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1、Module 12HelpUnit 1,Module 12Help,. 根据汉语提示写出下列单词或短语1. 破碎的 adj._, break用作动词, 意为“打碎; 打破”。 2. _用作不可数名词, 意为“玻璃”; 用作可数名词, 意为“玻璃杯”。3. 楼梯n. _4. 救助; 帮助n. _5. 医学的 adj. _, 其名词形式_意为“药物; 医学”。6. 底部; 下端n. _7. 有毛病的; 错误的(地); 不正确地adj. &adv._,基础初探起航关,broken,glass,stairs,aid,medical,medicine,bottom,wrong,. 根据汉语提示写出下列单

2、词或短语基础初探起航关 brok,8. 问题; 烦恼; 困难n. _9. 有害的adj. _10. 使落下; 投下v. _11. 训练; 培训n. _12. 盖; 盖上v. _13. 急救_14. 在的底部_15. 怎么了? _16. 抬起; 提起_,trouble,harmful,drop,training,cover,first aid,at the bottom of. . .,Whats wrong with. . . ?,lift up,8. 问题; 烦恼; 困难n. _troubl,. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子1. 让我们设想一次事故。_ _ an accident. 2. 我们能

3、做什么来帮助他? What _ we do _ _ him? 3. 他有可能难以听到你讲话或者和你说话。He _ have _ _ you or _ to you.,Lets,imagine,can,to,help,could,trouble,hearing,speaking,. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子Letsimagineca,4. 那可能有伤害! That _ _ _! 5. 确保他身体暖和。_ _ hes warm.,could,be,harmful,Make,sure,4. 那可能有伤害! couldbeharmfulMakes,. Read Activity 3 and answe

4、r the questions1. What can we do to help him first if someone has an accident? _ 2. What should we do before help arrives? _ 3. And how can we do that? _,First of all, find out whats wrong with him.,Make him comfortable.,Make sure hes warm. Cover him with a coat.,. Read Activity 3 and answer,重难释疑斩棘关

5、,考点1Whats wrong with. . . ? 怎么了? 【语境感悟】*First of all, find out whats wrong with him. 首先, 弄清楚他怎么了。(P96)*Whats wrong with your bike? 你的自行车怎么了? *Whats wrong, Jim? 怎么了, 吉姆?,重难释疑斩棘关 考点1Whats wrong with.,【知识探究】Whats wrong with. . . ? 意为“怎么了? ”, with后面接sb. /sth. 来询问“某人/某物怎么了”, 也可以单独使用“Whats wrong? ”来询问对方有什

6、么问题或有什么不顺心的事。,【知识探究】,【拓展】,【拓展】,【考点追踪】( )_ My back hurts. A. Hows it going? B. How do you do? C. Whats the matter with you? D. Where is the hospital?,C,【考点追踪】C,( ) Whats wrong_you, Tom? I feel terrible. 世纪金榜导学号 A. ofB. withC. toD. forWhats wrong with you? (改为同义句)_ _ _ with you?,B,Whats,the,matter,( )

7、 Whats wrong_yo,考点2trouble n. 问题; 烦恼; 困难 【语境感悟】*But he could have trouble hearing you or speaking to you. 但是他可能难以听到你讲话或者和你说话。(P96)*When he is in trouble, he always turns to friends for help. 当他有麻烦时, 他总是求助于朋友们。*Dont trouble trouble till trouble troubles you. 麻烦没找你, 你别找麻烦。,考点2trouble n. 问题; 烦恼; 困难,【知识

8、探究】(1)trouble作名词, 意为“问题, 麻烦”。have trouble (in) doing sth. 意为“做某事有困难”。(2)trouble的其他用法:,【知识探究】,【考点追踪】( )I have great _in learning English and Im so worried. Could you help me? Sure, Id love to. A. troubleB. interestC. adviceD. fun我们应该帮助处于困境中的人。We should help the people _ _. 露西在解决这个问题方面有困难。Lucy _ _ _ _

9、 the problem. 世纪金榜导学号,A,in,trouble,has,trouble,in,solving,【考点追踪】Aintroublehastroubleins,考点3harmful adj. 有害的 【语境感悟】*That could be harmful! 那可能会有伤害! (P96)*Fruit juice can be harmful to childrens teeth. 果汁对孩子们的牙齿不好。*Reading in the sun does harm to your eyes. 在太阳下读书对你的眼睛有害。,考点3harmful adj. 有害的,【知识探究】har

10、mful作形容词, 意为“有害的”。其常用搭配: be harmful to意为“对有害”, 相当于 be bad for。其反义词组为 be good for“对有好处”。,【知识探究】,【拓展】 harm是不可数名词, 意为“损害; 伤害”。其常见搭配为 do harm to sb. /sth. “对某人/某物有害”。Eating too much junk food will do harm to your health. 吃太多垃圾食品会对你的健康有害。,【拓展】,【考点追踪】Drinking too much juice can be _ (有害的) to peoples teeth

11、. 空气污染对我们的健康有害。Air pollution _ _ _ our health. Waste is harmful to our environment. (改为同义句)Waste _ _ _ our environment. 世纪金榜导学号,harmful,is,harmful,to,does,harm,to,【考点追踪】harmfulisharmfultodoesh,考点4such. . . that. . . 如此以至于 【语境感悟】*Thats such good advice that you could be a doctor. 那是个非常好的建议, 以至于你可以当医生

12、了。(P96)*It is such a good horse that we all like it. 这匹马那么好, 以至于我们都喜欢它。*The boy is so young that he cant go to school. 这个男孩那么小以至于他不能去上学。,考点4such. . . that. . . 如此,【知识探究】such. . . that. . . 与so. . . that. . .,【知识探究】,【易错】若名词前有表示“多、少”的many, much, little, few等词修饰时, 只能用so, 不能用such。,【易错】,【考点追踪】( )(2020威海质

13、检)It was _lovely weather _we decided to spend the day on the beach. A. such a; thatB. such; thatC. such; asD. so; that,B,【考点追踪】B,汤姆身体那么壮, 他能搬动那个箱子。Tom is _ strong _ he can carry the box. 莉莉太矮了, 她够不到树上的风筝。Lily is _ short _ she cant reach the kite in the tree. 世纪金榜导学号,so,that,so,that,汤姆身体那么壮, 他能搬动那个箱子

14、。sothatsotha,分层诊断得胜关,【夯基础】 . 根据句意和汉语提示写出所缺的单词1. He closed his eyes and _ (想象) that he was eating in a restaurant. 2. The two men are holding a large piece of _ (玻璃). 3. You can find some sand at the _(底部)of the bottle. 4. There are six hundred _ (楼梯)and I dont think I can climb them. 5. Youd better

15、_ (盖上)the wounded person with the coat.,imagined,glass,bottom,stairs,cover,分层诊断得胜关【夯基础】 imaginedglassbot,. 用所给词的适当形式填空1. They said that they needed some _ (medicine) help. 2. The boy had trouble _(learn) English. 3. When is the tennis _ (train)? Its on Monday. 4. The polluted air is _ (harm) to our

16、health. 5. I had to walk to school because my bike was _ (break).,medical,learning,training,harmful,broken,. 用所给词的适当形式填空medicallearningt,. 完成句子1. 你看起来不开心。你怎么啦? You look unhappy. _ _ _ you? 2. 当我们遇到危险时, 一定要大声呼救。We must _ _ _ when were in danger. 3. 我想买一本关于急救的书。世纪金榜导学号I would like to buy a book about

17、_ _. 4. 首先, 把他抬到一个安全的地方。_ _ _, carry him to a safe place.,Whats,wrong,with,shout,for,help,first,aid,First,of,all,. 完成句子Whatswrongwithshoutfor,5. 山脚下有一座公园。Theres a park _ _ _ _ the mountain. 6. 王先生把他的小女儿举起来并放在了他的肩膀上。Mr Wang _ _ his little daughter and put her on his shoulders. 7. 萨莉是一个如此好的女孩, 我们都喜欢她.

18、 Sally is _ a good girl _ we all like her. 8. 这只小狗受伤了, 一定很痛。世纪金榜导学号The little dog hurt itself and it _ _ _ _.,at,the,bottom,of,lifted,up,such,that,must,be,in,pain,5. 山脚下有一座公园。atthebottomoflifte,【培素养】 . 综合填空世纪金榜导学号根据短文内容, 从方框中选择恰当的词填空, 使短文意思完整、通顺, 有的需要变换形式, 每词限用一次。possible, move, bad, situation, you,

19、 do, attention, outside, allow, afraid,【培素养】,Did you meet any problems when you used a lift? Being trapped (使落入险境) in a lift can be one of the 1. _ experiences in ones life. Some people may be too 2. _ to use the lift again. In fact, there are some things 3. _when people are in trouble in a lift. Fi

20、rstly, keep calm. Being afraid will make you too nervous to think clearly. Tell yourself to be calm and believe that everything is 4. _.,worst,afraid,to do,possible,Did you meet any problem,Secondly, use the emergency (急救) call inside the lift or your mobile phone to let people 5. _ know you are in

21、trouble. Thirdly, using WeChat is also a good idea 6. _more people to know you are in need of help. If help doesnt arrive, knock the door to get 7. _ from other people in the building. Finally, 8. _ less and try to relax. Even if the workers know your 9. _, it may take them some time to repair (修理)

22、the lift. So, keep quiet and relax 10. _ as much as possible.,outside,to allow,attention,move,situation,yourself,Secondly, use the emerge,. 阅读理解世纪金榜导学号 School is a good place for us to study. Yet sometimes, its easy for us to have accidents there. Experts suggest that right safety training could avo

23、id 80% of these accidents. Here are parts of safety rules in some countries.,. 阅读理解世纪金榜导学号,最新外研版八年级上册英语课件Module-12-Help-Unit-1,( )1. _ countries are mentioned in this passage. A. Two B. Three C. Four D. Five( )2. Students should receive right safety training because _. A. it is easyB. it could avoid

24、 most of these accidentsC. it is interestingD. it is accepted by the teachers,C,B,( )1. _ countries ar,( )3. If there is a fire, Chinese students should go to the playground hurriedly _. A. with a wet cloth covering their mouthB. by using laddersC. by bikeD. by pushing each other,A,( )3. If there is

25、 a fire,( )4. Public elementary schools in Japan hold earthquake training _ . A. once a weekB. once a monthC. once a yearD. every day,B,( )4. Public elementary sc,( )5. This passage mainly talks about _. A. how to escape from earthquakesB. how to put out the fireC. some school safety rules in some countriesD. a bicycle course,C,( )5. This passage mainly,本课结束,本课结束,


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