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1、含义:名词所有格表示所属关系,就是 “的” 的表达方式。如:玛丽的儿子 Marys son. 学校的大门 the gate of the school 歌的名字 the title of the song 步行一个半小时的路程 an hour and a halfs walk 其他某个人的包 somebody elses bag,名词所有格,名词所有格的分类,名词所有格可分为三种:1、有生命名词的所有格2、无生命名词的所有格3、双重所有格,有生命名词的所有格,有生命名词的所有格,无生命名词的所有格,1、无生命名词所有格一般用“of+名词”的结构表示。如:the gate of the scho

2、ol 学校的大门 the door of the classroom 教室的门2、有些表示时间、距离以及国家等无生命的名词, 可以在词尾加s如:a、表时间:todays newspaper (今天的报纸) a few years time 几年的时间 b、表距离:five minutes walk 五分钟的路程 c、表国家、城市等实体:Chinas future (中国的未来),一个名词所有格所修饰的词,如果前面已经提到,往往可以省略,避免前后重复。如: This is not my pen, but (it is) Marys. 这不是我的钢笔,是玛丽的。有时某些 s 结尾的所有格形式可以表

3、示地点,如某人的家或店铺、教堂等: We can meet at Marys.我们可以在玛丽的家的见面。 He will go to his sisters for dinner tomorrow.明天他要去她妹妹的家里吃晚饭。my aunts(我阿姨家) the doctors (诊所),双重所有格,双重所有格由(1)“of+名词所有格”如:a friend of my fathers =one of my fathers friends 我爸爸的一个朋友 (2)“of+名词性物主代词”如:a friend of mine 我的一个朋友 a book of mine 我的一本书,如果双重所有

4、格中of前面的名词是 picture, photo 等时,是指有关的人所收藏的肖像或照片等,而不是他本人的肖像或照片。,Are there any photos of Ken in the photos of yours?在你的照片中有肯的照片吗?This is a photo of Mr. Whites.这是怀特先生的一张照片。本句指怀特先生所拥有的一张照片。This is a photo of Mr. White.这是一张怀特先生的照片。本句指照片中的是怀特先生。,any photos of Ken指照片中拍的是肯本人。 the photos of yours指你所收藏的照片。,练习一:短

5、语翻译,1、这个女孩的爷爷2、杰姆的房间3、我奶奶的钱包4、那些学生的书 5、这些工人的外套 6、那些男人的帽子 7、那些老师的书桌 8、那间教室的窗户 9、海伦的同学 10、那些警察的裤子,the girls grandpa Jims room my grandmas purse/walletthose students books these workers coatsthose mens caps / hatsthose teachers desksthe windows of that classroomHelens classmatesthose policemens trouser

6、s,The old teacher is a friend of mine/one of my friends . (是我的一个朋友)7. The girl in red is a good friend of my sisters / one of my sisters good friends .(是我姐姐的一个好朋友),1. The woman over there is _ mother. A. Lilys and Lucys B. Lilys and Lucy C. Lily and Lucys D. Lily and Lucy,C,2. Did you hear the _ rep

7、ort? A. policemen B. policemens C. policemens D. policemens,B,3. There are some new books in the reading-room. They are _ books. A. child B. childrens C. children D. childrens,D,4. The hospital is a bit far from here. Its about _. A. forty minutes walkB. forty minutes walkC. forty minutes walkD. for

8、ty minutes walk,D,5. This is _ room.A. Jim and MikeB. Jim and MikesC. Jims and MikesD. Jims and Mike,B,6. This is not my cap, but my _. A. brothersB. brothersC. brothersD. brother,B,7. The _ Park will open next week.A. Childrens B. ChildrensC. Children D. Childrens8. Well have a _ holiday. What abou

9、t going to the West Lake(西湖)?A. two days B. two-day C. two-days D. two days,A,B,名词修饰名词,一般要用单数形式修饰名词,两天的假期还可以用two days holiday表达。two-day holiday=two days holidayThese are apple trees. 这些是苹果树。two basketball clubs 两个篮球俱乐部,9. The camera is not yours. Its _.A. Lucys and LilyB. Lucys and LilysC. Lucy and

10、LilysD. Lucy and Lily10.- Whose umbrella(雨伞) is it? - Its _.A. somebody elses B. somebody elseC. somebodys elses D. somebodys else,C,A,9. The village is far away from her indeed. Its_ walk.A. a four hour B. a four hoursC. a four-hours D. a four hours10. -Excuse me,where are _ offices? -Over thereA teachers B teachersC the teachers D the teachers,D,D,


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