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1、Reading (2),Unit 7,HollywoodsAll-time best-Audrey Hepburn,Do you admire Audrey Hepburn?,What makes her so great?,What can make a person great?,What made Audrey successful?luck beauty chance effort kindness charm,What can we learn from Audrey?,_+_+_= success,effort,chance,kindness,Discussion,Knowledg

2、e is always important.Always work hard.Always be ready to catch the chance.Understand the meaning of difficulty.Always use your brain.Always have some helpful friends.Try to be different. Try to stand at a higher situation.,Suggestions,chance + effort + kindness,achievement=,Fill in the blanks.,Audr

3、ey Hepburn is one of the a_ greatest actresses. As a child, she dreamt of becoming a s_ ballet d_. The famous writer, Colette insisted that Hepburn was the perfect girl to play the lead role in Gigi. It marked the beginning of Hepburns s_ career. She won an O_ for Best Actress for her role in the fi

4、lm Roman Holiday. During her life, Hepburn earned four more Oscar n_.,ll-time,uccessful,uccessful,scar,ominations,ancer,Hepburns achievements went b_ the film industry. She s_ her last few years working closely with UNICEF so that she could help poor children in different parts of the world. She won

5、 many awards because of her e_ in this area.In 1991, Hepburn discovered that she had c_. On 20 January 1993, she passed away p_ in her sleep.,eyond,fforts,pent,ancer,eacefully,B1:Kitty does not know the meanings of some words in the article. Help her work out their meanings. Circle the correct lette

6、rs.,1. If someone is a humanitarian, he or she _. a. loves animals b. protects the environment c. cares a lot about people,关心别人很多,2. Someone of great charm _. a. has lots of money. b. has an attractive quality c. wears beautiful clothes3. If someone insists on something, he or she _. a. speaks loudl

7、y b. cannot make a decision c. is sure to say that something is true,4. If someone plays the lead role in a film or a play, he or she is _. a. the director b. the main character c. the leader of a group5. If someone gets an Oscar nomination, he or she _. a. will have the chance to win an Oscar b. wi

8、ll travel around the world c. should be a singer,6. If someone passed away, he or she _. a. went away b. died c. went past,B2:Kitty wants to make sure that she know about Audrey Hepburn. Look at the magazine headlines. Help Kitty put them in the correct order. Write the numbers 1-6 in the boxes.,_,a

9、. Hepburn met Colette in France.b. Hepburn had four more Oscar nominationsc. Roman Holiday was a big successd. Hepburn won an Oscar for Best Actresse. Always-Audrey Hepburns last appearance in a filmf. Hepburn played the lead role in the play Gigi,1,5,3,4,6,2,B3:Kitty is reading an article about Aud

10、rey Hepburns career. She carelessly dropped some ink onto the paper. Help her fill in the missing words.,actress, angel, attention, careerinsisted, lifetime, Oscar, role,Read the text and complete the passage.,Audrey Hepburn was one of Hollywoods greatest actresses. She worked as a model before she

11、became an (1)_. Her successful (2)_ lasted for about 40 years. In 1951, while acting in France, she met Colette, a famous French writer. Hepburns beauty and charm caught the writers (3)_. She (4) _ that Hepburn was the right person for the lead(5) _in the play Gigi.,actress,career,insisted,attention

12、,role,Two years later, Hepburn was chosen to play the lead role in Roman Holiday, and won the (6) _ for Best Actress that year. During her (7)_, Hepburn had four more Oscar nominations. She made her final appearance in the film Always in 1989 and played the role of an (8) _.,Oscar,lifetime,angel,B4:

13、Sandy wants to know something about Audrey Hepburn. She is asking Kitty some questions. Help Kitty answer Sandys questions.,1. Sandy: Why is Audrey Hepburn one of Hollywoods all-time best? Kitty:,Because she is not only a great beauty and a great actress, but also a great humanitarian.,2. Sandy: Wha

14、t was Hepburns dream when she was a child?Kitty:3. Sandy: How did Hepburn become world-famous? Kitty:,Her dream was to become a successful ballet dancer .,By playing the lead role of a young princess in the Hollywood film Roman Holiday.,4. Sandy: What did Hepburn do beyond the film industry? Kitty:,

15、She worked with UNICEF to help poor children in different parts of the world.,1. Audrey Hepburn is one of Hollywoods all-time greatest actresses.one of + _ 最 之一最可爱的孩子之一 _最美丽的国家之一 _Shanghai is _ (中国最大的城市之一).,one of the most lovely children,最高级 + 复数名词,one of the biggest cities in China,one of the most

16、 beautiful countries,Language points,1. Sydney is one of _ cities in the world. A. beautiful B. more beautiful C. most beautiful D. the most beautiful .2. China is one of _ in the world. A. the oldest country B. the oldest countries C. much older country D. much older countries,D,B,失去 n. _ v. _ adj.

17、_的失去_,3. 当她去世的时候,整个世界因为失去了一名绝代佳人,一个伟大的女演员和人文主义者而伤悲。,loss,Language points,When she died, the whole world felt very sad about the loss of a great beauty, a great actress and a great humanitarian.,lose,lost,the loss of,You may easily get _ unless you take a map.The wolves are in danger because they _ t

18、heir living areas right now.-Why are you so sad? Because of the _ of my favourite doll.,lost,are losing,loss,2. dream of becoming a successful ballet dancer. dream of /about sth /doing sth梦见;渴望(后跟动名词)successful adj. 成功的He aims to be a successful writer. 他的目标是成为一个成功的作家。,我一直梦想当一名飞行员。Im always _ a pilo

19、t.My dream is _ a pilot.,dreaming of/about being,to become,succeed vi. 成功If you work hard you will succeed. 如果你努力工作,你就会成功。 succeed (in) doing sth. 成功地做某事He is certain to succeed in doing his experiment. 他做试验一定会成功。,拓展,success n. 成功的事情/人士His new book was a great success.他的新书获得了巨大的成功。 successfully adv.

20、 成功地,圆满地At last he successfully solved the problem. 最后他终于成功地解决了这个问题。,1. I wish you _.2.The show was a great _.3. He was a _ in business. 4. The performance was _. 5. We are sure of _.6. Failure is the mother of _.7. The meeting was a _.8. He is a great _ as a teacher. 9. He _ in inviting some pop st

21、ars to the show.10.They have_solved the problem.,success / successful / successfully / succeed,success,success,success,successful,success,success,success,success,succeeded,successfully,3. Hepburns beauty and charm caught the writers attention. catch ones attention 吸引某人的注意 He waved his hand to catch

22、my attention. 他挥手以吸引我的注意力。 The new toy caught the childs attention. 新玩具吸引了孩子的注意力。,一般来说,要表达引起某人对某事的注意时,用call / draw / attract (ones) attention to. He wants to call her attention to the matter. 他想要把她的注意力吸引到这件事情上。 She can draw attention to herself. 她能吸引人们注意她。 Mary tried not to attract attention to hers

23、elf. 玛丽设法不引起别人注意她。,拓展,ay attention to 固定搭配,后加名词或动名词。如:You must pay attention to your study. 你必须专心学习。 Everyone should pay attention to protecting his own eyesight. 每个人都应注意保护视力.,The chemistry teacher required the students _ more attention _ the lab clean. A. to pay, to keep B. to paying, to keeping C.

24、 to pay, to keeping D. paying, keeping,1.请注意我下面要说的话。2. (2012年荆州市中考) After that, her teacher _ (更多地 关注) her. (pay),Please pay attention to what I am going to say,paid more attention to,4. Colette insisted that Hepburn was the perfect girl for the lead insist + that clause. 坚持要求, 强调 He insisted that _

25、 (他是对的). insist on/upon (doing) sth. 坚持干某事 She _ (坚持帮我).,he was right,insists/insisted on helping me,Dick insisted on coming. 迪克坚持要来。 We insisted upon his staying with us for another week. 我们坚持要求他在这里和我们再待一周。 She insisted that I didnt return the money. 她坚持认为我没有还钱。,5. During her lifetime, Hepburn had

26、four more Oscar nominations. one more = another one two more = another two three more = another three some/many more+复数;some/much more+不可数 She stayed in Shanghai for _ (又两天). Would you like _ (还要些咖啡)?,two more days,some more coffee,6. Hepburn made her final appearance in the film Always and played t

27、he role of an angel. play a role of 扮演角色 (当特指某个角色时,用the.)Now China _ (在世界上扮演重要角色).Gong Li _ (扮演主角) in many films.,is playing an important role in,played / has played lead roles,the world,lay the role of 也可意为“发挥作用”。如:,中国应该在对世界作贡献方面发挥自己大国的作用。,China should play its role of power to make a contribution

28、to the world.,拓展 1. play the role of . 后面可加一个与电影或电视角色有关的名词。如果是要表示在那部电影或电视里扮演角色的话,可以用play the role in .。2. role是一个名词,前面还可加一个形容词, 如play the lead role of .意为 扮演的主角。,Practice,翻译下面的句子。1. 那位著名的男演员扮演了一名商人,是主角。_2. 他在剧中扮演国王这个主角。_,That famous actor played the lead role of a business man.,He played the lead ro

29、le of the king in the play.,6. In 1989, Hepburn _ (最后一次出现) in films Always.,用appear的适当形式填空。1.Dont judge a man by his _.2.He suddenly _in front of us. We were happy to see him.3.The _of her lovely dog made her very sad, and she looked for it everywhere.,appearance,appeared,disappearance,made her fina

30、l appearance,我们学过了appearance 几种含义?,appear v. 出现 dis-appearance n.出现、外表,Language points,7. Hepburns achievements went beyond the film industry. beyond prep. 超出外,为不能及 The house was beyond what we could afford. _ He is such a naughty boy and is beyond my control. _,这房子已超出了我们的购买能力.,他是个十分淘气的/顽皮的男孩,不受我的控制

31、。,get beyond 超越go beyond 超越see beyond 看得比远beyond doubt / question 毫无疑问beyond ones reach 鞭长莫及beyond ones control 无法控制 beyond belief / dream 出乎意料,拓展,This new model of car is so expensive that it is _ the reach of those with average income. A. over B. within C. beyond D. below 解析:正确答案为C, 表超过了一般收入家庭的承受能

32、力。,Sorry, Madam. Youd better come tomorrow because its _ the visiting hours. A. during B. at C. beyond D. before 解析:正确答案为C, 表“超过”。,“above +名词” 表示(品质、行为、能力等) 超过、高于。 His honest character is above all praise = His honest character cannot be praised enough.,知识链接,Liu Xiangs performance in the 11th Nation

33、al Games was _ expectation. After all, he has just recovered from injury. A. beyond B. above C. across D. after A fight broke out among the strikers and the policemen and soon it went _ control. A. over B. above C. beyond D. under,Language points,8. 赫本花费她最后几年的时间与UNICEF密切合作,以便于她能够帮助世界不同地区的贫苦孩子们。 Hepb

34、urn spent her last few years working closely with UNICEF so that she could help poor children in different parts of the world. 与密切合作The little baby was _ looked after by the nurse. The father lived _ to the hospital.The kites fly _ in the sky.They spoke _ of the kite.(high),work closely with,closely

35、,close,high,highly,so that引导目的状语从句时,表示“以便;为了”,从句中常使用can /could /may /might /will /would /should等情态动词或助动词She bought a digital camera online _she would save a lot of time. A.so that B.as soon as C.no matter D.such that2. 他努力学习,争取考试取得好成绩。 He studies hard so that he can get high marks in exams.,Language

36、 points,A,8. She won many awards because of her efforts in this area.because of “由于”。其后可接名词或代词,动名词以及由关系代词型的所what 引导的从句等(但不能接that从句)。如: He lost his job because of his age. 由于年龄关系他失去工作。 I said nothing about it, because of his wifes being there. 因为他妻子在那儿,我对此事一字未提。,He cannot go to school because of sick

37、ness. He cannot go to school because he is sick.He cannot go to school because of that he is sick.,Do True or False.,T,T,F,_ his bad leg, he couldnt walk so fast as others.2. They didnt go swimming _it was raining hard.3. Why cant you do it now? _Im too busy.4. He didnt come today _his illness.,用bec

38、ause, because of 填空。,Because of,because,Because,because of,We were late for class _ the heavy rain. A. because B. because of C. so I didnt come to school yesterday _ I had to look after my grandmother at home.A. because B. because of C. since,由because of 构成的介词短语一般只用作状语,而不用作表语。作表语时可用due to。如:误:Toms a

39、bsence was because of the rain.正:Toms absence was due to the rain. 汤姆因下雨不能到场。,拓 展,正:Tom is absent because of the rain.,翻译句子他为音乐会付出了很大力气。 He put a lot of effort into the concert. 2. 他们没费劲就把那块沉重的石头抬起来了。 They lifted the heavy rock without effort.3. 我将尽一切努力准时到达。 I will make every effort to arrive on tim

40、e.,8. On 20 January 1993, she passed away peacefully in her sleep. passed away是一种婉转的说法, 意为去世,逝世;也可表示(时间)过去, 消磨(时间)。 I am sorry to hear that he passed away last month. 听说他上个月逝世了,我很难过。 Ten days passed away and still there was no news about them. 十天过去了, 但仍然没有他们的消息。,Though Robin himself _,his name lived

41、 on., A. died out B. died away C. passed away D. passed by,与pass有关的动词词组有: pass by 通过, 经过 pass into 融入, 纳入 pass on 转交, 递交 pass through 经过, 路过 pass out 失去知觉 pass to 传给, 转到, 通到 pass sth. down 把某物一代一代传下去,拓展,完成句子 去年他母亲去世了。 His mother _ _ last year. 这戒指是我家传来来的。 This ring _ _ _ _ in my family.,passed away,

42、has been passed,down,那本书你看完了给我。 _ the book _ _ me when youve finished it. 那个年轻人听到这个消息,由于震惊昏了过去。 When the young man heard the news. He _ _ with the shock.,on to,Pass,passed out,搬到伦敦在成为女演员之前吸引某人的注意以为基础标志她成功事业的开始一个巨大的成功扮演一个天使的角色赢得很多奖项在睡梦中安然去世 有一种吸引人的气质,move to Londonbefore becoming an actresscatch ones attentionbe based on/uponmark the beginning the her successful careera big successplay the role of an anglewin many awardspass away peacefully in her sleephave an attractive quality,


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