1、My day,My day,Lilys daily life,7:00,get up,Lilys daily life7:00get up,7:05,brush teeth,Lilys daily life,7:05brush teethLilys daily li,7:20,have breakfast,Lilys daily life,7:20have breakfastLilys daily,7:40,go to school,Lilys daily life,7:40go to schoolLilys daily l,8:00,have class,Lilys daily life,8
2、:00have classLilys daily lif,2:00,have lunch,Lilys daily life,2:00have lunchLilys daily lif,7:00,have supper,Lilys daily life,7:00have supperLilys daily li,8:20,do homework,Lilys daily life,8:20do homeworkLilys daily li,Lilys daily life,She gets up at seven. She brushes her teeth at seven five. She
3、has breakfast at seven twenty. She goes to school at seven forty. She has class at eight. She has lunch at two. She has supper at seven. She does her homework at eight twenty.,Lilys daily life She gets up,Can you fill in the blank?,get up,7:05,have breakfast,go to school,8:00,have lunch,have supper,
4、do homework,7:00brush teeth7:207:40have cl,Read, look and say,Read, look and sayWhen do you,Read, look and say,Read, look and sayWhen does Ja,Read, look and say,Read, look and sayWhen do you,Read, look and say,Read, look and sayWhen does To,Judge and say, i ,Judge and sayme i , i ,Judge and say,see i Judge and say, i ,Judge and say,sea i Judge and say,Homework,1、写一篇以“My Timetable”为题的作文。2、熟读本课对话并背诵。3、完成本课相关的习题。,Homework 1、写一篇以“My Timetable”为,Thank you!,Thank you!,