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1、Gone with the wind,Gone with the wind,Margaret Mitchell,Margaret Mitchell (1900-1949),The background,Her father was a chairperson of historical society in Atlanta. During the War, Atlanta fell into the bands of a general from north in 1864. Later, it became the favorite topic of conversation that th

2、e Atlanta talked about. Margaret often heard her father talked about the Civil War with his friends since she was a child. Margaret decided to wrote a novel about the Civil War when she was 26.,Margaret Mitchell (1900-1949),The background,So the Atlanta became the locale of the novel. Gone with the

3、Wind, first published in May 1936, which made her won the coveted Pulitzer Prize in 1937. Margaret Mitchell immediately became a well-known author after the publication of her masterpiece Gone with the Wind. Unfortunately, the untimely death of Margaret made us lost a distinguished writer.,A Brief A

4、nalysis on Gone with the Wind,The story is set in Georgia and Atlanta during the American Civil War and Reconstruction; it depicted the experiences of Scarlett OHara. The war ran through this story from the beginning to end. Using her unique feminism perspective, the author described the life of the

5、 person in that time. She let me know that the south people was built on the basis of political interests for the liberation of black 故事是以佐治亚和亚特兰大为写作背景,主要是在美国南北战争期间和之后的重建时期,描绘了主人公斯嘉丽的种种体验与遭受,战争自始至终都贯穿于整个故事中。作者用自己独特的女性视角,将那个时代人们的生活诠释得淋漓尽致。她让我们认识到北方人对所谓黑人的解放是建立在政治利益的基础上。,Scarlett OHara was not beautif

6、ul. But men seldom realized it when caught by her charm gone with the wind,The person who relate to Scarlett,Her “lover”Ashley However Ashley didnt love her from the first moment to the last,Her “rival” Melanie However Melanie was the only one that believed her and helped her when she suffered from

7、the difficulties,Her husband,For Scarlett OHara Tara is a place like this,Gerald : Do you mean to tell me, Katie Scarlett OHara, that Tara doesnt mean anything to you? Why, lads the only thing that matters-its the only thing that lasts.杰拉德:你是不是想告诉我,凯蒂斯佳丽欧哈拉,塔拉对你毫无疑义?只有土地才是有意义的,是永恒不变的。Ashley : Someth

8、ing you love better than me, though you may not know it- Tara!阿希礼:有一样东西你爱它胜过爱我,尽管你自己并不知道塔拉!Rhett : its this from which you get your strength-the red earth of Tara!瑞德 :塔拉的红土地是你力量的源泉。,About the war,the war led to amount of fears and tears.,the comfortable lives of the prewar period serve as a foil to

9、the sad and hopeless lives of the postwar period战前的安逸生活更加反衬出战后的无望与悲痛。,Hushed and grim, Atlanta turned painful eyes towards the far away little town of Gettysburg and a page of history waited for three days while two nations came to death grips on the farm lands of Pennsylvania,那是怎样的寂静与无情,亚特兰大人们用悲痛的双

10、眼望向远方的葛底斯堡小镇,整整三天他们一直在等待死者的名单,而此时宾夕法尼亚州的土地上南北双方真正拼死血战。,I agree with the person who think the love ran through this story from the beginning to the end. But I dont think it just said about love. I believe there is a faith in the soul of the book. It is more important than love. I think its hope. No m

11、atter the ruin of the war, the death of her father and mother, the pain and poverty of the life, and the death of her daughter . She was brave and strong all the time. She always said Ill think of it all tomorrow, I can stand it then.,My opinions,It is the unshakable belief that sustained her from t

12、he beginning to the end. She still fight against her fate even though her friend Melanie passed away and true lover Rhett left her. Because she believe that tomorrow is another day. Liking the last sentence of The Count of Monte Cristo “all human wisdom is summed up in two words-wait and hope.”基督山伯爵

13、的最后一句话人类的一切智慧是包含在这四个字里面的:等待和希望!”,The sentence I like,Rhett: “The first day I saw you at Twelve Oaks, I made up my mind that you were the only woman for me. Now that youve got the lumber mill and Franks money, you wont come to me as you did to the jail. So I see I shall have to marry you. ”瑞特:“在十二橡园第

14、一次见到你的时候,我就知道我要的就是你。现在你已经很富有了,不必像来监狱找我时那样对我了。 所以我知道自已不得不娶你了。”,Rhett looked like casual, but he loved Scarlett so much瑞特看起来漫不经心,实则对斯嘉丽一往情深,She turned away and started back toward the house across the rough fields, twisting her hair into a knot upon her neck. Ashley watched her go and saw her square h

15、er small thin shoulders as she went. And that gesture went to his heart, more than any words she had spoken.她转身向荒地那边的房子走去,一面把她的头发整理成一个发髻贴在颈后。艾希礼目送着她,看她抬起瘦小的肩膀向前走去。而这一姿势映到他的心灵上,比她所说过的任何话都更加深刻。,She is tender, but her weakness serve as a foil to her fortitude 她是脆弱的,但她的脆弱反衬出她的坚强,He thought as he stared

16、at will in the shadowy hall that he had never known such gallantry of Scarlett OHara going forth to conquer the world in her mothers velvet curtains and the tail feathers of a rooster. 他在阴暗的客厅里注视威尔,心想他从没见过像思嘉奥哈拉身上所拥有的这种勇敢,她要穿戴用她母亲的天鹅绒窗帘和公鸡尾毛做的衣帽,动身去征服世界了。,“As God is my witness, as God is my witness,

17、 the Yankees arent going to lick me. Im going to live through this, and when its over, Im never going to be hungry again. No, nor any of my folks. If I have to steal or kill as God is my witness. Im never going to be hungry again.”“凭上帝作证,凭上帝作证,北方佬是征服不了我的。我要闯过这一难关,以后就不会再挨饿了。不,我家里的人谁也不会挨饿了。即使我被迫去偷,去杀人-凭上帝作证,我也决不会再挨饿了。,She always fight against with fate 她始终在与命运作斗争,Gone With the Wind will never be gone with the wind.,


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