1、托福改革后听力考试内容组成详解及题型分值介绍 今天给大家带来托福改革后听力考试内容组成详解及题型分值介绍,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福改革后听力考试内容组成详解及题型分值介绍托福听力考试内容讲解托福听力考试部分的考试时间通常为41-57分钟,听力考试的题型大致可分为对话和讲座两个类型。每段听力内容的时间大致都在4到6分钟左右。对话部分,托福听力每场考试一般有2-3个对话,每段对话后设有5个问题。在对话中,第一个场景一般发生在学校办公室里。对话可能涉及学术内容或者与课程要求有关。第二、三个场景是关于学生的日常对话。对话一般发生在大学校园中,包括非学术性的内容。当然这个
2、并非绝对,对话的具体内容也可能会出现一些变化。除了对话外,另一种将做形式的托福听力题型则包含3到4个讲座(Lectures),每个讲座后会有6个问题。讲座一般*于讲师教授的课堂教学内容。讲座可能只是摘录教授的讲课内容,或者是学生的提问,或是老师向学生提问并且请一位学生回答。这个题型更偏向于学术性的内容。当然,在这里需要提示大家一下,听录音的过程中,ETS允许大家记录笔记。所以,备考听力过程中,学会如何记录笔记,对于托福听力的提分是很有帮助的。托福听力评分标准解读在托福听力中所有回答正确的题目数量加起来就是你的“total points”。而托福听力的评分标准和出题形式大致可以总结为以下3点:1
3、.分值是1分的题目,所有的项目都要回答正确,这一题才算是拿到了全部分值。2.分值是2分的题目,比如,四选三的题目,必须全部答对才能得到所有分值;选对2个,可得到1个分值。3.托福听力以单选题为主,复选题和表格题为辅。2020托福听力练习:人工养殖鳟鱼以满足食用需求Half of all fish people eat worldwide now come from fish farms. So farms need to do more to keep up with demand.If we look to the future, at todays per capita fish inta
4、ke around the world we would need to double aquaculture production.Ron Hardy is the University of Idahos Director of Aquaculture Research. He presented his research at the recent International Symposium on Fish Nutrition and Feeding in Sun Valley, Idaho, which he also chaired.In the wild, rainbow tr
5、out eat insects and other, smaller fish. But Hardy says there arent enough little fish to feed larger fish in the wild and still meet market demand as the human population increases. So hes used selective breeding to create strains of farmed fish that get by on food thats less expensive than little
6、fishfeed made from soybeans, corn and wheat.Some of the farmed fish really thrive: 16 years ago, Hardy had to wait a year for a one-pound trout. These days, his efforts yield trout up to four times as large in the same amount of time.So, it would be kind of like if you were going to breed dogs. So w
7、eve got everything from Rottweilers to little Scotties or whatever.But the farmed fish are not completely vegetarian.Soybeans dont have skeletons, they dont have bones and the bones in fish meal are a major source of minerals for the fish, for example.And much like humans, fish diets require omega-3
8、 fatty acids, not found in terrestrial plants. So Hardy has to add a little fish-oil back into the plant-based feed. For those of us without waders, this kind of aquaculture is our best shot at a fish fry.现在全世界人们食用的鱼中,有一半来自养鱼场。所以,养鱼场要做更多来满足人们的需求。“如果我们放眼未来,以目前世界人均鱼类摄入量来看,我们需要加倍水产养殖。”罗恩哈迪是爱达荷大学水产养殖研究所
10、豆中不含骨骼,不含骨头,而骨头是鱼类饮食中矿物质的主要*。”与人类很像,鱼饲料也需要欧米伽-3脂肪酸,但它并不存在于陆生植物中。所以哈迪必须要在植物性饲料中加一些鱼油。对于我们这种没有钓鱼用连靴裤的人来说,这种水产养殖是我们能享用到炸鱼的最佳选择。重点讲解:1. keep up with 跟上(变化等);跟上(活儿、人等);例句:Penny tended to work through her lunch hour in an effort to keep up with her work.为了把活儿干完,彭妮常常午饭时间也要工作。2. look to 展望,思考(将来发生的事);例句:Loo
11、king to the future, though, we asked him what the prospects are for a vaccine to prevent infection in the first place.不过,展望未来,我们问到他研制出防止感染的疫苗究竟有多大的可能性。3. get by 勉强过活;勉强应付;例句:He gets by on very little money.他靠著很少的钱过日子。2020托福听力练习:野生动物与猎人和徒步旅行者共存Public lands in the U.S. are managed with two goals in mi
12、nd: protecting biodiversity and providing people with recreational opportunities, a chance to connect with nature. But sometimes those two goals are at oddsespecially if recreation, activities like hiking or hunting, disrupts wild animals enough to alter their use of those landscapes.Indeed, several
13、 years ago, a study done in California found that hikers had a negative impact on wildlife.That kind of sounded a bit of an alarm to us as wildlife biologists and as people who like to go hiking ourselves.Wildlife biologist Roland Kays, of the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences and N.C. State
14、 University.We were pretty worried that if this problem was as bad as it seemed from that study, and was widespread, then there could be a real conflict between outdoor recreation and wildlife conservation.To find out, Kays and his team enlisted the help of more than 350 volunteer citizen scientists
15、, who deployed camera traps at nearly 2,000 sites within 32 protected areas in six different states. Roughly half of the areas allowed hunting and half did not. What they discovered was something of a relief.We found relatively minor impacts of hunting and hiking on wildlife.Its not that human activ
16、ities didnt impact wildlife at all of course. Heavily hunted species, like white-tailed deer, grey squirrels, and raccoons, were photographed somewhat less often in hunted areas. Coyotes showed up more often in hunted areas. While most species didnt avoid hiking trails, the predators actually prefer
17、red them.But they did find something that had a much bigger impact on wildlife: habitat quality. The best predictor of wildlife abundance was not human activity, but factors like forest connectivity, nearby housing density, and the amount of adjacent agriculture. The results were published in the Jo
18、urnal of Applied Ecology.And they suggest that outdoor recreation, a 646-billion-dollar industry in the U.S., is currently managed in a sustainable way, but also that protecting the scattered patches of wild habitat that remain in the U.S. is vitalboth for wildlife and for people.Recreation, includi
19、ng hunting and hiking, and wildlife conservation, can coexist in the same place at the same time, and we can go out there and enjoy nature, enjoy the woods, hope to catch a glimpse of wildlife, without worrying about hurting the populations in the process.美国公共土地管理有两个目标:一是保护生物多样性,二是为人们提供娱乐休闲、接近大自然的机会