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1、MapWriting Task 1,Step one 看图分析,归类信息Step two 用所推荐的结构写作,General Guide,审题,1.单图还是多图2.显示时间 : 同一时间还是多个时间?3.在多图和多时间之间最明显的差别是?4.在单图和多时间之间,相似之处有哪些?5.图中信息可分成2组吗,怎么分,审题,分析: 图一: 顺时针/逆时针 左右/上下 从有到无 图二: 顺时针/逆时针 左右/上下 描述变化总趋势:图二发生巨大变化,前进/倒退,审题,推荐结构:1)introduction 转述题目 2)Overview 描述总体变化 3)body paragraph 1 图一信息 4)b

2、ody paragraph 2 图二信息,高频词汇:exploit 开发 unspoilt 未被破坏的 infrastructure 基础设施 amenities 便利设施 ring road around city 环城路,North,South,East,West,North East,North West,South West,South East,To the north ofNorth of North east of North west of In the north On the north side of,To the east ofEast ofIn the east,方位

3、的描述,1.城市南边的郊区新建了一所学校。There is a new school constructed at the outskirts at the southern part of city. 2.商店数量减少了。Shops are reduced in number.3.公园面积增加了。The park is increased in size.4.道路南边的房子被拆除,并建立了车站。The houses along the north side of the road are demolished to make way for a bus station.5.主干道改造成了环城

4、路。The main road is transformed into a ring road around city.,小试牛刀,分析:图一:1.Small - main road - W to E, shops on both sides2.Northern area - countryside3.Southern area - housing / end of fork -school SW corner / park in SE图二:1.Expected to reform into a dual carriageway - contain all of the buildings2.

5、The shops along the north side-demolished to make way for.3.Shops along the south side- remain, park reduced - new housing,introduction简单:These map illustrate some changes which will take place in the future in the centre of Islip town.例文:The diagrams illustrate some proposed changes to the central

6、area of the town of Islip.,OverviewOverall, the fundamental change to the town will be the increase of a ring road around it. some other development in business, transportation and living envirenment will come along with this road.例文:Overall, the principal change to the town will be the construction

7、 of a ring road around the centre. Various other developments with regard to shops and housing will accompany the building of this road.,图一:1.Small - main road - W to E, shops on both sides2.Northern area - countryside3.Southern area - housing / end of fork -school SW corner / park in SEAccording to

8、 the first map, the Islip town is quite small with a main road from west to east and shops on both sides.As the first map reveals, the current Islip town centre is relatively small. Thereis a main road from the west to the east with shops an both sides.,图一:1.Small - main road - W to E, shops on both

9、 sides2.Northern area - countryside3.Southern area - housing / end of fork -school SW corner / park in SEBehind the shops on north side of the main road is a large area of countryside, while on the south side of it is the housing area of the town with a school on southwest and a park on southeast.例文

10、:The northern area contains the countryside, while the southern area is filled with houses, a school at the end of the tortd road in the southwest comer, and a park in the southeast area.,图二:1.Expected to reform into a dual carriageway - contain a lot of the buildingsIn the future, the main road wil

11、l be transformed into a ring round dual carriageway, while the part with shops on sides will be turned into a pedestrian street.In the future, the main road is expected to reform into a round, dual carriageway containing a lot of the new buildings.,图二:2.The shops along the north side-demolished to m

12、ake way for.The shops along the north side will be replaced by a bus station, shopping centre, car park and new houses.The shops along the north side of the new pedestrian street will be demolished to make way for a bus station, shopping centre, car park and a new housing area.,图二:3.Shops along the

13、south side- remain, park reduced - new housingshops on the south side of the street will still remain, but the houses on the southeast will be renovated and expanded. The park will be narrowed down and make room for the new houses.The shops along the south side of the street will remain, but it seem

14、s that the lowns park will be reduced In size so that more new houses can be built within the ring road.,静态选址图,推荐结构:1)introduction 转述题目 2) body paragraph 1 地点一 3)body paragraph 2 地点二 4)conclusion 简要总结,审题,分析:地点一:总方位(东西南北),东西南北各有XX, 好处与坏处地点二:总方位(东西南北),东西南北各有XX, 好处与坏处总结:地点一、二均,但是地点X更,The map below is o

15、f the town of Garlsdon. A new supermarket (S) is planned for the town. The map shows two possible sites for the supermarket.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words.,分析:S1:NW / N&W countryside / E&S housing

16、/railway and mainroad / large parking area but less custommersS2:S / in the city center, surrounded by housing / railway and main roads / close and convenience ,vary custommers but at no traffic zone总结:both by the railway, S1/S2 more concinience,The map below is of the town of Garlsdon. A new superm

17、arket (S) is planned for the town. The map shows two possible sites for the supermarket.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words.,introductionThe map given shows two possible sites of supermarket in the town

18、 Garlsdon in the future.The map circles two proposed sites for a new supermarket in the town of Garlsdon.,S1:NW / N&W countryside / E&S housing / railway and main road / large parking area but less custommersS1: The first site is located in the northwest of the town. North and west of the supermarke

19、t is countryside, while there is housing area on its south and east. A railway and a main road from northwest to southeast pass by the supermarket, which can bring custommers conciniencely. Meanwhile, the supermarket here can build a large parking lot for its custommers, as there is much pace in the countryside. However, it is far from the south and east housing area,S2:S / in the city center, surrounded by housing / railway and main roads / close and convenience ,vary custommers but at no traffic zone,thank you!,


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