1、2022/11/11,四年级下册英语课件Unit1Lesson2Wheresshefrom鲁科版(五四制),2022/9/27四年级下册英语课件Unit1Lesso,Say out :,Say out :,Listen and find,Today Li Mings friends come to school.Lets go and see.Who are they?,Listen and findToday Li Mings,Listen and find,Sam Mary ,Listen and findSam Mary ,Listen and find,Wheres he from?W
2、heres she from?,Listen and findWheres he fro,Mary,Where is she from?,She is from .Shes,MaryWhere is she from?She is f,Australia,He is from _.Hes,Where is he from?,AustraliaHe is from _.W,Australia,Australia,India,She is from _.Shes,Where is she from?,IndiaShe is from _.Wher,India,India,Is he from th
3、e U.S?,No, he isnt.Hes from_,France.,Is he from the U.S?No, he isn,France.,France.,Read and act in groups.(小组分角色表演课文),Read and act in groups.,Mary,Where is she from?,She is from .Shes,Lets say.,MaryWhere is she from?She is f,Mike,Where is he from?,He is from .(Hes),MikeWhere is he from?He is fro,Jim,Where is he from?,He is from .(Hes),JimWhere is he from?He is from,Summary,What have you learned?,-Where is she / he from?-Shes / Hes from.,SummaryWhat have you learned?-,