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1、,Passionate May,你好夏天,CONTENT,PART. 01,活 动 思 路,Passionate May,初夏六月青春能量季。涵盖了六一儿童节、端午节重大营销节点。在这个充满初夏风味的月度,让我们同城市一起展开能量生活计划。通过“能量六月,你好夏天”为主题进行活动策展,打造一场能量爆棚的、夏日风味的美好一夏系列活动。,Passionate May,活 动 总 述,Passionate May,PART. 02,THE LAST SUPPER,活 动 概 述,活动主题:能量六月,你好夏天活动时间:六月月度活动地点:营销中心参与人群:老业主、目标客户、意向客户,自然到访客户活动形式

2、:围绕营销节点进行的两大专场活动,以及两重美好一夏计划活动调性:趣味、亲子、美好、狂欢、能量感、传承、夏日计划,Passionate May,活动铺排,第一周(6月1日)六一儿童节专场活动#超萌“速度与激情”#助力梦想,宝贝成长体验#.,第二周(6月13日-6月14日)美好贩卖所主题活动#粉色风暴#盲盒自由#.,第四周(6月27日-6月29日)端午节专场活动#深入非遗文化#慢品国粹演出#.,第三周 (6月20日-6月21日)夏日计划主题活动#甜蜜一夏#喊你吃瓜#.,Passionate May,PART. 03,Passionate May,氛 围 布 置,签到处背板设置活动主题镂空字,来宾领

3、取能量饮料,为活动加持,填充最满。,Passionate May,签到处,THE LAST SUPPER,Passionate May,外场主题造景,营销中心外场设置主题造景,以关键词和创意插画的形式进行展现。色系跳跃、抢眼,营造能量爆棚活动氛围的同时加强活动号召性。(图为示意),内场氛围造景,Passionate May,营销中心内场设置夏日氛围造景,以沙滩椅、网红泳圈、绿植、气球为主。色系上采用蓝色黄色为主色调,呼应整场活动的主题。,THE LAST SUPPER,Passionate May,合影道具,活 动 内 容,Passionate May,PART. 04,六一计划潮童玩物202

4、0,第一周, 儿童节专场活动,ONE PORRIDGE, ONE MEAL,前期宣传,发布8090年代童年胡同趣事照片唤醒人们隐藏深处的记忆与对童年时代的美好追忆同时提起孩子们的兴致,Passionate May,记忆之曾经的童年以#记忆中童年怎么玩#晒出你的童年#为话题引发线上讨论,预热六一节话题为即将到来的活动宣传造势,#记忆中童年怎么玩#,THE LAST SUPPER,Passionate May,在活动开始前一周线上推出“潮童玩物2020”系列软文,指出当代潮童乐此不疲的游戏与互动玩具,同时甩出此次超萌平衡车大赛活动信息。,#潮童玩物2020#,ONE PORRIDGE, ONE M

5、EAL,#萌童平衡车#,这款没有脚蹬子、没有传动链条、没有刹车的的神奇自行车就是萌童平衡车。这种工具对孩子们是一项很好的运动方式,能提升腿部力量和平衡感。,ONE PORRIDGE, ONE MEAL,#超萌版“速度与激情”#,这个儿童节玩点花样我们将诚邀3-8岁的小朋友前来参加六一杯儿童平衡车大赛这将是一场热血沸腾的奔跑一场梦想与趣味的比赛让孩子度过一个不一样的儿童节!,Passionate May,道路两侧准备道旗与围栏线。活动场地须有平底与滑坡。,#场地布置#,Passionate May,此次比赛按年龄划分为4个组别,一小朋友们5人一组,蹬着平衡车,穿行于赛道,安全滑过坡道,每个组别用

6、时最少的选手进入下半场决赛。最终评选活动前三名进行颁奖。,#活动规则#,ONE PORRIDGE, ONE MEAL,#宝贝成长职业体验#,小时候的我们也盼着长大那时候,我们还不知道什么是梦想这个儿童节让我们助力梦想,打造宝贝成长职业体验主题活动让孩子度过一个不一样的儿童节!,ONE PORRIDGE, ONE MEAL,现场将提供高仿真设施道具和模拟场地,其中设有医院、交通队、警察局、飞机场、餐厅等社会设施,在专业老师的指导下孩子们能够在不同职业体验主题中扮演梦想中的职业角色。,#宝贝成长职业体验#,小小白衣天使,ONE PORRIDGE, ONE MEAL,现场将提供高仿真设施道具和模拟场

7、地,其中设有医院、交通队、警察局、飞机场、餐厅等社会设施,在专业老师的指导下孩子们能够在不同职业体验主题中扮演梦想中的职业角色。,#宝贝成长职业体验#,小小烘焙师,ONE PORRIDGE, ONE MEAL,现场将提供高仿真设施道具和模拟场地,其中设有医院、交通队、警察局、飞机场、餐厅等社会设施,在专业老师的指导下孩子们能够在不同职业体验主题中扮演梦想中的职业角色。,#宝贝成长职业体验#,小小消防员.,Passionate May,活动现场准备六一定制茶歇在玩乐的同时 照顾宝贝的味蕾,#定制茶歇#,美好贩卖所,第二周,#盲盒经济#,THE LAST SUPPER,ONE PORRIDGE,

8、ONE MEAL,近一段时间年轻人青睐什么?潮鞋、游戏、美妆?不,都不是。近日一款名为“盲盒”的物件风靡于北上广深的年轻人群中。,THE LAST SUPPER,Most of the food is a fission that is caused by the collision of different ingredients. If you look at the encounters of the ingredients in the world, some are the perfect combination of peoples dreams, some are the tou

9、ching encounters, and some are the knots of each other.,ONE PORRIDGE, ONE MEAL,#盲盒#,所谓盲盒,里面通常装的是动漫、影视作品的周边,或者设计师单独设计出来的玩偶。因为盒子上没有标注,只有打开才会知道自己抽到了什么。通常而言,一个主题系列的盲盒有12个左右,而一个盲盒玩具的单价约在59-69元之间。如此算来,集齐一套12个玩具的系列,运气极好的情况下,也要花掉近千元。此外,盲盒还有固定款和隐藏款之分,隐藏款出现的概率极低。,ONE PORRIDGE, ONE MEAL,#这一次,解放被盲盒支配的恐惧#,多种隐藏款盲

10、盒强势来袭!也许你挖了半年找不到的隐藏款就在这里!,Most of the food is a fission that is caused by the collision of different ingredients. If you look at the encounters of the ingredients in the world, some are the perfect combination of peoples dreams, some are the touching encounters, and some are the knots of each other.

11、,THE LAST SUPPER,Most of the food is a fission that is caused by the collision of different ingredients. If you look at the encounters of the ingredients in the world, some are the perfect combination of peoples dreams, some are the touching encounters, and some are the knots of each other.,ONE PORR

12、IDGE, ONE MEAL,#盲盒自由#,将盲盒机带到现场。参与粉色风暴打卡的来宾,最多可获得三枚盲盒币。快来实现你的盲盒自由。,ONE PORRIDGE, ONE MEAL,#夏日最IN粉色风暴#,Most of the food is a fission that is caused by the collision of different ingredients. If you look at the encounters of the ingredients in the world, some are the perfect combination of peoples drea

13、ms, some are the touching encounters, and some are the knots of each other.,在能量夏日怎能没有一场粉色风暴,打造网红粉色空间,浪漫的泡泡球、粉唇、天鹅泳圈,还不来打卡吗?,ONE PORRIDGE, ONE MEAL,参与粉色风暴打卡的来宾,拍照发圈并集齐规定赞数,即可获得盲盒币。,#凹出你的造型#,ONE PORRIDGE, ONE MEAL,#夏日最IN粉色风暴#,Most of the food is a fission that is caused by the collision of different i

14、ngredients. If you look at the encounters of the ingredients in the world, some are the perfect combination of peoples dreams, some are the touching encounters, and some are the knots of each other.,整个屋子的粉色人民币!下一个暴富的就是你!,ONE PORRIDGE, ONE MEAL,#夏日最IN粉色风暴#,Most of the food is a fission that is caused

15、 by the collision of different ingredients. If you look at the encounters of the ingredients in the world, some are the perfect combination of peoples dreams, some are the touching encounters, and some are the knots of each other.,当然还有最梦幻的气球与帐篷,分分钟变身小公主。,Passionate May,活动现场准备粉色风暴定制茶歇体现项目的用心。,#定制茶歇#,

16、夏日计划主题活动,第三周,ONE PORRIDGE, ONE MEAL,Most of the food is a fission that is caused by the collision of different ingredients. If you look at the encounters of the ingredients in the world, some are the perfect combination of peoples dreams, some are the touching encounters, and some are the knots of e

17、ach other.,#甜蜜一夏#,炎炎夏日来点甜,方解暑在本周的活动中通过现场打造情话墙,甜蜜互动带你甜蜜一夏,ONE PORRIDGE, ONE MEAL,Most of the food is a fission that is caused by the collision of different ingredients. If you look at the encounters of the ingredients in the world, some are the perfect combination of peoples dreams, some are the touc

18、hing encounters, and some are the knots of each other.,#情话墙#,炎炎夏日来点甜,方解暑在本周的活动中通过现场打造情话墙,甜蜜互动带你甜蜜一夏,ONE PORRIDGE, ONE MEAL,Most of the food is a fission that is caused by the collision of different ingredients. If you look at the encounters of the ingredients in the world, some are the perfect combi

19、nation of peoples dreams, some are the touching encounters, and some are the knots of each other.,#手作蛋糕#,炎炎夏日一起手作蛋糕吧一定是个趣味又甜蜜的过程,THE LAST SUPPER,ONE PORRIDGE, ONE MEAL,同时,现场配合西瓜主题场景各式各类西瓜主题活动带你进阶味蕾甜蜜,#甜蜜一夏#,THE LAST SUPPER,Most of the food is a fission that is caused by the collision of different in

20、gredients. If you look at the encounters of the ingredients in the world, some are the perfect combination of peoples dreams, some are the touching encounters, and some are the knots of each other.,ONE PORRIDGE, ONE MEAL,#西瓜挑战赛#,ONE PORRIDGE, ONE MEAL,来宾自由组队,两人一队,5组进行比赛,在规定时间内吃下最多西瓜的获得胜利。,Most of th

21、e food is a fission that is caused by the collision of different ingredients. If you look at the encounters of the ingredients in the world, some are the perfect combination of peoples dreams, some are the touching encounters, and some are the knots of each other.,#西瓜挑战赛#,THE LAST SUPPER,Most of the

22、 food is a fission that is caused by the collision of different ingredients. If you look at the encounters of the ingredients in the world, some are the perfect combination of peoples dreams, some are the touching encounters, and some are the knots of each other.,ONE PORRIDGE, ONE MEAL,#西瓜圈圈乐#,每个来宾均

23、可参与圈圈乐游戏,每人限三个圈,圈住即可带回家。,端午节专场活动,第四周,ONE PORRIDGE, ONE MEAL,签到处,营销中心入口布置主题背板签到处,客户至签到处登记个人信息,并领取活动体验券。,THE LAST SUPPER,Passionate May,端午期间现场举办粽子DIY,备有粽叶、粽米等材料,客户在工作人员的指导下,体验包粽子的乐趣。,Most of the food is a fission that is caused by the collision of different ingredients. If you look at the encounters o

24、f the ingredients in the world, some are the perfect combination of peoples dreams, some are the touching encounters, and some are the knots of each other.,#粽子DIY#,Passionate May,#国粹演出#,现场准备两场京剧国粹演出,为来宾带来绝佳的视听盛宴。,Most of the food is a fission that is caused by the collision of different ingredients.

25、 If you look at the encounters of the ingredients in the world, some are the perfect combination of peoples dreams, some are the touching encounters, and some are the knots of each other.,ONE PORRIDGE, ONE MEAL,#非遗创意草编#,现场邀请草编师傅,感受古老神奇的手法。,Passionate May,活动现场准备端午定制主题茶歇,粽子、雄黄酒等。,#定制茶歇#,Most of the food is a fission that is caused by the collision of different ingredients. If you look at the encounters of the ingredients in the world, some are the perfect combination of peoples dreams, some are the touching encounters, and some are the knots of each other.,Passionate May,感谢聆听,


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