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1、托福听力备考这6种错误认识要纠正 托福听力备考时,考生因为对听力本身考试要求形式等等的片面错误认识,都可能会对大家的备考产生影响。今天给大家带来托福听力备考这6种错误认识要纠正,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福听力备考这6种错误认识要纠正1、永远不要把听力做成阅读学生一旦听不懂*,往往会看着文本来听,很多方法也建议学生这么做。毫无疑问,这样做的直接后果是该*能听懂了。但是这个听懂的过程是先看懂,音频声音形象的建立只是印证了你的阅读。2、口译训练并不适用于托福听力有一个误区,大家经常踩,那就是口译训练并不适用于托福听力。听力并不需要中英文之间的转换能力,很多口译出身的老师

2、会建议听力中做翻译,但我们听懂的步骤是在听到声音形象后理解意思,不需要翻译。3、听写只听不写,重过程不重结果听力能力由三个能力构成,语音识别,语义识别和结构层次,分别对应单词,句子和篇章层面。听写本身只解决语音识别,并不能理解句子意思,或是结构层次。听写不要写下来,第一写下来浪费时间,我经常说,每个方法都能effective,关键去考虑它是否能有efficiency, 你在单位时间的付出是否能收获等量的效果。因此,听写不要写下来。如果你发现不写下来就听不懂,参看A条,不要把听力做成阅读。强迫自己听。听写要做,但只是一个最基础的工作。如果只做听写,听力永远无法提高,永远,不要忘了语义识别和结构层

3、次。4、听力不仅仅是大量时间和次数的听,一定要有方法很多同学问,一个lecture需要听几遍。如果你没有提高,几遍都一样。听的过程一定要去抓层次结构和出题点。参考一些核心的内容,完整的去完成一个lecture, 关键不在遍数,2遍也能达到很好的效果。5、别过多关注不认识的单词ETS从不要求考生听懂每一个单词,单词是一个基础量,但我们需要在听不懂的情况下如何理解一个lecture,这是需要做到的,整个课程设计和单词量没有关系,无论你现在水平如何,从另一个视角打开全新听力,结构层次的练习让你无论10分还是25分都能够获得想要的提升。6、结构为王听力笔记最重要的是结构层次,每个人的笔记都是高度个性化

4、的,笔记只有两个目的,一个是有效定位,一个是理清结构。很多同学发现记了的没有考,考了的没有记。 首先尝试记少,从抓一句话的核心词(不可替代词汇,能提示你整句的词汇),扩展到10s一次停顿,在扩展到1min,逐渐能够抓到层次.。再参考一些核心内容,,抓住考点。2020托福听力练习:鸽子血检测替代儿童血液检测Pigeons. Ever since humans established permanent agricultural settlements, weve lived side-by-side with the birdsor, as some people call them, rats

5、 with wings. They walk on our sidewalks, roost on our buildings, and eat our leftovers. But soon pigeons may help us identify risks to public health.What were doing here in my lab is were assessing how we can use something thats been considered a pest that people actively try to exterminate: the pig

6、eon. How can we use it to better the environment for not only ourselves but for pigeons and for other wildlife?U.C. Davis neurobiologist Rebecca Calisi. She looked at lead levels in blood samples from more than 800 injured pigeons brought to a New York City wildlife rehabilitation center. And she co

7、mpared those to lead levels in blood samples collected from children by the New York City Department of Health in routine screening efforts. The results were published in the journal Chemosphere.The neighborhoods where children have high rates of lead toxicity, thats where we saw pigeons with high b

8、lood lead levels.so this is a proof of concept kind of project.Most pigeons will live out their lives within just two kilometers of the place they hatched, so the birds may be able to help researchers develop a detailed map of the risk of toxic lead exposure.In people, especially kids, lead exposure

9、 can affect intelligence, brain development, social skills and memory. Having demonstrated that pigeons can pinpoint areas with high lead contamination, Calisi thinks that the birds can help researchers zero in on other potential environmental hazards as well.The thing is, we dont know what to test

10、for right now. We know to test for lead, but what about certain pesticides? Or fire retardants are a big problem these days. Were not sure what the problems are. So instead of drawing a ton of blood from children and putting them through all these tests, why not use an animal that shares our environ

11、ment, the pigeon, and test for a whole suite of different potential harmful pollutants?So rather than dismissing them as rats with wings, why not think of them as.lab rats with wings?鸽子。自从人类建立永久性农业定居点以来,鸽子就一直与我们生活在一起,甚至有一些人称鸽子是有翅膀的老鼠。鸽子走在人行道上,栖息在建筑楼顶,吃我们的剩饭剩菜。但是不久以后鸽子可能会帮助我们确定公共卫生风险。“我们正在实验室里评估如何使用被


13、、大脑发育、社会技能和记忆力。卡利斯已经证明鸽子可以确定高铅污染的地区,她认为鸟类也可以帮助研究人员发现其他潜在的环境危害。“问题是,目前我们不知道要怎么检测。我们知道要检测铅,但特定的农药呢?也许现在阻燃剂也是一个大问题。但是我们不确定是什么问题。所以我们没有没有提取孩子的大量血液样本进行测试,而是用动物血液,也就是鸽子的血液来测试各种潜在有害污染物。”因此,与其蔑视它们是长着翅膀的老鼠,为什么不把它们看作是有翅膀的实验鼠。2020托福听力练习:车门遥控装置安全隐患Todays cars have loads of computer smarts built in. Like the chi

14、ps that allow you, with the push of a button to unlock your car. And as new cars move down the assembly line, automakers program those functions into the car.They produce one car and they program a cryptographic secret in it, in order to secure it against thieves. Timo Kasper, a cryptographer and en

15、gineer at the security and IT consulting company Kasper Oswald. Then comes the next car on the production line and they put the same secrets into the second car. And then comes the third car on the production line and they again put the same secrets into this car. And they repeat this process for mi

16、llions of cars in the world. And now millions of cars in the world share the same cryptographic secret. Of course, this secret is not so well protected anymore, because its in every of these million cars, and in every remote control. And this is of course a typical example of how to not do it.And ye

17、t, he says thats exactly how the Volkswagen Group did do it, for many cars manufactured in the last 20 years. Kasper and his colleagues decoded that shared cryptographic secret by studying the design and operation of chips from VW Group cars and remotes. After hacking the hardware, they were easily

18、able to eavesdrop on and decrypt unlocking signals, clone the remote control and unlock cars. They presented the details August 12th at the USENIX Security Symposium, in Austin, Texas.Kasper says VW is aware of the problemand theyre not alone. This is not a VW bug but this is a red line, as we Germa

19、ns say, through all the automotive industry. In fact, in the same study, they showed that another encryption system used by many other brands, including Ford, Chevy, Nissan and Mitsubishi, has a weak cryptographic algorithmwhich, again, allowed the team to break into more than a dozen cars.Bottom li

20、ne? Its easier to hack into cars than many drivers might have imagined. So if you want to avoid eavesdropping, the researchers recommend simply ditching remote controls and cryptography, and just go back to the good old metal key.现在的汽车配备了大量电脑智能系统。比如芯片,让你可以一按按钮就打开车门。新车从装配线下线时,汽车制作商就已经将这些功能编入汽车。“汽车制造商


22、侵硬件之后,他们很容易能够窃听和解密释放信号,克隆遥控装置解锁汽车。8月12日,他们在得克萨斯州奥斯汀举行的USENIX安全研讨会上公布了具体的信息。卡斯珀表示。大众公司已经意识到了这个问题意识到问题的不仅仅是大众公司。“这不是大众的漏洞,就如我们德国人描述的那样,这是整个汽车行业的红线。实际上,在同一个研究中,他们发现福特、雪弗兰、尼桑、三菱等其他品牌使用的加密算法也有纰漏,这使研究团队再一次成功解锁了10多辆汽车。底线?入侵解锁汽车比许多司机想的更容易。如果你想避免被窃听的话,研究人员建议,只要不使用遥控和加密装置,重新使用传统的金属钥匙就可以了。重点讲解:1. in order to 为

23、了;以便;目的在于;例句:She stepped forward in order to see clearly.她向前走了一步以便能看得更清楚。2. eavesdrop on 偷听;窃听;例句:German hacker claims to have cracked the encryption that protects most cellphone calls, potentially paving the way for others to eavesdrop on conversations.一名德国黑客声称.了保护大部分手机通话的加密编码,使窃听他人手机通话成为可能。3. be a

24、ware of 注意到的;察觉到的;意识到的;例句:John has been aware of having done something wrong.约翰已意识到自己做错了事情。4. break into 强行进入;闯入;例句:They break into computers and break the phone system. Real hackers call these people crackers and want nothing to do with them.他们入侵电脑,破坏电话系统。真正的黑客叫这些人骇客,而且不想与他们扯上边。5. hack into (尤指为获取机密信息)侵入,非法进入(他人的计算机系统);例句:There is no doubt that it is a criminal offence to hack into others computers and get secret data .毫无疑问,非法侵入他人电脑获取机密资料是刑事犯罪。


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