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1、名词性从句,Grammar and usage,Noun Clauses,1.The workers work hard ( )词在句中作( )语2. She likes apples.( )词在句中作( )语3.My uncle is an engineer.( )词在句中作 ( )语4.Bob, our monitor,is a smart boy.( )词在句中作 ( )语。,名,主,名,宾,名,表,名,同位,Lead-in:名词的功能A仔细阅读下列句子判断画线部分的词性,并说出它们在句中充当什么成份。,1.Bob is our teacher.2.What we need is mor

2、e money.作主语可以是( )词,也可以是( )1.I dont know the answer2. I dont know what the answer is作宾语可以是( )词,也可以说( ),一个,一个句 子,一个,一个句子,B比较,1.The answer is right.2.The truth is that the fog is to thick.作表语可以是( )词,也可以是( )1.Lu Xun,a famous writer , is well known for his novel.2. The news that he couldnt come to made u

3、s upset.作同位语可以是( )词,也可以说( ),一个,一个句 子,一个,一个句 子,合作探究你能总结出什么叫名词性从句和它的种类吗?一、名词性从句简介1定义在句子中起 作用的从句称为名词性从句.2它包括_ _ _和_。二、名词性从句的引导词A、连接代词:_ _ _ _ _ 等B、连接副词:_ _ _ _等C、连接词: _ _ 等,名词性即主、宾、表、同位语,主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句,同位语从句,whose,who,what,whom,which,when,where,why,how,that,Ifwhether,名词性从句,过三关:引导词关、语序关、时态关.,主语从句,宾语从句,表

4、语从句,同位语从句,名词性从句,注意:连接代词与连接副词在句中不再是疑问句,因而从句中谓语不用疑问式。连接代词与连接副词在从句充当句子成分,连接词whether 和if(是否),as if(好象)在从句中不充当句子成分,只起连接作用。根据句义,如果连接代词与连接副词,whether、if 和as if都用不上时,才用that作连接词(that本身无任何含义)。,引导词的说明,X,X,在宾语从句,但介词后不能,X,X,X,判断是什么从句的技巧,step1.找动词(看句子中有几个动词,找准谓语动词)step2. 确定从句(以引导词为界后面的为从句)step3. 看从句在主句中担任什么成分。,1.C

5、hina is no longer what it used to be,动词,动词,从句,引导词,一、用波浪线标出从句,并判断下列各句哪句含有名词性从句,并指出是什么从句:1. China is no longer what it used to be. _从句2. The truth that the earth turn around the sun is known to all. _从句3. It was snowing when he arrived at the station. _从句4. How he persuaded the manager to change the p

6、lan is interesting to us all. _从句5. The news that they had won the game soon spread over the whole school. _从句6. The news that you told me yesterday was really disappointing. _从句7. That is where Lu Xun used to live. _从句8. He spoke as if he understood what he was talking about. _从句9. Do you remember

7、the teacher who taught us English at middle school? _从句10. I wonder why she refused my invitation. _从句,表语,主语,不是名词性,主语,同位语,不是名词性,表语,宾语,不是名词性,宾语,用适当的引导词填空。1._ the baby could speak made his parents very happy. A. That B. What C. Why D.2. I wonder _ you will go shopping or stay at home. A. that B. when

8、C. whether D. what3. This is _ he was often late for school. A. what B. that C. why D. whether4. We all know the truth _ the earth _ around the sun. A. if; moved B. that; moves C. why; move D. whether; move,判断句子类型,1. This is why he loves sports.2.I am interested in what he is doing.3. The news wheth

9、er our team has won is unknown.4.What my father offers to me is great help.5. His question is whether Polly can find her way home.,表语从句,宾语从句,主语从句,主语从句,表语从句,判断下面各句中含有什么从句,并用括号括出从句。1.She believed that he had not told her the truth2. I hope that Polly will be OK.3. Why he left wasnt important.4. My que

10、stion is whether Polly can find her way home.5. Where he has been is still a puzzle.6. She had a feeling that she was being watched.,1 he will succeed is certain.2 he will go there is not known.3 he said is not true.4 he hid the money is to be found out .5 comes is welcome.6 we can help the twins will be discussed at the meeting. 7 theyll start the project has not been decided yet.,That,Whether,What,Where,Whoever,How,Whether,


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