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1、新加坡,Singapore,Singapore,第七组全体成员:主讲人:资料收集:PPT制作:,第一讲 国家简介 (country to introduce) 第二讲 经济发展 (economic development) 第三讲 文化(culture) 第四讲 特色美食 (traditional food),第一讲国家简介主讲人:,country to introduce,Singapore,1,How Did Singapore Get Its Name?国名的由来,Singapore physical geography is located at Southeast Asia, is

2、a Peninsular Malaysia most south tip of tropics city island country.,Singapore is a city state, the original intention is “Singapoe”,2,Nantional flower,The outstanding brocade blue is throughout the ages cultivates by Ms. Zhuo Jin becomes, the flowers simple and beautiful solemn, the vitality is ext

3、ra-heavy, it symbolizes Singaporean persons makings and endures hardships, the courageous struggle spirit. This kind of shallow purple reds beautiful orchid has four flower petals, symbolizes various nationalities and English, Chinese, Malay, the Tamil language 4 big language,第二讲经济发展主讲人:,economic de

4、velopment,1,ECONOMYsingapore is a developed country in Asia.It is regarded as one of the fuer Asian tagers.,2, Singgapore is in New Yourk ,London,and HonKong after the fourth largest international financial centre .Is also one of the important services and shipping center in Asia.,3, Singapore is on

5、e of the ASEAN,Is also one of the WTO and the Asia Pacific econornic coopertion organization (APEC) singapore in southeast Asia important financial center,transportation certer and international trade transfer sation,the words electronic products important manufacturing center and the thirdlangest r

6、efinery center.,Culture,第三讲文化主讲人:,1 social etiquette,with others in a social situstion.Singaporeans had done more than meeting etiquette to shake hands.In general,they embrace or kiss each other for wesyem-style is not roo used to it.Even express emotion between men and woman,is not subject to singa

7、poreans to such approval.The etiquette custom is diverse characteristics of singapore.For example,the bow,and most of them adopt the traditional handshake titual,so be sure to remember to meet people and ask customs,2 Dress etiquette,dress was a pattern with Hu jihua as clothing.Their attention to f

8、ormal dress,men Their egnerally wear white long-sleered shirts and dark trousers,wearing a tie.womens wear suits or brunet pants,3 ,Holiday,August 9 is Singapores National Day.Which commemorates the day of the in 1965.The day of the national peoples get together,with spectacular parade,collective da

9、nce,and large fire works to celebrate the day.We can though the media TV to watch the days celebrations.,Traditional food,第三讲,主讲人:,Singaporeans from all directions, but also brought around the food,Chicken Rice, Hainan Style from early China southern Hainan province moved to Singapore immigration. A

10、fter improvement and adjustment has become the famous Quartet dishes.,Can be tasted the delicacy in the city center and checker Maxwell and other food restaurant.,The famous Singapore curry fish head .Its India, Chinese and Malay culture mutual accommodation food crystallization, which is why it is

11、one of Singapores hottest and most attractive and favorite dishes,Breakfast is important?,YES,Kaya toast is our traditional snacks, you eat one will love it, definitely addictive.,Singapore has many delicious food, if you have the opportunity to taste the food I recommend , I believe you will fall in love with this place,谢谢观看,高分高分,


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