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1、Tour Service,On the way to the scenic spot,Narrations on Tour,G:Good morning, everyone! Can all of you hear me?T:Yes, very clearly.G:How are you doing today?T: We are fit as a fiddle ! Thank you! G:So are you ready for touring?T:Yes, of course.G: Lets get to business. First of all, let me tell you t

2、he itinerary today. Well start todays trip with a visit to the Great Wall. Now were heading for it.T:How long will the bus trip take to get there?,G: About half an hour. The tour will start at 8 oclock and will last four hours. Then well have a lunch nearby. This afternoon is dedicated to the Beijin

3、g Hutong. And then in the evening well have a chance to enjoy a tea stop at the Laoshe Teahouse and a Peking Opera is also in our schedule. I hope all of you have a wonderful trip today. Now Id like to tell about Great Wall. The Great Wall was enlisted in the World Heritage by UNESCO in 1987. It res

4、embles a huge, serrated wall zigzagging its way to the east and west along the undulating mountains. It is said to be visible from the moon. Sections of earlier fortifications were connected to form a united defense system against invasions from the north throughout centuries.T: When did it take on

5、its present form?,G: During the Ming Dynasty from 1368 to 1644. T: It must be a great miracle!G: Absolutely!(Half an hour later.)G: OK, here we are. Its time to get off the bus. Before you go, please take care of your personal belongings.( They arrive at the entrance to the GreatWall.)G: Attention,

6、please! Now, were going to visit the Great Wall, please do remember that we will assemble right at the main gate at 12:30. Thank you.T: Whats the number of the bus? G: Its 288120. Have a nice trip!,narration nre()n n. 叙述,讲述fit ft adj. 健康的;合适的;fiddle fd()l n. 小提琴 vt. 虚度时光;itinerary atnrr n. 旅程,路线;ded

7、icate dedket vt. 致力;献身;dedicate to 把(时间、精力等)用于peking pi:ki n. 北京的旧称,enlist nlst vt.征募 招募 服役 招收heritage hertd n. 遗产;传统;继承物;UNESCO ju:nesk abbr. 联合国教科文组织(United Nations Educational,Scientific,and Cultural Organization)resemblerzemb()l vt. 类似,像huge hjud adj. 巨大的;庞大的;serrateseret adj. 生物 锯齿状的zigzag zgzg

8、 vt. 使成之字形;使曲折行进,undulating ndju,let adj. 波状的;波浪起伏的visible vzbl adj. 明显的;看得见的;fortification ,ftfke()nn.防御工事;防御城墙defense dfens n. 防卫,防护;invasion nve()n n. 入侵,侵略;dynasty danstin. 王朝,朝代miraclemrk()l n. 奇迹,奇迹般的人或物;absolutelybslutl adv. 绝对地;完全地entranceentrns n. 入口;进入assemblesemb()l vt. 集合,聚集;,Scene: Li Y

9、ing is taking a tour group to Hennan Provincial Museum. The bus is waiting outside the hotel.,( L: Li Ying O: One Lady T: Tourist )L: Are we all here?T: No, not yet. One Lady hasnt come yet.O: (running to get on the bus) Sorry to keep you all waiting for me.L: We can go now, cant we?T: Yes, lets go.

10、L: Welcome to Zhengzhou. Im Li Ying, your tour guide for this tour. Zhengzhou is the capital of Henan Province. It is the center of politics, economy, finance and culture of the province. It covers the area of 7,446.2 square km, and a population of 11 million.T: Oh, its more than the population of m

11、y country.,L: We are scheduled to visit Henan Provincial Museum in the morning, and the Shaolin Temple in the afternoon.T: Are there many temples in China?L: Yes. Shaolin Temple is one of the most famous temples in China.,rovincial prvn()l adj. 省的;地方性的;capital kpt()l n. 首都,省会;province prvns n. 省;领域;

12、职权politics pltks n. 政治,政治学;economy knm n. 经济;节约;finance fanns n. 财政,财政学;temple templ n. 庙宇;寺院;,Scene A narration on tour.,( T: Tour Guide G:Guests)T: It is well-known that Beijing is an ancient city. It has been a capital since the year of 1280 AD. Beijing city is a treasure trove of Chinese history

13、 and culture. Furthermore, Beijing is the political and administrative center of China. Who can tell us what we are going to do for the rest of the tour?T: The first day we will visit Tiananmen Square. Its the largest square in the world. Well observe the flag raising ceremonies. Then we will head t

14、o the Forbidden City. On the second day, well explore the Summer Palace. On the third day, well continue our travel towards the Great Wall, then, we will stop for lunch at a famous restaurant Quanjude, eating Peking roast duck.G: Whats special for night-time activities?,T:In Beijing, you will find t

15、he traditional performances such as acrobatic shows and dramatic performances in the teahouses.G: That sounds terrific ! Oh, is that a palace over there?T: The one we see now , Yonghe Lamasery , is the most intact lamasery in China. It originally served as Emperor Yongzhengs residence when he was a

16、young prince. There are 18 Arhats (statues of Buddha disciples) positioned on both sides of the hall. The architectural style is a compound of Tibetan and Han Nationalities.G:It sounds great.,ancient ennt adj. 古代的;古老的,AD =Anno Domini 公元treasure tre n. 财富,财产;trove trv n. 被发现的东西;收藏的东西furthermore fm ad

17、v. 此外;而且administrative dmnstrtv adj. 管理的,行政的world wld n. 世界;observe bzv vt. 观察;看到,注意到flag flg n. 标志;旗子ceremony sermn n. 仪式;典礼;explore kspl vt. 探索;探测Peking pi:ki n. 北京的旧称, roast rst vt. 烤,焙;烘,,erformance pfm()ns n. 性能;绩效;表演acrobatic krbtk adj. 杂技的;特技的dramatic drmtk adj. 戏剧的;急剧的;terrific trfk adj. 极好的

18、;极其的,lamasery lmsr n. 喇嘛庙intact ntkt adj. 完整的;原封不动的;originally rdn()l adv. 最初,起初;本来emperor empr(r) n. 皇帝,君主residence rezd()ns n. 住宅,住处;居住prince prns n. 王子,国君Arhat :ht n. 阿罗汉,,statuesttu: n. 雕像,塑像Buddha bud n. 佛陀;佛像discipledsap()l n. 门徒,信徒;弟子architectural,ktektrl adj. 建筑学的;建筑上的;compoundkmpand adj. 复合

19、的;混合的tibetan tibetn adj. 西藏的;藏族的,ready suggest tour arrangement accompany end,A:Hello,everybody! Can you hear me?B:Yes,very clearly!A:Thank you. Id like to say something about tomorrows (1) .B:Yeah! Go ahead.A:Ill (2) you on a conducted tour round the city tomorrow.B:Yes.A:The (3) starts at 9 oclock

20、 tomorrow morning and lasts about two hours.B:What time should we be ready?A:Please be (4) at 8:50. Well meet outside the hotel entrance at about ten to nine. Is that OK?B:OK,ten to nine.A:I (5) you bring your sunglasses, umbrella, and a hat as the weather is sunny.,B:Yes,thank you. How should we go

21、?A:Well pay a visit to the Grand Theatre first. Well go there by coach.B:What will we do next?A: Well walk through the pedestrian mall on Najing Road and then visit the fruit and vegetable market.B: Wonderful ! I just want to buy some fresh fruit.A: Then well pass by the heroes memorial and walk alo

22、ng the river.B: So, we need to walk a lot.A: Well, it depends. There are some sightseeing vehicles available here and there.B: Thats great!A: The tour will (6) at the Crystal Teahouse in the main square. There youll be able to enjoy our famous local cake.B: Wonderful!A: I hope you will enjoy the tou

23、r. See you in the morning.,Role-play,You are a tour guide and gour tourists are on the coach. Now you are going to the summer palace. What would you say?,Scene: On the way back to the hotel,G:Now ladies and gentlemen, we will arrive at the hotel in 20 minutes. So now let me introduce tomorrows itine

24、rary to you. The first thing to do is visiting the number one Buddhist monastery in Southeast China-Lingyin Temple, so that we can appreciate the charm of Chinese Buddhist culture. Then we will have vegetarian food there for lunch. After that, we will go to Meijia Village to sip a cup of Longjing Gr

25、een Tea, which is considered as one of the best green tea in China. Moreover, you can also admire the beautiful spring rural scenery in the village. At 3:00 pm, we assemble to leave. You will have supper by yourselves. And the evening is your swing time. You can arrange it freely.,G: Thats our plan.

26、 If you have any comments and requests, please dont hesitate to inform us. We will try our best to meet your need.T: Which places are worth visiting in Hangzhou ? Could you give us some recommendations?G:Well, I advise you take a taix to the Hefang Street, where you can enjoy various Chinese cuisine

27、s as well as the full Hangzhou food. It is a busy walking street, along which, are different kinds of shopping stores selling specialties and other interesting stuffs. In the night, the music bars on the Nanshan road can be a good choice for recreation. They are also not far from our hotel.T: Yeah,

28、that sounds great! Tonight we can do like this.G:Ok, now we are approaching the hotel. Please remember to bring your belongings and get ready to get off.,buddhist budist adj. 佛教的Monastery mnst()r n. 修道院;僧侣charm tm n. 魅力,吸引力vegetarian vedtern adj. 素食的Village vld n. 村庄;村民;sip sp n. 抿;小口喝;admire dma vt

29、. 钦佩;赞美rural rr()l adj. 农村的,乡下的;田园的scenery sin()r n. 风景;景色swing sw adj. 旋转的;摇摆的inform nfm vt. 通知;告诉;recommendation,rekmende()n n. 推荐;建议;,various vers adj. 各种各样的;多方面的cuisine kuizinn. 烹调(法);菜肴full fl adj. 完全的,完整的;满的,specialty spe()lt n. 特产stuffstf n. 东西;材料;填充物;recreation ,rekre()n n. 娱乐;消遣;休养,Scene: O

30、n the way back to the hotel.,G: Excuse me. I am Susan from Beijing Travel Service. We have reserved ten standard rooms for one day. Ill check the reservation record. May I see your confirmed fax?A:Yes, here you are.G: We have a record of your reservation here. It is for ten standard rooms this eveni

31、ng. And you are scheduled to check out tomorrow morning. Is that right ?A: Yes, thats right. Five rooms are men and five for women.G: May I see the passport of yours?A: Ok, here you are. At what time should we start?G: At least 8:30.C: OK. Lets settle on 8:30.,G: Your rooms are 501,502,503,504 and 5

32、05 for women, and 601,602,603,604 and 605 for men. Would you please sign your name here?A: Sure. Thank you. By the way, wed like to require a morning call at 7:00 tomorrow morning.G: No problem. Moreover, we will start early, so please ask the bellmen to take the luggage down to the lobby as quickly

33、 as possible.B: Ok. G: Whenever you need any help, please do not hesitate to call the Front Desk. The number is 688. Here are your room keys, Please hand them back to the reception desk tomorrow morning when you check out.,record rekd n. 档案,记录confirmknfm vt. 确认;确定;settle set()l vi. 解决;定居;settle on 选

34、定;授与;停在,tour takes sights accommodationscenter resort details coach,T: Can you give me more ( 1 ) on what is include in the package?G: Sure. The ( 2 ) leave at 7 am, in front of our company. The drive ( 3 ) about 5 hours, with two stops to see some ( 4 ) .T: What about the hotel ( 5 ) ?G: The hotel

35、is near the shopping ( 6 ) . Its a four star hotel with restaurants and a swimming pool.T:Great! What will we do at the city of Chengdu?G: The second day you take a four-hour city ( 7 ) . Then in the afternoon you go to Leshan ( 8 ) .,Role-play,You are interested in Chinese food. Now you want to get some advice from your tour guide on the coach which is back to your hotel.,


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