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1、动词时态复习,复习目标:1.复习动词的时态: 3个一般:一般现在,一般过去,一般将来 2个进行:现在进行,过去进行 1个完成:现在完成 附加:过去完成时2.能够熟练准确地判定句子的时态,正确的完成习题的练习。,课前检测1.Id like to introduce my best friend to you, Peter.Thank you, Lucy. But we _ already.A. meet B. metC. will meet D. have met,D,2. I _(read) a novel last night when I heard knocks at the door.

2、,was reading,3. He _ in this factory for 20 years already.A. will work B. worksC. has worked D. is working,C,4. In Chongqing, you can often see many people dance outside together if it _ in the evening.A. rains B. doesnt rainC. will rain D. wont rain,B,5. Robots _ more heavy work for us in the futur

3、e.A. will do B. didC. have done D. were doing,A,一、一般现在时一般现在时的用法: 1.经常发生,反复进行的动作或状态。2.客观事实或普遍真理。一般现在时的构成:1、状态 :主语+am/is/are 2、动作: A:主语+动词原形 B:主语+动词/动词-s (主语为单三人称),常与下列标志词连用:often, usually , always, sometimes every day / week / Sunday(没有具体的过去时间)注意:If ; as soon as;not until,when,after,before,unless,as

4、long as 等引导的状语从句。,实战演练,1.Jim usually _(have) lunch at home, but sometimes he _ (have) it at school.2.Ill tell him the news as soon as he _(come) back.3. If it _ (not rain) tomorrow, well go to the zoo.4. Dont get off the bus until it_ (stop).5. You may go out to play when you _(finish) your homework

5、.,has,has,comes,doesnt rain,stops,finish,6. The teacher told us that the eart_(travel) round the sun.7. She watches TV twice a week. _ _ does she watch TV?8. Jim has lunch at home everyday. (否定句) Jim _ _ lunch at home everyday.9. He does his homework every day. (一般疑问句)_he _ his homework every day?,t

6、ravels,How often,doesnt have,Does do,二、一般过去时一般过去时的用法:1.表示过去发生的动作或状态.2.过去经常性习惯性发生的动作。一般过去时的构成: 主语+动词的过去式(v+ed)/was/ were注意:1.现在完成时中,从句用since引导的一般过去时的句子。 2.It is +一段时间 since+一般过去时的句子,用于一般过去时的时间状语有:1.yesterday系列:yesterday morning/afternoon/evening, 2.last系列:last night / week / month / Sunday 3.ago系列hal

7、f an hour ago/ a year ago,/three weeks ago4.in系列:in+过去的年份in 1990/ in 2016,just nowin the past,实战演练,1. _ you _a good time last Sunday?2. The headmaster _ (not say) anything at the meeting yesterday.3. Have you ever been there? Yes, I _ (go) there last spring.4.Lily_ (fall) off her bike and _ (hurt) h

8、erself last Monday afternoon.,Did have,didnt say,went,fell hurt,5. Mr. Li invited her to the party.(改为一般疑问句) _Mr. Li _her to the party?6 They asked the teacher a question. (改为否定句) They_ _the teacher a question.,Did,invite,didnt ask,8. Tom watched TV for two hours. (对画线部分提问) _ _ _Tom _TV?9. She helpe

9、d me do some cleaning. (对画线部分提问) _ _She _ you_ ?,How long did,watch,What did,help,do,三、一般将来时1、一般将来时的用法:一般将来时表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态2、一般将来时的构成: 1)will + 动词原形 2)am(is,are) going to +动词原形 3)shall +动词原形(主语为第一人称) 4)be about to+动词原形3、将来的时 间状语: a.tomorrow/tomorrowmorning/afternoon/evening,b.next spring/ week/ mont

10、h/ year,c. in+时间段 in 3 days/years,注意:,1. if, as soon as, not.until, as long as等连词引导的条件状语从句中,出现主将从现。2. 宾语从句中,主句用一般现在时,从句中可随意,如果句子中出现将来时间状语,可用将来时。,实战演练,1. There_ (be) an English film on TV tonight.2. _we_( go) to the park next Sunday?3. He _ (not go) home until he finishes his homework.4.What _ you _(

11、do) next Sunday?5. I _ ( be) free tomorrow morning.,will be,Shall go,wont go,will do,will be,6.There is going to _ a meeting next week. A. be B. have C. is D. has7.-I dont know if it _ tomorrow. -If it _, well stay at home. A. will rain ; rains B. rains ; rains C. will rain ; will rain D. rains ; wi

12、ll rain,A,A,四、现在进行时现在进行时的用法: 表示说话时或现阶段正在进行或发生的动作现在进行时的构成: am/is/are +动词ing 时间状语:now/ right now,/at the moment/ these days /nowadays注意:句中的隐含条件(如:look, listen等)。Look !The students are doing their homework.Listen ! Someone is singing in the next room.Dont go out ! Its raining hard outside.,有些表示位置移动的动词如

13、come, go, leave, begin, 等的现在进行时可以表示将要发生的动作,句中常有表示将来的状语:Im leaving on Sunday morning.Jim is coming here this evening.,实战演练,1.Look! Some children _ (play) football on the playground.2.Listen ! Someone _ (play) the piano in the room.3.The students of Class Two_ (work) on the farm now.4.Be quiet ! Your

14、father_ (sleep).5.Dont go out ! It _ (rain ) hard outside.6.- Where is John? - He _(do) his homework.,are playing,is playing,are working,is sleeping,is raining,is doing,五、过去进行时1、过去进行时的用法: 表示过去某一时刻正在进行的动作。 过去的某个时间段持续进行的动作。2、过去进行时的构成: was/were + 动词ing注意:1.在when引导的时间状语从句中,从句用一般过去,主句用过去进行。2.在while引导的时间状

15、语从句中,从句用过去进行,常用的时间状语有:1)at this time last night, at 9:00 yesterday2)when I saw him; while I was watching TV3)from seven to nine4)yesterday, last year, yesterday morning(一整天;整年;整个早上) What were you doing this time yesterday? He was drawing an elephant on the blackboard when the teacher came in.,实战演练,W

16、e_( watch) TV when he came to see us.2. I _ ( draw) a picture at this time yesterday morning.3. What _ you _ (do) when the teacher came in ?4. While we _ (talk), the teacher came in.,were watching,was drawing,were doing,were talking,六、现在完成时,1.现在完成时的用法: 现在完成时表示过去发生或已经完成的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果。,2. 现在完成时的构成:

17、助动词have (has) + 动词的过去分词 注:has 用于第三人称单数,have 用 于其他所有人称。,现在完成时时间状语 :for 时间段since过去的时间点since一般过去时的句子,以及 so far,in the past few years。,通常与表示包括现在在内的时间副词just ,already, before, yet, never, ever等状语连用。,注意:1.have been (to)和have gone (to)的区别: have / has been (to) 表示“曾经去过”某地,说话时此人很可能不在那里,已经回来。侧重指经历。 have / has

18、gone (to) 表示某人“已经去了”某地,说话时此人在那里,或可能在路上,反正不在这里。 2.表示短暂时间动作的词,如come , go , die , join,buy等的完成时不能与for, since等表示一段时间的短语连用。 She has learnt English for 3 years.They have lived here since 1990.,注意:短暂性动词的 完成时不能和how long连用。a.用相应的延续性动词替换的主要有: buy - have borrow - keep catch/get a cold - have a cold get to know

19、 - know join - be in leave- be away (from) die - be dead begin - be on come here - be here fall asleep - be asleep join the Army - be in the Army,短暂性动词与延续性动词,判断正误: How long have you borrow the book? How long have you kept the book? When did you borrow the book?,典型题例,1. _ you ever_ (eat) Beijing duck

20、?2. I wont go to the cinema this Sunday because I _(see) it already.3. Wheres Jim? He _ (go) to England.4. My father _ ( be) to Beijing many times.5. Mr. Green _(work) here since 1989.6. We _(know) each other for a year.,Have eaten,have seen,has gone,has been,has worked,have known,7. Its a long time

21、 since we _ (meet) last.8. We have been here for four years. (同义句) We _ here four years _.9. Its five years since my grandfather died. (同义句) My father has _ _ for five years.10. My brother has been a soldier for two years.(同义句) My father _ _ _ two years ago.,met,came ago,been dead,joined the army,附加

22、:过去完成时,过去完成时用法:表示过去某一时间或动作以前已经发生或完成了的动作。表示发生在过去的动作对过去的某一点造成的某种影响或结果过去完成时的结构: had+动词的过去分词过去完成时动作发生的时间:过去的过去By nine oclock last night, we had got 200 pictures from the spaceship.I had been at the bus stop for 20 minutes when a bus finally came. The train had left before Tina reached the station. He sa

23、id he had worked in that factory since 1949.标志词:already, yet, never, ever, before(一般情况下),1.Miss Chen _ us English last term. A. teaches B. taught C. will teach D. had taught,课堂检测,B,2. Excuse me. Look at the sign NO PHOTOS! Sorry, I _it. A. dont see B. didnt see C. havent seen D. wont see 3.My mother

24、 _the windows already, so the room looks much brighter. A. has cleaned B. had cleaned C. is cleaning D. will clean4.He_this pen for five years. He _it in 1997. A. has bought, bought. B. bought, bought C. has kept, has bought D. has had, bought,B,A,D,D,5.-Peter, could you come and help me in the kitc

25、hen, please? -Sorry, mum, I _ Lily with her English. A. help B. helped C. have helped D. am helping,6.When will you tell him the good news? I will tell him about it as soon as he _back. A. comes B. came C. will come D. is coming,A,7.I don t know if my friend _.If he _, Ill let you know. A. comes, co

26、mes B. comes, will come C. will come, comes D. will come, will come,C,8.John said he_ supper. He was quite full. A. had had B. was haring C. had D. has eaten,A,9.There_two meetings tomorrow afternoon. A. are going to be B. are going to have C. is going to be D. will have10.It_3 years since I _ to No

27、.1 Middle School. A. is, come B. is, have come C. was, came D. is, came,A,D,.用所给动词的适当形式填空。1.My brother isnt at home now. He _(go) to Beijing. He _ (be) there many times. He _ (not be) back until next week.2.When I got home, my mother _ (go) out for a walk.,has gone,has been,wont be,had gone,3.He_(fi

28、nish)his composition just now.4.By the end of last month, we _ (learn) ten English songs.5. _she _(do) morning exercises every day?,finished,had learnt,Does,do,6.Our country _ (change) a lot since 1982.9.Listen!Someone_ (sing)in the nextroom.10.Our teacher told us the earth _(go) around the sun.,has

29、 changed,is singing,goes,改错专训,1.Kates uncle has gone to Beijing twice.2. Well go to the zoo if it wont rain tomorrow.3. The meeting has begun for half an hour.,has gone-has been,wont - doesnt,begun - been on,4.Lucy with his sister are flying kites now.5.There is going to have a meeting tonight.6.The

30、 dog died five years before.7.How long have you bought the pen?,are-is,have -be,before-ago,bought -had,8. We have been here since four years.9. My brother has joined the Army for three years.10.The teacher said that light travelled faster than sound.11.You have to stay here, havent you?,since -for,j

31、oined -been in,travelled -travels,havent -dont,12. The boy said that he will go to the zoo this Sunday.13.We have learnt 1,000 words by the end of last term.14.Its three years since we come here.,will go -would go,have learnt -had learnt,come -came,15. Could you tell me how long you have bought the computer?16. She will go shopping next Sunday if she wont be busy.17.Youve never eaten fish, do you ?,have bought -have had,wont be -isnt,do you -have you,小结,六大时态_个一般:_, _,_个进行:_, _个完成:_附加一个:_,3,2,1,See you next time!,


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