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1、English skills,listening 听speaking 说reading 读 viewing 看writing 写tranlating 译,2022/11/6,English skills listening 听2022,中考指导: 翻译语篇(translation ),中考指导: 翻译语篇(translatio,命题形式:,以一篇短文的形式出现,将其中的5个句子下面划线, 3个:英译汉 2个:汉译英每题2分, 共10分,。,命题形式:以一篇短文的形式出现,将其中的5个句子下面划线,,考纲要求,考查学生的英汉互译能力:考查学生 对中西文化差异的了解; 对常用短语、习惯用语和重要句

2、型的运用; 对句子结构、语法知识的掌握 对简单的翻译技巧的掌握。,考纲要求考查学生的英汉互译能力:,1、 各类重要句型结构(定语从句等)2、搭配(动词短语,名词短语)、3、重点词的用法及习惯表达、4、主要语法规则及其运用等5、简单的翻译技巧(省略、补充,词义选择引申、词性转换、长句拆分、逆序翻译等)。,1、 各类重要句型结构(定语从句等)考查重点,翻译的标准,信:意义忠实于原文达:表达通顺,符合逻辑雅:语言优美,翻译的标准信:意义忠实于原文,中考解题技巧,1明确命题意图,做到有的放矢。 一般说来,语篇翻译都有个明显的考查意图,或考查某个单词的用法或习惯表达,或考查某个句型的结构或搭配,或考查某

3、条语法规则的运用等等。明确命题意图,便可加强做题的针对性。,中考解题技巧1明确命题意图,做到有的放矢。,中考解题技巧,2注意英语的习惯表达以及英汉两种语言的不同之处。 英汉两种语言在用词选句方面有许多不同之处,不可根据汉语的思维去翻译英语句子。比如:汉语的“踢和“打篮球”,分别要用“踢”和“打”,且习惯上不能替换,但在英语中既不用kick(踢),也不用beat(打),却通用一个play。所以英语中的习惯搭配,同学们在复习迎考过程中都要特别注意。,中考解题技巧2注意英语的习惯表达以及英汉两种语言的不同之处,中考解题技巧,3不要逐字翻译。比如“我工作很忙”,应译为Im busy,不可逐字译为 My

4、 work is very busy,此类问题,考生在复习迎考中一定要予以重视。,中考解题技巧3不要逐字翻译。,解题指导,通读短文,了解大意。分析要求翻译的句子的结构、类型、时态调序、润色。 切不可逐字逐句地翻译,解题指导通读短文,了解大意。,翻译技巧指导:(易错点、难点),连词的翻译定语从句的翻译it 句型的翻译否定转移的翻译被动语态的翻译,翻译技巧指导:(易错点、难点)连词的翻译,一、连词的翻译,and : 和、与Lucy and her mother often go shopping on weekends. 露西和她妈妈经常周末去购物。(不可省),一、连词的翻译 and : 和、与,

5、一、连词的翻译,Young people and older people do not always agree. They sometimes have different ideas about living, working and playing.年青人和老人(的想法)不总是一致,有时他们对生活、工作和玩有不同的看法。(不可省),一、连词的翻译 Young people and o,一、连词的翻译,The sun is bright,and the sky is clear. 太阳是明亮的,和天空是干净的。 (X) 阳光明媚,晴空万里。 (省译),一、连词的翻译 The sun is

6、 bright,a,一、连词的翻译,He left the company in March last year and went to Harvard as a visiting scholar. 去年三月他离开公司,去哈佛做了访问学者 。(省译),一、连词的翻译,一、连词的翻译,1) However ,they worry about their schoolwork and cant fall asleep quickly. 然而,他们担心他们的学业,不能很快入眠。(省译),一、连词的翻译 1) However ,the,一、连词的翻译,解题策略英语中连词用得多,汉语中连词用得少。英译汉

7、时,有些连词可以省译。 汉译英,要适当增加连词,成文连贯。,一、连词的翻译 解题策略,一、连词的翻译,Though it isnt like a table, I like it very much. 虽然它看起来不像张桌子,但是我很喜欢它。(成对使用) 补译虽然那个梦想没有实现,但是现在他成功了。Though that dream has not come true, now he is successful. That dream has not come true, but he is successful.(删减),一、连词的翻译 Though it isnt like,一、连词的翻译

8、,解题策略:英语中“though”、“but”/ “because”、 “so”只能用其中之一, 但汉语中“虽然但是”、“因为所以”等句式结构要可以成对使用。,一、连词的翻译 解题策略:,二、定语从句的翻译,Guilin is a place where there are mountains and rivers. 桂林是个有山有水的地方。He refused to give up the goal which is very clear.他拒绝放弃近在咫尺的目标。,二、定语从句的翻译Guilin is a place whe,二、定语从句的翻译,解题策略; 对于较短的定语从句,英译汉时,可

9、译成带“的”的前置定语, 可把复合句译成简单句He was very thankful to the land where he grew up.他很感谢他生长的这片土地,二、定语从句的翻译解题策略;,二、定语从句的翻译,I met an old man who asked me to pay attention to health. 我遇到一位老人,这位老人要我注意健康解题策略对于结构复杂且较长的定语从句,在英译汉时,可将其后置,将整个句子结构译成并列句,并重复先行词。,二、定语从句的翻译I met an old man who,二、定语从句的翻译,They should keep away

10、 from those jobs which can have bad influence on their lives.他们应该远离这些工作,这些工作会对他们的生活有很坏的影响。 (长句拆分 ),二、定语从句的翻译,三、It 句型翻译,解题策略: 引导词it做形式主语、形式宾语时,本身没有独立意义,可以省译。熟记 it 句型,做到英汉互译自如。,三、It 句型翻译解题策略:,三、It 句型翻译,It be + adj (for sb) to do sth.对sb 来说,做sth.(要sb做sth.)It takes sb (some time) to do sth. sb花费多少时间做sth

11、。I find/think it +adj to do sth.我认为做sth .,三、It 句型翻译It be + adj (for sb,三、It 句型翻译,It was difficult to remember all the faces and names. 要记住所有的面孔和名字很难。I think it hard for them to understand your joke我认为,对他们来说,明白你的笑话很难.= 我认为,要他们明白你的笑话很难.It took the volunteers the whole afternoon to clean up the park.志愿

12、者花了整整一个下午打扫公园。,三、It 句型翻译It was difficult to,四、否定转移的翻译,I dont think he can pass the exam.我认为他不可能通过这次考试I dont believe that he can speak to the old so impolitely。我相信他不会对老人那么无礼说话。解题策略:当主句部分是“I dont think” , “I dont believe”, “I dont suppose” 等结构时,翻译成汉语时,要注意否定转移在宾语从句里。,四、否定转移的翻译I dont think he can,四、否定转移

13、的翻译,我认为我们不该浪费时间I dont think/suppose we should waste time.我相信他不会抽烟。I dont believe he can smoke.汉译英:否定转移,变成 I dont think/believe .,四、否定转移的翻译我认为我们不该浪费时间,五、被动语态的翻译,被动语态的句子有时有“被”有时无“被”,一定认真分析主动还是被动。熟记被动语态的各种时态: 一般现在时: am/is/ are + V过去分词一般过去时: was/were + V过去分词一般将来词: will be + V过去分词 现在完成时: have/has been +

14、V过去分词情态动词的被动语态: can/should/. be + V过去分词,五、被动语态的翻译被动语态的句子有时有“被”有时无“被”,,五、被动语态的翻译,The blue sky is reflected(映衬) in the deep blue lake. 蓝蓝的天空映衬在深蓝色的湖水中 (无“被”)Some of his works are translated into English,French and Japanese. (有“被”)他的一些作品被译成了英语、法语和日语。我们学校是2011年建的。Our school was built in 2011.,五、被动语态的翻译T

15、he blue sky is refle,六、汉译英存在的主要问题,时态、语态不对。句子结构不完整:缺主语、缺谓语、动词堆砌中文式语序:时间、地点等状语按中文习惯放在动词之前动词直接做主语、表语、宾语固定短语、固定句型没有掌握好,六、汉译英存在的主要问题时态、语态不对。,汉译英: 诊断、改错,他生于1955年,在山东的一个小村庄长大。He born in 1955, in Shandong a small village grow up.-He was born in 1955 and grew up at a small village in Shandong.(调整语序,补译),汉译英:

16、诊断、改错他生于1955年,在山东的一个小村庄长大,汉译英: 诊断、改错,我非常喜欢看电视I very like watch TV.- I like watching TV(like to watch TV) very much.(语序, 搭配),汉译英: 诊断、改错我非常喜欢看电视,汉译英: 诊断、改错,玩太多的电游对你的眼睛有害Play too much computer games is bad for your eyes.-Playing too much computer games is bad for your eyes. (语法知识: Ving 做主语),汉译英: 诊断、改错玩

17、太多的电游对你的眼睛有害,汉译英: 诊断、改错,最主要的事情是平衡好学业和兼职工作The most important thing is balance shoolwork and part-time jobs.-The most importand thing is to keep (keeping) a balance between schoolwork and part-time jobs.,汉译英: 诊断、改错最主要的事情是平衡好学业和兼职工作,My best friend Michael is a 15-year-old boy. We are in the same class.

18、 He works very hard. He is never late for school and 1. 他所有功课都学得好。He is always ready to help others. My math is very poor, so he often helps me with it after class. 2. His parents are both teachers and they are really busy, so he often helps do the housework at home.He is a little shorter but he is

19、stronger than me. He likes playing football very much at school. We often play football together and he plays it well. 3. But Im more interested in art.He gets on well with our classmates. Everyone in our class likes him. But now its time to graduate and 4. 我们即将离开学校。 Michael and I are going to diffe

20、rent high schools. In the future, he wants to be a policeman and I hope to be a musician. 5. We believe our friendship will be forever.,My best friend Michael is a 15,1.he does well in /is good at his lessons /subjects/study. 解析:be good at/do well in 固定动词短语,意为“擅长”。 注意动词应用第三人称单数形式。2.他的父母都是老师,工作很忙,所以他经常在家帮着做家务。3.但我对艺术/美术更感兴趣。 解析:be interested in 意“对感兴趣 ”。4.we are going to leave our school. 解析:表示位置移动的动词(leave,arrive,come等)的现在进行时可表示将来的动作。5.我们相信我们的友谊将永存。,1.he does well in /is good at,挑战 “ 翻译语篇” 积累 + 技巧,挑战 “ 翻译语篇”,


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