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1、托福写作:需要关注的6个答题点 托福写作需要关注的6个答题点是什么 ?今天给大家带来了托福写作:需要关注的6个答题点,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福写作:需要关注的6个答题点1.据说,托福作文里不能用“you”,这是真的吗?第二人称人称代词“you”在托福写作中不是一点不能用,但是也并不提倡使用。学术性*里对语言风格的要求可能因人而异,按照严格的要求,人称代词(“personal pronouns”)是不应使用的,如“I, we, you, they”等等,不使用人称代词,你的*看上去就十分的正式和客观。因此,如果你将来遇到的教授比较严格或保守的话,可能会要求你改掉所

2、有有人称代词的句子。托福写作相比于学术论文还是没有那么正式的,但是内容也是比较正式的,因此,第二人称代词“you”还是不用或尽量少用为好,人称和第三人称就都是可接受的了。如果你有常写“you”的习惯,不妨每次将它改为“we”、“people”或“one”。语法要点:托福作文中尽量少用或不用第二人称代词(“you”、“your”、“yours”等),改为第三人称或人称。2.“amounts of”和“numbers of”的用法一样吗?一个同学在作文里写了“amounts of people have the opportunity to work at home nowadays”这样的句子。

3、也有很多同学写过“a great amount of historical buildings”或“the amount of printed books”这样的表达。他们往往将“amounts of”或“an amount of”当成了“a lot of”或“lots of”的替代表达。“a lot of”或“lots of”一般来说的确不太适合用在书面表达中,但是它们修饰的名词可以是可数名词,也可以是不可数名词,因此用不着多做考虑。然而,用“an amount of”或“amounts of”来修饰的名词,根据标准用法的要求,应该修饰物质名词(如water)或抽象名词(如pain),也就是

4、不可数的名词。因此,用它们来修饰“people”、“buildings”这样的可数名词是不正确的。那么,什么量词用来修饰可数名词呢?“a number of”或“numbers of”,如:“a large number of cars”。语法要点:“an amount of”或“amounts of”用在不可数名词前面,而“a number of”或“numbers of”用在可数名词前面。其区别基本相当于“many”和“much”的区别。3.“between”后面能接两个以上的事物或人物吗?“between”和“among”有什么区别也是大家常问的一个问题。有这样的说法:“between”

5、表示“两者之间”,后面应该接两个事物或人物;“among”表示“多者之间”,后面接三个及其以上的事物或人物。事实上,在地道的英文文献中,“between”后面放n多个事物或人物也是常见到的。那么,“between”和“among”两个介词的意思区别在哪儿呢?“between”更为强调多个事物或人物中相互之间“一对一”的关系,如“the conflicts between the three kingdoms”,“among”则更有“群体感”,强调所有个体之间存在的东西,如“the feeling among the test takers”。语法要点:尽管“between”常用来表示“在.两者

6、之间”,它的后面也是可以接三个或更多的事物或人物的。4.“such as”和“like”能彼此替代吗?“such as”和“like”都是常用来完成举例的介词。它们之间是可以互相替换的,不管后面是一个例子还是多个例子。使用它们的时候,要在“such as”或“like”的前文写一个较大范围的概念(如cities),然后“such as”和“like”后面写这个较大概念范围下的具体例子(如“Beijing and New York”)。我们既可以写“cities like Beijing and New York”,也可以写“cities such as Beijing and New York

7、”,而且后者还可以变成“such cities as Beijing and New York”的样子。语法要点:你可以将“such as”和“like”进行替换,不用担心后面所举例子的数量。5.“people”能改写成“persons”吗?如果本该写“people”的地方写成“persons”,会让英美国家的读者感到不舒服,如“Li Nas story has inspired many persons”,就十分awkward,应该改成“Li Nas story has inspired many people”。传统语法有这样的说法:如说明特定人数时,用“persons”较合适,如“fiv

8、e persons”;如无特定人数,则“people”较好,如“many people”。不过,现在“people”前面加具体数字的做法已经被普遍接受了,如“five people”。倒是反过来“many persons”或“a large number of persons”看上去十分不合适。语法要点:写作时不应用“persons”作为“people”的替换写法。“人们”写成“people”是合适的。6.“so”和“so that”的意思是一样的吗?经常看到同学们在要写“so”的地方写成“so that”,如:“Nowadays parents are extremely busy in t

9、heir work so that they do not have enough time to communicate with their children”。这个句子如果按照现在写成的样子翻译,意思就成了“如今的父母工作十分忙碌,就是为了让他们没有时间和自己的孩子交流。”很显然,这不是作者想表达的意思,这个“so that”的使用是错误的。“so”是表因果关系的连词,可以翻译成“所以”,其后面的句子是上文的结果,如“It was late, so we stayed at her place for the night”。“so that”的意思则等同于“in order that”,

10、意思是“为了.”,指为了达到一个特定的目的而做某事,比如这个句子“Ive tried to hide my feeling so that no one knows, but I guess it shows”,翻译过来就是“我试着去掩盖我的情绪,为了不让人发现,但它流露了出来”。语法要点:“so”表示上文的结果,“so that”表示上文中的行为的目的,两者是有根本区别的。托福写作高分满分范文点评和思路解析:家庭和朋友的影响托福写作难点话题一览Which is the most important influence on young adults, family or friends?So

11、me people think that the family is the most important influence on young adults. Other people think that friends are the most important influence on young adults. Which view do you agree with? Use examples to support your position.写作思路展开结构分析题目提到了家庭和朋友对年轻人的影响,其实已经给出了明确的选择,就是要求大家从两点中选择一点来展开,因此大家需要写出家庭

12、可能带来影响和朋友可能带来影响的区别。另外如果大家无法做出选择,结合两者加上it depends来写也是可以的。本话题高分范文赏析While some people believe that family have the biggest influence on a young adults life, I maintain that it is friends, and not the family, that hold this influence to a larger extent. First of all, young adults usually spend more time

13、 with their friends. When a person graduates from being a teenager and becomes a young adult, many things change in his/her life. This person will likely leave his/her family home and go to university. University life is very different than home life. One will no longer be spending a lot of time wit

14、h family, and instead, will usually fill his free time visiting with friends. These friends are therefore, in a much better position to influence the young adult. Moreover, friends will usually have a better perspective on ones life than family. Because the young adult is spending so much time with

15、friends, it is likely that the two friends will have similar perspectives on life, as they are going through the same situations together. Because of this, a friend can have a better understanding of ones life than a family member. A young adult will probably hold his/her friends influence as more i

16、mportant than his familys, because the two friends think alike. Finally, friends usually have a better sense of how the world works based on todays standards. Therefore, young adults are more likely to allow themselves to be influenced by their friends than their family because they see their friend

17、s as having a more modern view of how the world works. Many young people in todays society see their parents as too traditional and stuck in their ways. A persons friends, on the other hand, are much savvier to contemporary issues. Because of this, young adults will likely think their friends advice

18、 or influence has more value than their parents.托福写作重要模板提醒:下列模版仅供参考, 不可直接享用.Integrated task:表示陈述了某种观点的:Indicate, state, claim, believe, argue, say, hold, discuss, mention, contend, demonstrate, raise the issue, according to the professor/writer.表示观点相反的:Cast doubt on, refute, rebuke, refuse, question

19、, disagree with, oppose, contradict, on the contrary, differ from表示支持的:Support, strengthen, agree with, reinforce, present the same idea常用表示总结听力和阅读材料观点不同的句子:1. This directly contradicts what the passage indicates.2. this entirely opposes the writers expectation.3. this is where the speaker disagrees

20、 with the writer.4. this is another part where experience contradict theory.模版:In the lecture, the professor states that., which differs from the point of the reading, the passsage contends that.As for the writer, the writer indicates that.R1.On the contrary, the instructor argues that L1.+detail.In

21、 the lecture, the speaker raises the issue that L2+detail ., yet the reading passage belives that.R2.In the lecture, the professor says L3.+detail., and what the professor says opposes the idea of reading which holds that R3.In a word, what is discussed in the lecture entirely opposes the writers expectation.托福写作:需要关注的6个答题点


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