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1、Lesson 21,Daniel Mendoza,1,New Words,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,boxing,boxer,bare,prizefighter,crude,marquis,technically,science,popularity,adore,2,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,拳击,拳击手,赤裸的,职业拳击手,粗野的,侯爵,严格根据法律意义地,科学,名望,崇拜,爱戴,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,alike,fame,eminent,bitterly,bet,academy,extravagant,poverty,match,rule,3,

2、?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,一样地,名声,著名地,厉害地,打赌,专业学校,浪费的,贫困,比赛,规则,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,figure,tremendous,attention,quarrel,defeat,fist,swiftly,solve,ring,champion,4,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,人物,极大的,惊人的,注意,吵架,击败,战胜,拳头,很快地,解决,拳击场,冠军,1. Boxing matches were very popular in,England two hundred years ago.,?,boxing n.,拳击,b

3、ox v.,拳击,?,match:,(有输赢结果的)比赛,?,game,:,(有规则的)比赛,the Asian Games,亚运会,the Olympic Games,奥林匹克运动会,?,contest,(由评委评出结果的)比赛,a beauty contest,选美大赛,English speech contest,英语讲演比赛,?,competition,竞赛,竞争,competition for job,工作竞赛,?,race,(与速度有关的)比赛,a swimming race,游泳比赛,a boat race,划船比赛,a bicycle race,自行车比赛,5,2. In th

4、ose days, boxers fought,with bare,fists for prize money.,fight v.,1),to take part in a war or battle,eg. Vietnam fought France and then the US for over 30 years.,越南,先后与法国和美国作战三十多年。,3) fight for = struggle for,fight to the independence of,the nation,为祖国的独立而奋,斗,fight for freedom,争取自由,bare,adj.,赤裸的;光秃的

5、;没有家具的,bare hands,徒手,;,bare fists,赤手空拳,; bare feet,赤脚,【联想】,naked adj.,赤裸的;光秃秃的,1),naked fields,不毛之地;,naked trees,光秃秃的树,6,3.,Because of,this, they were known as,prizefighters,1). due to this , owing to this , thanks to(,幸亏;由于),on account of,this,(一般不出现在口语中),as a result of,(,作为,的结果,由于),例句:,The delay w

6、as due to heavy traffic.,He failed owing to carelessness.,Thanks to the bad weather, the match was cancelled.,That was on account of,the lack of,exercise.,Hundreds of,people lost their homes as a result of,the war.,2,),be known as,被称作,come to be known to sb. as sth.,被人称作,例句:,They came to be known to

7、 us as fighters.,7,4.,However, boxing was very crude, for there were no,rules and a prizefighter could be seriously injured or,even killed during a match.,crude adj.,粗野的;粗俗的;粗鲁的;原始的;生的,?,crude jokes / manners / behaviour,?,crude oil,原油,【联想】,?,rude adj.,(,not polite),粗鲁的;,(simple),简单的,粗略的,a rude wood

8、en chair,粗制烂造的木椅,a rude sketch,草图;草稿,?,rough adj.,粗糙的,a rough track led to the farm,通往农场的崎岖小路,a rough estimate,粗略的估计,; a rough temper,粗暴的脾气,rough skin,粗糙的皮肤;(,delicate skin,细致的皮肤),8,2) be seriously injured,受重创,be badly injured,受重创,be slightly injured,受轻伤,injure,受外伤,injure one,s pride,使自尊心(信心)受到打击,eg

9、. His failure in the competition injured his self-esteem.,wound,(在作战)刀剑刺伤,hurt,hurt one,s feelings,伤害别人的情感,harm,对,有害,伤害,eg. It will harm your eyes if,you read in the sun.,9,5. One of,the most colourful figures in boxing history,was Daniel Mendoza, who was born in 1764.,figure n.,人物,colourful figure,

10、引人注目的人物,legendary figure,传奇式的人物,例句:,One of,the most legendary figures in literary history is Jack London,who was famous for,The Call of,The Wild.,在文学史上最富传奇式,的人物当属杰克伦敦,他以野性的呼唤而闻名。,One of,the most colourful figures in military history is Napoleon,Bonaparte.,在军事史上最富光彩的人物当属拿破伦。,10,6. The use of,gloves w

11、as not introduced until 1860, when the,Marquis of,Queensberry drew up the first set of,rules.,1),gloves,(五指分开的)手套,mitten,(四指合并的)手套,2,),introduce sth into/from,引进,eg. These friendly dogs were first introduced from Asia.,3) draw up,起草,eg. draw up a contract,起草一份合同,draw up an agreement,起草一份协议,4)a set o

12、f,rules,一套规则,?,表示成套的事物的量词,a set of,toy bricks,一套积木,11,7. Though he was technically a prizefighter, Mendoza did,much to change crude prizefighting into a sport, for he,brought science to the game.,1),did much to do sth.,为,?,做出了很大的贡献(,much,代词),例句:,Mr Deng did much to improve the people,s living standa

13、rd.,Chairman Mao did much to change an old China into a prosperous,socialist country.,do little to do sth.,eg. His arrival did little to solve the problem.,make a great / an outstanding contribution to do / towards sth.,对,作出很大贡献,Eg. They have made outstanding contribution towards fighting against,12

14、,SARS.,2). to change,into,eg.,change desert into farmland,把沙漠变良田,change into his overalls,换上工作服,3) bring,to,引进,带入,bring tears to eyes,热泪盈眶,bring the fact to light,公诸于世,曝光,eg. Gambling brings him to ruin.,赌博使他身败名裂。,bring sb to fame,功成,bring sth to one,s,attention,引起某人的注意,technically speaking = strict

15、ly speaking,严格地讲,13,8.In his day, Mendoza enjoyed tremendous popularity. He was,adored by rich and poor alike.,1)in his day,在他的鼎盛时期,enjoy the best moment of,life,尽情享受人生最辉煌的时期,in her heyday,全盛时期,in my school days,在我的学生时代,2)alike adj.,(表语)相似的;,adv.,(,in a similar way,),look alike / be alike,(看上去长的)相似,

16、例句:,The twins were dressed alike.,这对双胞胎穿着打扮一模一样。,I learned a lot from teachers and students alike.,3)rich and poor,反义词同时出现表示整体,black and white,白与黑,day and night,日日夜夜,14,adore v.,崇拜;爱戴;极喜欢;迷恋,例句:,Mothers absolutely adore their children.,Pop stars must be constantly shielded from the adoring crowds,wh

17、ich idolize them.,【联想】,worship v.,崇拜,worship idols / heroes,admire v.,钦佩;羡慕;崇拜;欣赏,admire sb. for sth.,I admire her for her bravery.,They admired the beauty of the garden.,admire the view,欣赏风景,15,popularity n.,出名;受大家喜爱,enjoy / win / gain high popularity,享有,、赢得盛誉,例句:,“,White Cat,”,soap powder enjoys t

18、remendous popularity,for its good quality.,LuXun enjoys tremendous popularity in Chinese,Literature.,popular adj.,(文)公众的;人民的;普及的;普遍的;,popular government,民主政府;,popular opinion,舆论,;,popular price,价钱低廉,; popular superstition,民间迷信,16,9. Mendoza rose to fame swiftly after a boxing match when he,was only

19、fourteen years old.,This attracted the attention of,Richard Humphries who was then the most eminent boxer in,England.,1)attract one,s attention,引起了某人的注意,(,attract the attention of,sb.,),draw one,s attention,;,occupy one,s attention,arrest one,s attention ;,capture one,s attention,win one,s attention

20、 ;,come to one,s attention,2)rise to fame,名声雀起,Rise to the top of,one,s profession,成为行业中的佼佼者,17,?,fame n.,名气;名望(褒义词),win fame,赢得名声,; rise to fame,一举成名;名声显赫,;,come to fame,名声鹊起,; fame and fortune,名与利,eg. The young musician rose quickly to fame.,?,reputation n.,名气;名望(中性词),win / earn / establish a repu

21、tation,eg. His kindness won him a reputation as a good man.,live up to one,s reputation,名不虚传;不负众望,eg. The eccentric lived up to his reputation and arrived late again.,have a good / bad / high reputation for. / as,eg. He achieved / acquired / attained an international reputation as a,painter.,18,emin

22、ent adj.,著名的,杰出的,突出的,an eminent scientist,Eg. Churchill was one of the world,s most eminent statement.,【联想】,distinguished adj.,著名的,卓越的,,突出的,a distinguished physician / chemist / visitor,尊贵的客人,Eg. He is distinguished for his knowledge of economics / as an,economist.,19,10. He offered to train Mendoza

23、 and his,young pupil was quick to learn.,?,?,be quick to learn,学的比较快,be slow to learn,学的比较慢,eg. The little boy is slow to learn maths but quick to learn English.,20,11. In fact, Mendoza soon became so successful that,Humphries turned against him.,turn against 1),变得对,不满,eg. The little boy turned agai

24、nst his mother after he got a,new-born sister.,2),背叛,turn against one,s motherland,背叛祖国,turn against one,s old friend,背叛朋友,turn against one,s principles,违背原则,21,12. The two men quarreled bitterly and it was,clear that the argument could only be settled by,a fight.,settled an argument (,达到和解,),解决问题,e

25、nd an argument,结束一个争端,settle a quarrel,解决纠纷,settle a dispute,解决争端,solve,: to find or provide a way of,dealing with a problem,找到解决,问题的方法,solve a problem,解决问题,solve a case,破案,solve the murder,找到凶手,dissolve a marriage,解除婚约,22,bitterly adv.,厉害地;苦苦地;强烈地,例句:,He was bitterly disappointed.,他非常失望。,She swept

26、bitterly.,她失声痛哭。,bitter tears,苦涩的泪水,;,bitter winter,严冬,;,bitter blames,苛责,;,bitter enemies,劲敌,;,bitter quarrels / fights,激烈的争吵,bitter past / memories,痛苦的过去、回忆,23,14. Mendoza met Humphries in the ring on a later,occasion and he lost for a second time.,1)meet,作战,交手,较量,met Humphries in the ring,再度在拳台交锋

27、(交手),eg. China meets Chinese Taipei.,中国队对战中国台北队。,2)on a later occasion,还有一次,?,on an occasion,有一次,on this occasion,这一次,on several occasions,有几回,on occasion : from time to time,偶尔,时不时的,?,eg. I have on occasion visited her at home.,我偶尔去她,家拜访她。,24,15. It was not until his third match in 1790,that he fin

28、ally beat Humphries and became,Champion of England.,?,?,champion,冠军,runner-up,亚军,3rd-place,季军,gold medal,金,牌,silver medal,银牌,bronze medal,铜牌,?,It is not until +,时间,+that,强调句型,例句:,It was not until midnight that it stopped raining.,It was not until the beginning of this century that,scientists discove

29、red a cure for this disease.,?,Not until +,时间,+,助动词,+ that,Not until the early years of the 19th century did man,know that heat(,热能,) is.,25,18. Despite this, he was so extravagant,that he was always in debt.,?,extravagant adj.,浪费的,奢侈的;挥霍无度的,?,extravagant / luxurious habits,奢侈挥霍的习惯,?,be extravagant

30、in food and dress,讲吃讲穿,?,extravagance n.,奢侈,挥霍,?,live in extravagance,生活奢侈,?,be in debt,负债累累,26,19. After he was defeated by boxer called,Gentleman Jackson, he was quickly forgotten.,?,?,be forgotten,被遗忘了,be left in the cold,被冷淡了(淡忘了),eg. The old lady who used to be a highly successful actress,now i

31、s left in the cold.,这位老夫人过去是一位非常成功的演员现在已经被,人们淡忘了,27,Phrases,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,extravagant habits,be in debt,on a later occasion,turn against,be quick to learn,be seriously injured,be known as,attract one,s attention,rise to fame,28,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,奢侈挥霍的习惯,负债累累,还有一次,变得对,不满,学的比较快,受重创,被称作,引起了某人的注意,名声雀起,?,enjoy / win / gain high,popularity,?,in his day,?,technically speaking =,strictly speaking,draw up,a set of rules,?,享有,、赢得盛誉,?,?,?,?,在他的鼎盛时期,严格地讲,起草,一套规则,29,


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