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1、,小升初外研版英语知识积累与常考类型题目,字母语音词汇句子情景交际,一、字母,考点:抄写字母;排列字母先后顺序 注意:句子开头第一个单词的首字母要大写,人名、地名、国家名、语言、星期、月份、节日单词首字母都要大写。考题1、连词成句,然后正确规范地写在四线三格内,注意大小写及标点符号 want I milk some 巧记书写规则:书写格式很重要,四线三格要看好。大写都占上两格,小写格式要记牢。头朝上上两格,头朝下下两格。有头有尾占三格,无头无尾占中格。倾斜一致对整齐,统一大小和粗细。,二、语音,重点:常见元音字母a、e、i、o、u的读音考点:根据单词读音选择发音不同的单词考题1.选出画线部分读

2、音与其余三个不同的一项( )A.name B.grade C.bad D.plane ( )A.bike B.fine C.behind D.different,三、词汇,考点:1、可数名词 重难点:可数名词变复数;名词所有格s考点:可数名词变复数的不规则变化形式 eg: man-men ox-oxen表示归两者共有或各自拥有的表达eg:Lilys and Lucys rooms (莉莉和露西的房间)考题1.class(复数)_ children(单数)_ boy(复数)_ knife(复数)_ shoes(单数)_ photo(复数)_ 考题2. 两瓶牛奶_ 三只箱子_,2、冠词a/an/t

3、he用法:a an泛指人或物中的某一个 定冠词the :特定的人或事物eg:The man in blue is my father.用在上文提到的人或事物前eg:I have a book. The book is very interesting.用在表示乐器名称的名词前eg:Can you play the violin?考点:a(用在以辅音音素开头的单词前)an(用在以元音音素开头的单词前);球类名词前不加定冠词the,考题1.一本有趣的书_ 考题2.Thereis_appletreeinmy garden.In_tree, theres_small house for the bir

4、d.(用a an the)考题3.We often play_football after school.A./ B.a C. the考题4.-Lets play_basketball. -OK,butIdont have_basketball.,巧记物主代词:物主代词有两种,形容词性名词性,形容词性能力差,自己不能来当家,后面需把名词加。名词性、能力强 自己独来又独往。考题1.he(宾格)_ my(名词性物主代词)_ them(形容词性物主代词)_考题2.在我回家的路上_考题:3.This is our classroom._is next to _. A.Your,our B.Your,o

5、urs C.Yours,ours,4、形容词比较级,构成:形容词比较级+than,意为“比.更.” 形容词比较级的规则变化:(1)一般单音节和少数双音节在词尾加-er tall-taller(2)以e 结尾的单音节加-r late-later(3)以“辅音字母+y”结尾的词把比较级y改为i再加-er easy-easier happy-happier(4)两个或两个以上音节的词在比较级前加more popular-more popular 形容词不规则变化: good-better many-more bad-worse few-less,考题1.This box is_(heavy)than

6、 that one.2.Im _(tall)than my sister.3.His handwriting is _(good)than hers.,5.时刻表示法:,整点:“钟点数+oclock” six oclock半点:“钟点数+thirty”“half+past+钟点数”几点几分: (1)“钟点数+分钟数”;分钟数在30分钟以内还可以 用“分钟数+past+钟点数”(2)分钟数超过30分钟,用“(60-分钟数)+to+(钟点数+1)意为“差几点几分” 考题:1、We often go home at_(3:45)6、介词at(时间点,人的年龄)in(上、中、下、晚,月份、季节年份)“

7、in+某个时间词组”表示“.后” On(星期,具体某一天,某天的上、中、下、晚)by(乘交通工具),注意:in/on the tree.外来物用in,长在树上用介词on. 考题.Its hot _summer in Beijing. A.by B.on C.at D.in7、连词 并列连词 and “和,而且” 转折连词 but 意为“可是,但是” 考题1.He wants to eat some bananas _pears. 考题2.I start to cross the road ,_ a car is coming. A.or B.and C.but D.so,8、时态 (一般现在时

8、、现在进行时、一般过去时、一般将来时),考点:动词的变化形式;时态的应用考题:1、Two years ago,I_short and thin.A./ B.am C.was2、Look!The bus_.A.comes B.is coming C.will come,四、句子,1、陈述句:陈述句子实事。肯定句句式: 主语+系动词+表语 eg:This is my sister 主语+谓语+其他成分eg: I like reading books at weekends.否定句式: Be 动词 “be +not ” 实义动词 借助“do/does/did +not”考题1.Read in bed

9、 .(改为否定句)考题2.I like the small apple.(改为否定句),2、疑问句,一般疑问句谓语动词为be ,一般疑问句以be 开头(第一人称变第二人称)eg:Im a teacher.-Are you a teacher?谓语动词为实义动词,一般疑问句形式为“do/does/did+主语+动词原形”一般疑问句常用yes/ no回答特殊疑问句:“特殊疑问词(五个W一个H)+一般疑问句”常见特殊疑问词组: how old /how much/ how about /how many/ how long/ how often 考题.The boy in the red shirt

10、 is Tom.(对画线部分进行提问),3、there be 句型,There be 句型表示在某地存在某物(某人)或在某时发生某事句式:there be句型 +可数名词单复数/不可数名词+地点/时间状语 There are 25students and a teacher in our classroom.否定句:There be 句型否定形式在 be 后面加“not(any)”考点:选择适当的系动词(选择、根据动词适当形式填空、改写句子考题:1、There are some English books in the bag.(改为否定句)2、Is there_beautiful flowe

11、rs? A.any B.some C.little,五、情景交际,1、初次见面问候语、告别2、介绍自己/别人的情况eg:I am Lucy.This is my mother. 3、感谢及其应答4、道歉及其回答5、请求及其回答请求常用语:May/Can/Could I .?答应常用语:Yes/Sure/Certainly/Of course.,6、提供帮助及其答语提供帮助:Can/Could/Shall I help you?What can I do for you?Would you like some .?答语:Thanks,That would be fine.No, thanks.7

12、、天气-whats weather like today?/How s the weather ?-Its fine/cloudy/windy/rainy today.,8、打电话May/Can/Could I Speak to.?whos that?This is .speaking.Hold on plesse.9、购物常用语Can/May I help you?What can I do for you ?What colour /size/kind/would you like ?What /How about this one?How many/much do you want ?H

13、ow much is it ?Id like/I want.May I try it on ?Its too small/big/long for me.It s too cheap/expensive.OK,I ll take/have/buy it.,10、就餐What would you like(to have)?Would you like something to eat/drink?Do you want some. ?I want./Id like some.11、看病医生常用语Whats wrong with you ?/Whats the matter with you ?

14、Take this medicine three times a day .患者常用语:There is something wrong with my.12、问路和指路 问路:Excuse me.Wheres .? Can you tell me the way to .? How can I get to .?,指路:Go down this street/road.Turn right/left/at the first /second crossing.13、时间、星期及日期Whats the time?/What time is it ?/what time is it by you

15、r watch?-What day is it today?-Today is Monday.-Whats the date today ?-It s September 10th .,考题:补写对话:Shopkeeper:Can I help you ?Ben:Yes,_like three pencil ,please.Shopkeeper:Certainly,Here you are.Ben: How_does one pencil cost?Shopkeeper:Its very _,Its only 50 fen.Ben:OK,Ill_it.Heres five yuan.Shopkeeper:Thank you and here is your_.,


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