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1、Lesson 11One good turn deserves another,Lets review,Ice-cream is made by this machine.,Describe this picture,The trees were cut.,Describe this picture,The flowers are being watered.,Now,Describe this picture,His car has been stolen,英语的谓语动词有两种语态,We speak English.,S,V,O,English is spoken by us.,S,V-ed

2、,by+O,宾变主,主变宾,前加by动变被,看清be, 结构分别be+ pp,主动语态,被动语态,be,主变被解题步骤:,1. 找宾语 -即动作的承受者,They make shoes in that factory.,Shoes,2. 判断宾语的单复数 -即be动词的单复数.,arewere,3. 判断动词的时态 -即be动词的时态.,4. 修改谓语的时态 -即原句动词改为过去分词,made,5. 修改原句的主语 -即by+ 主语/ 宾语.,in the factory by them.,Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the words

3、 given in the brackets.,The bridge_( build) last year. The Olympic Games_(hold) every four years.The problem_(discuss) at the meeting now. His new book (publish) next month. The classroom (not clean) yet.,was built,are held,is being discussed,will be published,has not been cleaned,Read text-1,6. The

4、 machine (repair) at this time yesterday. 7. She said the report_(type) by Li Mei for two weeks. 8. Miss Li said the book (give) to the students the next morning. 9. By the end of next term, two thousand English words_ (learn). 10. He said the project . (finish) by 2010.,was being repaired,had been

5、typed,would be given,will have been learned,would have been finished,一般现在时:amisaretaught 一般过去时:wasweretaught 现在进行时:amisare beingtaught 过去进行时:was/were beingtaught 现在完成时:havehas beentaught,被动句的时态,Lesson 11One good turn deserves another,Listen to the tape and answer the questions?,1 Where were you havi

6、ng dinner?2 Did you see Tony steele after a while or not?3 What does he always borrow from his friends?4 Did Tony sit at your table or did he sit where else?5 How much did you ask him to lend you?6 Did he give you the monney at once or not?7 What did he want to do?,One good turn deserves another I w

7、as having dinner at a restaurant when Tony Steele came in. Tony worked in a lawyers office years ago, but he is now working at a bank. He gets a good salary, but he always borrows money from his friends and never pays it back. Tony saw me and came and sat at the same table. He has never borrowed mon

8、ey from me. While he was eating, I asked him to lend me twenty pounds. To my surprise, he gave me the money immediately. I have never borrowed any money from you, Tony said, so now you can pay for my dinner!,Turn n. t:n行为, 举止(帮助或损害他人的) do a good / bad turn for sb.对某人做了有利/不利的事 v. 转向, 转弯 turn left / r

9、ight / back turnover翻身 turnround转过身来 turnaround转过身来 v. 旋转,翻转turn (your book) to page 123 turn on; turn off (装有阀门、有开关的东西) turn down 调小一些 turn up 调大一些,One good turn deserves another,deserve v.di zv 应得到, 值得eg. Youdeserveit.你应得的。/活该。eg.Idontdeserveyou.我配不上你。 eg.Idontdeservethat.不敢当。 1、deserve + n.You de

10、serve the best.你应该得到最好的2、deserve to do: 应该.She deserved to be punished.她应该被惩罚。,bankn.银行,河岸banker银行家eg.Whyisariversorich?为什么说一条河这么富有?Becauseithastwobanks.因为河有两家银行。eg.Imgoingtobanksomemoney.我准备去银行存钱。名词用作动词表示去银行存款,have dinner 吃晚饭表示用餐,have后直接加 have breakfast/ lunch/ supper/ dinner come in 进来 come out 出来

11、come up with 想出,找出,I was having dinner at a restaurant when Tony Steele came in.,lawyer n. lj律师 lawyers office : 律师事务所 work in & work at 都表示在.地方工作 work in an office/factory (单位规模较大) work at a bank/school(单位规模较小) work for + sb/ some company 为某人或某单位效力,Tony worked in a lawyers office years ago, but he

12、is now working at a bank.,salary n. slri工资 salary:工资(月薪, 年薪)有固定工作或wage:工资(按小时, 周计算的)不稳定的,He gets a good salary, but he always borrows money from his friends and never pays it back.,Pay pei 付款,偿还债务,ay back the money = pay it back 还钱。及物:pay + money/bill/tax 付钱/账单/税不及物:pay for sth. 为付账翻译下列句子你为那件裙子付了多少钱

13、?How much did you pay for that dress?你把钱还了吗?Have you paid the money back?,at the same 一样的at the same schoolat the same library. at the same time 同时 Tom is having dinner, at the same time, Lucy is watching TV.,Tony saw me and came and sat at the same table. He has never borrowed money from me. While

14、he was eating, I asked him to lend me twenty pounds.,borrow 与lend,borrow 借,借入,经常与from 连用。lend 把-借给。借出。经常与介词to连用Can I borrow some money from you?Ill pay it back tomorrow.Can you lend me some money?Ill pay it back tomorrow.Can you lend your car to me this afternoon?,To my surprise, he gave me the mone

15、y immediately.,To ones surprise 使某人吃惊的是. +句子To my surprise, he is a thief. immediately adv. imiditli立刻 at once : 立刻, 马上 right now : 现在 right away : at once,immediately 立刻, 马上,Ihaveneverborrowedanymoneyfromyou,Tonysaid,sonowyoucanpayformydinner 表花费的词:1.spendtime/money/energyonsth/(in)doingsth(人)在花时间/

16、金钱/精力,在某事上/用来做某事 costv.(主语是:事情,某物)花费cost-2.cost-costtake Ittakes/tooksbsometimetodosth.做某事花某人时间 3.costv.(主语是:事情,某物)花费 4.payfor付款,P54 Exercises,在文中找出表示下列意思的短语和词组,1,What always happens (通常发生的事情)gets a good salary always borrow money from. never pays backyou can pay for my dinner 一般现在时:表示现在和经常发生的活动或状态O

17、ften Always I always get up late.I sometimes stay in bed untill lunchtime,The earth is round. (表示一种状态)The earth moves from west to east. (经常发生的动作),What happened (过去发生的事情)came in worked in saw me and came and sat asked him togave me the money 一般过去时:过去某个时间里发生的动作或状态;过去习惯性、经常性的动作was/were/ V-edDid you se

18、e the accident, sir?I ran across the street after the dog.,在文中找出表示下列意思的短语和词组,每周一我会和Tom谈话I always talk to tom on monday morning.今天早上我和Tom说了几句话I talked to tom this morning,What is happening now? (现在正在进行的动作)He is now working at an bank. 现在进行时:现在或现阶段正在进行或发生的动作或存在的状态be+V-ing We are waiting for you.,在文中找出

19、表示下列意思的短语和词,What was happening when/while(过去某一特定时刻正在进行的动作)I was having dinner when.While he was eating 过去进行时:过去某一时间或阶段正在进行或发生的动作或存在的状态When I was watering the garden, it began to rain. While we were having a party, the light went out.,在文中找出表示下列意思的短语和词,What has happened(已经发生的事情)He has never borrowed m

20、oney from me.I have never borrowed money from you. 现在完成时:说话时为止(或到现在为止)已经发生或完成了(不一定结束)的动作或状态 He has retired now.Have you ever been to Australia ?The train has not arrived.,在文中找出表示下列意思的短语和词,用括号中动词的正确形式填空,P53 C,1getsgot2have not had3was writingtalked/were talking4am typing5passed/were passing,有些动词的后面用动

21、词不定式作宾语时, 往往要在动词后面先加上一个名词或代词。,I asked him to lend me twenty pounds.,动词不定式:动词中一种不受词形变化从而不指示人称,数量和时态的形式结构:to do something I always ask him to lend me twenty pounds.I asked him to lend me twenty pounds.I am asking him to lend me twenty pounds.I was asking him to lend me twenty pounds when his brother c

22、ame in. I have asked him to lend me twenty pounds for many times.,注意以下句中的语序,在动词后面均有一个代词或名词(用红色斜体印出)。He wants me to ask you a question.他让我问你一个问题。Bill helped Tony to dig this hole.比尔帮助托尼挖了这个洞。She taught her son to read.她教儿子读书。We advised them to stay at home.我们建议他们呆在家里。They did not allow us to enter th

23、e museum before nine oclock.他们不准许我们在九点之前进博物馆。,Exercises,P54 A B,1The officer ordered the men to fire at the enemy.2He wants his wife to wear this dress.3She wants us to explain it.4I cannot allow him to enter the room.,1He asked me to help him.2We preferred her to stay at home.3He taught me to speak

24、 English.4My mother wished me to collect the laundry.5Do you want her to visit you?,DThe Taj Mahal was builtafter he became/had become ruler, his wifedied. The Taj Mahal was built in her honour. Experts were called inThe Taj Mahal, which was begun in 1632and (was) completed in 1654, cost a fortuneit

25、 has been visited by,P53 D,泰姬陵被国王沙贾汗建造于十七世纪.在他成为统治者的几年之后,他的妻子,蒙塔兹艾马哈尔(印度名音译:阿姬曼芭奴)去世了.泰姬陵是为了纪念她而建造的.来自世界上的许多地方的专家被召集建造穹顶和装饰墙壁.泰姬陵从1623年开工,直到1645年才完成花费了大量的财富.直到今日,它已经被数以万计的人所参观.TheTajMahal泰姬陵inoneshonour 为了纪念某人Callin召集manypartsoftheworld世界上的许多地方costafortune花一大笔钱(承上启下转为“花费了大量的财富”)Uptothepresentday直到今日

26、millionsofpeople数以万计的人,根据提示写出相应的英语单词并注意运用其正确形式,1.I am going to the _ this afternoon.2.One good turn _another.3.My brother has been a _for many years.4.She says that she gets a good _in that big company.5.When the boy saw me ,he ran away_.6.I often go to the _to have dinner with some friends.7.That y

27、oung man always _money from others.8.To my _,he gave up the English competition.,bank surprise borrow immediately lawyer deserve restaurant,bank,deserves,lawyer,salary,immediately,restaurant,borrows,surprise,Listen to the tape again and try to retell the story.,- - having at - - when - -came -.- worked- - - - -,- - - - -working- - -. - gets- - -,- - -borrows- - - - and - - - back.- saw- - came sat - - - -.- - - borrowed - - -. While - - -, -asked- - - lend- - - . To - - , - gave - - - -. - - borrowed - - -,- -,so- - - pay - - -.,Thank you,


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