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1、Unit 18,Oral cavity、nasal、pharynx、larynx 口、鼻、咽、喉,Unit 18Oral cavity、nasal、phar,The Oral Cavity口腔,1. Partse分部,Oral vestibule口腔前庭 : between cheeks and lip and teethOral cavity proper固有口腔: within arch of teeth,Oral vestibule leads, by the space behind the molar teeth, into the oral cavity proper,The Or

2、al Cavity口腔1. Partse分部, Anterior and lateral: gum and teeth Posterior: isthmus of fauces Roof: palate Floor: tongue, muscles and mucous membrane,2. Boundaries境界, Anterior and lateral: gum an,3. Structures of the oral cavity口腔各部的结构(1)The oral lips口唇组成:皮肤,口轮匝肌,粘膜上唇 下唇 口裂 唇红(2)The cheeks颊组成:皮肤,颊肌,粘膜腮腺导

3、管开口部位:正对上颌第二磨牙的颊粘膜.,3. Structures of the oral cavi,Hard palate硬腭:位于腭的前2/3,由上颌骨腭突、腭骨水平板及表面覆盖粘膜构成 Soft palate软腭:位于腭的后1/3,由肌肉和粘膜构成,Velum palatinum 腭帆:软腭后部向下倾斜的部分 Uvula 腭垂:软腭游离缘中部向下的突起Palatogolssal arch 腭舌弓:软腭两侧连于舌根外侧的粘膜皱襞Palatopharygeal arch 腭咽弓:软腭两侧连于咽侧壁的粘膜皱襞,Partse分部,Structures 结构,isthmus of the fauc

4、es咽峡:由腭垂、腭帆游离缘、两侧的腭舌弓及舌根共同围成,是口腔和咽的分界,也是口腔和咽之间的狭部。,(3)The Palate 腭,Hard palate硬腭,The Palate 腭,Hard palate,Soft palate,Velum palatinum,Palatogolssal arch,Uvula,Palatopharygeal arch, Isthmus of fauces,The Palate 腭 Hard palateSoft,(4)The Tongue舌, Shape形态,Apex of tongue舌尖,Teminal sulcus界沟,Body of tongue

5、舌体,Root of tongue舌根,Upper surface,(4)The Tongue舌 Shape形态Apex o,Frenulum of tongue舌系带,Sublingual caruncle舌下阜,inferior surface,Sublingual gland舌下腺,Frenulum of tongue舌系带Sublingua, Papillae of tongue 舌乳头,Vallate papillae轮廓乳头,Filiform papillae 丝状乳头,Fungiform papillae菌状乳头,Foliate papillae叶状乳头,Filiform pap

6、illae have no taste buds 丝状乳头没有味蕾, Papillae of tongue 舌乳头 Valla, Muscles of tongue舌肌,1)Intrinsic muscles舌内肌 superior longitudinal muscle上纵肌 inferior longitudinal muscle下纵肌 transverse muscle舌横肌 vertical muscle 舌垂直肌,2) Extrinsic muscles舌外肌 genioglossus 颏舌肌 hyoglossus 舌骨舌肌 styloglossus 茎突舌肌, Muscles of

7、 tongue舌肌1)Intrins,styloglossus 茎突舌肌,genioglossus 颏舌肌,hyoglossus 舌骨舌肌,styloglossus 茎突舌肌geniogloss,a. 分布于舌的感觉神经 舌前2/3的一般感觉:三叉神经的舌神经 舌前2/3的味觉:面神经的鼓索 舌后1/3的一般感觉和味觉:舌咽神经b.分布于舌的运动神经 全部舌肌均由舌下神经支配,Nerves of tongue舌的神经,a. 分布于舌的感觉神经Nerves of tongue舌的,(5)The Teeth牙,Features, Two sets: Deciduous teeth 乳牙Perman

8、ent teeth恒牙 Classification: Incisors 切牙Canine 尖牙Premolars 前磨牙Molars 磨牙,(5)The Teeth牙Features Two,Deciduous teeth乳牙: are 20 in numberTen teeth in each mandibular and maxillary arch Central incisor, lateral incisor, canine, first molar and second molarUpper jaw total 20Lower jaw in. in. can. mol. mol.

9、,Deciduous teeth乳牙: are 20 in n,Permanent teeth恒牙 (adult): are 32 in number Sixteen in each mandibular and maxillary archTwo incisors, one canine, two premolars, and three molars in each quadrant Upper jaw 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 total 32 Lower jaw,Permanent teeth恒牙 (adult): are,Structures 结构,Crown Of tooth

10、牙冠,Neck Of tooth牙颈,Root Of tooth牙根,Dental cavity牙腔,Root canal牙根管,Apical foramen 牙根尖孔,Structures 结构Crown Of tooth牙冠,右 上 颌 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 第 第 第 第 第 尖 侧 中 左 下 颌 三 二 一 二 一 切 切 磨 磨 磨 前 前 牙 牙 牙牙 牙 牙 磨 磨牙 牙,牙式1)恒牙,5,牙式5, 左 上 颌 右 下 颌 乳 乳 乳 第 第中 侧 尖 一 二切 切 牙 乳 乳牙 牙 磨 磨牙 牙,2)乳牙, 左 上 颌2)乳牙,3舌下腺 形态:扁长圆形 sublin

11、gual gland 位置:在舌下襞深面 导管:大管与下颌下腺管共同开口于舌下 阜,小管约10条,开口于舌下襞,2下颌下腺 形态:呈卵圆形 ubmandibular gland 位置:下颌下三角内 导管:开口于舌下阜,1腮腺 形态:不规则三角形,分浅、深两部parotidgland 位置:耳廓前下方,咬肌后缘,下颌后窝内 导管:开口于平对上颌第二磨牙相对的颊粘膜,开口处称腮腺管乳头,(6) salivary gland唾液腺大唾液腺有三对,包括腮腺、下颌下腺和舌下腺,3舌下腺,口腔鼻咽喉解剖课件,二.Nose 鼻,Compositions,(1) External nose外鼻: Root o

12、f nose 鼻根 Back of nose 鼻背 Apex of nose 鼻尖 Alae nasi 鼻翼,二.Nose 鼻Compositions(1) Exte,(2) Nasal cavity鼻腔 divided into two halves by nasal septum,limen nasi鼻阈,Nasal vestibule鼻前庭,Proper nasal cavity固有鼻腔,(2) Nasal cavity鼻腔 divided in,鼻中隔nasal septum由筛骨垂直板、犁骨、鼻中隔软骨构成,被覆粘膜。,鼻中隔nasal septum由筛骨垂直板、犁骨、鼻中隔软骨,S

13、uperior nasal concha上鼻甲,Inferior nasal concha下鼻道,common nasal meatus总鼻道,Sphenoethmoidal recess蝶筛隐窝,Middle nasal concha中鼻甲,Inferior nasal concha下鼻甲,Superior nasal meatus上鼻道,Middle nasal meatus中鼻道,Superior nasal concha上鼻甲Inferi,Olfactory region 嗅区 located upper nasal cavity, above superior,nasal conch

14、ae,contains olfactory cells,Mucous membrane of nose鼻腔的粘膜分为嗅区olfactory region和呼吸区respiratory region两部分。,Olfactory region 嗅区 located up,respiratory region呼吸区its function is to warm, moisten, and clean the inspired air,respiratory region呼吸区its funct,Frontal sinus额窦,Ethmoidal sinuses筛窦,Sphenoid sinus 蝶

15、窦,Maxillary sinus 上颌窦,(3) Paranasal sinuses 鼻旁窦,Frontal sinus额窦Ethmoidal sinus,The paranasal sinuses and their site of drainage into the nose,The paranasal sinuses and thei,2022/11/7,29,可编辑,THANK YOUSUCCESS2022/10/22,三.Pharynx 咽,Oropharynx口咽,Nasopharynx鼻咽,Laryngopharynx喉咽,1.Parts 分部,三.Pharynx 咽Oroph

16、arynx口咽Nasoph,2.Features 形态,Tubal torus咽鼓管圆枕,Pharyngeal opening of auditory tube 咽鼓管咽口,2.Features 形态Tubal torusPhary,3.咽的交通鼻咽经鼻后孔通鼻腔,经咽鼓管咽口通中耳鼓室。口咽经咽峡通口腔。喉咽经喉口通喉腔,向下通食管。,3.咽的交通,4.Muscular of pharynx 咽肌,4.Muscular of pharynx 咽肌,四. Larynx 喉, situated in the anterior part of the neck (below the hyoid b

17、one), and extends from vertebral level of C4 to C6,1.Position 位置,四. Larynx 喉 situated in the,2. Layngeal cartilages 喉软骨,Thyroid cartialge 甲状软骨,Cricoid cartialge 环状软骨,包括不成对的甲状软骨、环状软骨、会厌软骨和成对的杓状软骨。,2. Layngeal cartilages 喉软骨 Thy,Laryngeal prominence,Superior and inferior cornu,Superior thyroid notch,甲

18、状软骨Thyroid cartialge形似盾牌,构成喉的前外侧壁,由左、右板合成。两板的前缘彼此融合成直角(男性)或钝角(女性)。左、右板融合处的上端向前突出,在成年男子特别显著,称喉结。左、右板的后缘均向上下发出突起,称上角和下角。,Laryngeal prominenceSuperior a,Arch of cricoid cartilage,Lamina cricoid cartilage,环状软骨Cricoid cartialge 位于甲 状软骨的下方,为喉软骨中唯一呈环状的软骨,由前方的环状软骨弓和后方的环状软骨板构成,对保持呼吸道畅通有重要的作用,损伤后易引起狭窄。,Arch o

19、f cricoid cartilageLamin,Epiglottic cartilage,Arytenoid cartilage,会厌软骨Epiglottic cartilage 形似树叶,上宽下窄。下端借韧带连于甲状软骨上切迹的后下方。,杓状软骨Arytenoid cartilage近似三菱锥形,可分尖、底和二突。底朝下与环状软骨板上缘的关节面构成环杓关节。由底向前伸出的突起,有声韧带附着,称声带突。由底向外侧伸出的突起,有喉肌附着,称肌突。,Epiglottic cartilageArytenoid,Muscular process,Vocal process,Muscular proc

20、essVocal process,3. Layngeal joints 喉的连接,Cricoarytenoid joint,1)环甲关节Cricoarytenoid joint由环状软骨侧方的关节面与甲状软骨下角构成。两侧的环甲关节为联合关节,甲状软骨在额状轴上作前倾和复位运动。分别可使甲状软骨前角与杓状软骨声带突间的距离增大或缩小,从而紧张或松弛声带。,3. Layngeal joints 喉的连接 Crico,Cricothyroid joint,2)环杓关节Cricothyroid joint由环状软骨板上缘的关节 面与杓状软骨底构成。杓状软骨可在此关节沿垂直轴作旋转运动,使声带突向内、

21、外侧移动,从而可缩小或开大声门。杓状软骨还可向左右滑行。,Cricothyroid joint2)环杓关节Cricot,3)弹性圆锥Conus elasticus为张于环状软骨弓上缘、甲状软骨前角后面和杓状软骨声带突之间的膜状结构,主要由弹性纤维构成。此膜的上缘游离,张于甲状软骨前角后面与杓状软骨声带突之间,称声韧带;前部较厚,张于环状软骨上缘与甲状软骨下缘之间,称环甲正中韧带。,3)弹性圆锥Conus elasticus为张于环状软骨弓上,4)方形膜Quadrangular membrane 呈斜方形的结缔组织膜,左右各一,由会厌软骨侧缘和甲状软骨前角后面连于杓状软骨的前内侧缘。此膜下缘游离

22、,称前庭韧带。,5) Thyrohyoid membrane甲状舌骨膜,6) Median cricotracheal ligament 环状软骨气管韧带,Median cricothyroid ligament环甲正中韧带,4)方形膜Quadrangular membrane 呈斜,Quadrangular membrane,Conus elasticus,Vocal ligament,Vestibular ligament,Quadrangular membraneConus el,Conus elasticus,Conus elasticus,4.Muscles of larynx 喉肌

23、,Oblique arytenoids杓斜肌,Posterior cricoarytenoid环杓后肌,Transverse arytenoids 杓横肌,4.Muscles of larynx 喉肌 Obliq,Lateral cricoarytenoid环杓侧肌,Thyroarytenoid甲杓肌,Lateral cricoarytenoidThyroary,Cricothyroid环甲肌,喉肌均为细小的横纹肌,它们运动喉的关节,以紧张或松弛声带,开大或缩小声门裂,并可缩小喉口。,Cricothyroid环甲肌喉肌均为细小的横纹肌,它们运动,5.Layngeal cavity 喉腔,Lar

24、yngeal vestibule喉前庭,Intermedial cavity of larynx喉中间腔,Infraglottic cavity声门下腔,喉腔借前庭襞和声襞分为喉前庭、喉中间腔、声门下腔三部分。,5.Layngeal cavity 喉腔Laryngeal,Aperture of larynx,喉口aditus largngis:朝向后上方,由会厌上缘、杓会厌襞和杓间切迹围成。,Aperture of larynx喉口aditus lar,Vestibule fold,Vocal fold,Ventricle of larynx,Rima vestibuli,Rima glott

25、idis,前庭襞主要由喉粘膜覆盖前庭韧带而成,活体呈粉红色,两侧前庭襞之间的裂隙称前庭裂。,声襞 较前庭襞更突向喉腔。位于两侧声襞和杓状软骨底部之间的裂隙称声门裂,Vestibule fold Vocal fold V,喉中间腔 前庭裂至声门裂平面之间的部分,其向两侧突至前庭襞和,声韧带 弹性圆锥上缘游离,张于甲状软骨前角内面的中央与杓状软骨声带突之间。,声带 指声襞以及由其覆盖的声韧带和声带肌三者组成的结构而言。,声襞 Vocal fold覆盖声韧带和声带肌的粘膜皱襞。,声带肌 甲杓肌止于声带突的肌束,紧贴声韧带。,声韧带 弹性圆锥上缘游离,张于甲状软骨前角内面的中央与杓状软,声门裂fiss

26、ure of glottidis是喉腔最狭窄的部位。声门裂的前3/5位于两侧声襞游离缘之间,称膜间部;后2/5在杓状软骨之间,称软骨间部。,声门裂fissure of glottidis是喉腔最狭窄,Superior laryngeal N,Recurrent laryngeal N,Nerves of larynx,Superior laryngeal NRecurrent,经常不断地学习,你就什么都知道。你知道得越多,你就越有力量Study Constantly, And You Will Know Everything. The More You Know, The More Powerful You Will Be,写在最后,经常不断地学习,你就什么都知道。你知道得越多,你就越有力量写,Thank You在别人的演说中思考,在自己的故事里成长Thinking In Other PeopleS Speeches,Growing Up In Your Own Story讲师:XXXXXX XX年XX月XX日,Thank You,


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