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1、,Lesson50Taken for a ride,On foot,horse,carriage,bike,motorbike,car,train,CRH train,Do you like travelling?,London,New York,Woodford Green,II. New words and expressions,tired adj. 厌烦的Teheran n. 德黑兰real adj. 真正的owner n. 主人spring n. 弹簧mattress n. 床垫a gust of wind n. 一阵风,trip n. 旅行,excursion n. 远足,real

2、ize v. 意识到,view n. 景色,conductor n. 售票员,expect v. 期盼,refer v. 宁愿,New Words and Expressions,. ride n. (乘车或骑车或骑马等的)旅行,. give sb. a ride 捎一程,Phases:,. go for a ride 兜一圈,. bike ride 骑自行车出行,.bus ride 乘公共汽车出行,Travel mates,.have a ride on elephant 骑着大象走,(不走路) 短途,Take sb. for a ride,带某人兜风,e.g. The boy is tak

3、ing the girl for a ride.,n.(出差性的)旅行(旅行地方 不远或呆的时间不长),近义词区别,1. trip,She has gone on a business trip.,2. travel,n.(周游世界性的)旅行,travel around the world,3. journey,n.(陆地上的)长途旅行,4. flight,n. (空中的)旅行,5. voyage6.tour n. 游玩,n. (海上的)旅行,excursion,weekends excursion 周末游a days excursion 一日游,n. 远足,游玩, 郊游,(距离不会很远),T

4、omorrow we will have a days excursion.,Exercise:,我们正在为下周的远足做准备。,We are planning for our excursion next week.,conductor n. (汽车)售票员 eg. conductress; ticket man booking-office clerk (售票处的)售票员 conduct 1) n. 行为,品行,举止eg. a man of good conduct shameful conduct 2) v. 指导,引导eg. He conducted me around the muse

5、um.,view 1) n. (从某处看到的)自然美景, 风景eg. This room has a fine view of the mountains. The view from the top of hill is wonderful. landscape n. (陆地的)景观,景象 scenery n. 自然风景,风光 scene n. 观察到的景象,2) n. 视野,视界 eg. come into view The plane soon went out of view. 3) n. 看法,想法,意见 eg. Whats your view on the subject? in

6、ones view/ in ones opinion eg. In my view, we should go ahead. viewpoint/ point of view 观点,立场,意见 eg. Id like to give you some advice from a doctors viewpoint.,课文讲解,1 . I love travelling in the country, but I dont like losing my way. 我喜欢在乡间旅行,但却不愿意迷路。 (1)love to do sth & love doing sth love 后面用不定式作宾语

7、的话,也就是love to do sth 是指特定或具体某次行为;用动名语作宾语,表示一般倾向或习惯性动作。例:I like swimming of course, but I dont like to swim today because I dont feel well. 我当然喜欢游泳,但今天我不想去因为我觉得不舒服。,2) lose ones way = get lost 迷路 lose ones job lose ones face 丢脸 失面子lose ones temper 发脾气lose weight lose ones head 昏头 不知所措lose ones heart

8、失去信心lose oneself in sth 沉湎于,2. I went on an excursion recently, but my trip took me longer than I expected. 最近我作了一次短途旅行,但这次旅行所花费的时间比我预计的要长。go on an excursion = have an excursionsimilar expressions: go on holiday/a trip/ a journey Ill go on holiday next month. 我下个月去度假。 Did you go on a trip last month

9、? 你上个月去旅行了吗than I expected 比我所预料的 eg. The question is easier than I expected. It cost less money than I expected.,sth take sb some time 做某事花费某人多少时间 eg. My trip took me a long time.it takes/took sb some time to do sth eg. It took us thirty minutes car ride from here to the airport. sb spend some time

10、 doing sth eg. We spent thirty minutes driving from here to the airport. sb spend some time on sth,3. Im going to Woodford Green, I said to the conductor as I got on the bus, but I dont know where it is. “ 我要去伍德福德草地,” 我一上车就对售票员说, “但我 不知道它在哪儿。” get on与 get off为一对反义词,分别表示“(从汽车等上)下来”和“登上(汽车、火车等)”,on与of

11、f既可以作副词又可以作介词,get on the busget off the bus,get in the carget out of the car,4 .Ill tell you where to get off, Answered the conductor. “ 我会告诉您在哪儿下车,” 售票员回答说。 where to get off 作tell的直接宾语。where to get off = where you can (should) get off语法结构: 特殊疑问词+ to +动词原形 可取代宾语从句 eg. 1. I dont know what I should do

12、. = I dont know what to do. 2. Can you tell me how I can get there. = Can you tell me how to get there. 3. I dont know which I should choose. = I dont know which to choose.,5.I sat in the front of the bus to get a good view of the countryside. 我坐在汽车的前部,以便饱览农村风光。 in front of in the front of 指某一物体里面的前

13、部分,有时用at the front of,其反义词是at the back of。 比较: The man is sitting in the front of the car. 那个男人坐在车的前部。(在驾驶员旁边) The man is sitting in front of the car. 那个男人坐在车的前面。(车的外面),to : 表目的 get a good view of 欣赏.的美景 eg. 我站在窗边欣赏城市的美景。 I stood at the window to get a good view of the city.,6. After some time, the

14、bus stopped. Looking around, I realized with a shock that I was the only passenger left on the bus. 过了一些时候,车停了。我环视了一下四周,惊奇地发现车里就只剩我一个乘客了。现在分词或过去分词做定语, 只与被修饰词相关, 与主语无关 passing plain 路过的飞机ploughed field 耕过的地如果-ing/-ed做宾补, 与宾语有关I find the door locked (被动, 门被锁)with a shock 是介词短语,作状语,修饰realize。that所引导的从句

15、作realize的宾语。left on the bus是过去分词短语,作后置定语,修饰passenger。,Looking round, . 是现在分词短语,作状语。 语法分析:非谓语动词(现在分词或过去分词)做状语, 那么这个动作必然与主句主语相关 ing与主句主语构成主动关系ed, 与主句主语构成被动关系to do与主句主语构成目的关系,7. Youll have to get off here, the conductor said. This is as far as we go. “ 您得在这里下车,” 售票员说, “我们的车就到此为止了。” as far as (有时so far

16、as) 表示 “远到,直到为止”; “(表示范围、程度)就, 尽”: The fire spread as far as the park. 火势蔓延到公园。 Ill help you as/so far as I can. 我会尽力帮助你的。,as far as + 从句; (表示范围)远至某处,就。而言 eg. as far as I knowas far as I am concerned as far as (the) eye can reach This is as far as I bear.This is as far as I can afford.,8. Is this Wo

17、odford Green? I asked. Oh dear, said theconductor suddenly. I forgot to put you off. It doesntmatter, I said. Ill get off here. put sb off 让下车(或飞机、船等)They put me off at a small station. 他们让我在一个小站下了车。 put off = delay = postpone 延期,推迟 Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. forget to do sth

18、 forget doing sthoh dear 是一个感叹用语。,9. Were going back now, said the conductor. Well, inthat case, I prefer to stay on the bus, I answered. in that case/ in this case 如果那样/这样的话in case 以防,万一in any case 无论如何in no case 无论如何都不 prefer to do sth 宁可做某事prefer A to B 比起B, 更喜欢Aprefer doing A than doing B 比起做事情那

19、个A,更喜欢做事情Bprefer to do A rather than do B 宁可做A,而不愿做B.,本课必须掌握的词组: lose ones way look around go on an excursion with a shock in the front of as far as get a good view of put sb off after some time in that case,Tell the story1 love-in the country-dont like losing2 excursion recently-Woodford Green3 by

20、bus-didnt know where4 Conductor promised-tell-get off5 sat-front of the bus-view so-stayed on the bus6 bus stopped-shock-only passenger7get off here-said-as far as.8 forgotten-put me off9 I decided-get off-but-conductor told me,Key to Summary writing The writer wanted to go to Woodford Green but as

21、he did not know the way, the conductor promised to tell him where to get off. When they arrived at the bus terminus, the writer asked if they were at Woodford Green. The conductor then realized that he had forgotten to put him off. The writer stayed on the bus because it was going back.,Comprehensio

22、n questions,1 Where do you love travelling? In the country.2 When did you go on an excursion? Recently.3 How long did your trip take you? Longer than I expected.4 Where were you going? To Woodford Green.5 How did you travel? By bus.,6 You didnt know where to get off, did you? No, I didnt. 7 Did the

23、conductor offer to tell you? Yes, he did.8 In what part of the bus did you sit? In the front. 9 Why did you sit there? To get a good view. 10 When did the bus stop? After some time.,.,11 Did you look round? Yes, I did. 12 Why were you shocked? Because I realized that I was the only passenger left on

24、 the bus. 13 What had the conductor forgotten? To put me off at Woodford Green. 14 Were you angry with him? No, I wasnt.,Asking questions:Ask me if.T:Ask me if I love travelling in the country.S:Do you love travelling in the country?T:What.?S:What do you love doing?,1 I love travelling in the countr

25、y. What2 I went on an excursion recently. When3 I went by bus. How / Where4 my trip took longer than I expected. How long/ What / Why 5 I wanted to get off at Woodford Green. Where/ Why/ Who,6 I told the conductor where I was going. Who / What7 he said hed tell me where to get off. What / Why8 I sat

26、 in the front of the bus Where9 I got a good view of the countryside. Whatof / Who,【Key structures】表示习惯性动作表示状态、感觉、情绪、精神活动的动词appear,appreciate欣赏感激,believe,feel,forget,hear,know,like,look,notice,remember,resemble类似,像,see,think,understand,belong to,consist of,contain,desire渴望,detest厌恶,dislike,hate,hope

27、,love,mean意欲,mind,need,want,wish常用于一般现在时而不用于进行时,【Special Difficulties】 Lose, Loose, Miss.lose vt. 失去,丧失,遗失,丢失 Roy has lost his job again. She lost her parents when she was sixteen.If you bet on that horse you will lose your money. (bet on sth 就打赌)loose adj. 松动的,松的,松开的 Serveral screws have come loose

28、. (come loose,松了(系动词+adj.)The handle of this suitcase is very / has come loose.,miss v. 怀念, 思念, 错过,未能,缺(课等),惦念,想念 Hurry or youll miss the train. I missed my English lesson.missing adj. 不见了的sth. is lost = sth. is missingmissing boy 失踪了的孩子(不能用 “lost” ),Expect, Wait forexpect可以表示“预计可能发生(或来到),等待,期盼”,它表示

29、等待时往往侧重人的心理而不是具体在某个地方等。 I expect / Im expecting to hear from you. Im expecting the bus to arrive in the next ten minutes.My trip took me longer than I expected.wait for主要指“等待”这个动作本身。 Im waiting for the next bus.,Key to Composition1 On going into the kitchen, I turned on the light because it was dark.2 My brother shouted angrily when the lights went on.3 I spoilt a film which he was developing.,Homework,Summary WritingWords 4 timesPreview and Review,


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