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1、,Foreign Trade ENGLISHCORRESPONDENCE,外,贸,英,语,实,训,教,外贸英语函电,程,目录,Lesson One,Lesson Two,外贸函电基础,Lesson Three,商务英语信函的文体与语气,基础篇,关注语言问题,CONTENTS,目录,基础篇,Lesson One,外贸函电基础,Lesson Two,商务信函的文体与语气,Lesson Three,关注语言问题,CONTENTS,教学内容,信函的格式在商务交往中,商务信函通常采用两种格式:全齐头式(Full blocked)半齐头式(Semi blocked),全齐头式,半齐头式,教学内容,信头(H

2、eading)日期(Date)信内地址(Inside Address)称呼(Salutation)事由(Subject)正文(Body)结束语(Complimentary Close)签名(Signature),Reference No. 参考编号The subject line 事由The enclosure 附件The carbon copy 抄送The postscript 附言,商务信函结构 Structure of Business Letter,Essential Parts 必要部分,Optional Parts 附加部分,信头 Heading,Hong Kong Trade a

3、ndProductivity Development Council435 Ice House Street CentralHong Kong SARTel: 285342663/Fax: 25773109,公司名称,门牌号,街道,香港特别行政区,Please pay attention to the difference of the writing of address in English and Chinese.收信人名称、地址英语:名称在上,地址在下,地址先小后大中文:名称在上,地址在下,地址先大后小,香港特别行政区中环雪厂街 435号香港贸发局电话:285342663/传真:257

4、73109,日期 Date,位置:均可以齐头,也可以靠右美式:在信头和收信人名称地址之间英式:通常在收信人名称地址之下,写法:美式:月-日-年英式:日-月-年,美式日期举例,英式日期举例,“月份”最好用全称,如: 1.2 May, 2020 2.2nd May, 2020 3.2 May 2020 4.September 21,2020 5.September 21st, 2020避免月份用数字,如 11/12/2020,日期 Date,称呼 Salutation,位置:必须齐头写法:对男士(正规):Dear Sir, 或 Dear Sirs, 对女士(正规):Dear Madam, 或 De

5、ar Mesdames,认识但不熟悉的人:Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms./ Dr./ Prof. Smith对关系密切的商业伙伴:Dear Jack,词首字母全大写,用逗号或不用标点符号,结束语 Complimentary Close,位置:齐头式靠左对齐,半齐头式偏右,简化式省略。,写给长者或上级:Yours respectfully, Respectfully yours, Yours obediently,,写给朋友或亲戚:Yours, Ever yours, Lovingly yours, With Love,正规场合下常用:Yours faithfully,Yours truly

6、,Faithfully yours,Truly yours,信件常用称呼和落款用法,事由 Subject,位置: 1.称呼和正文之间,靠左 2.要加下划线或加粗表示的是该信函的主题 1. Re: Your Order No.463 for1,000 Wide-screen TV Sets 2. SHEEP WOOL,签名 Signature,结尾敬语,手写签名,打印签名,职务,位置:在结尾敬语下面二三行,通常包括手签、打印签名和职务,附件 The enclosure,位置: 落款之下,左对齐说明该信件有附件 1. Enclosure 2. Enc. 3. Encl. As Stated 4.

7、Enclosure: Brochure,抄送 cc,位置: 附件之下,左对齐表示该信件同时抄送给他人 1. 明抄:cc Marketing Department 2. 暗抄:bcc Mr. Simpson,Blind carbon copy,收信人不知道被抄送,只出现在发给被抄送人的信件里,Carbon copy,收信人知道被抄送,正文(Body),商务信函分类:9种商务信函涵盖了商品交易过程中的各个环节。,建立业务关系函 (establish business relationship)产品推销函 (products promotion)询盘函 (inquiry and reply)发盘还盘

8、函 (offer and counter-offer)订购函 (order)装运通知函 (shipment)支付结算函 (payment)索赔函 (claim)保险函 (insurance),目录,基础篇,Lesson One,外贸函电基础,Lesson Two,商务英语信函的文体与语气,Lesson Three,关注语言问题,CONTENTS,商务信函文体特征:,语言准确精炼,自然易懂,具有可读性,商务信函术语比较正式的公文体,行文端正,用字洗练,具有七个语篇特征,即7”C”原则:礼貌原则(courtesy)体谅原则(consideration)完整原则(completeness) 清楚原则

9、(clarity)简洁原则(conciseness)具体原则(concreteness)正确原则(correctness),一、礼貌原则(courtesy)COURTESY译成“礼貌”。但是根据西方国家函电书籍作者普遍的看法,所谓COURTESY是“客气而又体谅人”的意思。这样的形式很多,如:把命令变成请求的常用形式: Please, Will you., Will you please., Will you give us more detailed information on your requirement? Will you please (kindly) let us hear f

10、rom you on these two points?,Task 2 Revise the following sentences to make them more courteous.1、 You must sign and return this from immediately.2、As director of your department, you will have to get your employees to use the correct forms3、If you had listened to our agent more carefully, you would

11、know that your policy does not cover accidents outside the UK.4、Am I the only one who can read the operating manual?5、This is the second time Ive written. Cant you get anything right?,Answer:,1. Will you Please sign and return this form as soon as possible?2. As director of your department, will you

12、 please remind your employees to use the correct forms?3. Lets review our agent more carefully so that you would know how your policy would cover accidents outside the UK.4. Lets review the operating manual together so that you can get your documents to print correctly next time.5. Please credit my

13、account for $ 500. My latest statement shows that the error noted in my last letter of 4 May has not been corrected.,课本26页,二、体谅原则 (consideration)强调从对方角度考虑问题,体谅对方,以对方为重。多用疑问句或陈述句代替祈使句表示建议或请求,如:Isnt it time you put your business on the Web?现在不正是您进行电子商务的最佳时机吗?三、具体原则(concreteness)明确不能含糊We regret that a

14、mistake was made in handling your order. The mistake is entirely our own and we apologize for the inconveniences it has caused.,五、清晰原则(clarity)避免使用可能产生不同理解或意义不明确的词,如: As to the steamers sailing from Hongkong to San Francisco, we have bimonthly direct services. (从香港到旧金山有直达船,) 但是bimonthly 究竟是一个月两次呢,还是

15、两个月一次?不明确。可以改成:We have two direct steamer sailings every month from Shanghai to Los Angeles.,四、完整原则(completeness)所谓完整就是表达要完整,有人喜欢在聊天的时候用一些缩写词,例如u代表you,2表示to,4表示for,从而在写信函的时候也习惯性地用上了替代词,如:We look forward 2 ur punctual shipment.这是一个催对方按时发货的句子,用上了缩写表示很不正式。,六、简洁原则 (conciseness) 怎样才能使商业书信“简洁”? 西方国家作者有很多建

16、议:(一) 避免使用陈旧的商业术语 陈旧的与传统的商业术语(Commercial jargon)对信的内容没有什么作用,应该避免使用。如:We take liberty to approach you with the request that you would be kind enough to introduce to us some exporters of cotton textiles in your cities. Would you please introduce to us some exporters of cotton textiles in your city? 改成

17、: Please introduce to us some exporters of cotton textiles in your city.(二) 要长话短说,避免罗嗦 例如: We express our regret at being unable to fulfill your order on this occasion.改为:We are sorry we cannot meet your present order.,Task 2 Revise the following sentences, using precise, concise, or updated words t

18、o replace imprecise or outdated words.Speedy motor scooters get good gas mileage.Please ascertain if Jack can reserve the venue for the exhibition.Its beyond my judgement whether or not lie will apply for that position.In the event that we have to recall the product, compile a customer list.Customer

19、s who place their orders by November 30 receive a free gift.,Answer:,1 Speedy motor scooters get 40 miles to the gallon.Please ask Jack to reserve the venue for the exhibition.I do not know if he will apply for that position.In case we have to recall the product, please compile a customer list.Custo

20、mers who place their orders by November 30 receive a gift.,课本21页,七、正确原则(correctness)商业书信必须写得正确,因为它涉及到买卖双方的权利,义务,厉害关系,是各种商业单据(如合同)的根据。 广义的说,商业书信的正确性表现在:(一) 运用正确的语言水平 (二) 叙述得正确 (三) 数字要正确 (四) 正确理解和运用商业术语 You ask very short delivery for your order.写信的人原意是说“你们要求赶快交你们的定货。” 可是short delivery不是快点交货的意思,而是“短交,

21、交货不足”的意思,这就用错了商业术语。You require quick (prompt) delivery of your order.,Task 1 Revise the following sentences to make them bias-free.Every employee is entitled to see his personnel file.The old Spanish attorney was an expert trial lawyer.The woman professor is afflicted by heart disease.Some restauran

22、ts have a special menu for old people.An employee requesting sick leave must file the required paper-work at least two weeks prior to her requested leave.,Answer:,1. All employees are entitled to see their personnel files.2. The attorney was an expert trial lawyer.3. The professor has heart disease.

23、4. Some restaurants have a special menu for people over 65.5. Employees requesting sick leave must file the required paper-work at least two weeks prior to their requested leave.,Task 4 Revise the following sentences to emphasize the receiver-oriented attitude and the you-view.1、I have your custom-p

24、rinted business cards ready.2、We want to ensure that your stay at Daltons B so if it isnt, well give you a coupon for a free dinner.3、We offer a free catalogue of office furniture that saves money and shopping time forreaders.4、Our safety policy forbids us from renting power equipment to anyone who

25、cannot demonstrate proficiency in its use.,Answer:,Your new custom-printed business cards are ready.Your stay at Daltons B & B should be pleasant one. If you are unsatisfied, youll receive a coupon for a free dinner.You can have a free catalogue of office furniture that saves money and shopping time

26、 for you.Anyone who can demonstrate proficiency in using the power equipment can rent it.,目录,基础篇,Lesson One,外贸函电基础,Lesson Two,商务英语信函的文体与语气,Lesson Three,关注语言问题,CONTENTS,1、用词规范正式,多用书面语,Task 1 Revise the following sentences to avoid unfamiliar words.Pursuant to your invitation, we will interrogate our

27、director.To expedite ratification of this agreement, we urge you to vote in the affirmative.In a dialogue with the CEO, I learned that you intend to terminate our agreement.Did the leaking-ink problem materialize subsequent to our recall effort?Once we ascertain how much it costs, we can initiate th

28、e project.,According to your invitation, we will inquire our director.To promote this agreement, we urge you to vote for it.In a dialogue with the CEO, I learned that you intend to end our agreement.Did the leaking-ink problem appear after our recall effort?Once we are certain how much it costs, we

29、can begin the project.,Answer:,课本21页,请贵方来函内容更清楚些,这样我方便可立即接受贵方报盘。 a. Your letter is not clear at all and I cannot understand it.b. If I understood your letter correctly, I would immediately accept your offer.,2、多用陈述句,少用否定句,一旦我方收到贵方支票,会马上填写订货单。a. We cannot fill your order because you failed to send yo

30、ur check.b. We shall be glad to fill your order as soon as we receive your check.,Task 3 Revise the following sentences to make them more positive.If you fail to pass the examination, you will not qualify.Construction cannot begin until the building plans are approved.In response to your email compl

31、aint, we are investigating our agents poor behavior.It is impossible to move forward without community support.You wont be disappointed with the electronic services we now offer.,1. You will qualify as soon as you pass the examination.2. Construction can begin as soon as the building plans are appro

32、ved.3. In response to your email, we are investigating our agents behavior.4. It can be moved forward with community support5. Youll be pleased with the electronic services we now offer.,Answer:,课本26页,3、用词简洁,尽量避免使用修辞手法,感谢贵方合作。a. I wish to thank you, for you have cooperated with us well.b. Thank you

33、for your kind cooperation.,4. 适当使用被动结构,英语商务信函适当使用被动语态;汉语则很少使用被动语态望尽快报盘。a. Make the offer as soon as possible.b. It is hoped that the offer is made as soon as possible.,Task 2B. Change the following active-voice verbs into passive-voice verbs, then compare which version is more effective.We cannot au

34、thorize repair of your computer since you have allowed the warranty period expire.You must submit all reports by Friday at 5 p. m.I cannot give you a cash refund for merchandise that you purchased over 60 days ago.,Answer:,We cannot authorize repair of your computer since the warranty has expired. A

35、ll reports must be submitted by Friday at 5 p. m.3. A cash refund cannot be given for merchandise that was purchased over 60 days ago.,课本34页,Task 1 Indicate the parts of speech (词性)of the underlined words, and then translate them into Chinese:Your order will be dispatched in a week.They ordered a ne

36、w production from Germany.We try to persuade our clients to accept transshipment and partial shipment.Your price is found acceptable,Shipping agents will arrange for the goods to be shipped.Forwarding agent services are valuable in international business because of its complicated arrangements that

37、have to be made.7. We shall take out insurance at this under our Open Policy.8. Please open the relative L/C as soon as possible.9. We shall cover the goods against WPA and TPND risks.10. We can provide this additional coverage with the extra premium for your account.,n. 订单,v.下订单,v.接受,adj. 可接受的,v. 安

38、排,n. 安排,n. 开放的,v.开立,v.投保,n.保险,课本33页,Task 4 Translate the following technical terms into Chinese. Check a dictionary when needed.Sale by SampleNet WeightInspection Certificate of FumigationDES(Delivered ex ship)5. Freight to Collect6. Through B/L Port of ShipmentPacking ListSpecial Additional Risk10.

39、 Irrevocable L/C,凭样品买卖,净重,熏蒸检验证书,目的港船上交货,运费到付,联运提单,装运港,装箱单,特殊附加险,不可撤销信用证,课本34页,Task 5 Choose the right transitional expressions to complete the following sentences.,in addition,because of,as soon as,although,for example,when,unless,if,on the whole,but,We were totally unprepared to make a presentatio

40、n of profit and loss figures his unexpected visit.2. our sales figures for July increased, were still losing money.3. We will see increases in sales our sales associates learn the new system.4. you need further assistance, please call me at 889 - 1901.5. Ms. Thomas is trying to read all email messag

41、es now, she may find time to meet the delegate response until the following day.6. , the deal is worth making.7. We shall have to cancel the order it is executed within two weeks.8. We have to do something to recover our loss. , we might claim. against the ship owners.9. We have replaced the broken

42、glassware. , we would offer you a 10% discount.10. consumers recognize a name associated with a product or service, that name is entitled to legal protection as a trademark.,课本34页,信封格式,Envelope Addressing,写信人在上,收信人在下根据收信人名称地址的写法分两种格式:缩进式:收信人名称地址逐行右缩齐头式:收信人名称地址左端对齐,Hong Kong Trade and Productivity De

43、velopment Council435 Ice House Street, CentralHong Kong SAR,Ms Hu YupingHin Lung Jewellery Co., Ltd895 Balestier RoadSingapore 329749,齐头式,收信人名称地址:左端对齐,写信人名称地址,Hong Kong Trade and Productivity Development Council 435 Ice House Street, Central Hong Kong SAR,Ms Hu Yuping Hin Lung Jewellery Co., Ltd 895

44、 Balestier Road Singapore 329749,写信人名称地址,收信人名称地址:左端对齐,缩进式,Task 3请根据下面的信息完成信封的内容。写信人:(梁东鹏)中国北京海淀区颐和园路5号飞轮贸易有限公司。邮政编码:100000收信人:(谢汝南)中国上海市虹口区大连西路550号美嘉电脑有限公司。邮政编码:200080,Liang DongpengFeiLun Trade Co., Ltd.5 Yi He Yuan Road, Hai Ding DistrictBeijing 10000, China,Mr Xie RunanMeiJia Computer Co.,Ltd.550 Da Lian Xi Road, Hong Kou DistrictShanghai 200080, China,FOREIGN TRADE ENGLISHCORRESPONDENCE,谢谢您的聆听,外,贸,英,语,实,训,教,程,


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