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1、,Unit One Review,术语:制成品资本货物 国际收支经常项目有形贸易项目无形贸易项目贸易顺差贸易逆差易货贸易补偿贸易反向贸易组装生产,术语:manufactured goods capital goods balance of payments current account visible trade account invisible trade account trade surplus trade deficitbarter compensation trade counter-trade assembly manufacturing,合资企业延期付款买方信贷卖方信贷软贷款

2、 (低息贷款)最惠国待遇国际复兴和开发银行 经济合作和发展组织 国际清算银行 欧洲经济共同体 欧洲联盟 外商直接投资,joint venturedeferred payment buyer credit supplier credit soft loan MFN treatment (Most Favored nation treatment)IBRD(International Bank for Reconstruction and Development) OECD(Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development)BIS(Bank

3、 for International Settlement) EEC(European Economic Community) EU(European Union) FDI(Foreign Direct Investment),永久性正常贸易关系国民收入国民生产总值 国内生产总值,PNTR (Permanent Normal Trading Relations)NI(National Income)GNP(Gross National Product) GDP(Gross Domestic Product),Lesson 2,1.incentive insentiv n. 动机;诱因;刺激 a

4、dj. 激励的;刺激的There is no incentive to train the young and the temporary(临时工).对年轻人和临时工的培训变得毫无动机可言。激励机制(incentive mechanism)meknizm,2. promulgate prmleit, pruml- vt. 公布;传播;发表promulgate laws 颁布法律The ability to impose taxes, promulgate laws, count citizens and raise an army lies at the heart of statehood.

5、征税、颁布法律、统计人口和招募军队是一个国家的核心职能。,3. in an effort to企图(努力想);试图要China this week launched its second buying mission to Europe in the past month in an effort to (试图要)defuse(平息,化解) protectionist sentiment.中国本周启动了过去一个月来的第二次欧洲采购之旅,以图化解保护主义情绪。,4. have access to使用;接近;可以利用have no access to: 没有接触过 have easy access

6、 to: 很容易获得All students have access to the Internet in this university.在这所大学的所有学生均能使用互联网。5. take note of注意;记笔记Take note of what Lou says next.请记下陆以下说的话。,6. make sense有意义;讲得通;言之有理But there must be some books in the Library which make sense!但是宇宙图书馆中肯定有一些书是有意义的!make sense of了解的意思,弄懂的话try to make sense o

7、f why she is having these feelings.试着理解为什么她会拥有这些感受。,7. cope with处理,应付How you manage and cope with change is a sign of your professionalism (职业特性)and maturity.如何处理和应付变化是你的职业特性和成熟的标志。,8. a well-placed source: 一位高层消息灵通人士well-placed welpleist adj. 置于适当地点的;瞄得准的;有良好的职位或社会地位的There was no privileged childho

8、od with wealthy parents and well-placed friends.他没有有钱的父母,也没有有势力的朋友,没有任何优势。,9. repay ri:pei, ri- vi. 偿还;报答;报复 vt. 回报;报复;付还repayment ri:peimnt; ri- n.1. 偿还;偿付2. 偿还金额3. 报答;报复,When will you repay me the $500 I lent you last week?我上周借给你的五百美元你什么时候还给我?Heavens will repay.老天爷会给报应的。I can never repay you for y

9、our kindness.你对我的恩情我永远也报答不完。,10. renovate renuveit vt.1. 革新;更新:We must renovate our social life to keep abreast of the times.我们必须革新我们的社会生活以适应时代的要求。2. 整修;翻修;修理: They are going to renovate the old furniture.他们准备将旧家具整修一番。3. 使恢复精力;使振作: Our school has been renovated by Lei Fengs spirit.我们学校因受到雷锋精神的影响而重整旗

10、鼓振作起来。,11. preferential ,prefrenl adj. 优先的;选择的;特惠的;先取的preferential loan优惠贷款We give preferential treatment to those who invest in this area.我们对那些在这个地区投资的人给予优惠待遇。preference n. 偏爱,倾向;优先权A polar bear has a preference for cold weather.北极熊喜欢寒冷的天气。,12. from scratch 从零开始;白手起家Well close that bookshop, and we

11、ll start everything from scratch.我们将把那家书店关掉,一切从头干起。13. uniform ju:nif:m adj. 统一的;一致的;均衡的;始终如一的 n. 制服You must turn in your uniform when you leave the army.你离开部队时,必须把军服上缴。,14. readily redili adv. 容易地;乐意地;无困难地He readily agreed to help us.他欣然同意帮助我们。15. grant the right to 授权Visa exemption does not grant

12、the right to work.豁免签证并不授予工作的权利。Grant the right to perform certain acts.授予从事某种行为的权利。,16. waive weiv vt. 放弃;搁置He didnt waive his right in this matter推迟,延期,搁置: The judge waived the final decision for 20 days.法官把终审推迟了20天。waiver of loan 免除还款,17. be liable to易于的;有倾向的;应付有责任,应遵守Any person not putting litte

13、r(废弃物 ) in this basket will be liable to a fine of $5.任何不把垃圾扔进这个筐内的人将处以罚款5美元。If it is due to the perils(危险的事) of sea or maritime (海)accidents, the insurance company shall be liable to pay如果是由于海上风险和事故造成,那么保险公司必须负责赔偿。,18. entitle intaitl 1. vt.给权利,使有权利;为提出要求提供理由;给资格(to):Your years of service entitle y

14、ou to a pension(养老金).你的服务年限使你有资格领取养老金。2. 给(文章、书、剧本等)题名,定(书)名: What was the book en-titled?给此书定什么名?entitle sb to do sth: 给某人做某事的权利entitlement intaitlmnt n. 权利;津贴,19. authority :rti n. 权威;权力;当局have authority over (或with )对有权力He was widely regarded as a leading authority on nutrition .人们普遍认为他是营养学方面的著名权

15、威。,20. stir up激起;煽动;搅拌;唤起to stir up hatred between nations煽动民族间的仇恨stir up bad blood /stir up ill blood(在二人之间)挑起恶感,挑拨离间Stir up the milk with sugar.把牛奶和糖搅一下,21. has yet to有待The economy has yet to improve.经济状况还需得到改善。22. in the drivers seat处于统治地位Tom is in the drivers seat. He makes all the decisions.汤姆掌

16、握大权,他做所有的决定。The employer is in the drivers seat in todays environment.在当今环境之中雇主大权在握。,23. deem di:m vt. 认为,视作;相信vi. 认为,持某种看法;作某种评价She deemed it wise to refuse the offer.她认为拒绝这个建议是明智之举。We deem very highly of him.我们非常尊重他。,So, while comprehensive framework for the country“s modernization has been provid

17、ed by the central committee”s 21 October 1984 decision to reform the economic structure, it will be some time before the dust settles and local authorities and foreign investors can deal with one another in a systematic way.因此,虽然中央委员会1984年10月21日的改革经济结构的决定为该国的现代化提供了一个综合的框架,但要等尘埃落定、要等地方政府与外国投资者能有条不紊的打

18、交道却还需要一段时间。,三、课后问题,1、“A clearly confident China has rolled up large section of its bamboo curtain ,declared itself open to the outside world and hung signs on nearly all its cities inviting foreign investors to come and do serious business.”(一个显然是自信的中国已卷起了一大截竹幕,宣布他要“对外开放”,并几乎在每一个城市都挂出了招牌,欢迎外商前来做正当生意

19、。) In what is China confident in opening the country to the outside world? The country is fully confident in he social system(社会体系)Socialism(社会主义) with Chinese characteristics when China is opened to the outside world though it seems unavoidable(不可避免的) that all sorts of(各式各样的) Western ideas and thei

20、r way of life are to be brought in together with (加上,和)the inflow of (流入所需资本和技术)the needed capital and technology.,2、“The four special economic zones (SEZs) in Guangdong and Fujian provinces, 14 coastal cities (all former treaty ports) and Hainan island (19“open” areas in all ) have specifically des

21、igned tax and other incentives for the foreign investor.”(广东与福建两省的四个经济特区,14个沿海开放城市(均为以前与清政府的条约所开放的城市,及海南岛(共19个地区)都有为国外投资者特地制定的税收和其他鼓励投资政策。) What part of the sentence is the word tax here? Here tax (a noun名词) is used as an attribute(定语) to modify(修饰) “incentive”. 3、Why was foreign direct investment c

22、onsidered “a real element of competition(真正的竞争因素)” in “the countrys economic-development programme”(在该国的经济发展中)? At the time of writing the article (1984), the reform(改革) of Chinas economic structure just began, and most of her own enterprises were not quite self-responsible(自我负责) yet for gains and l

23、osses in their business operation. In contrast(相反), the enterprises with foreign funds were organized on the principle(法则、原则) of the market economy and they had to be active in competition for survival(生存), with no “same big pan(平底锅)” to eat from. In this sense(从这种意义上说、在这方面), they were considered “a

24、 real element of competition.”,4、Could you find a substitute(代替品) for the word race in “the race to get foreign technology and funds”?(竞相引进国外技术与资金) drive (v.) 努力争取 competition 5、“The Chinese aspire to own color TV sets, refrigerators, trucks, washing machines and better radios, bicycles and clothing

25、.” What is implied(暗指) by using the word “better”? (Does “better” refer merely(只不过,仅仅) to the quality of goods here, or something more?) “better” implies that they had already had things like radios, bicycles and clothing, but expected to have better ones. 6、“Even local factories are taking note of

26、the vast potential(潜力) sales in their own domestic market.”(即使当地厂商也注意到其国内市场巨大的销售量潜力) In what sense is the word sales used in the sentence? In the given context the meaning of sales is quantities to be sold.,7、How would you paraphrase “taken literally”?(从字面上讲) If Gu Mus statement(陈述) is understood in

27、 the word-for-word (逐字的)way. 8、What does “administrative support”(行政支持) in the text refer to? Administrative setups responsible for(为负责) absorbing(吸引) foreign direct investment and relevant(有关的) local rules and regulations(官方的规章制度). 9、What is “a well-placed source”?(消息灵通人士) Source here is used in th

28、e sense of a source of information, which might refers to a person or organization, “A well-placed source” should be an official who is well-informed because of his special position. 10、“The central governments determination to raise the level of industrial technology is clearly behind the decision

29、to open the 14 coastal cities.”(中央政府决心提高工业技术水平显然是作出作出开放14个沿海城市的决定的原因)。 What s your paraphrase(解释) of the above sentence? Does it mean that the “determination” was the reason for the decision? The reason for the decision was the determination.,11、“The combined industrial output(产量) of the 15 coastal

30、areas is reportedly (据报道)equal to a quarter of the nations total.”(据报道,15个沿海市、区的工业产量总和相当于该国工业总产量的四分之一) What is the meaning of “combined” in the sentence? Could you find another word to replace it? What is that? Together 12、“But while the reasons for throwing 19 areas and cities open to foreign inves

31、tment and technology transfer are clear”(决心向外国投资与技术转让开放19个区、市的原因是清楚的) “Throwingopen” basically(主要的,基本的) means having open, doesnt it? Then what is the difference in meaning between “throwing 19 areas and cities open” and having open? What more does it mean when the word throw is used? Throw carries

32、the meaning of doing that with force-determination(果断) in the sentence quoted(提到) above. 13、“, how the preferential systems will operate (in the 19 open districts) is not (clear).This is due largely to (由于)the intensity(激烈) of competition among the 19(但诸项优惠制度将如何运作,这一点却还不得而知。其主要原因是19个开放地区和城市间的竞争激烈。)

33、How could “the intensity of competition among the 19”, if there was one, lead to some confusion(混淆)in absorbing foreign direct investment? According to the authors own understanding, as the 19 open areas and cities were competing actively(激烈的) with one another or more foreign direct investment, they

34、 made their preferential systems more and more attractive(有吸引力的) and thus complicated(错综的、复杂的), hard to operate.,14、“This is due largely to the intensity of competition among the 19, coupled with (加上)the inexperience of most local authorities both in making decisions and in dealing with the outside

35、world.” (其主要原因是19个开放地区和城市间的竞争激烈, 加上大部分当地政府在决策与处理对外事务方面还缺乏经验。) What does “coupled” mean here? Could you find some substitutes for it? Together /along 15、What are “target projects”?(重点工程) key projects 中点(工程)项目 16、“One official who is well aware of the confusion afflicting both local authorities and fo

36、reign investors is Jing Shuping, president of China International Economic Consultants(顾问、咨询) Inc. which is the consultancy arm of the China International Trust and Investment Crop.”(对这一令当地政府与外国投资者都头痛的混淆不轻的问题,中国国际经济咨询有限公司的总裁荆舒平最知情,该公司是中国国际信托投资公司附属的咨询性公司) What is the meaning of the word “arm” here? C

37、ould you find some other word to substitute? Branch(分部)/department(部门),17、“The time will come when the cities and zones will ask for help in coordinating(协调) their efforts.”(有一天,这些市和区事会寻求援助以协调它们的工作的) What kind of clause(从句) does “when” introduce? An attributive(定语) or an adverbial (状语)one? Why? an a

38、ttributive clause. 18、“, while a comprehensive framework(综合准则) for the countrys modernization has been provided(提供) by the central committees(中央委员会) 21 October 1984 decision to reform the economic structure, it will be some time before the dust settles and local authorities and foreign investors can

39、 deal with one another in a systematic way.”(虽然中央委员会1984年10月21日改革经济体制的决定为该国的现代化提供了一个综合的准则,但要等到尘埃落定、要等地方政府与外国投资者能有条不紊的打交道还需要一段时间) Whats you understanding of “the dust settles”? The confusion is removed. 19、Whats “stock-taking of the open policy”?(对开放政策评估) reviewing (回顾、评论) (reexamining复试)of the open

40、policy.,Review,一、术语:1.经济特区2.一位高层消息灵通人士3. 基础设施4.实际资本5.消费品6. 优惠税率7. 合作(经营)企业8. 经济技术开发区9. 企业家精神,一、术语:1.The special Economic Zone2.a well-placed source3.infrastructure4.capital stock5.consumer goods6.preferential tax rate 7.cooperative enterprise8.ETDZ ( Economic &Technical Development Zone 9.entreprene

41、urship,10.生产资料11. 评估12. 资源配置13. 宏观调控14. 财政政策15. 紧缩的货币政策16. 运营资本17. 基本国策18. 技术革新,10.means of production11.stock-taking12.Allocation of resource13.macroregulation and control14.fiscal policies 15.tight monetary policy16.working capital 17.basic policy18.technical transformation,二、词语释义:1.in piecemeal f

42、orm: piece by piece; gradually 逐渐的2.showpiece: a prime or outstanding example 典范3.pipedream: fantasy; daydream; dream that cannot be realized 白日梦4.from scratch: from the very beginning 从零开始,从最初开始,incentive: stimulusFluctuation: volatilityPromulgate: issue,5.grassroots: basic level 基层6.the dust settl

43、es: the confusion ends 尘埃落定7.in the drivers seat: in the dominant position,1.A clearly confident China has rolled up a large section of its bamboo curtain, declared itself “open to the outside world” and hung signs on nearly all its cities inviting foreign investors to come and do serious business.明

44、显地,满怀信心的中国卷起了大部分的竹幕,并宣布向外部世界开放,打出邀请外国投资者来它所有的城市投资项目的招牌。,2.The literally, this does not make more sense as the parts of the coast which have not been “opened” are simply not ready for the demands of foreign businessman.从字面上来理解,这没有太大的意义,由于部分沿海城市还没有为外商的需求做好准备。,3.In the SEZs, which are being built almos

45、t from scratch, foreigners can invest in anything which the state deems useful for the country, be it, for example, production of goods for export or construction of private-housing estates.在一切几乎从零开始的经济特区,只要中国政府认为对国家有益,外国人可对任何项目进行投资,例如出口货物的生产或私人住宅的房地产开发。,4.So, while comprehensive framework for the c

46、ountry“s modernization has been provided by the central committee”s 21 October 1984 decision to reform the economic structure, it will be some time before the dust settles and local authorities and foreign investors can deal with one another in a systematic way.因此,虽然中央委员会1984年10月21日的改革经济结构的决定为该国的现代化提供了一个综合的框架,但要等尘埃落定、要等地方政府与外国投资者能有条不紊的打交道却还需要一段时间。,5.Stock-taking of the open policy will come later this year when the National Peoples Congress discusses the seventh five-year plan, which will run to the end of the decade.评估开放政策将在这年迟一些到来,在全国人民代表大会讨论第七个五年计划,到10年末将进行。,


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