进行描述时,一定要注意内容的真实性和完整性,并且也要注意表达的逻辑顺序和表达方式。教育背景介绍一般分为以下几个部分:,补充:个人教育背景模板,1.

8、学校: I was graduated from in 2. 专业: My major was , which was 3. 学历: In, I got my degree in the field of,4.获奖情况: I am a/an person. So I spent most of my time on study so that I have got many certificates and awards, like 5. 总结: Technically, I believe that I am the right person for this position.,1.4.

9、工作或研究经历 (work or research experience) 40%,工作经历可以说是考官最看重的应聘者的一项求职技能,以往的工作经历可以帮助考官全方位的了解应聘者。同时,应聘者也可以通过对过往工作经历的描述,展示自己工作能力,从而说服考官。,在描述工作经历时,要注意从三个方面来进行展示:1. 工作时间。 2. 公司和职位。 3. 具体的工作内容。 此外,在描述工作的同时,也可以加入一些对个人性格的描述,通过工作的经历和业绩来证明自身的性格。相辅相成,有理有据。,Now, I am applying for 直截了当讲出自己的求职意向。In July 2015, I began

10、the work as a waiter/waitress/tour guide . in a hotel/restaurant/travel service. called , in . And my work was to make dinner reservation for guests/seat guests/ take the order/ serve dishes/ take the bill,工作时间,公司,地点,内容等。,1.5. 结束语 (ending) 10%,结束语意义并不大,但是它的确也是自我介绍中,不可缺失的一个部分。目的主要是让自我介绍的结构显得更加完整。以下是一

11、些比较经典的自我介绍结束语。,补充:常用结束语,1. Thank you for your opportunity. 2. I appreciate the opportunity to let me attend this interview. Thank you for your time and consideration. 3. Thanks for your consideration. I look forward to getting this chance.,2. 求职英语自我介绍的范文,Good morning.It is really my honor to have th

12、is opportunity for this interview, I hope I can make a good performance today. Im confident that I can succeed.,General Introduction,Now I will introduce myself briefly. I am 22 years old, come from China, born in Wenshan, Yunnan province .,I was graduated from Kunming University. my major is Englis

13、h. During university, I spent most of my time on studying Germany and my major, so I have passed Practical English Test for Colleges /Cet4/Cet 6 and TEM 4(Im good at spoken English and written English).,Education background,And I have worked in a Chinese restaurant as a waiter/waitress for nearly 6

14、months. This working experience let me know more about How to be a good waiter/waitress.Now all of my hard work gets a good result since I have a chance to be here today.,Working experience,Conclusion,I really appreciate having the opportunity to let me attend this interview. Thank you for your time and consideration.,Thank you,


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