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1、Magic needles: Chinese acupuncture,M7U2 project,Magic needles: Chinese acupunc,Skimming,1.Which of the following topics is not mentioned?A. The history and development of Chinese acupunctureB. Disadvantages and doubts about Chinese acupunctureC. Different kinds of needles and their functionsD. The a

2、pplications of Chinese acupuncture and its popularity round the world2.If you are an acupuncturist, what wont you do with the patient before getting the diagnosis?A. Inquire about the patients medical history and lifestyleB. Observe the color of the patients skin and his tongueC. Listen to the patie

3、nts breathingD. Only check one pulse indicating the heart-beat,1.Which of the following topic,3.Which of the following statements about acupuncture is right according to the passage?A. Its recognized as a unique contribution of traditional Chinese medicine by the World Health Organisation.B. It is s

4、aid to have been practiced in China for about 4,000 years.C. Acupuncture was first introduced to the West in the 6th century.D. Its a dream for mankind to treat smokers, alcoholics and people who are addicted to drugs with acupuncture.4.What is still in doubt is_?A. The origin of acupunctureB. The s

5、afety of acupunctureC. The fact that acupuncture reduces painD. The way that acupuncture reduces pain,3.Which of the following state,Para 1,Para2-3,Para 4-5,Para 6,Main idea of each part,Early _ of Chinese acupuncture,_ of acupuncture,The work of an acupuncturist and the _that can be treated,How acu

6、puncture reduces _.,Para 7,_ of Chinese acupuncture,history,Development,medical problems,pain,Contributions,Para 1Para2-3Para 4-5Para 6Mai,Task 1. Blank-filling (Para.1):,1.Chinese acupuncture, the art of _ needles, was considered to be one of the most famous Chinese medical _. 2.It is said to begin

7、 during_ to _ areas of the body.,magic,treatments,press,Detailed reading:,the Stone Age,Task 1. Blank-filling (Para.1),Task 2: Completing the following diagram (para2-3),_needles,Stainless steel needles,make holes in the surface of the skin etc.,put needles into the skin _on the body,365 acupuncture

8、 points,about 2,000 acupuncture points,the development of Chinese acupuncture,stone,at certain points,Task 2: Completing the follow,Acupuncture points,Needles,Acupuncture pointsNeedles,different kinds of needles used in the past,different kinds of needles use,a needle with a head like an arrow镜针,a n

9、eedle with a head like an a,a needle with a round tip圆针,a needle with a round tip,a dull needle推针,a dull needle,a needle like a small sword 剑头针,a needle like a small sword,Task 3. Making a comparison(para.4-5),ask,way of life/lifestyle,tongue,breathing,look at,pulse,Task 3. Making a comparison(pa,as

10、k about your medical history,look at the color of skin and tongue,ask about your medical history,check your pulses.,listen to your breathing,check your pulses.listen to yo,望 闻 问 切,望 闻 问 切,Task 3. Making a comparison(para.4-5),ask,way of life/lifestyle,tongue,breathing,look at,pulse,indicates,high bl

11、ood pressure,alcoholics,Task 3. Making a comparison(pa,Q: How does acupuncture reduce pain?,Task 4 Further thoughts on acupuncture (Para.6),One theory: acupuncture blocks pain signals from reaching the brain.,Another theory: relates acupuncture to the production of chemicals in the body which reduce

12、 pain.,针刺疗法使疼痛信号无法到达大脑。,把针刺疗法和人体内减痛化学物质的产生联系起来。,Q: How does acupuncture reduce,Task 5 Contribution of acupuncture (Para.7),Acupuncture spread to many countries and was introduced to _ in the 17th century. It has become _ round the world and the WHO recommends it as _ for over forty medical problems.

13、,the West,popular,a good treatment,Task 5 Contribution of acupunc,scanning,Ln3-4 有证据证明,针刺疗法始于石器时代,那时一种叫“砭”的石器被用来按压身体部位。Ln23-25一些针灸师在病灶处或病灶附近扎针,而另外一些则根据病人额症状选择针扎的位置。Ln30-32然而,按照传统中医的说法,有十二条不同的静脉,每个手腕上分布六条。每条静脉都和身体的一个主要器官或器官功能相关。Ln39-41一种解释这一现象的理论认为,针刺疗法使疼痛信号无法到达大脑。Ln47-48今天,如同其他的传统中医疗法一样,针刺疗法在世界各地颇受欢

14、迎。,scanningLn3-4,1. dull,dull weather 阴沉的天气 a dull pupil/ mind 迟钝的学生/ 头脑Theres always a dull period after the January sales. 在一月份大减价之后市面总要有一段清淡时期. The conference was deadly dull. 会议开得死气沉沉的. (as) dull as ditch-water (= very boring)极沉闷乏味的.,1. dulldull weather,2. Let out,It lets sunlight in but doesnt

15、let heat out.它吸收阳光,但并不释放热量。Baoyu let out his breath in a long sigh.宝玉长叹了一口气。When she saw him, she let out a cry of horror. 她看见他时吓得大叫一声。Who let out the secret?谁泄了密?She works very hard and seldom lets her parents down.她学习很用功,很少让父母失望。,2. Let outIt lets sunlight in,3. sharp,a sharp drop in prices 价格的暴跌A

16、 sharp sense of smell 敏锐的嗅觉a sharp pain in the back 背部的剧痛There is a sharp contrast between the lives of the poorest and the richest members of society. 社会上贫富悬殊.(vt.)sharpen (ad.)sharply Sharp-sighted/ witted目光敏锐的/ 思维敏捷的,3. sharpa sharp drop in prices,4. complex,a.a complex argument/ theory/ subject复

17、杂的论证/ 理论/ 学科(=complicated)Its a very complex issue to which there is no straightforward answer.n.a sports/ leisure complex运动的/ 娱乐的综合场所an inferiority complex 自卑情结(n.)Complexitya problem of great complexity,4. complexa.,牛津译林版选修七Unit2project(共33张)课件,牛津译林版选修七Unit2project(共33张)课件,5. addict,n. / dkt/a foo

18、tball addict 足球迷(a) addictedIm addicted to (= I very often eat) chocolate.我对巧克力上瘾了。(a.)addictiveCoffee is addictive in a mild way. 咖啡能稍微使人上瘾.(n) addictionovercome ones addiction to alcohol 克制酒瘾,5. addictn. / dkt/,6. block,Heavy snow is blocking all roads into Scotland. 大雪阻塞了所有通往苏格兰的道路. My nose is bl

19、ocked (up) because of a heavy cold.因患重感冒我鼻子堵了. My view was blocked by a tall man in front of me.前面的那个高个子男人挡住了我的视线。,6. blockHeavy snow is blocking,7. relate,讲述She related (to them) how it happened. 她(给他们)讲那事发生的经过. =associate sth withIt is difficult to relate cause and effect in this case.这个案件中的动机与效果很

20、难联系起来. =be connected/ concerned withWealth is seldom related to happiness. 财富鲜与幸福相关.能理解并同情Some adults cant relate to children. 有些成年人不理解儿童的想法.,7. relate讲述,be closely/distantly related (to sb) (与某人)是近/远亲 (n.) relationDuring WWII China broke off diplomatic relations with the state.在二战期间,中国与该国断绝了外交关系。Th

21、e money hed been ordered to pay was minimal in relation to his salary. 他被要求支付的金额与他的薪水相比微不足道。He is the sixth person to be arrested in relation to the issue. 他是此事牵涉到的第6个被捕的人。(n.) relationship(a/ n) relative,be closely/distantly related (,8. subscribe,She subscribes to several womens magazines.她订阅了基本女性

22、杂志。Do you subscribe to her pessimistic view of the economic state? 你是否同意她对经济状况所持的悲观看法?subscribe your name to a contract在合约书上签名(n.) subscriptiona monument paid for by public subscription 由各界捐款建立的纪念碑.(n.) subscriber,8. subscribeShe subscribes to,9. As +be/助+主,Math is very important. English is important, too.=Math is very important, and so is English.=English, as well as Math, is very important.=Math is very important. So is English.=Math is very important, as is English.,9. As +be/助+主Math is very impo,


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