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1、,2012/4/6,委婉语的翻译,目录,1 委婉语的定义2 委婉语的特征3 委婉语的使用动机及其功能4 委婉语的分类/类别5 委婉语的表现形式6 英汉委婉语比较7 委婉语的翻译策略(例子)8 练习与鉴赏,一、委婉语(euphemism)的定义,euphemism(委婉语)一词源自希腊语。词头eu-的意思是good(好),词干phemism的意思是speech(言语),整个字面意义就是good speech(吉言、好的说法)。,1. 委婉语就是用一种不明说的,能使人感到愉快的含糊说法,代替具有令人不悦的含义或不够尊重的表达方法。 语言与语言学词典2. 委婉语是用一种无害的或悦耳的词语替代一种直接

2、的、唐突的言词,用善意的话语把事实掩盖起来的修辞手段。 英语委婉语详解词典,委婉语指用文雅的、悦耳的或委婉的说法来代替粗野的、刺耳的或直露的说法。 语言现象 (一定场合、交际)委婉语 社会文化现象 (反映社会现象、人类心理),二、委婉语的特征,间接性(驾鹤西去,香消玉殒,捐躯)模糊性(有了,有喜,没了)悦耳性 second-hand furniture(旧家具) antiques (古董),三、委婉语的使用动机及其功能,动机 - 避讳 - 尊重、礼貌、拘谨、顾及受话人心理 (语境、对象、意图),功能,- 避讳功能(代替禁忌语) - 掩饰功能(化妆词cosmetic words) slaught

3、er (屠杀) depopulation (减少人口) invasion (侵略) involvement (介入) - 礼貌功能(避免冒昧、不礼貌) ugly(长相丑) plain (平平,一般) blind (失明)visually retarded (视力上有障碍) - 幽默功能 be sent into prison live at governments expense,四、委婉语的分类,1. 根据表述的事物禁忌与否 传统委婉语(traditional euphemism) 与禁忌语密切相关,和神、性、排泄、死亡、 罪恶、过错等有关的委婉语。 文体委婉语(stylistic euph

4、emism) 恭维话,溢美之词,与禁忌语无关 secretary(秘书) administrative assistant (行政助理),2. 按语义划分 积极委婉语(positive euphemism) 语义的扬升,把原来低的、差的说成好的 (housewife 家庭主妇 domestic engineer家务工程师) 消极委婉语(negative euphemism) 语义的减弱,把不好的事情说得温和一些 (cheat in the exam need help) 中性委婉语(neutral euphemism) pass away 逝世,五、委婉语的表现形式修辞,隐喻: sleep p

5、eacefully 或 rest in peace (安息) 墓地人生后花园 死仙逝、仙游,星陨、花落省略:She is expecting. (她有了)迂回陈述:理论水平差理论水平亟待进一步提高 不赞成某个观点有待商榷 He is getting wrinkles. He is statrting to get character line.降格陈述:stupid a bit slow for ones age / be weak in 青少年罪犯失足青年类比:butcher(屠夫) meat technologist(肉类技术专家) garbage collector (垃圾清运工) sa

6、nitation engineer (环卫工程师)夸张:Personal Assistant to the Secretary (秘书的个人助理,实际上是厨师)提喻:龙颜 皇帝,六、英汉委婉语比较,1. 关于“年老” 西方:mature, adult, third age, senior citizen 中国:李老,老板,老总,老寿星,老师傅,老师,老马识途2. 关于“贫穷富裕” 西方:the needy/ deprived/ less well off, the less deprived, people of means, the well off 中国:拮据,手头紧,囊中羞涩 老板,大腕

7、,大款3. 关于“性爱” 西方:to approach, art of pleasure, business, amorous 中国:房事,秘事,那个4. 关于“低微职业” 西方:administrative assistant (秘书) landscape architect (花匠) domestic engineer (佣人) 中国:公关小姐(大堂侍应生) 打工一族(离家谋生的),七、委婉语的翻译策略,1. 直译法(literal translation)例1:等我化了灰的时候再散也不迟。(红楼梦) Why not wait till Ive turned to ashes. (Yang

8、 Xianyi)例2:归西 ascend to the western paradise例3:Thousands of people flocked to the hospital to pay their respect to the remains of the great film-star. 成千上万的人涌入医院瞻仰这位伟大影星的遗容。例4:Anners mother warned her that men would take advantage of her. 安娜的妈妈警告她说,男人会占她便宜的。,2. 套译法(application of existing euphemism)

9、例1:少刻,宝玉出席解手。(红楼梦) Presently, Baoyu left the room to relieve himself. (Yang Xianyi)例2:史太君寿终归地府。(红楼梦) The lady dowager passes away peacefully. (Yang Xianyi)例3:We had been married for eight months before I fell. 我俩结婚八个月后我就怀上了。例4:对不起,我得去方便一下,就一会儿。 Sorry, I must answer the call of nature . It wont be lo

10、ng.,3. 加注译法(addition)例1:怪不得他们拿姐姐比杨妃,原来也体丰怯热。(红楼梦) No wonder they compare you to Lady Yang, youre both plump and sensitive to the heat. (Notes: Lady Yang, favorite of Emperor Ming-huang of the Tang Dynasty, was supposed to be rather plump.) (Yang Xianyi)例2:Harry used an Anglo-Saxon word. 哈里用了一个脏词。(注:

11、Anglo-Saxon在这里是委婉语。一般说来英语中最脏的粗话,如“字母词”,都是源自古英语,故名。),4. 意译法(free translation)例1:贾母听了,忙问: “怎么了?”丫鬟回说: “南院马棚子里走了水了。不相干,已经救下去了。”(红楼梦) At once they asked what had happened. A maid explained that a fire had broken out in the stables in the south court, but there was no danger as it was now under control.

12、(Yang Xianyi)例2:(benches) For mature people 老人专座,5. 文体方面的考虑(语体、感情色彩等)pass away 逝世 正式用语to pass over to the great beyond 驾鹤西游 神仙用语necktie party 领带舞会(绞死) 美国司法用语demise 薨 /驾崩 古代诸侯/帝王之死Parinirvana 圆寂 僧尼之死,八、委婉语翻译鉴赏,His daughter is rather weak in the head. 她女儿脑子不太好使。Your grammar is not particularly good. 你

13、的语法不够好。(= poor) I have to pay a call. 我得去方便一下。We are rather pinched those days. 那时我们的日子过得很紧。They parted after two years of marriage. 他们结婚两年后就分开了。 (=divorced)Im afraid he has misrepresented the facts. 我想他没有说真话。(=lied)The girl is hard of hearing. 这女子的耳朵不好使。(=deaf)Sometimes I think she sticks too much

14、to her principles. 有时我觉得她太坚持自己的原则。(=stubborn),go to his long home (回到永久的家)go to sleep forever (长眠)to be no more (不在了)to depart (去世了)to join the majority (见祖先去了)to go west (归西去了)to go to glory (升天了)to go to ones last home (回老家去)to go to a better world (去安乐世界),有关怀孕的委婉语,Sheisintrouble她碰到麻烦。 Shehasbeenu

15、nwise她不够明智。 Shehasbeentoofriendly她过于友善。 Sheisinaninterestingcondition她处在很有趣 的情况中。 Sheisexpecting她快生了/她有了。 Sheisknockedup她有了。(俚语),红楼梦中委婉语,秦氏拉着凤姐的手,强笑道:“我自想着,未必能熬得过年去。” Holding His-fengs hand, Ko-ching forced a smile, I doubt if I shall last the year out. 凤姐儿低了半日头,说道:“这个就没法了!你也该将一应的后事给她料理料理。冲一冲也好。”尤氏道

16、:“我也暗暗的叫人预备了;就是那件东西不得好木头,且慢慢地办着呢。” His-feng lowered her head for a while. There seems to be little hope, she said at last. If I were you Id made ready the things for the funeral. That may break the bad luck. Ive had them secretly prepared. But I cant get any good wood for you know what, so Ive let t

17、hat go for the time being.,“合家大小,远近亲友,谁不知道我这媳妇比儿子还强十倍。如今伸腿去了” Everyone in the family, old and young, distant kin or friends, knows that my daughter-in-law was infinitely superior to my son. Now that she has gone, 众人一听,唬了一大跳,忙都说:“好好地无疾病,怎就没了?” Everyone was consternated, He wasnt even ill, how could he pass away so suddenly? (Yang Xianyi)每日家偷狗戏鸡,爬灰的爬灰,养小叔子的养小叔子,我什么不知道? day in and day out scratching in the ashes (注释:A slang term for adultery between a man and his daughter-in-law.)不过假充养子之意,聊解膝下荒凉之叹。 to make up for their lack of a son and hel them forget their loss.,Thank you !,


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