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1、避开雷区雅思口语高分不是梦 据了解,国内雅思考生的弱项一般都在口语,很多考生一碰到雅思口语考试,舌头就开始“打结”,逻辑也越加混乱。今天给大家带来 雅思口语高分不是梦,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。避开雷区 雅思口语高分不是梦雅思口语的雷区,正在进行雅思口语准备的学生要注意啦:1、60%的考生,因表情被扣分(备注:*所列百分比和其他评分数据,仅代表部分经验,并非官方统计数据)在雅思口语评分标准的发音评分项中,有这样一个界定:能够使用表情、肢体语言帮助自己被理解。根据这个标准,如果你有下列问题,你会被扣分:(1) 几乎不看考官,可能被扣0.2分。(2) 虽然看着考官,但是表

2、情和口语答案并不配套。(3) 因为考官面无表情,你原先勉强保持的微笑逐渐僵硬,直至像考官一样面无表情,这样,你可能被扣0.05分。为了不被扣分,建议各位考生这样做:(1) 在备考阶段,一定要注意表情和语言配套!(2) 在实际考试的时候,无论你紧张与否,无论考官是否面无表情,请你脸上保持微笑,哪怕很生硬。2、因舌头被扣分笔者最为纳闷的是:众多中国考生,明明知道不伸舌头会被扣分,为什么坚持不伸舌头?如果考生找借口说:我习惯不伸舌头啦,那考官会说:向至少0.2分说再见吧!3、因单字不重音被扣分遇到单字重音,你必须把那些单词放慢、加重,原因很简单,在整个句子当中,只有这些单词,才是最重要的,其他单词,



5、绝大同学采取的策略是:一猜二蒙!当你猜测或蒙的时候,你在对考题的理解能力、表述自己观点的能力会严重丢分。如果你放松地、大胆地问考官,你压根不会被扣分。即便考官解释之后你要求他再次解释,你也仅仅可能因为理解能力而被扣个微乎其微的0.05分,而绝对不会因听不懂、答跑题收到双重重罚。8、因哑巴思维被严重扣分笔者在模拟面试中,最痛苦的地方,不是听到了中国考生的哑巴英语(精品课)(论坛),而是直面哑巴思维,这是中国学生雅思口语均分全球倒数的根本症结,其严重程度,远超刚才所讲的其他问题的总和。雅思口语part 2话题:A Historical EventA Historical EventDescribe

6、 a historical event from your country.You should say:what the event waswhen and where it happenedhow you learnt about this eventand explain why you remember this event so well.Part3TraditionsDo you think the traditions in your country (or culture) are changing (or, have changed)?Do you think traditi

7、ons should be preserved, unchanged, or is there some value in changing traditions?What do you think is the value of traditions?Do you think old people think about traditions (or, value traditions) more than young people do?How will you teach your (cultural) traditions to your children?雅思口语:新题解析“重要的植

8、物”An important plant in your country that you likewhat it ishow you knew about itwhy it is importantexplain why you like it最新出炉的5-8月雅思口语新题中出现了一道让考生们很头疼的植物题。植物除了从外观习性方面描述之外,还可以从其实际用途或文化价值的角度去描述,可以使大家不至于无话可说。以下是两个版本的范文:Sample Answer (Band 6)The one Ive chosen to talk about is bamboo, which is diffusel

9、y planted inthe southern part of China and also commonly seen in other subtropical areas(亚热带).The first time I knew about this plant, as far as I can remember, was when I was 6 years old. My parents took me to a panda natural reserve (自然保护区) in Sichuan where I saw a picturesque (风景如画的) bamboo forest

10、. You know, pandas mostly feed on bamboo,and thats how I knew about this plant.As for why its an important plant, well, I once read it somewhere that it could be used to make medicine to cure diseases like coughing, fever and even insomnia, which makes it very valuable. Also, it has become a new mat

11、erial to make a wide range of things, including fabrics and paper, which is more environmentally friendly(环保的) and can remove unpleasant smells (除臭).But the main reason why I like bamboo is that in traditional Chinese culture, bamboo is a symbol of (是什么的象征) some great virtues like persistence and pe

12、rseverance(坚持不懈), integrity and honesty (正直诚实), which I consider as the greatest qualities of a person.Sample Answer (Band 7)The one Ive chosen to talk about is called mimosa (含羞草), also known as sleepy plant, which is diffusely plantedin (广泛种植于) the southern part of China and also commonly seen ino

13、ther tropical areas.The first time I knew about this plant, as far as I can remember, was when I was 6 years old. You know, my grandmother is an expert at (是某方面的专家) gardening, and she had all kinds of potted plants(盆栽) on her balcony. One day, I accidentally touched the leaflets of a potted mimosa.

14、Then what happened next shocked me: the leaflets closed! I had never seen anything like it before and I was totally blown away (感到震惊)! Then my grandma explained to me that whenever stimulated in some ways, such as touching, warming, blowing or shaking, the foliage would fold inwards as a response. B

15、ecause of this, it could serve as a tool to predict weather(预测天气). And thats one of the reasons why I like this plant.As for why its an important plant, well, I once read it somewhere that some of the chemicals in mimosa could be used to make medicine to cure diseases like coughing, fever and could even prevent insomnia, which makes it very valuable.


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