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1、剑桥二级重点汇总,一、音标,音标,元音,辅音,单元音:i: a: : u: : e ,双元音:e a u au e,半元音 ju:,清辅音: p t k f s t tr ts h,浊辅音: b d g v z d dr dz dz r w j l m n ,闭音节,闭音节,指元音字母被辅音字母或辅音字母组合截住(关闭起来)而不能自由发音。,闭音节的结构: 元 辅 元 辅组,辅 元 辅 辅 元 辅组,辅组 元 辅 辅组 元 辅组,闭音节中,元音字母的发音: a ee i o u,开音节,开音节,指元音字母不会被辅音字母截住能够自由发音。,开音节的结构: 单个元音字母 辅 元 辅组 元,元 辅

2、e 辅 元 辅 e 辅组 元 辅 e,闭音节中,元音字母的发音: a e ei: ia ou uju:,绝对开音节,相对开音节,二、名词,名词分可数名词和不可数名词2种。1. 可数名词是一个物体的名称。有单、复数的变化。单数的名词前可用冠词:aan.复数的名词词尾要发生变化加 s 或 es.,名词变复数规则,1. 直接+s。 eg. apples, bananas, desks, trees 2.以s,x,ch,sh和部分o结尾的,加es。 eg. buses, boxes, peaches, dishes3.以辅音字母+y结尾的,把y变为i加es eg. baby-babies, party

3、-parties4.以f或fe结尾的,把f或fe变为v加es eg. knife-knives, shelf-shelves 5. 不规则变化,2. 不可数名词 不可数名词则没有复数形式,但可用一些容器表示不可数名词的量。 例:一杯茶 a cup of tea 一杯奶 a glass of milk 一瓶水/果汁 a bottle of water / juice 一碗汤 a bowl of soup,三、数词,数词,基数词:表示数目 How many.?,序数词:表示顺序,词前一定要加the,序数词怎样得来?与基数词有怎样的关系?特有的字母符号是什么?-th,基变序有规律,结尾要加th。一二

4、三特殊记,结尾字母t,d,d。8去t,9去e,ve要用f替。整十若是变序数,ty变成tie。若是遇到几十几,只变个位就可以。,基数词变序数词规则的小口诀,在不同的时态下,动词有5种形式:原形第三人称单数过去式过去分词现在分词,四、动词,变化后的发音如何?,动词第三人称单数的变化规则,1. 直接+s。 eg. takes, looks, plays 2.以s,x,ch,sh和o结尾的,加es。 eg. goes, fixes, watches, washes3.以辅音字母+y结尾的,把y变为i加es eg. carry-carries, hurry-hurries,动词的过去式和过去分词,就过去

5、式和过去分词而言,动词分为规则动词和不规则动词;不规则动词的变化无规律可循,规则动词有以下变化规则:1. 直接加ed eg. looked, played, visited2.以e结尾的加d eg. tasted3.辅元辅,重读闭音节结构结尾的词,双写词尾加ed eg. hopped, stopped4.以辅音字母加y 结尾的,把y变为i加ed eg. study-studied,动词现在分词的变化规则,1.直接加ing eg. eating, playing, waching, doing2.以不发音的e结尾的,去e加ing eg. have-having, ride-riding, wri

6、te-writing3.辅元辅重读闭音节结构结尾的,双写词尾加ing eg. running, swimming, hopping4.以ie结尾的,把ie变为y加ing eg. lie-lying, die-dying,动词发生语法变化后的发音,五、形容词,用来描述人或物,形容词,作定语:名词前,作表语:系动词后,例:It is a lovely cat. The cat is lovely.,还能记起以前学过的形容词吗?,形容词的比较级、最高级,两者比较用比较级(-er);三者或三者以上比较用最高级(-est),前面要加the比较级/最高级的变化规则:1. 直接+er/est;2.以e结尾的

7、,+r/st;3.以辅音字母+y结尾的,把y变i,+er/est;4.辅元辅重读闭音节结构结尾的词,双写词尾+er/est5.多音节词前加more/most,六、代词,起指代作用的词,主格放在动词前,宾格放在动词后;形物放在名词前,名物后不加名词,exercises,1. _can play football. (I / me)2.He often helps _ . (I / me)3.This is _ book. (my / mine)4.This book is _. (your / yours)5.My dress is red, _ is blue. (her / hers)6.

8、_ is my best friend. (She / Hers),七、天气,Whats the weather like today?,Its sunny / rainy / cloudy / windy / snowy.,There is a rainbow.,Whats the matter with you?Ive got a headache / toothache / stomachache / cold / cough.Ive got an earache.Im running a temperature.,八、疾病,九、动词词组,visit a zoo play sports

9、games go to the park see the film visit friends meet lots of people go to the market,. go to the library have a picnic smell the flowers see farm animals go fishing breathe clean air,What can you do in the city? What can you do in the country?,十、动词过去式词组,played in the park climbed the Great wall went

10、 to the zoo rode a horse shopped in the park saw a film bought some toys swam in the lake visited Tian anmen,Where did you go on the holidayyesterdaylast yearthis morning.?,十一、句型问答,1. What do you like to do ? What do you like doing ? What doe she like to do ? What does he like doing?2. Who is she? W

11、ho is he? Who is the boy? Who is the girl? Who is the man?3. Is your friend a boy or a girl? Is your friend tall or shot? Is your friend Chinese or English?,4. Are you Bob Tom.? Is he Bob Tom.?5. Is this book yours ? Is this your book? Yes, it is. No, it isnt mine.6. Where do you often draw pictures

12、wimwatch TVlearn English?7. Can I ask you a question? May I come in ?8. When do you come to school ? When do you gome home?,9. Which place would you like to go ? Id like to go to Kangaroo Island.10. How about going to Taishan? How about having a cup of tea? How about going swiming?11. Where s the bo

13、ok ? Where are the books ?12. What are doing ? What is he doing? What are they doing?,十二、时态,现在进行时态公式: 主语+be动词+动词+ing(现在分词)+其它一般现在时态公式: 主语+动词原形动词三单+其它过去时态的公式: 主语+动词过去式+其它现在完成时态的公式: 主语+havehas+过去分词+其它,现在完成时态与一般过去时态的区别: 过去时态强调是时间的概念; 而现在完成时态则强调过去的与现在的联系。 eg. I cleaned my room yesterday. 我昨天打扫了房间。 eg. I

14、 have cleaned my room. 我刚刚打扫过房间。 现在完成时的标志词有:already,ever,just ,yet,一般过去时VS.现在完成时,十三、不规则动词的分类,A-A-A hit-hit-hit run-ran-run put-put-put,A-B-B have-had-had sleep-slept-slept spell-spelt-spelt think-thought-thought stand- -stood-stood buy-bought-bought catch-caught-caught find-found-found learn-learnt-

15、learnt mean-meant-meant say-said-aid sit-sat-sat,A-B-A come-came-come run-ran-run,A-B-C sing-sang-sung drink-drank-drunk swim-swam-swumknow-knew-known fly-flew-flownthrow-threw-thown draw-drew-drawn give-gave-gaven ride-rode-ridden eat-ate-eaten go-went-gone see-saw-seenwrite-wrote-written wear-wore

16、-wornchoose-chose-chosen,十四、特殊疑问词,What针对名词提问;Where 针对方位介词提问 ; When针对时间提问;How针对程度提问;How many针对多少提问;Who针对主语提问。,There be, a/an 可数名词单数,可数名词复数,不可数名词,There is,There are,教室里有一张桌子。There is a desk in the classroom.,十五、There be句型,十六、形容词&副词,大多数方式副词可以由形容词变来,变化规则: 1. 直接加ly; 2.以辅音字母+y结尾的,把y变i,+ly. 所加的 ly 发音为【 l】 形容词用在be动词后,做表语; 副词用在行为动词后,修饰动作。eg. The turtle is slow.(形容词) The turtle walks slowly.(副词),


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