1、,Unit 4,What do you think of fashion?,1. What do you think of this fashion show?2. What kind of clothes do you like?,Look at the picture and discuss:,Youll be able to:,1. talk about fashion;2. describe fashion styles.,Warming up,听录音,将下列词语与图片匹配。,Listen and match.,1,Key sentences:,cap,earrings,necklac
2、e,handbag,sunglasses,Warming up,cap,帽子,Warming up,earrings,耳环,Warming up,handbag,手提包,Warming up,sunglasses,太阳镜,Warming up,necklace,项链,2. Marys handbag matches her dress very well.,Tom always wears a pair of sunglasses in summer.,汤姆夏天总是戴一副太阳镜。,玛丽的手提包和她的连衣裙搭配地非常漂亮。,Warming up,讨论并选出你认为体现时尚的五,Discuss an
3、d tick.,个因素。,clothes,hairstyle,way of behaviour,electronic products,make-up,attitude,idea,sport,2,Listening and Speaking,suit,comfortable,formally,casual,relaxed,v. 适合,adj. 舒适的,adv. 正式地,adj. 休闲的,adj. 放松的,听录音,学习下列词语。,Listen and learn.,classy,graceful,perfect,match,adj. 时髦的,高级的,adj. 优雅的,adj. 完美的,n. &
4、v.搭配,1,energetic,adj. 充满活力的,Alice: Hi, Jimmy. You look great today. This blue T-shirt really suits you.Jimmy: Thank you. You look great, too. Alice: Shirts and jeans are my favourite. How about you?Jimmy: You know, I like doing sports, so sports style suits me best. T-shirts and sneakers make me fee
5、l comfortable. Alice: Thats true. But sometimes you do have to dress formally.Jimmy: I agree. For example, we should dress formally when we attend a job interview.,Listening and Speaking,参考译文,听录音,练习谈论着装。,Listen and practice.,2,艾丽斯:你好,吉米。今天你看上去很帅气啊。这件蓝色 的T恤真得是太配你了。 吉米:谢谢。你看上去也很神气啊。艾丽斯:我最喜欢的就是衬衫配牛仔裤。你
6、呢? 吉米:你知道,我喜欢运动。所以运动风格(的衣服) 最适合我了。我觉得T恤和运动鞋非常舒服。艾丽斯:没错。不过有时候确实需要穿得正式点儿。 吉米:赞成。比如说我们在参加工作面试的时候就要穿 得正式些。,do在句中表示强调,意为“确实,真的”。,该句包含一个when引导的时间状语从句,attend a job interview:参加工作面试。,Listening and Speaking,再听录音,根据提示表演对话。,Listen again and act.,yellow sweater;like travelling;casual style;sweaters and jeans;ma
7、ke me feel relaxed,3,Listening and Speaking,S1: Hi, S2. You look great today. This yellow sweater suits you rather nicely.S2: Thank you. You look great, too.S1: Sweaters and jeans are my favorite. How about you?S2: You know, I like travelling, so casual style suits me best. T-shirt and jeans make me
8、 feel relaxed.S1: Thats true. But sometimes you do have to dress formally. S2: I agree. For example, we should dress formally when we have a job interview.,Betty: Im going to my friends birthday party. I want to look classy and graceful. Could you give me some advice?Clerk: Sure. How about this dark
9、 blue dress? It suits you so well. Besides, blue is the colour of the season.Betty: And I also need a handbag to match the dress.Clerk: What about this red one? It makes a perfect match.Betty: Good idea! Thank you for your advice.Clerk: My pleasure.,Listening and Speaking,参考译文,听录音,练习谈论如何得体着装。,Listen
10、 and practice.,4,贝蒂:我要参加一个朋友的生日聚会,我想让自己看上 去时髦又优雅。能给我点儿建议吗?店员:当然啦。你觉得这件深蓝色的裙子怎么样?挺适 合你的。另外,蓝色是本季节的流行色。贝蒂:我还需要一个手包来搭配这件裙子。店员:这个红色的怎么样?简直太配了。贝蒂:好主意!谢谢你的建议。店员:别客气。,Listening and Speaking,再听录音,根据提示表演对话。,Listen again and act.,5,a picnic;casual and energetic;orange sportswear;a pair of white sneakers,Liste
11、ning and Speaking,S1: Im going to have a picnic. I want to look casual and energetic. Can you give me some advice?S2: Sure. How about this orange sportswear? It suits you so well. Besides, orange is the colour of the season.S1: And I also need a pair of sneakers to match the sportswear.S2: What abou
12、t this pair of white sneakers?S2: Good idea! Thank you for your advice.S1: My pleasure.,Reading and Writing,读下文,了解人们对时尚的不同看法。,Read and learn.,Li Wei,1,我喜欢时尚,并努力跟上最新的时尚。穿漂亮的衣服让我更加自信。,李薇,I like to be trendy and try to keep up with the latest fashions. Wearing beautiful clothes makes me feel more confi
13、dent.,wearing beautiful clothes是动名词结构,在句中作主语。同样用法的句子还有:In my opinion, making some DIY things is fashionable.,Reading and Writing,Jack,我是一个狂热的体育迷。我喜欢像那些体育明星一样穿着。比如说,我的篮球T恤上的号码是7,那正是林书豪球衣上的号码。,杰克,Reading and Writing,Vivian,时尚是让人们看上去与众不同的事物。我是一个(独立的)个体,所以我不想失去自我。在我看来,能够亲自动手做才够时尚。,薇薇安,Reading and Writin
14、g,再读上文,谈谈你对,Read again and discuss.,时尚的看法。,2,For example:I like to be.I am a great fan of.In my opinion,Read and learn.,读下文,了解时尚的变迁。,Reading and Writing,Fashions tend to keep coming back in cycles. The most popular fashions today may be those belonging to the 1960s or 1970s. For example, Feiyue, the
15、 once famous Chinese sneakers brand, had been out of fashion for decades. But with its Chinese origins, close ties to Chinese kung fu and comfort, it has made a quick comeback. A Frenchman started selling this classic Chinese brand in Europe in 2006. Now Feiyue sneakers have become extremely popular
16、 across Europe, the US and Japan. Many young people dream of owning a pair of Feiyue to stand out in fashion.,参考译文,时尚是有周期的。现在最时尚的事物可能曾经流行于二十世纪六、七十年代。 比如说,飞跃(牌运动鞋)曾经是中国著名的运动鞋品牌,几十年前就不流行了。但由于它源于中国,与中国功夫渊源密切,而且舒适,如今它又重返时尚。 2006年,一个法国人在欧洲开始销售这种传统的中国运动鞋。现在飞跃牌运动鞋已经风靡欧洲大陆、美国和日本了。很多年轻人都梦想着拥有一双飞跃牌运动鞋,以期能够站在时
17、尚的前沿。,out of fashion:不流行,过时;for decades:几十年以来。,Discuss and tick.,讨论并选出你喜欢的物品。,Reading and Writing,Read and learn.,读下文,了解时装秀的信息。,Reading and Writing,There will be a special fashion show by the senior students of our school. They are going to present different types of clothes, in various styles: casu
18、al, sports, formal, preppy, etc. Whats more, they will also present DIY clothes made of recycled materials. We will vote for the best clothes of the year. The show will be held in the Dining Hall, at 7:30 pm on 7 March. We believe that you will all enjoy a fantastic fashion night!,参考译文,我校高年级学生要举办一个特
19、别的时装秀。他们将会展示多种类型不同、风格迥异的服装,包括:休闲装、运动装、正装和学院派服装等。另外,他们还会展示用再生材料自制的服装。我们将要选出年度最佳服装。服装秀将于三月七日晚7:30在餐厅举行。相信你们一定会度过一个精彩纷呈的时尚之夜。,casual style:休闲款;sports style:运动款;formal style:正装款;preppy style:学院款。,Reading and Writing,Read again and fill.,再读上文,填写选票。,Your Vote,The best style:,The best presenter:,Reason:,Mo
20、re Activities,Steve Jobs wardrobe evolution began in 1998. From then on, it was always the uniform of jeans, black turtlenecks and sneakers. Jobs has turned it into his personal branding, a symbol of his devotion to technology. A person once said that Jobs choice of clothes helped to make him an ico
21、noclast among Silicon Valley folks. The clothing he wore is all super basics, and almost everyone owns such items. But Jobs has made it a fashion trend, especially among “Apple fans”. We all know that the fashion was not the clothing itself, but the success of Steve Jobs.,Read and learn.,读下文,了解乔布斯的着
22、装风格。,参考译文,史蒂夫乔布斯的衣柜1998年开始演化。从那时开始,它就一直是牛仔裤,黑色高领毛衣和运动鞋的统一体。乔布斯把这个统一体变成了个性化品牌,一个他毕生献身于技术的象征。有人说,乔布斯对服装的选择助使他为硅谷人树立了一个反传统观念者的形象。 他所穿的衣服全部都是基本款,几乎每个人都有那样的衣服。但乔布斯使它们成为了潮流,尤其是在“果粉”中。我们都知道这个潮流并非来自衣服本身,而是来自乔布斯的成功。,Silicon Valley:硅谷,地处美国加州北部旧金山湾以南,是高新技术产业的聚集地。,More Activities,Read again and discuss.,再读上文,讨论
23、由名人,带动的流行风潮。,I think Jobs clothing is rather boring, becauseIn my view, Lady Gagas hairstyle is very fashionable, because,For example:,Around the World,参考译文,During the 160 years of its history, Omega has played an innovative role in the field of watchmaking. With its expertise and long tradition of
24、measuring time, Omega is always at the service of timekeeping for the worlds most important sporting events, from the Olympic Games to the Americas Cup, from the World Swimming Championships to the IAAF World Athletics Tour Meet.,在其160年的历史中,欧米伽在制表业界始终扮演着富有革新精神的角色。凭借其在计时领域专长和悠久传统,欧米伽一直在为从奥运会到美洲杯,从世界游
25、泳锦标赛到国际田联世界田径巡回赛等全球重大体育赛事提供计时服务。,Levi Strauss pants were first designed for working people in the American West. Levis is now known to all jeans lovers, especially young people, for its casual style and fashionable design.,Around the World,参考译文,李维斯特劳斯的裤子最初是为美国西部的劳动者设计的。因为它的休闲风格和时尚设计,李维这个品牌对所有牛仔裤爱好者来
26、说,尤其是对年轻人来说,早已经家喻户晓。,Coco Chanel was the first designer making pants for women. She added elements used only for men before into her design for women. In other words, Chanel gave the opportunity for women to wear pants just like men.,Around the World,参考译文,可可香奈儿是第一位为女性设计制作裤装的设计师。她在为女士设计的服装中,加入了一些曾经只适
27、合男士的元素。换句话说,香奈儿赋予了女人能够像男人一样穿裤装的机会。,Fun Time,Proverbs,lover,/,Beauty lies in lovers eyes.,情人眼里出西施。,reading,/r/,Reading enriches the mind.,开卷有益。,handsome,/h/,Handsome is he who does handsomely.,行为美才算美。,Fun Time,A Joke,Customer: How many sheep does it take to make a sweater?Salesperson: I didnt even kn
28、ow that sheep can knit!,参考译文,顾客:多少只绵羊(的毛)可以织一件羊毛衫?售货员:我从来不知道绵羊还会织毛衣。,笑话,My Progress Check,I can talk about fashion and fashion styles with:,hairstyle behaviour suit comfortable formally causal relaxed classy graceful perfect match preppy basic handbag energetic trendy DIY brand out of fashion stand out,Fashion is the kind of thing that makes people different from others.Fashions tend to keep coming back in cycles.,Great! I want to learn more!,