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1、Grammar,Inversion,英语句子的自然顺序是主语在前,谓语在后(主语+谓语)。把谓语动词放在主语之前(谓语+主语),就叫倒装结构。如果全部谓语放在主语之前, 叫全部倒装; 如果只把助动词或be 动词放在主语之前就叫部分倒装。,倒装句,句装倒,inversions,基本语序(natural order):,主语+谓语+宾语(subject + predicate+ object),I love English.,谓语+主语,完全倒装 (full inversion),Here came the headmaster.,助动词/情态动词+ 主语 + 动词,部分倒装 (partial i

2、nversion),Nerve will I forgive you.,1. The bell goes there.2. The children rush out.3. A small garden was in front of the house .,He looked.He was able to look.He had looked.He looks.He can do that.He is handsome.He does those things.He hadnt finished.,一、完全倒装,1. There be结构。另外,在此结构中可以用来代替be动词的动词有:exi

3、st, seem, happen, appear, live, rise, stand等。,There stood a dog before him.There exist different opinions on this question.,例题:_ a beautiful palace _ the foot of the hill.A. There stand; at B. There stands; underC. Stands there; underD. There stands; at,2 ,(1).在以here、there、now、then等副词开头的句子里。 句式:副词vi

4、名词主语,“Here, There, Now, Then + come (或be,go,lie,run) + 主语 结构。,Here comes the old lady!Then came the hour we had been looking forward to.Now comes your turn.,如果主语是人称代词,主语和谓语语序不变,不用倒装。如:Here you are. There she comes.,(2). 表示方向的副词out, in, up, down等置于句首,要用全部倒装。如果主语是人称代词,就不用倒装。如:,In came Mr. White.Up wen

5、t the arrow into the air. Away went the boy.,题:There _. And here _.A. goes the phone; she comesB. is the phone going; is sheC. does the phone go; does she comeD. the phone goes; come she,注意:在上述句子中,如果主语为人称代词,则主、谓不需要倒装。 In he came and back he went again.,3.当表示地点的介词词组(如on the wall, under the tree, in f

6、ront of the house, in the middle of the room等)在句首时。 句式:介词短语vi主语(必须是名词),如:At the foot of the hill lies a beautiful lake. East of the lake lie two towns. Under the tree was lying a wounded soldier.,4.分词(代词) + be + 主语结构。,Walking at the head of the line was our teacher.Such was the story he told me.,题:_

7、, a man of achievements, deep thoughts, but with simple habits. A. Einstein was such B. Such was Einstein C. Einstein was soD. So was Einstein _ are the days when teachers were looked down upon.A. Gone B. Go C. To go D. Going,5,某些表语位于句首,保持句子平衡,以强调表语. 句式:表语系动词主语(必须是名词),1)表语为介词短语Among the goods are Ch

8、ristmas trees, flowers, candles and toys.,2)表语为形容词Present at the meeting were Mr White and many other guests.,4)表语为进行时态中的现在分词 Lying on the floor was a boy.Standing beside the desk was a teacher.,3)表语为过去分词Seated on the ground are a group of young people.,5. 为了保持句子结构平衡, 或为了强调表语或状语,或为了使上下文结构紧凑。 They ar

9、rived at a farmhouse, in front of which sat a small boy. Inside the pyramids are the burial rooms for the kings and queens and long passages to these rooms.,强调状语,保持句子结构平衡,二、部分倒装,部分倒装是把be动词、情态动词、助动词放到主语之前。如果句子中没有这些词,要在主语之前加助动词do / does / did等,而把原来的谓语动词变成原形放在主语之后。,1. 句首状语为否定词或半否定词的句子。,这类词或短语主要有never,

10、neither, nor, little, seldom(很少,不常), rarely(很少,罕有), hardly, scarcely(几乎不,简直没有), no sooner(立即), by no means(决不) ,not only, in no way(决不), at no time, few, not, no等,句式: “否定词/词组助动词/情态动词/be动词主语其他”。 Not until+从句/时间状语+主句(部分倒装)。 No sooner had sb done than;Hardly/scarcely had sb done when 刚刚就 Not only+分句(部分

11、倒装)but also+分句(不倒装) 注意:not only置于句首but(also)部分不倒装,,1) Hardly _ the airport when the plane took off.A. I had arrived atB. had I arrivedC. had I reachedD. I had got to2) Have you ever seen anything like that before?No, _ anything like that before.A. I never have seen B. never I have seenC. never have

12、I seen D. I have seen3) She is not fond of cooking, _ I.A. so amB. nor amC. neitherD. nor do,2. Only + 状语(副词/ 介词短语/ 状语从句),位于句首 ,要部分倒装。,Only by this means is it possible to explain it. (介词短语) Only then did I realize the importance of math. (副词) Only when the war was over in 1918 was he able to get ha

13、ppily back to work. (从句),注意: 在only状语从句主句结构中,主句倒装, 但从句用正常语序。 only修饰主语,不倒装。,3. so或so引导的短语放在句首,前半部分倒装。,I saw the film, so did she.So loudly did he speak that even people in the next room could hear him.,1) The doctor told Charlie to breathe deeply and _.A. so did CharlieB. Charlie did so C. Charlie doe

14、s soD. did Charlie so2) So loudly _ that _ hear her clearly. A. did she speak; could everyone B. did she speak; everyone could C. she spoke; could everyone D. she spoke; everyone could,4. Not only + 分句,but also + 分句句型中的前一分句要部分倒装。,但not only.but also.连接主语时,不倒装。如: Not only the mother but also the child

15、ren are sick.,如: _ himself wrong, but his friends were wrong. A. Not was only he B. Not only he C. Not only was he D. Not only was,5、as/ though (虽然,尽管)引导的让步状语从句。句式:名词形容词副词动词分词+asthough+主语+其他,如:Although I am ugly, I am gentle.Ugly as I am, I am gentle. Though he is a child, he has to make a living.Ch

16、ild as he is, he has to make a living.,注意:从句的表语是名词,其名词前不加任何冠词,6.用于So/neither (nor) + be ( have, 助动词或情态动词) + 主语+其他的句子,表示两人的同样一个情况时,只能表示一件事,即上、下句所使用的动词、时态要一致。否则要用so it is with/It is the same with,He has been to Beijing. So have I. Tom cant answer the question. Neither /Nor can I .,So +be/助动词/情态动词+主语某人

17、也是如此Nor/neither +be/助动词/情态动词+主语某人也不是如此So +主语+be/助动词/情态动词某人确实如此,如:I have never been to Guangzhou University, neither/ nor has he. 我从来没有去过广州大学,他也是,7.在虚拟语气条件句中从句谓语动词有were, had, should等词,可将if 省略,把 were, had, should 移到主语之前,采取部分倒装。,(1)If I were you, I would work hard.Were I you, I would work hard. (2) If

18、it should rain tomorrow, we would put off our meeting.Should it rain tomorrow, we would putoff our meeting,注意:我们可以说Were it not.或者Had it not been., 但不可以说Weren t it. 或者hadnt it been.,8.句首是表频率的副词及短语(often, well, many a time, now and again, once a week, now and then, every other day 等) 开头的句子中,要用部分倒装结构。,

19、如: Many a time has John given me good advice.Often have we made that test.,题: Many a time _ swimming alone.A. the boy wentB. went the boy C. did the boy goD. did go the boy,如果直接引语后注明引语是什么人所说的, 主语是名词时, 用倒装结构。主语是代词时, 一般不用倒装结构。 “ Let go,” said the man / he said.用于 某些祝愿的句子。 May you succeed.,倒装句中主谓何时不倒装,

20、在需要倒装的种种句型中,有时主语和谓语并不需倒装,大致可归纳如下几种:,1. 疑问句中, 如果疑问词作主语或主语的修饰语, 主谓不倒装。,What happened to her?她出了什么事?How many people are working in that laboratory?有多少人在那间实验室里工作?,2. 在以 in, out, back, up, down, off, away, here, there 等副词开头的句子中,如果主语是人称代词, 主谓不倒装。 Away he went to the station. 他到车站去了。 Here she comes. 她来了。,3

21、. 如果置于句首的由 only 引导的词组不是状语,而是主语,则主谓不倒装。 Only the teachers are allowed to use this room. 只有教师可以使用这个房间。 Only some of the children like English. 只有一些孩子喜欢英语。,4. 如果置于句首的 not only but also 仅连接作主语的两个并列词组,则主语和谓语不倒装。 Not only men but also women and children are affected by the new law. 新法律不仅对男人,而且对妇女和儿童也有影响。,

22、5. 把副词性替代词 so 提前, 如果两句的主语相同, 且后者只是进一步肯定或强调前者, so 后面的语序不倒装。 Its raining. So it is. Bob didnt know about it. So he didnt.鲍勃不知道这件事。他确实不知道。,下雨了。是下雨了。,6. 以 so 开头的句型, 如果是 so it is (was) with + 另一主语, 此时主语和谓语不倒装。如: Marx was born in Germany and German was his native language. So it was with Engels. 马克思出生在德国,

23、 德语是他的母语, 恩格斯也是如此。,1. -Do you know Jim quarreled with his brother? -I dont know, _. A. nor dont I care B. nor do I care C. I dont care neither D. I dont care also,配套练习,. Multiple choices.,2. Not until all the fish died in the river _ how serious the pollution was. A. did the villagers realize B. the

24、 villagers realized C. the villagers did realized D. didnt the villagers realized,3. Only in this way _ do it well. A. must we B. we could C. can we D. we can 4. Hardly _ when it began to rain. A. had he arrived B. arrived he C. he had arrived D. did he arrive,5. Only when class began _ that he had

25、left his book at home. A. will realize B. he did realize C. did he realize D. should he realize 6. Not a single mistake _ in the dictation yesterday. A. did he make B. made by him C. he made D. he had made,7. No sooner _ his talk than he _ by the workers. A. he finished; surrounded all B. did he fin

26、ish; did surround C. had he finished; was surrounded D. after he finished; was surrounded near,8. Little _ know about verbs, Franz _ his head. A. did he; dare not lift B. he; dare not lift C. did he; dare not to lift D. doesnt; doesnt dare lift,9. Not only _ a promise, but also kept it. A. had he ma

27、de B. he had made C. did he make D. he makes10. I finally got the job. Never in all life_ so happy. A. did I feel B. I felt C. I had felt D. had I felt,11. In no country _ Britain, it has been said, _ experience four seasons in the course of a single day. A. other than; one can B. other than; can on

28、e C. rather than; one can D. rather than; can one,12. _ a mobile phone can you ring _ you want to talk with anywhere. A. Using; whoever B. Only on; whoever C. With; whoever D. Using; whomever,教堂附近有一间破旧的小屋。 Near the church was a ruined cottage.2. 他一点也不知道, 警察就要逮捕他了。 Little does he know that the police

29、 are about to arrest him.,用倒装句翻译下列句子。,3. 如果我了解你的意图我就不会浪费时间向你解释了。 Had I realized what you intended I should not have wasted my time trying to explain matters to you.4. 那记号很小, 我几乎看不到。 So small was the mark that I could hardly see it.,参加会议有来自全国各地政府官员、商人、企业家。 Attending the meeting were government offici

30、als, businessmen and bankers from different parts of the country.,6. 无论什么情况下我们都不要放弃计划。 Under no circumstance can we give up the plan.,把下列句子改为倒装。,1. I have never seen him before. _ I seen him.2. she had hardly gone out when a student came to see her. _ when a student came to see her.,Never before hav

31、e,Hardly had she gone out,3. I didnt go there. he didnt go there either. I didnt go there, _.,neither/ nor did he,4. A terrible Genie(妖怪) stood before the fisherman. Before the fisherman _ _.,stood a,terrible Genie,5. In those days people seldom did experiment to test their ideas. _ to test their id

32、eas.,Seldom did people do experiment,6. You can learn English well only in this way. _ you learn English well.,Only in this way can,7. Lu Xun was not only a great writer, but also a great thinker. _ a great writer, but also a great thinker.,Not only was Lu Xun,8. It didnt stop raining until midnight

33、. _ it stop raining.,Not until midnight did,根据括号内的汉语提示完成下列句子。1. When the dog attacked me, _ (我用棍子自卫).2. _ (我很少听到) such beautiful singing.,I defended myself against it with a stick,Seldom have I heard,3. He had a fever yesterday but now _ (他的体温似乎正常).4. I think this is the first time that we have met; _ _ (我们以前在哪儿都没见过).5. _ (他刚睡着) than he heard a knock at the door.,No sooner had he fallen asleep,his temperature seems normal,never have we seen each other before,


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