1、The Development and Component of a Tooth,吴堪葵 广州医学院第二附属医院,Unit 4,The Development and Component of a Tooth,Component of a Tooth,Dentine,Enamel,Cementum,Pulp,Mineralized Tissue,96%97% inorganic material 无机物(chiefly hydroxyapatite 羟基磷灰石),1% organic material 有机物釉原蛋白、非釉原蛋白、蛋白酶和脂类引导釉质晶体生长、粘结晶体和釉质作用,Enamel
2、(The hardest and most highly calcified biological tissue known),Enamel Ectodermal origin 来源于外胚层,3%4% water结合水和游离水,Enamel,Millions of rods/prisms 釉柱Enamel rodsFrom enamel-dentinal junction 釉牙本质界To tooth surface,向窝沟底部集中,呈放射状,在牙颈部排列成水平状,Enamel rods,Composed of apatite crystals 磷灰石晶体Mainly hydroxyapatit
3、e 羟基磷灰石Rod sheath 釉柱鞘Controversial 有争议的Higher content of organic material 有机物Different crystal orientation 晶体排列方向,球拍样,70% inorganic material磷灰石晶体、微量元素,18% organic materialI型胶原蛋白、非胶原蛋白,Dentine( The 2nd most highly mineralized tissue ),Dentine,12% water,Dentinal tubules,From pulpTo enamel-dentinal jun
4、ction 釉牙本质界Wide in the pulp side Narrow in the enamel side,Inorganic material 65%,Organic material(collagen 胶原 18%,Cementum,Cementum,Water 12%,Similar to bone differenceNo vascularity(血管 )Contain cementocytes(成牙骨质细胞),Pulp,Odontoblast 成牙本质细胞,位于牙髓周围,呈柱状紧接前期牙本质排列成一层主要功能:形成牙本质,小结,Each tooth has four mai
5、n parts, including the following:enamel - the outer layer of the tooth. dentin - the inner layer and the main part of the tooth. cementum- only found on the underside of the tooth.pulp - part of the inside of the tooth that contains the nerve and other delicate tissue.,A tooth and its surroundings,P
6、eriodontium 牙周组织Maintain a tooth in its functional position 支持牙的功能,Gingiva 牙龈,Mucosa which surrounds the teeth Free gingiva 游离龈 Attached gingiva 附着龈 Interdental papilla 龈乳头牙龈上皮gingival epithelium 龈沟上皮salcular epithelium 结合上皮junctional epithelium 龈谷上皮固有层: 胶原纤维神经、血管,Free gingiva 游离龈,Terminal edge of g
7、ingiva 牙龈边缘Surrounds the tooth in collar fashionForms the soft tissue wall of the gingival sulcus 龈沟(0.5-3mm平均1.8mm),Attached gingiva 附着龈,Continuous with the free gingiva By a shallow linear depression, the free gingiva groove 游离龈沟 Tightly bound (紧密附着)to the underlying periosteum of alveolar bone(牙槽
8、骨骨膜),Surface stippling 点彩: increase abrasive resistance 增强对机械摩擦的抵抗,Interdental gingiva,Occupies the interproximal space beneath area of teeth contact 牙间隙Pyramidal (锥) or col (谷)shape,Periodontal ligament 牙周韧带,Also called periodontal membrane牙周膜Locates between alveolar bone and the rootSupportive 支持功
9、能主要纤维一端埋入牙骨质,一端埋入牙槽骨将牙固定在牙槽窝中组成:纤维、基质、细胞、血管,Periodontal ligament 牙周韧带,主纤维:牙槽嵴组alveolar crest group起于牙槽嵴顶,止于釉牙骨质界下方的牙骨质将牙向牙槽窝内牵引,对抗侧方力,保持牙直立,水平组 horizontal group维持牙直立的主要力量与牙槽嵴纤维共同对抗侧方力,防止牙侧方移动,斜行组oblique group牙周膜中数量最多、力量最强的一组纤维向根方倾斜约45度这种结构可均匀分散咀嚼压力到牙槽骨上限制牙的转动,根尖组apical group 固定牙根尖,保护进出根尖孔的血管和神经根间组in
10、terradicular group只存在于多根牙防止牙根向冠方移动,Periodontal ligament 牙周韧带功能,Sensory 感觉动能丰富的神经和末梢感受器对疼痛和压力、轻叩和震动有敏锐的感觉通过神经系统的传导和反射调节和缓冲咀嚼力,Nutrition 营养作用 营养牙周膜本身,也营养牙骨质和牙槽骨Homeostatic 形成功能不断更新改建牙周膜保证牙和牙周膜的正常附着联系,Alveolar bone,Also called alveolar process 牙槽突 Alveolar bone proper 固有牙槽骨Dense bone 密质骨Cancellous bone
11、 松质骨,Alveolar bone proper 固有牙槽骨,Contains many small perforations 多孔 through which blood vessels and nerves reach the periodontal space血管和神经进入牙周膜Known as cribriform plate 筛状板,密质骨,牙槽骨的外表部分,即颌骨内、外骨板的延伸部分厚度不一上颌牙槽骨唇面密质骨很薄,舌侧厚下颌牙槽骨密质骨比上颌厚,松质骨,位于密质骨和固有牙槽骨之间由骨小梁trabecular和骨髓marrow组成骨小梁的粗细、数量和排列方向 与所承担的咀嚼力相关
12、 承受较大咀嚼力的区域,骨小梁粗大致密 无功能的牙或承担咀嚼力小的牙,骨小梁细小,牙槽骨的生物学特性,高度可塑性 人体骨骼最活跃的部分 受压力被吸收,受牵引力增生正畸治疗 Orthodontic treatment牵张成骨Distraction Osteogenesis,小结,A tooth and its surroundings,Gingiva 牙龈,Mucosa which surrounds the teeth Free gingiva Attached gingiva Interdental papilla,Periodontal ligament,Alveolar bone,alv
13、eolar crest group,horizontal group,oblique group,apical group,interradicular group,Alveolar bone properDense bone Cancellous bone,Development of tooth,Process,Beginning Finish Eruption Replacement胚胎第7周 20 岁Growth stage: (牙胚的形成和发育) Calcification: (牙体硬组织的形成)Eruption stage: (牙的萌出),牙发育过程,Growth stage: (
14、牙胚的形成和发育) Calcification: (牙体硬组织的形成)Eruption stage: (牙的萌出),Complex cellular and biochemical process 复杂的细胞作用和生物化学作用过程,Growth stage:(牙胚的形成和发育),The epithelium(上皮) thickens in a U-shape band in the area of the future alveolar processes(牙槽突)Form primary epithelium band(原发性上皮带)Differentiate into Vestibular
15、 lamina(前庭板) and Dental lamina(牙板) thickenDental lamina(牙板) 牙胚,During the 7th week of intra-uterine life Epithelium(上皮) thickens in a U-shaped band Primary epithelial band原发性上皮带,rimary epithelial band (原发性上皮带)(前庭板)vestibular lamina and dental lamina(牙板)the vestibule of the oral cavity deciduous teet
16、h and(形成口腔前庭 ) permanent dental lamina (乳牙胚、 恒牙牙板 ) permanent teeth (恒牙),牙胚是发育形成牙的胚胎性组织 牙胚的组成:成釉器(enamel organ):源于外胚层牙乳头(dental papilla):源于外胚层间充质 牙囊(dental follicle):源于外胚层间充质,蕾状期(Bud stage):上皮细胞在形态上、功能上的变化是极微小的。 帽状期(Cap stage):上皮细胞开始有组织分化和形态分化,形成外釉上皮、內釉上皮和星网状层细胞。 钟状期( Bell stage):既有组织分化又有形态分化,最显著的特点
17、是出现了中间层,它是确定钟状期的标志。,Development of the enamel organ (成釉器),蕾状期(Bud stage),Ten samll localizaed thickenings of the dental laminaThe bud of primary teeth胚胎第八周;牙板末端膨大,似花蕾;细胞立方或矮柱状,增生,无分化。,帽状期(cap stage),The bud undergoes peripheral proliferation into the mensenchymeForm the tooth cap 胚胎第9-10周;细胞增生并发生分化;
18、似帽状。 分化为三层细胞外釉上皮(outer enamel epithelium)内釉上皮(inner enamel epithelium ) 星网状层(stellate reticulum),钟状期(bell stage ),Further peripheral proliferationresembels a bellHistodifferentiation commences (组织分化开始)胚胎第11-12周;上皮内陷,周缘生长,形似吊钟。 分化为四层细胞外釉上皮(outer enamel epithelium)内釉上皮(inner enamel epithelium ) 星网状层(s
19、tellate reticulum)中间层(stratum intermedium),Basal cell inner enamel epithelium(内 釉上皮) outer enamel epithelium (外釉上皮)Assume a star-shaped appearancestellate reticulum(星网状层) flatten squamous-type(鳞状) cellstratum intermedium(中间层),dental papilla (牙乳头),In the invagination(内陷)of the deep space of the epith
20、elial organSurrouding the outer enamal epithelium,the enamel organ (成釉器),The epithelial organ constitutes the enamel organ connected to the oral epithielium(口腔上皮) by a thinned dental lamina(牙板 ),Calcification(牙体硬组织的形成),Components of the tooth germ(牙胚) :enamel organ(成釉器): give rise to enamel(牙釉质)dent
21、al papilla (牙乳头): give rise to pulp and dentine(牙本质、牙髓)dental follicle(牙囊): give rise to cementum,the periodontal ligament and alveolar bone (牙骨质、牙周膜、牙槽骨),(Root)牙根的形成,Arise from the cervical loop (颈环)stellate reticulum(星网状层)and intermediate cell combine(中间层)an epithelial mebrane Form Hertwigs epithe
22、lial root sheath (上皮根鞘)Proliferation (单根牙及多根牙的形成),(Dentine)牙本质的形成,Cell on the periphery (外周)of the dental papilla(牙乳头) Differentiate into odontoblast(成牙本质细胞)Dentine fomation dental papilla changes to dental pulp(牙髓),(Enamel)牙釉质形成,Predentine(前期牙本质) induce the cell become the ameloblast(成牙釉质细胞) form t
23、he enamel,(cementum)牙骨质的形成,Form the amelocemental junction(釉牙骨质界)Cementum form in association with the root sheath(根鞘)the root sheath persist as the cell of Malassez (Malassez上皮剩余),(Periodontal tissue)牙周形成,Periodontal ligament fiber (牙周膜纤维) attach the cememtum to the alveolar bone(牙槽骨),牙的萌出(tooth er
24、uption),After completion of the crown,总结,牙体的组织来源: 成釉器牙釉质牙胚 牙乳头牙本质、牙髓 牙骨质(內层) 牙囊 牙周韧带(中层) 牙槽骨(外层),总结,牙的发育过程:a complex cellular and biochemical process Growth stage: Formation of dental lamina (牙胚) Development of tooth budCalcification: Formation of hard tissue (牙体硬组织的形成)Eruption stage: Movement of to
25、oth bud (牙的萌出) Eruption of deciduous teeth Deciduous teeth shedding Eruption of permanent teeth,单词和词组,Enamel (牙釉质)Dentin (牙本质)Cementum (牙骨质)Dental pulp(牙髓)amelodentinal junction (釉牙本质界)enamel rod(釉柱) Enamel rod sheath(釉柱鞘)Hydroxyapatite(羟基磷灰石),dentinal tubules(牙本质小管 )cytoplasmic processes of the odo
26、ntoblast (成牙本质突起 )cementocytes(成牙骨质细胞)apical foramina(根尖孔),alveolar processes(牙槽突)primary epithelium band(原发性上皮带)dental lamina(牙板)enamel organ (成釉器)dental papilla (牙乳头)dental follicle (牙囊),outer enamel epithelium (外釉上皮) inner enamel epithelium (内釉上皮) stellate reticulum (星网状层)stratum intermedium (中间层)the tooth germ(牙胚) epithelial root sheath (上皮根鞘),odontoblast(成牙本质细胞)ameloblast(成牙釉质细胞)amelocemental junction(釉牙骨质界)alveolar bone(牙槽骨),Thank You !,