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1、商务英语business english英文电子邮件写作规范,2018.09Emma Xiao,你出现过以下情况吗?,有时你明知道打电话效果会更好,却用电子邮件发送了消息你利用电子邮件发送过于私人或机密内容,过后又懊悔不已有时候匆忙发送电子邮件,未添加问候语或结束语常常未仔细检查语法、拼写及标点错误就发送电子邮件有时候忘记在邮件中添加附件发出邮件后希望能追回,可惜为时已晚你已经很长时间没有整理或删除电子邮件一听说需要写电子邮件就头疼,动不了笔,这封邮件有无不妥之处?,From: Harry.Limpresto.co.my To: Cc: Subject: HELLO!hi ShirleyHop

2、e things r well with u, its good 2 know that u will be back in malaysia again in nov to hold your seminar on effective biz writing. PLS LET ME HAVE SOME FREE DATE while u r over here. some bookstores r interested in a talk and singing event, I hope u will agree to take part.tnks & rgsHarry,英文电子邮件写作规

3、范,EMAIL的基本结构,Email基本结构,To: Cc: Bcc: 信头 Subject: HELLO!Attachments:hi Shirley 称谓 (问候语) 正文Hope things r well with u. Its good 2 know that u will be back in malaysia again in nov to hold your seminar on effective biz writing. PLS LET ME HAVE SOME FREE DATE while u r over here. some bookstores r interes

4、ted in a talk cum singing event.I hope u will agree to take part. 结尾tnks & r 结尾敬语Harry 落款签名,主体,1、信头,1.1 主题 Subject,构成:单词/名词性短语/完整句(一般不超过35个字母)练习:判断下列表达是否准确GreetingsSupplier trainingMeetings on 22 July has been canceled.go to hospitalprofessional trainees from sister company should abide by rule of l

5、ocal company.大小写规则:方法1:将位于句首的单词和专有名词的首字母大写即可方法2:将实词(名词、动词、形容词、副词、代词等)每一个单词的首字母大写。练习:判断下列表达是否准确New E-mail Address NotificationDetailed calculationdetailed calculation,1.1 主题 subject,主题框内容应简单明了,但切忌含糊不清。例如:pricing policy meeting(定价政策会议)letter of application(申请信)练习:判断下列表达是否准确MeetingNews about the meetin

6、g Tomorrows meeting canceledGreetingsGreetings from DDC CompanyPlease come to pick your card.,2. 主体,2.1 正文格式,Dear XXX,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.Sincerely yours,XXX,Dear XXX,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxx

7、xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxx.Sincerely yours,XXX,Dear XXX, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. xxxxxxxxxxxx.Sincerely yours,XXX,2.1 正文格式,Dear XXX,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

8、xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.Sincerely yours,XXX,Dear XXX,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxx.Sincerely yours,XXX,Dear XXX, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. xxxxxxxxxxxx.Sincerel

9、y yours,XXX,2.1 正文格式,Dear XXX,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.Sincerely yours,XXX,Dear XXX,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxx.Sincerely yours,XXX,Dear XXX, x

10、xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. xxxxxxxxxxxx.Sincerely yours,XXX,2.2 称谓,称谓之后一般用逗号,如Dear Stella,2.2 称谓,若无法得知收件人姓名,可用:Dear Sir or Madam,Ladies and gentlemen,Dear Colleagues,Dear all,To whom it may concern,Dear Committee Member,Dear Meeting Planner,D

11、ear Purchasing Agent,2.3 问候语,Long time no see. How have you been? 好久不见,最近你好吗?I hope you are doing well recently.希望你近来过得很好。I hope things are going well with you. 希望你近来过得很好。How was your trip/ vacation to Beijing? 你去北京的旅行/假期过得如何?First let me start by wishing you and your staff a Happy New Year.首先祝你和你的同

12、事新年快乐。,2.4 开头,商务邮件不需要过多的寒暄,恰当的称呼和招呼之后就可直接进入主题。通常在第一句说明邮件的目的。 例如:I am writing to inquire whether you can provided your latest catalog.我来信是要询问您是否能提供贵公司最新的目录。We are interested in your range of office supplies.我们对你们的办公用品感兴趣。After a careful review of your operations, we believe that your company is ideal

13、 for meeting our OEM needs.在仔细检视你们的运营状况后,我们认为贵公司非常符合我们的代工制造需求。,练习,请根据下列情境写开头句:需要与对方商榷讨论方案细节的时间,你现在发送邮件给对方,询问下周二下午2点到4点是否合适。昨天的会议上对方要求发送项目的具体介绍,你现在将所需文件通过邮件(附件)发送给对方。前一次会议约定周五给对方发送合同,你现在发送邮件与对方再次确认,将于周五把合同发送给对方。你需要对方协助你处理一些事项。,参考答案,Id like to discuss the details with you. Is Tuesday 1400-1600 conveni

14、ent for you? 我想和您谈谈修订的事。这周二下午两点到四点您有空吗?Attached are the documents you requested at the meeting yesterday. 昨天会议上您要求的文件已附上,请查收。As discussed at the meeting, Ill send you the new contract by this Friday. 正如我们在会上所讨论的,我将在周五前给您发送心的邮件。I need your help in the following matter. 我需要你协助处理以下事项。,2.5 主体内容,主体段应简单明了

15、,调理清晰,过长的内容不易阅读且容易让对方抓不住重点。确保调理清晰,合理分段,避免将所有内容全部集中在一个主体段内写完。若有多条建议或事项要阐述,可以用条例式的方法呈现,使内容更清晰易读。为了能更灵活地排版,可以把这些信息作成附件形式,以方便对方将其打印出来。,2.5 主体内容常用句型,2.5.1. 通知/公告,inform sb that / inform sb of sth 通知某人某事I am writing to inform you that there are some small changes in the schedule for my visit to your compa

16、ny next week. 我写这封信是要通知您,我下周造访贵公司的行程将有些许变动。This is to inform all employees of recent staff changes at KYLE Co. 此乃通知所有员工Kyle公司最近的人事变动。 notify sb that通知某人某事This letter is to notify you that our office will be closed on Monday. 这封信是要通知你们,我们公司周一不营业。 be advised that 告知某人某事Please be advised that it is tim

17、e to prepare your annual sales reports.特此告知:该是各位准备年度业绩报告的时候了。,2.5.2. 发起会议,sb would like to have a meeting in/on/at 时间 about 内容I would like to have a meeting in the afternoon about our development planning for the project A。今天下午我建议我们就A项目的发展计划开会讨论一下。Wed like to have the meeting on Oct 30. 十月三十号开会。 sb

18、would like to talk to sb about 内容 by mail/ over the phoneI would like to talk to you over the phone regarding issues about report development and the XX project。我想跟你电话讨论下报告进展和XXX项目的情况。,2.5.3. 询问信息/反馈/建议,Any question, please dont hesitate to/ feel free toAny question, please dont hesitate to let me k

19、now. 有任何问题,欢迎和我们联系。 Feel free to give your comments. 请随意提出您的建议。 Look forward to your feedbacks/suggestions/opinionsThank you and look forward to having your opinion on the estimation and schedule。 谢谢你,希望能听到更多你对评估和日程计划的建议。Look forward to your feedbacks and suggestion soon。 期待您的反馈建议!,2.5.3. 询问信息/反馈/建议

20、,have some questions about 对有一些疑问I have some questions about the report XX-XXX我对XX-XXX报告有一些疑问.For the assignment ABC, I have the following questions: 就ABC协议,我有以下几个问题: It would be nice if you could provide a bit more information onIt would be nice if you could provide a bit more information on the us

21、ers behavior.您若是能够就用户行为方面提供更多的信息就太感激了! would appreciate At your convenience, I would really appreciate you giving us your opinion.如果可以,我希望你能负责这件事情。 Your opinions/comments/suggestions are welcome. 欢迎您的意见/评论/建议,2.5.4. 确认,Confirm sth/ that 确认 Reconfirm sth/ that 再次确认This will confirm that we have place

22、d a phone order with you this afternoon. 来信是确认今天下午我们已电话下单一事。This is to reconfirm our scheduled appointment for Wednesday, November 16, 2013. 此信是要再次确认我们排定会面的时间为2013年11月16日星期三。 Verify/ clarify that 或 verify/ clarify sth I am writing to clarify that the time and date for our meeting will be Wednesday,

23、November 16, 2014. 此信旨在确认我们会议的时间和日期为2014年11月16日星期三。 for your consideration/ approvalI am pleased to present our new proposal for your consideration and approval. 很高兴向您呈交我们新的提案,并请您审核通过。,2.5.5. 回复/反馈,Thank you for / Thanks for 感谢Thank you for your email dated September 8. 感谢您9月8日的来信。 be pleased/ happy

24、 to I am very happy to accept your invitation to the party. 我欣然接受您的宴会邀请。 Please see comments/suggestions/opinions below Please see comments below. 请看下面的评论。 My comments/answers/suggestions/ areMy answers to your question of this project are in red below.我就你对该项目疑问的回答已在下面标红。 add some comments to 就xxx添加

25、了一些备注I add some comments to the document for your reference.我就文档添加了一些备注,仅供参考。,2.5.6. 表达感谢,Thank you/ thanks for 感谢 Thank you so much for the cooperation. 谢谢你的合作!Thanks for your time in organizing the event. 感谢您花时间筹划这项活动。 (really) appreciate 对表示感谢 is/are appreciated.I really appreciate the effort you

26、 all made for this sudden and tight project.对如此紧急的项目您做出的努力我表示十分感谢。Really appreciate your help!非常感谢您的帮助!We all appreciate your help and kind thoughts. 我们一致感谢你们的协助和体贴。,2.5.7. 致歉,be sorry that/ for sth 抱歉I am very sorry for not being at the meeting. 我对没有能够出席会以表示非常抱歉。I am so sorry that I couldnt make it

27、. 非常抱歉我没有到。 (sincerely) apologize for 就xxx真诚道歉I sincerely apologize for this misunderstanding.对造成的误解我真诚道歉。I apologize for the late asking but we want to make sure the correctness of our implementation ASAP。很抱歉现在才进行询问,但是我们需要尽快核实执行信息。,2.5.8.列表,is/are as follows The current status is as follows: 12目前数据

28、如下:12followingToday we would like to finish following tasks by the end of day: 1.2 今天我们要完成的任务:1.2Our team here reviewed the newest SCM policy and has following concerns: 1.2我们阅读了最新的供应链管理政策,做出如下考虑:1.2,2.5.9. 发送附件,Please see/ find the attached 请见附件 Attached please kindly find/see请见附件Please find the at

29、tached overview of our new product. 请见附件,关于我们新产品的概述。 Attached is/are 附上Attached is a customer-service survey as we would love to know your thoughts on our products and services. 附上客户服务调查,我们希望了解您对于我们产品及服务的看法。 Ive attached 我附上I ve attached some of the pictures we took during our visit. 我附上一些旅途所拍照片。,2.

30、6 结尾,2.6.1 一般性结尾,I look forward to n./doing 我期待 I look forward to your response. 我期待您的答复。If you have any, please feel free to/ dont hesitate to do如果你还有其,请尽管If you have any more questions, please feel free to contact me.如果你还有其他问题,请尽管和我联系。Please let me know if I can 如果我能,请让我知道 Please let me know if I

31、can do more to support this.如果还有别的我能做的来支持该项目,请告诉我。would appreciate any feedback/suggestions 若有任何意见,请不吝赐教I would appreciate any feedback you have. 若有任何意见,请不吝赐教,2.6.2 商务性结尾,Look forward to our continued cooperation. 期盼我们能继续合作。This email is not for general distribution. 请勿公开散布这封电子邮件。We hope that our pr

32、ompt and efficient handling of your order will lead to your becoming a regular customer. 期盼我们迅速、有效处理您的订单能让您成为我们的老主顾。For further information, please contact Customer Services. 如需更多相关讯息,请洽客服部。Please direct any questions you may have to my office at 4388-3899.如有任何问题您可拨打我办公室电话:4388-3899。,2.6.3 请对方回应,Ple

33、ase contact me/ let me know/ call me/ e-mail mePlease contact me at your earliest convenience. 烦请您方便之时尽快与我联系。Please let me know at your earliest convenience whether you will be attending this workshop. 烦请您方便之时尽快告知我们您能否参加会议。Please call me when youve had time to look over the attached material. 您方便浏览附

34、件中的材料时,烦请您电话告知我。Is it possible/ convenient/ for you to Is it possible for you to decide as soon as possible? We need to make the announcement by the end of the day. 麻烦您可否尽快决定?我们需要在今天之内宣布此事。,2.6.4 结尾表达主动联系,will be in contact with you/ call you/ write to you/ email youI will be in contact with you wit

35、hin the next couple of days. 接下来几天我会与您进行联系。I will call you next week to arrange a date and time for a presentation and to answer any questions you may have.下周我会给您打电话,安排时间和日期就您可能会产生的疑问进行讲解。I will e-mail you next week to answer any questions you may have and to arrange a convenient time to meet do dis

36、cuss the details of this venture.下周我会发邮件解答您的任何问题,并且安排合适的时间见面讨论风险的细节。,2.7 敬语&落款,2.8 签名,姓名/英文名公司名称工作地址联系方式网页链接公司宣传logo,范文赏析,Dear Colleagues,We are glad to inform that the new “Standard Procedure of Poster Display” will take effect on Oct 15, 2018.This standard procedure contains the standard processes

37、 and instruction of poster display at the Daimler China Premises, aiming to create a good working environment for all staff.Highlights of Standard Procedure :No poster display is allowed, except with written approval in advance in accordance with this Standard Procedure.The poster should be displaye

38、d at the designated public area of Daimler Premises.Double-side tape is NOT allowed to be used.The requestor is responsible for taking down the expired poster timely.You are encouraged to read and get well acquaint with the rules you need to follow.Should you have any questions, please feel free to

39、consult HR/Administration SSC.Sincerely,HR / Administration Daimler Greater China Ltd.,总结: 英文邮件写作常见问题,Using a vague or outdated subject 内容模糊或过时 Not using a greeting or sign-off 未使用问候语或结束语Not proofreading 未进行校对Using abbreviations or acronyms 使用缩写或首字母缩略词Using the wrong case 大小写字体使用不当Writing everything

40、 in one long paragraph 所有内容都写进一个长段落中Vague messages with details missing 意思表达不清,缺少细节Using unfriendly tone 语气不友好Messages that are just plain sloppy 邮件马虎草率,分组练习:请修改此邮件,From: Harry.Limpresto.co.my To: Cc: Subject: HELLO!hi ShirleyHope things r well with u, its good 2 know that u will be back in malaysia

41、 again in nov to hold your seminar on effective biz writing. PLS LET ME HAVE SOME FREE DATE while u r over here. some bookstores r interested in a talk and singing event, I hope u will agree to take part.tnks & rgsHarry,讲评 参考答案,From: Harry.Limpresto.co.my To: Cc: Subject: HELLO!hi ShirleyHope things

42、 r well with u, its good 2 know that u will be back in malaysia again in nov to hold your seminar on effective biz writing. PLS LET ME HAVE SOME FREE DATE while u r over here. some bookstores r interested in a talk and singing event, I hope u will agree to take part.tnks & rgsHarry,总结:英文邮件写作步骤,THNAKS FOR WATCHING,


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