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1、托福听力难点题型配对题答题思路实例分析 托福听力中有许多题型都要一定的解题技巧和思路才能做好,否则会浪费考生很多的解题时间,今天给大家带来托福听力难点题型配对题答题思路实例分析,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福听力难点题型配对题答题思路实例分析托福听力配对表格题解题思路分析要想轻易拿到配对表格题的分数,并且不过多占用有限的答题时间,我们需要分析了解表格题的出题规律。配对表格题的特征比较容易把握,往往在*中会出现两个人或物,对它们多方面进行比较与对比。在听*时,要对对是否可能会出现表格题进行预判,掌握先机。例:In the lecture, the professor d

2、iscusses characteristics of folktales and fairy tales, indicate the characteristics of each type of the tale.Click in the correct boxes. This question is worth two points.在这道题目中明显提到discusses characteristics of folktales and fairy tales,因此可以看出他们之间是相互对比,并且他们之间是有差异的。通过*的开头部分我们就能得出本篇*的主要内容就是童话和民谣的区别,因此对

3、于这两种故事要在听的过程中着重他们的区别以及自身的特点。选项1:Their appeal is now mainly to children这句话在*的最后体现出来,So why is it that fairy tales seem targeted toward children nowadays?用反义疑问句的形式表达了童话故事对于儿童来说很受欢迎。通过结尾原则和因果原则,在听的过程中应该记录到fairy tales和children.选项2:The plot is the only stable element对应*中的讲到同一个民间故事因为时间、地方等也会变得不一样,故事Becaus

4、e of this, elements like place and time can no longer be tailored to suit a particular audience,暗示只有情节不变。因此属于Folk tales.选项3:The tales are transmitted orally对应*中So, whats a folktale? How would you characterize them? Jeff?,They were passed down orally within cultures from generation to generation,通过教授

5、和学生的一问一答就可以看出folktale是通过passed down orally。在听的过程中,问答原则也可以为考生提醒这里是重点所在。选项4:There is one accepted version对应文中But with a fairy tale, its always there in a book, waiting to be discovered, again and again. 因此可以看出童话故事只在书本上这一种被接收的方式。通过转折原则记录关键信息,a fairy tale、 always in a book即可得出答案。选项5:Characters are well

6、developed通过上面几个选项的分析,我们知道民谣是通过口口相传,而童话故事只出现在书本上,很显然只有童话故事的角色塑造要比民谣塑造的好。还可以通过找出对应的原文But in fairy tales, people no longer have to remember plots. So more energy can be put into other elements of the story like character and setting. character and setting被很好的塑造因此本选项属于童话故事。选项6:The language is relatively

7、 formal本选项和第五个选项的分析相同,因为书上的童话故事的语言是通过加工和认真修改的,而民谣通过人与人之间的交流相传,语言比较随便,因此语言比较正式的是童话故事。2020托福听力练习:鹳靠捡垃圾生活Humans arent the only creatures who love junk foodmany animals are known to enjoy sifting through our garbage to find edible treats.And now we learn that some storks have stopped migrating from Euro

8、pe to sub-Saharan Africa in the wintertheyd rather feed at landfills.“They use landfill sites heavily during the winter and they travel very long distance to get to the sites.”Aldina Franco of the University of East Anglia, one of the scientists who studied the storks use of landfills in Portugal.GP

9、S tracking devices on 17 birds showed that the landfill life might mean up to 100-kilometer round-trips to feedhealthy distances, but far shorter than their historic migration routes.“And also they use the nests throughout the year and look after the nests.So these resident birds are in perfect cond

10、ition, they are always ready to start breeding.So as soon as spring arrives theyre ready to go, the nest is in good condition, and they start breeding earlier.”The number of storks overwintering in Portugal has shot up from fewer than 2,000 in 1995 to 14,000 in 20XX.The increase appears to reflect b

11、oth changes in behavior and a booming stork population in general.The study is in the journal Movement Ecology.The Portuguese landfills are slated to close in 2018, with the trash diverted to covered recycling and composting facilities.How will the storks respond?Franco thinks theyll get back to bas

12、ics.“So the storks are social animals.They live in colonies.They migrate in groups.So potentially as long as there are a few birds that still know the route, they can teach the ones that are currently residents how to migrate.”不仅人类喜欢垃圾食品许多动物也喜欢翻垃圾箱找寻食物。而现在我们了解到一些鹳已经不再于冬天从欧洲向撒哈拉以南的非洲迁徙因为它们宁愿在垃圾堆里寻找食物


14、项研究已在运动生态学杂志上发表。而随着垃圾进行回收及堆肥处理,葡萄牙的垃圾填埋场将于2018年关闭。届时这些鹳该如何应对呢?弗朗科认为它们会回归以前的生活。鹳是群居动物。它们依靠群体而活。同时也成群迁徙。因此只要少数鹳仍然知道迁徙路线,就可以教会现在的居民们如何迁徙。1.junk food 垃圾食品例句:Thats all candy and junk food.那都是糖果和垃圾食品。2.as soon as 只要例句:As soon as we found this out, we closed the ward.我们一发现此事就关闭了病房。3.look after 照顾例句:I love

15、looking after the children.我喜欢照顾小孩。4.ready to 准备例句:Are you ready to board, Mr. Daly?你准备好登机了吗,戴利先生?2020托福听力练习:智能传感器提高球技Hall of Famer Ted Williams once famously commented that hitting a baseball is the hardest thing to do in sports.Although Williamsa .344 career hittermade it look easy, he had a point

16、.Hitting a round ball with a round bat squarely is difficult.Its also an excellent example of some very entertaining applied physics.No surprise then that professional baseball players are turning to science to improve their multimillion-dollar strokes.Some approaches focus on the neuroscience of hi

17、ttingthe deep internal brain mechanisms behind seeing the pitch and reacting to it.But for more info about the swing itself, a sports tech company called Zepp Labs makes a sensor that can help break down those mechanics.The sensor sits in the knob of the companys so-called “Smart Bat” and uses two a

18、ccelerometers and a three-axis gyroscope to measure bat speed, hand speed, attack angle and other factors.The sensor, which weighs only about eight grams, sends this info to a smartphone app via Bluetooth.The app can then use this data to have an onscreen avatar reenact the swing, in the hope that t

19、he batter can pick up some details and make the necessary adjustments.Zepps sensors can also be fitted to golf clubs and tennis rackets.Never one to mince words, Ted Williams also once said that pitchers were “the stupidest people alive.”Hmm, maybe somebody could come up with a smart baseball to hel

20、p them.Against any Ted Williamses out there, anyway.曾入主名人堂的泰德威廉姆斯曾经评价打棒球是体育运动中最难的事情。尽管威廉姆斯在职业生涯中很轻松就达成了344次的安打率,但他说的说法很有道理。用一根圆棍子准确击打一个圆球可并不简单。这同时也是非常有趣的应用物理学中一个典型的例子。Zepp传感器体积约2.54cm一个小正方体约6.3g 外形靓丽坚固.png职业棒球运动员通过科学帮助提高自己价值数百万美元的击球,这并不是新鲜事。而一些方法则将重点集中在击球的神经科学方面棒球运动员在看到球投出后做出反应,这背后所蕴藏的是大脑的深层机制。但关于更多

21、挥棒信息,一家名为泽普实验室的体育科技公司制造的传感器可以帮助突破大脑传统的机制。该传感器位于这家公司“智能球棒”的把手处,其中的2个加速器及一个3轴陀螺仪能够对球棒速度、手速、打击角度等其他因素进行测量。而这款仅有8克重的传感器可以通过蓝牙将信息发送到智能手机的APP应用程序上。而接收数据后,APP应用程序则会在屏幕上再次重塑挥棒的立体影像,这样球拍就能接收细节信息并做出必要调整。泽普公司的这款传感器也可以安装在高尔夫球杆及网球拍上。无需过多赘述,泰德威廉姆斯曾经表示投手是最愚蠢的人。或许有人可以发明出一颗智能棒球来助他们一臂之力。这样就可以反驳泰德威廉姆斯啦。1e up with 想出例句

22、:Several of the members have come up with suggestions of their own.有几位成员提出了自己的建议。2.turn to 转向例句:Tonight its my turn to cook.今晚该我做饭了。3.focus on 集中例句:The talks will focus on economic development of the region.会谈将着重讨论该地区的经济发展。4.pick up 拿起例句:He picked his cap up from the floor and stuck it back on his head.他从地板上拾起帽子,重新戴在头上。


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