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1、新概念英语第一册惯用语整理 新概念英语之所以经久不衰是因为以其全新的教学理念,今天给大家带来新概念英语第一册惯用语整理,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。新概念英语第一册惯用语整理Lesson141.lesson n.1.功课,课,课程2.经验,教训teach sb a lesson 给某人一次教训(to punish sb. as a warning)a:the taxi-driver tried to overcharge me and i called a traffic policeman.a:出租司机想让我多付钱,于是我叫来了一个交通警察。b:you should

2、teach such a person a lesson.b:你应该给这种人一次教训。2.thank v/n.感谢,万分感谢.thank goodness 还好!谢天谢地!(used to express ones joy or thankfulness, esp. after one has been saved from sth. unpleasant)例句:i ran into my childlhood friend joe chatted with him for a while. thank gooahess! i wasnt late for work.我偶然遇到了小时候的朋友乔

3、并和他聊了一会儿。还好!我上班没迟到。1. not n.不,没有believe it or not 信不信由你a:is that math course really as hard as everybody says?a:数学课真像大家说得那么难吗?b:worse,believe it or not.b:比那还糟,信不信由你。2. number n.1.数,数字2.号码 v.编号,总计,达之数a number of 一些(后接可数名词,常用large,great等修饰number,表达数量之多)frequently she meets a number of friends in the s

4、upermarket.她经常能在超市遇到一些朋友。新概念英语第一册惯用语整理Lesson581.meet v.遇见make (both) ends meet 收支相抵.量入为出A:Did you hear that Michelle turned down that job?A:你有没有听说米歇尔没有接受那份工作?B:Yeah. The hours were convenient, but she wouldt have been able to make both ends meet.B:是的。时间很合适,但她会入不敷出的。2.morning n. 早晨,上午Monday morning f

5、eeling 星期一早上的心情(因为又耍工作而产生的低落的情绪)例句:Nobody spoke on the train toaby; it was obvious we all hard that Monday morning feeling.今天火车上没人吭声;很显然,大家都有星期一懒洋洋的情绪。1.job n.1.职业,职位 2.工作,活儿have a job doing 口做有困难例句:I have a job marking her understand me. My French is weak and she doesnt know any English.让她明白我的意思真是费

6、了劲了。我的法语不好,她又不懂英文。2.name n. 1.名字,姓名,名称 2.名声,名誉 vt. 给命名have ones name 知道某人姓名(get to know ones name)例句:I dont blame the boy for not giving his name, you cant have my name either.我不怪那个男孩没留姓名,你们也不能知道我的名字。3.student n.学生;学者;研究者student ID 学生证(参见 student card)A:Ive been waiting all week for this concert. Th

7、e Philharmonic is supposed to be excellent and with our student discount the tickets will be rerally cheap.A:这个音乐会我等了整整一个星期了。交响乐团应该很棒,而且我们有学生的折扣,这样票会很便宜的。B:Uh, uh, Im afraid I left my student ID in my other purse.B:噢,噢,我想我是把我的学生证忘在另一个钱包里了。students council 学生会(参见students association)例句:Its ten oclock

8、. Is that too late for us to phone Professor Brown about the students council meeting?已经是10点了。现在给布朗教授打电话告诉他学生会开会的事是不是太晚了?student lounge 学生休息室例句:Do you know where the student lounge is?你知道学生休息室在什么地方吗?Student center 学生中心例句:I havent seen you at the student center all week. Have you been sick?达周我没在学生中心看

9、见过你。你病了吗?新概念英语第一册惯用语整理Lesson9101.fine adj.1.晴朗的 2.可爱的,美好的 3.健康的 n.罚金,罚款pay a fine 罚款;交罚金(have to pay money for ones offence)例句:These books are one week overdue. Im afraid youll have to pay a fine.这些书过期一周了,恐怕你要交罚金。2.see vt.见 vi.1. 看见 2.获悉,知道see a doctor about 就.看医生例句:You ought see a doctor about that

10、 cough right away.你那咳嗽应该立刻去看医生。3.well int.好啦,那么,嗯 adv.1.好好好地 2.有理由地 adj.身体好的,健康的,有元气的bear up weIl表现得很坚强A:Richard seems to be really anxious these days.A:理查德这些天好像有点焦虑不安。B:I think hes bearing up extremely well under the circumstances.B:在这种情况下,他已经表现得很坚强了。well off 有钱,富有例句:My parents are fairly well off

11、and they will pay my tuition fee.我的父母相当有钱,他们会为我付学费的。新概念英语第一册惯用语整理Lesson11121.blue n. 蓝色的 adj.1.蓝色的 2.沮丧的,忧郁的out of the blue 突然地,蓦地例句:She appeared out of the blue yesterday. We havent seen her for years.昨天她突然从天而降,我们已经好长时间没看见她了。2.white adj.白色的a white elephant 大而无用的东西例句:The house youve bought is really

12、 a white elephant, the upkeep will ruin you.你买的这个房子真是一个大而无用的东西,维修这个房子就得毁了你。新概念英语第一册惯用语整理Lesson13141.colour n.1.颜色,颜料 2.脸色,肤色colour and variety 绚丽多彩例句:Gaily-dressed ladies added colour and variety to the scene.身穿艳丽服装的妇女使这个场面更为绚丽多彩。pink colour 淡红色例句:The sky assumed pink colour.天空呈现出淡红色。healthy colour

13、健康的颜色例句:A few weeks in the country brought back her healthy colour.在乡下呆了几个星期后,她又恢复了健康的脸色。2.smart adj.时髦的,巧妙的smart girl 精明的女孩子例句:A smart girl saves money on clothes by leaming to ring the changes on a few dresses and clothes.精明的女孩子能在穿着上用很少几件衣服翻花样以此来省钱。3.thank v.感谢,谢谢thanks to 多亏了 ,由于( because of; owing to; on account of; due to)例句:Thanks to you,we lost:ten to one.都怪你,害得我们以10:1惨败。4.upstairs adv.楼上lives upstairs 住在楼上例句:He Iives upstairs.他住在楼上。新概念英语第一册惯用语整理


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