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1、Lesson 103,The French test,By Miss Duan,Vocabulary,an exam in Chinese. 语文考试 an exam paper 试题,exam n.考试,take an exam 参加考试 pass an exam 通过考试;考试合格fail an exam未通过考试;考试不合格,/igzm,(examination 的缩写),期中考试,midterm exam,final exam,期末考试,test是小测验exam是比较正式的考试,/pa:s/ v.通过;及格,ass the mid-term exam 通过期中考试,ass +in+科目

2、eg:pass in English 通过英语考试,ass反义词fail,passpast?,v.经过,fail v. /feil/ 失败; 不及格,我数学及格, 但英语不及格.,I passed in math but failed in English.,mathematics,His mathematics is strong. 他的计算能力很 强。,缩写 Uk maths Us math,/mmtiks/ n.数学,汉语;中文,英语; 英文,Chinese,English,question,/kwestn/,ask question(s) 问问题 answer question 回答问

3、题,answer,n. 答案, 接电话,n. 问题,vt. 怀疑,询问,v. 回答, 接电话,easy /i:zi/ adj.容易的, 轻松的,No, it was an easy exam.,It is difficult for me to finish it tonight.,difficult /difiklt/ adj.困难的,it is difficult for sb to do sth 做某事有困难,Was the exam very difficult?,enough /inf/,adv.足够地,充分地,good enough 足够好 big enough 足够大,adj.

4、+ enough 足够.,This room is big enough for us to live .,enough 足够地,副词,修饰形容词,用在形容词之后:easy enough enough 足够的,形容词,修饰名词,用在名词之前:enough booksenough money,aper n.纸;报纸;试卷,1)当纸讲是不可数名词。,a piece of paper,2)当报纸考试卷讲时是可数名词,three pieces of paper,office paper,paper cups,paper bags,mark n.记号, 分数,The highest mark was a

5、 A+.最高分数为A+.,高分数,低分数,好成绩 好分数,high marks,low marks,good marks,low adj.低的, 少的,The plane was very low.,飞机很低。,a low mark 分数(成绩)低,low voice 低声的,low price,feel low,低价,情绪不高,【反】high 高的,【反】 loud (声音)高的,rest /rest/ n. 其余的人(物);休息,Well eat some of the bread and keep the rest for breakfast. 我们将吃一点面包,剩下的留到早饭时吃。,t

6、he rest 其余的,Throw the rest away. 把剩下的丢掉。,休息,hate /heit/ vt.讨厌,I hate Mondays.,hate doing /hate to do,福来,cheer /ti/ v.振奋,振作,cheer up-振奋加油,guy /gai/ n.家伙,伙计,He is a nice and friendly guy.他是一个善良、友好的家伙。,top n. 顶;上部,Write your name at the top of the paper. 把你的名字写在纸的上端。,at the top of 在的顶端,top反义词bottom,He

7、stood at the top of the mountain.,他站在了山顶上,New words and expressions:exam /igzm/ n.考试 answer /a:ns/ v. 回答pass/pa:s/ v. 及格,通过 mark/ma:k/ n. 分数 mathematics rest /rest/ n.其他的东西/mmtiks/ n.数学 question/kwestn/ n.问题 difficult/difiklt/ adj.困难的 top/tOp/n.上方,顶部easy/i:zi/ adj. 容易的 hate/heit/v.讨厌enough /inf/adj.

8、 足够的 low/lu/adj.低的 paper/peip/ n.考卷 cheer/ti/v.振作,振奋 guy/gai/n.家伙,人 fail /feil/ v.未及格,失败,listening,Listen and answer,How long did the exam last?,Grammar,too very enough,太 很, 非常 足够,badsmallcold,easygoodkind,too,very,(多形容不好的方面,有否定或贬义的意思),(多形容好的方面,有褒义的意思),enough,bad,good,(两者都可以修饰),too+形容词,very+形容词,形容词+

9、enough,too 太 VS very 非常 VS enough 足够(1)too和very通常放在所修饰的形容词之前,而enough要放在所修饰的形容词之后(2)enough和too可以与介词to搭配使用,但意义不同:The questions were easy enough (for me) to answer.The questions were too difficult (for me) to answer. tooto (太而不能),副词too, very, enough 用法小结,1.He could buy the car. It was _ cheap(便宜的).2.He

10、 couldnt buy the car. It was _ expensive(贵的).3.The car was cheap_ for him to buy.4.The car was _ expensive for him to buy.5.I couldnt go out . It was _ cold for me .,用too, very ,enough 填空,very,too,enough,too,too,Reading,Read and answer,1. Are English and Math easy for Richard? What about the French?

11、,2. What does Gary think of the French tests?,3. Who did too badly? Richard, Gary or the guy next to Gary? Why?,Homework1. recite the whole passage.2.do the relative exercises. 3.prepare the next lesson.,Lesson 104,Too, very, enough,By Miss Duan,Review,Words and expressions (lesson 103):exam /igzm/

12、n.考试 answer /a:ns/ v. 回答pass/pa:s/ v. 及格,通过 mark/ma:k/ n. 分数 mathematics rest /rest/ n.其他的东西/mmtiks/ n.数学 question/kwestn/ n.问题 difficult/difiklt/ adj.困难的 top/tOp/n.上方,顶部easy/i:zi/ adj. 容易的 hate/heit/v.讨厌enough /inf/adj. 足够的 low/lu/adj.低的 paper/peip/ n.考卷 cheer/ti/v.振作,振奋 guy/gai/n.家伙,人 fail /feil/

13、v.未及格,失败,1.In the end of term,we usually have a final _.2.-Who can _my question? - I can.3.Do you have any other _?4. I dont like studying _because it has so many numbers.5.I have got high _in the examination.6.English is too _for me ,I couldnt learn it well.7.You should write your name at the _ of

14、the paper.8. I love going fishing ,but I _ eating fish.9.This room is big _.10._ up , youll be the best(最好的).,Fill in the blanks,exam,answer,question,mathematics,mark,difficult,top,hate,enough,Cheer,New words,clever adj.聪明的,stupid adj. 笨的,a clever boy,a stupid man,cheap adj.便宜的,expensive adj.贵的,a pa

15、ir of cheaptrousers,an expensive diamond,fresh adj.新鲜的,stale adj.变馊的,fresh milk,a stale apple,loud adj. 声大的,loud voice,a high building,high adj. 高的,soft adj.软的,hard adj. 硬的,a soft bed,a hard bed,sweet adj.甜的,sour adj. 酸的,a sweet candy,sour oranges,clever adj.聪明的,sweet adj.甜的,sour adj. 酸的,hard adj. 硬

16、的,high adj. 高的,fresh adj.新鲜的,stale adj.变馊的,cheap adj.便宜的,expensive adj.贵的,stupid adj. 笨的,soft adj.软的,low adj. 低的,loud adj. 声大的,New words,Grammar,too very enough,太 很, 非常 足够,badsmallcold,easygoodkind,too,very,(多形容不好的方面,有否定或贬义的意思),(多形容好的方面,有褒义的意思),enough,bad,good,(两者都可以修饰),too+形容词,very+形容词,形容词+enough,t

17、oo 太 VS very 非常 VS enough 足够(1)too和very通常放在所修饰的形容词之前,而enough要放在所修饰的形容词之后(2)enough和too可以与介词to搭配使用,但意义不同:The questions were easy enough (for me) to answer.The questions were too difficult (for me) to answer. tooto (太而不能),副词too, very, enough 用法小结,太不能=不够不能,too to do =not enough to do,e.g. He is too youn

18、g to go to school. =He is not old enough to go to school.,1. The questions were not easy _ _for me _(answer). (同义句) The questions were _ difficult for me _(answer).2. The wall is not low _ _ (climb). (同义句) The wall is _high _ (climb).,enough,to answer,too,to answer,enough,to climb,too,to climb,(too,

19、 enough, very),Fill in the blanks with proper words.,1. I couldn t speak to the boss. He was _ busy. 2. I couldnt go out. It was _ cold for me to go out. 3. I could answer all the questions. They were _ easy.4. Is that suitcase light _ for you to carry?5. Is your brother old _ to be a member of our

20、association? 6. They couldn t see that film. They were _ young.,Written exercises,Part A,too,too,very,Complete these sentences using to, very or enough.,enough,enough,too,Could he answer all the questions? (Yes/ easy)Yes, he could. They were easy enough for him to answer.Could he answer all the ques

21、tions? (No/ difficult)No, he couldnt. They were too difficult for him to answer.,Written exercises,Part B,Answer these questions.,Examples:,1 Yes, he could. It was cheap enough for him to buy.2 No, he couldnt. It was too expensive for him to buy.3 Yes, they could. They were fresh enough for them to

22、eat.4 No, they couldnt. They were too stale for them to eat.5 Yes, they could. It was loud enough for them to hear.6 No, they couldn t. It was too low for them to hear.7 Yes, he could. It was low enough for him to climb.8 No, he couldnt. It was too high for him to climb.9 Yes, she could. It was soft enough for her to eat.10 No, she couldnt. It was too hard for her to eat.11 Yes, she could. It was sweet enough for her to eat.12 No, she couldnt. It was too sour for her to eat.,Part B,Key to written exercises.,


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