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1、托福听力重听题得分难度低 托福听力重听题得分难度低?再放一遍也得会抓住重点。今天给大家带来托福听力重听题得分难度低,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福听力重听题得分难度低?再放一遍也得会抓住重点什么是托福听力重听题重听题就是在题目中将录音某部分的内容再放一遍,让考生重新听,之后考生根据自己重新听到的内容来解题。这种题型属于测试考生实际理解的能力,包括说话者对某一事物和态度的看法以及说话者的目的。因此从这个意义上说这种题型也是推断题、目的题和态度题。重听题一般是一篇题目里的最后一题,每次考试大约会考察2-4道重听题。重听题有一个非常明显的标志,即题目中会有一个耳机的符号,因

2、此非常容易辨认。托福听力重听题出题形式讲解先通过问法来判断题型,从而对应笔记,找考点位置和答案。常见问法有以下几种:1.态度类Why did sb. say / ask this?Whats the purpose of ones statement?2.推断类What did he mean?What does the professor mean when he says this?What can be inferred when he says this?What can be inferred from the speakers statement when he says this

3、?What does the man imply when he said this?态度类,这一类题目问法比较直观,一般是问说话人为什么这么说,或者这么说的目的是什么。第二类是推断类,这一类问法需要考生对*特定内容进行一定的推断,才能得出答案。托福听力重听题常见案例分析1.语气重听语气重听常见的考点位置有:有人提问时出现Really?/Wow!/Oh, my God! 等特殊语气时重读下面我们来看几道例题:E.G. 官方真题Official 8 conversation 2Listen again to part of the conversation. Then answer the qu

4、estion. Why does the student say this:A).To introduce a personal story about exercising.B).To point out a flaw in the health-club model.C).To give an example that supports the professors point.D).To explain why he disagrees with the professor.听力原文:Professor:I mean with a health club you might think

5、they would have trouble attracting customers, right?Student:Well, I know when I pass by a health club and I see all those people working out, they are exercising. I just soon walk on by.教授说了一个理论,健身房在吸引顾客方面有困难,句末加了一个right?表示询问,在这个问句的后面,学生举了自己实际的例子来支持教授的观点,说自己经过健身房的时候就算看见里面有人在健身,也不会停留,直接就走掉了。所以教授一句rig

6、ht?疑问引出了学生的话,因此考生需要关注听力中有人提问时这个考点。因此,答案为C。E.G. 官方真题Official 1 Conversation 1Listen again to part of the conversation. Then answer the question. Why does the woman say this:A).She had forgotten about the information.B).She is surprised she was not aware of the information.C).She is annoyed that the i

7、nformation was published only recently.D).She is concerned that the librarian gave her incorrect information.听力原文:Librarian:All of the librarys databases and electronic sources can be accessed through any computer connected to the university network.Student:Really?! I cant believe I didnt know that.

8、当学生得知所有的资料都可以从校园网络上获得时,说了一句Really?, 这是很明显的语气重听,表达了说话人的惊讶,并且后面还说了一句I cant believe I didnt know that.因此选择表示惊讶surprise的选项B。说话人的语气非常直观,因此考生需要用心去捕捉。2.语意重听语意重听常见的考点位置有:强调句老师回答学生问题时老师的态度和评价*转折(but/however/in fact/actually/although/though)托福听力重听题注意事项题型最后,想提醒考生们的是,重听题的两种类型以及对应的考点大家一定要熟练掌握,语气重听比较明显直观,通过说话人的语气

9、起伏基本就可以选出正确的选项。语意重听则需要考生具有一定的推断能力和理解能力。考生在平时做题时,就要对应不同题型的不同考点记笔记,养成良好的笔记习惯和敏感度,才能在考试中脱颖而出。2020托福听力练习:人类和鸟类合作共享蜂巢This is a story about the birds and the bees. When the Yao people of Mozambique want to find beehives full of honey they make this noise brrrr-hm. That sound attracts the attention of what

10、 are appropriately called honeyguide birds.If you ask Yao honey-hunters why they go brrrr-hm when theyre looking for a honeyguide, theyll tell you, well, its the best way to attract a honeyguide and to maintain its attention while youre following it to a bees nest.Claire Spottiswoode, of the Univers

11、ity of Cambridge in England and the University of Cape Town in South Africa.The Yao have long known that they could attract honeyguides vocally, as part of a rare example of a mutualistic relationship between people and wild animals. The humans get honey and the birds then get what they wantthe prev

12、iously unattainable wax of the beehive, which they consider a delicacy. Spottiswoodes study provides evidence that the humans are actually communicating with the birds.We wanted to specifically test whether honeyguides responded to the exact information content of the brrrr-hm call, which signals, i

13、f you wish, Im looking for bees nests, so we wanted to distinguish that from the alternative that the call simply alerts honeyguides to the presence of humans.Which the research team didbirds were much more likely to respond to brrrr-hm than to other sounds. The study is in the journal Science.Honey

14、guides may help people, but to other birds they can be monsters.Honeyguides are the real Jekyll and Hyde of the bird world.like cowbirds or cuckoos, honeyguides are brood parasitesthey lay their eggs in other birds nests and exploit the care of other species to raise their young. And their chicks ha

15、tch with these very sharp hooks at the tips of their beak, which they use to stab the host young to death as soon as they hatch.You can watch some of this horror-movie-worthy footage that Spottiswoode captured several years ago by googling the phrase honeyguide murder.As Africa becomes more urbanize

16、d, fewer people are engaging the birds to help them find honey. And the relationship between honeyguides and honey-hunters may be fraying.A young honeyguide hatches in the nest of another species knowing how to be a honeyguide. Because it doesnt have the opportunity to learn from its own parents. Bu

17、t then if thats not reinforced by experience, its lost.In the not-too-distant future then, honeyguides may still know where the beehives arebut theyll be keeping that information to themselves.这是一个有关鸟类和蜜蜂的故事。当莫桑比克的尧族人民想要找到装满蜂蜜的蜂巢时,他们就会发出这样的声音。这种声音可以吸引被称作响蜜鴷的鸟类。“如果你问尧族猎蜜人为什么在寻找响蜜鴷时发出这种声音,他们会告诉你,这是吸引响



20、远的将来,响蜜鴷可能仍然知道哪里有蜂巢但是它们会保守秘密。重点讲解:1. respond to 回复;回答;回应;例句:He responded to my suggestion with a nod.他点头回应我的建议。2. distinguish from 区分;辨别;分清;例句:Its important to distinguish fact from fiction.把现实与虚构区分开来是很重要的。3. to death (用于动词后)以致死亡;例句:He was beaten to death by thugs.他被.殴打致死。4. as soon as 一就;例句:He will

21、 be set free as soon as the fine is paid.只要交了罚款,他就会被释放。5. keep sth. to oneself 把秘而不宣;不将说出去;例句:I keep things to myself because I dont want shoulder anybody else with my problems.我把事情藏在心底只是因为不想拿自己的问题去麻烦别人。2020托福听力练习:火星卫星形成于火星大碰撞Mars is a planet of outsized splendor. Despite being only half as big and

22、a tenth as heavy as Earth, it bears the solar systems tallest mountain, longest canyon and largest crater. At 22 and 12 kilometers wide, however, its inner moon Phobos and outer moon Deimos are figurative small potatoes. Scientists suspect both formed much as Earths single large moon did, from a mas

23、sive debris disk ejected into orbit by a giant impact eons ago. But if Marss moons formed like Earths, why are they so very much smaller?The answer may be that they did not form alone. New simulations from Pascal Rosenblatt of the Royal Observatory of Belgium and colleagues show how the debris disk

24、from a giant impact on Mars could have generated additional moons a few hundreds of kilometers in size. After forming in the dense inner regions of the disk, those larger moons would have stirred the disks sparser outer reaches, allowing smaller companions like Phobos and Deimos to coalesce from the

25、 ripples. The study appears in the journal Nature Geoscience.火卫一(Phobos).jpgIn this scenario, the reason we only see Phobos and Deimos today is that the bigger moons were destroyed a few million years after their formation. Their low, fast orbits outpaced Marss rotation, creating a tidal pull that s

26、ent them spiraling down to crash into the planet (Earths moon, by contrast, orbited slower than our planets rotation, allowing it to spiral outward and survive). Future investigations could test the new hypothesis by looking for clusters of Martian craters produced by the infalling moons, but in the

27、 meantime, proof that Mars can kill its companions is right before our eyes: The orbit of Deimos is stable, but Phobos is in a death spiral, losing two centimeters of altitude per year to Marss tidal pull. It will plunge into the planet in 20 million to 40 million years, leaving lonely, far-out Deim

28、os as the last vestige of what may have been a once-mighty system of Martian moons.For Scientific American 60-Second Science Science. Im Lee Billings.火星是一个拥有惊人光辉的行星。虽然火星的体积只有地球的一半,重量只有地球的十分之一,但是它拥有太阳系中最高的山峰、最长的峡谷以及最大的火山口。在22公里和12公里宽处,火星内部卫星火卫一和外部卫星火卫二像生动形象的两颗小土豆。科学家认为,这两颗卫星的形成与地球上形成唯一的月球类似,是亿万年前发生大碰


30、下,月球运行轨道的速度慢于地球自传,使其螺旋向外延展并生存下来。)未来的调查可以通过寻找由陨落卫星形成的火星陨石坑集群,来测试这一新假设,但与此同时,证明火星可以杀死其同伴的证据就展现在我们眼前:火卫二的运行轨道很稳定,但是火卫一处在“死亡螺旋”中,由于火星的潮汐力,火卫一的运行高度每年下降2厘米。在未来二千万至四千万年,火卫一将撞向火星,只留下非常遥远的火卫二,成为曾经辉煌的火星卫星系统的最后遗迹。重点讲解:1. by contrast 相比之下;与相反;例句:The private sector, by contrast, has plenty of money to spend.相比之下,私营部门就有很多钱可供开销。2. look for 寻找,寻求;例句:You can look for the book in the library catalogue.你可以在图书馆的图书目录上查找这本书。3. in the meantime 在此期间;其间;例句:In the meantime the sky is turning clear.与此同时,天空开始晴朗起来。


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