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1、外研版英语三年级上册,第一课时,第二课时,Module 9Unit 2 Hes a doctor.,第一课时,grandpa,grandma,mother,father,sister,brother,This is my,-Is this your?-Yes,/No,_ is a _.,He is a doctor.,She,nurse,(=Hes),(=Shes),_ is a _.,He,policeman,olice(警方) + man(男人),= policeman,合成词,_ is a _.,drive(驾驶) + r,= driver,She,driver,_ is a _.,fa

2、rm(农场) + er,= farmer,He,farmer,Game over,This is my grandpa. He is a farmer.,This is my mother. She is a driver.,This is my father. He is a doctor.,This is my brother. He is a policeman.,This is my sister. She is a nurse.,Find and say.,This is my _. She/He is a _.,father,policeman,mother,nurse,docto

3、r,driver,grandpa,sister,Find and say.,This is my father. He is a policeman.,father,mother,grandpa,sister,policeman,nurse,doctor,driver,Find and say.,This is my mother. She is a nurse.,policeman,nurse,doctor,driver,father,mother,grandpa,sister,Find and say.,This is my grandpa. He is a doctor.,father,

4、mother,grandpa,sister,policeman,nurse,doctor,driver,Find and say.,This is my sister. She is a driver.,father,mother,grandpa,sister,policeman,nurse,doctor,driver,This is my father.He is a policeman.This is my mother.She is a nurse.,Listen, point and say.,Try to say.,This is my father.He is a _._ my m

5、other.She is a _.,policeman,nurse,This is,This is my He/She is a,介绍自己的家庭成员及其职业,猜一猜,Hes a doctor.,Shes a driver.,Hes a policeman.,Shes a nurse.,Hes a farmer.,Shes a teacher.,Listen and say.,Try to say.,Hes a _.,Shes a _.,Hes a _.,Shes a _.,Hes a _.,Shes a _.,doctor,driver,policeman,nurse,farmer,teach

6、er,抢答,准备和本课单词相关图片,找两组同学排成两队,老师依次抽出图片,每一队最前面同学用“Hes ”或“Shes ”抢答句子,答得慢的淘汰,答得快的回到队尾继续游戏。,说一说你所知道的更多的职业。,每一个工作在我们的生活中都缺一不可,都同样为我们的社会做出了很多贡献。,你将来想成为什么,想做什么样的工作?,一、图文匹配。,driver,farmer,policeman,nurse,doctor,Try to do.,二、看图说一说。,Hes a doctor.,Hes a driver.,Hes a policeman.,Shes a nurse.,2. Shes a nurse. Hes

7、 a farmer.,介绍某人职业的句型。,1. policeman, driver, doctor, nurse, farmer,表示职业的词汇。,Sum up.,1.练习新单词,会认、会读、会说。2.准备职业图片,用“Hes ”或“Shes ”进行介绍。,Homework,第二课时,doctor,driver,nurse,policeman,Bomb Game,farmer,一名同学描述,一名同学猜所描述的职业单词。,This is my He/She is a,介绍自己的家庭成员及其职业,Shes a nurse.,1,2,3,4,5,6,Listen and number.,Shes

8、a nurse.,1,2,3,4,5,6,Shes a nurse.,1,2,3,4,5,6,This is Mother Panda,and Father Panda too.,Grandma, grandpa, brother, sister, all in the zoo.,Listen and say. Then point and say the rhyme.,Group Work,Hi!,Hello!,This is a girl and that is a boy.,Play the game. Listen and guess.,This is my father. Hes a

9、 policeman.,Think and make. Then talk about your family.,哪种职业最辛苦?,找朋友,( ) 1. He is _. A. driver B. a driver C. farmer( ) 2. She is _. A. a nurse B. doctor C. nurse,B,一、根据图片提示选择填空。,A,Try to do.,二、连词成句。,1. is, this, girl, a (.) _2. a, policeman, hes (.) _3. nurse, shes, a (.) _,This is a girl.,Hes a policeman.,Shes a nurse.,I can do it!,This is a boy/girl. He/She is aThis is my. He is a.,Sum up.,1.完成Think and make.部分的介绍。2.写一篇小短文介绍自己的家庭成员,并且说明他们的职业。,Homework,


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