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1、英语四级段落信息匹配题,2,01,段落匹配题的特点,CONTENTS,02,基本要求,03,文章选材来源,04,段落匹配题的难点,05,阅读步骤,06,真题分析,段落匹配题的特点,做题时间1015分钟(整体阅读包括选词填空、匹配和精度,共计40分钟);篇章后附有10个句子。每句所含的信息出自篇章的某一段落,要求考生找出与每句所含信息相匹配的段落。某段可能被用到两次,而某段可能完全不被涉及。出题形式为:题干给出原文的若干条细节信息,要求考生找出文中分别有这些信息的段落(即题目当中会问道:which paragraph contains the following information?),基本

2、要求,长篇阅读的文章基本都是专业题材的文章,很多考生可能会觉得很陌生,不要求完全理解只要求能够通过略读或寻读的方式找到题干的信息并根据原文内容相比做出正确选择。只是有题干和答案简单的同义词替换 。略读(Skimming)和寻读(Scanning)的能力在大学英语四级考试中显得尤为重要。,选材来源,New Scientist (英国周刊)Newsweek (美国周刊)The New York TimesTimesThe Washington Post (擅长于报道美国国内政治动态:watergate scandal incident),难点分析,1、顺序原则被打破题型不会遵守其他主流题型的“顺序

3、原则”,考生从文章开头到结尾定位的方法显然行不通2、题目均为长句形式题目当中的表述通常是极其复杂和繁琐的名词短语或者长难句型例如四级样卷第51题:The number of foreign students applying to U.S. universities decreased sharply after September 11 due to changes in the visa process.,难点分析,3、两题对一段的可能性增加干扰性一般选择题至少是一对一进行对应的,如果能够成功选出一对,那么就至少可以排除一个选项。但是在段落细节信息对应题当中,四六级样卷明确提醒:You m

4、ay choose a paragraph more than once.一段可能被用两次。,阅读步骤:Step One,第一步:阅读题目预测文章内容,在题目中划出定位词(1min) 1.预测题目目的:是指在阅读正文前,正确理解题目所表达的内容。应该先读题目,后看文章,同时根据题目设想一下文章可能涉及的内容。 2.定位词的确定 A. 不能用中心思想词定位,因为整篇文章都说的是它。 B. 时间、数字、地点、大写字母的单词容易定位。 C.句子中比较生僻的词,往往会帮助你定位原文信息。 D. 定位词找23个就行,多了也记不住。最好是位置不同的两个词。,阅读步骤:Step2(10mins),46 Am

5、erican universities prepare their undergraduates for global careers by giving them chances for international study or internship。47 Since the mid-1970s, the enrollment of overseas students has increased at an annual rate of 3.9 percent。48 The enrollment of international students will have a positive

6、 impact on America rather than threaten its competitiveness。在看过文章标题Universities Branch Out之后,通过快速预览这道段落细节信息配对题的题干部分,可以马上了解到文章所围绕的主题是美国大学的扩张,university, enrollment, students 名词形式,文章关于美国大学教育或学生的主题,阅读步骤:Step2,用特殊标记词汇尽快定位简单题目:特殊词汇包括:精确数据、非文章高频词的大写或专有名词、斜体或援引内容等如47题Since the mid-1970s, the enrollment of

7、overseas students has increased at an annual rate of 3.9 percent。3.9 percent。就是一个精确数据,直接定位至C段,即告选择成功。C段Over the past three decades the number of students leaving home each year to study abroad has grown at an annual rate of 3.9 percent, from 800,000 in 1975 to 2.5 million in 2004.,如51题The number of

8、foreign students applying to U.S. universities decreased sharply after September 11 due to changes in the visa process。September 11 是一个非高频专有大写,直接定位至H段即告定位成功。H段Adjusted for inflation, public funding for international exchanges and foreign-language study is well below the levels of 40 years ago. In th

9、e wake of September 11,阅读步骤:Step2,确定好每句的定位词后,迅速浏览文章段落。一旦发现有关内容,就要稍作停留,判断是否是要找的内容。,阅读步骤:Step2,在长篇阅读考试中,能否准确找出正确答案在很大程度上取决于对字句的形式变化的认识能力,比较题目与文中句子是否有同义词,同义短语和同义结构。如果是等价的,就确定答案。如题目中可能出现 staff selection,但在文章中可能recruitment; 在题目中是vehicles,在文章中出现时可能是 cars, trucks或者vans。如四级样卷E段:Globalization is also reshapi

10、ng the way research is done. One new trend involves sourcing portions of a research program to another country.49题:The way research is carried out in universities has changed as a result of globalization.,1、速读每一段,关注段首段尾句和段内重点单词区域(例如逻辑关系等)段首或段尾句可以迅速告知本段主要内容,而常见阅读重点词汇及短语区域则是段内重点信息的表达。因果转折类:but however

11、 unfortunately since because the reason让步关系: although though递进关系: not only but also 比较关系类:more even more than most选择关系:either or or事实罗列:for example in fact序数词: first second at last,重点区域:段尾句的转折关系But at the same time, the opening of national borders to the flow of goods, services, information and espe

12、cially people has made universities a powerful force for global integration, mutual understanding and geopolitical stability.而定位至本句后,重点位置再次被定位至:has made universities a powerful force,以此句去匹配剩余题目即可。浏览至54题,发现:Present-day universities have become a powerful force for global integration.,阅读步骤:Step3,第三步:查漏补缺用最快的速度通读文章后,找到自己需要的信息,并在有关的句子下做出各种记忆符号后,把没有回答出来的问题,重新回锅,并检查已答出来的题目是否正确。,真题分析,


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